VOL-1162 Delete old revs and old transaction branches

Change-Id: I731a9ea0b365b80b59788cae21eff993a498bd3a
diff --git a/tests/utests/voltha/core/config/test_config.py b/tests/utests/voltha/core/config/test_config.py
index 556cdd9..08ecf87 100644
--- a/tests/utests/voltha/core/config/test_config.py
+++ b/tests/utests/voltha/core/config/test_config.py
@@ -72,107 +72,9 @@
         hash = self.node.latest.hash
         self.assertEqual(self.node.revisions, [hash])
-    def test_update(self):
-        hash0 = self.node.latest.hash
-        self.node.update('/', copy(self.other))
-        hash1 = self.node.latest.hash
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.node.revisions), 2)
-        self.assertNotEqual(hash0, hash1)
-        self.assertEqual(self.node.latest.data, VolthaInstance(instance_id='other'))
     def test_update_with_bad_data(self):
         self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.node.update, '/', Adapter())
-    def test_many_simple_updates(self):
-        n = 1000
-        for i in xrange(n):
-            self.node.update('/', VolthaInstance(instance_id='id%d' % i))
-        self.node.update('/', self.other)
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.node.revisions), 1002)
-        self.assertEqual(self.node.latest.data, self.other)
-    def test_retrieve_by_rev_hash(self):
-        n = 1000
-        for i in xrange(n):
-            self.node.update('/', VolthaInstance(instance_id='id%d' % i))
-        self.node.update('/', self.other)
-        hashes = self.node.revisions
-        self.assertEqual(self.node[hashes[0]].data, self.empty)
-        self.assertEqual(self.node[hashes[10]].data, VolthaInstance(instance_id='id9'))
-        self.assertEqual(self.node[hashes[-1]].data, self.other)
-    def test_diffs(self):
-        self.node.update('/', self.other)
-        self.assertEqual(self.node.diff(self.node.latest.hash).patch, [])
-        hashes = self.node.revisions
-        self.assertEqual(self.node.diff(hashes[0]).patch, [
-            dict(op='replace', path='/instance_id', value='other')
-        ])
-        self.assertEqual(self.node.diff(hashes[0], hashes[1]).patch, [
-            dict(op='replace', path='/instance_id', value='other')
-        ])
-        self.assertEqual(self.node.diff(hashes[1], hashes[0]).patch, [
-            dict(op='replace', path='/instance_id', value='')
-        ])
-        self.assertEqual(self.node.diff(hashes[1], hashes[1]).patch, [])
-    def test_tagging(self):
-        self.node.tag('original')
-        hash1 = self.node.latest.hash
-        # add a bunch of changes
-        for a in xrange(10):
-            self.node.update('/', VolthaInstance(instance_id=str(a)))
-        hash2 = self.node.latest.hash
-        # apply tag to latest
-        self.node.tag('latest')
-        # apply another tag to latest
-        self.node.tag('other')
-        # apply tag to specific rev hash
-        self.node.tag('yetmore', hash2)
-        # invalid hash
-        self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.node.tag, 'sometag', 'badhash')
-        # retrieve data based on tag
-        self.assertEqual(self.node.by_tag('original').hash, hash1)
-        self.assertEqual(self.node.by_tag('latest').hash, hash2)
-        self.assertEqual(self.node.by_tag('other').hash, hash2)
-        self.assertEqual(self.node.by_tag('yetmore').hash, hash2)
-        # generate diff from tags
-        self.assertEqual(self.node.diff_by_tag('original', 'latest').patch, [
-            dict(op='replace', path='/instance_id', value='9')
-        ])
-        # move tags to given revision
-        self.node.tag('original', self.node.revisions[2])
-        self.node.tag('latest', self.node.revisions[9])
-        # add another tag
-        self.node.tag('another', self.node.revisions[7])
-        # list tags
-        self.assertEqual(self.node.tags,
-                         ['another', 'latest', 'original', 'other', 'yetmore'])
-        # delete a tag
-        self.node.delete_tag('another')
-        self.node.delete_tags('yetmore', 'other')
-        self.assertEqual(self.node.tags, ['latest', 'original'])
-        # prune untagged revisions from revision list
-        self.node.prune_untagged()
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.node.revisions), 3) # latest is always kept
-        # retrieve and compare working tagged revs
-        self.assertEqual(self.node.diff_by_tag('original', 'latest').patch, [
-            dict(op='replace', path='/instance_id', value='8')
-        ])
 class DeepTestsBase(TestCase):
     """Shared test class for test using a simple node tree"""
@@ -216,19 +118,6 @@
     def test_deep_get(self):
         self.assertEqual(self.node.get(deep=True), self.base_deep)
-    def test_top_level_update(self):
-        # test that top-level update retains children
-        self.node.update('/', VolthaInstance(version='1.2.3'))
-        hash_new = self.node.latest.hash
-        self.assertNotEqual(self.hash_orig, hash_new)
-        self.assertEqual(self.node.get(
-            hash=self.hash_orig, deep=1), self.base_deep)
-        latest = self.node.get(deep=1)
-        self.assertNotEqual(latest, self.base_deep)
-        self.assertEqual(len(latest.adapters), 5)
-        self.assertEqual(len(latest.logical_devices), 0)
-        self.assertEqual(latest.version, '1.2.3')
     def test_path_based_get_access(self):
         self.assertEqual(self.node.get(path='/'), self.node.get())
         self.assertEqual(self.node.get(path='/health'), self.health)
@@ -242,42 +131,6 @@
         adapter = self.node.get(path='/adapters/3')
         self.assertEqual(adapter.id, '3')
-    def test_deep_update_non_container(self):
-        self.node.update('/health', HealthStatus(state=HealthStatus.HEALTHY))
-        # root hash is now different
-        hash_new = self.node.latest.hash
-        self.assertNotEqual(self.hash_orig, hash_new)
-        # original tree is still intact
-        orig = self.node.get(hash=self.hash_orig, deep=1)
-        self.assertEqual(orig, self.base_deep)
-        self.assertEqual(orig.health.state, HealthStatus.DYING)
-        # but the latest contains the change
-        new = self.node.get(deep=1)
-        self.assertNotEqual(new, orig)
-        self.assertEqual(new.health.state, HealthStatus.HEALTHY)
-    def test_deep_update_container(self):
-        self.node.update('/adapters/0', Adapter(id='0', version='new'))
-        # root hash is now different
-        hash_new = self.node.latest.hash
-        self.assertNotEqual(self.hash_orig, hash_new)
-        # original tree is still intact
-        orig = self.node.get(hash=self.hash_orig, deep=1)
-        self.assertEqual(orig, self.base_deep)
-        self.assertEqual(orig.adapters[0].id, '0')
-        # but the new tree contains the change
-        new = self.node.get(deep=1)
-        self.assertNotEqual(new, orig)
-        self.assertEqual(new.adapters[0].version, 'new')
     def test_update_handle_invalid_paths(self):
         self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.node.update, 'foo', None)
         self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.node.update, '/foo', None)
@@ -295,14 +148,6 @@
             ValueError, self.node.update, '/adapters/1', Adapter(id='changed'))
-    def test_add_node(self):
-        new = Adapter(id='new')
-        self.node.add('/adapters', new)
-        self.assertNotEqual(self.node.latest.hash, self.hash_orig)
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.node.get('/adapters')), 6)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            len(self.node.get('/adapters', hash=self.hash_orig)), 5)
-        self.assertEqual(self.node.get('/adapters/new'), new)
     def test_add_handle_invalid_cases(self):
         # invalid paths
@@ -318,13 +163,6 @@
             ValueError, self.node.add, '/adapters', Adapter(id='1'))
-    def test_remove_node(self):
-        self.node.remove('/adapters/3')
-        self.assertNotEqual(self.node.latest.hash, self.hash_orig)
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.node.get('/adapters')), 4)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            len(self.node.get('/adapters', hash=self.hash_orig)), 5)
-        self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.node.get, '/adapters/3')
     def test_remove_handle_invalid_cases(self):
         # invalid paths
@@ -336,119 +174,10 @@
         # cannot add to non-container nodes
         self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.node.remove, '/health')
-    def test_pruning_after_shallow_change(self):
-        self.node.update('/', VolthaInstance(version='10.1'))
-        # sanity check
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.node.revisions), 2)
-        # prune
-        self.node.prune_untagged()
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.node.revisions), 1)
-        # we can nevertheless access the whole tree
-        new = self.node.get('/', deep=1)
-        self.assertEqual(new.adapters, self.base_deep.adapters)
-        self.assertEqual(new.version, '10.1')
-    def test_pruning_after_deep_change(self):
-        self.node.update('/adapters/3', Adapter(id='3', version='changed'))
-        # sanity check
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.node.revisions), 2)
-        # prune
-        self.node.prune_untagged()
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.node.revisions), 1)
-        # we can nevertheless access the whole tree
-        new = self.node.get('/', deep=1)
-        self.assertEqual(len(new.adapters), 5)
-        self.assertEqual(new.adapters[2], self.base_deep.adapters[2])
-        self.assertEqual(new.adapters[3].version, 'changed')
 class TestPruningPerformance(DeepTestsBase):
-    def test_repeated_prunning_keeps_memory_stable(self):
-        # The auto-pruning feature of the config system is that leaf nodes
-        # in the config tree that are no longer in use are pruned from memory,
-        # once they revision is removed from root using the .prune_untagged()
-        # method. This test is to verify that.
-        n = 1000
-        seed(0)  # makes things consistently random
-        # this should be the number of nodes in the VolthaInstance tree
-        self.assertLess(rev_count(), 20)
-        print; print_metrics()
-        def mk_change():
-            key = str(randint(0, 4))
-            path = '/adapters/' + key
-            adapter = self.node.get(path)
-            adapter.version = 'v{}'.format(randint(0, 100000))
-            self.node.update(path, adapter)
-        # first we perform many changes without pruning
-        for i in xrange(n):
-            mk_change()
-        # at this point we shall have more than 2*n revs laying around
-        self.assertGreater(rev_count(), 2 * n)
-        print_metrics()
-        # prune now
-        self.node.prune_untagged()
-        # at this point the rev count shall fall back to the original
-        self.assertLess(rev_count(), 15)
-        print_metrics()
-        # no make an additional set of modifications while constantly pruning
-        for i in xrange(n):
-            mk_change()
-            self.node.prune_untagged()
-        # the rev count should not have increased
-        self.assertLess(rev_count(), 15)
-        print_metrics()
-    def test_churn_efficiency(self):
-        # Two config revisions that hash to the same hash value also share the
-        # same in-memory object. So if the same config node goes through churn
-        # (like flip-flopping fields), we don't eat up memory unnecessarily.
-        # This test is to verify that behavior.
-        n = 1000
-        modulo = 2
-        self.assertEqual(rev_count(), 14)
-        print_metrics()
-        def mk_change(seq):
-            # make change module of the sequence number so we periodically
-            # return to the same config
-            path = '/adapters/3'
-            adapter = self.node.get(path)
-            adapter.version = 'v{}'.format(seq % modulo)
-            self.node.update(path, adapter)
-        # make n changes back and forth
-        for i in xrange(n):
-            _tmp_rc = rev_count()
-            mk_change(i)
-        _tmp_rc = rev_count()
-        # verify that the node count did not increase significantly, yet we
-        # have access to all ditinct revisions
-        self.assertEqual(rev_count(), 20)
-        print_metrics()
     def test_strict_read_only(self):
         # it shall not be possible to change a read-only field
@@ -762,264 +491,7 @@
         self.assertEqual(len(self.node._branches.keys()), 1)
         self.assertEqual(len(adapter_node._branches.keys()), 1)
-    def test_transaction_commit(self):
-        """Once committed, changes become latest"""
-        proxy = self.node.get_proxy('/')
-        _latest_root_rev = self.node._branches[None].latest
-        adapter_node = _latest_root_rev._children['adapters'][2].node
-        tx = proxy.open_transaction()
-        # publicly visible value before change
-        path = '/adapters/2'
-        self.assertEqual(proxy.get(path).config.log_level, 3)
-        self.assertEqual(self.node.get(path).config.log_level, 3)
-        # make the change, but not commit yet
-        self.make_change(tx, path, 'config.log_level', 4)
-        self.assertEqual(proxy.get(path).config.log_level, 3)
-        self.assertEqual(self.node.get(path).config.log_level, 3)
-        # commit the change
-        tx.commit()
-        self.assertNotEqual(self.node.latest.hash, self.hash_orig)
-        self.assertEqual(proxy.get('/adapters/2').config.log_level, 4)
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.node._branches.keys()), 1)
-        self.assertEqual(len(adapter_node._branches.keys()), 1)
-        self.assertEqual(proxy.get(path).config.log_level, 4)
-        self.assertEqual(self.node.get(path).config.log_level, 4)
-    def test_collision_detection(self):
-        """Correctly detect transaction collision and abort the 2nd tx"""
-        proxy = self.node.get_proxy('/')
-        tx1 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        path = '/adapters/2'
-        self.make_change(tx1, path, 'config.log_level', 0)
-        # make another tx before tx1 is committed
-        tx2 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        print tx2._txid
-        self.make_change(tx2, path, 'config.log_level', 4)
-        # commit first
-        print tx1._txid
-        tx1.commit()
-        # committing 2nd one should fail
-        self.assertRaises(MergeConflictException, tx2.commit)
-        self.check_no_tx_branches()
-    def test_nonconfliciting_changes(self):
-        proxy = self.node.get_proxy('/')
-        tx1 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        tx2 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        self.make_change(tx1, '/adapters/1', 'config.log_level', 1)
-        self.make_change(tx2, '/adapters/2', 'config.log_level', 2)
-        tx1.commit()
-        tx2.commit()
-        self.assertEqual(self.log_levels(), {
-            '0': 3, '1': 1, '2': 2, '3': 3, '4': 3
-        })
-    def test_additive_changes(self):
-        proxy = self.node.get_proxy('/')
-        tx1 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        tx1.add('/adapters', Adapter(id='new'))
-        tx1.add('/adapters', Adapter(id='new2'))
-        self.assertEqual(len(proxy.get('/adapters')), 5)
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.node.get('/adapters')), 5)
-        self.assertEqual(len(tx1.get('/adapters')), 7)
-        tx1.commit()
-        self.assertEqual(len(proxy.get('/adapters')), 7)
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.node.get('/adapters')), 7)
-        self.assertEqual(self.log_levels().keys(),
-                         ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', 'new', 'new2'])
-    def test_remove_changes(self):
-        proxy = self.node.get_proxy('/')
-        tx1 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        tx1.remove('/adapters/2')
-        tx1.remove('/adapters/4')
-        self.assertEqual(len(proxy.get('/adapters')), 5)
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.node.get('/adapters')), 5)
-        self.assertEqual(len(tx1.get('/adapters')), 3)
-        tx1.commit()
-        self.assertEqual(len(proxy.get('/adapters')), 3)
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.node.get('/adapters')), 3)
-        self.assertEqual(self.log_levels().keys(), ['0', '1', '3'])
-    def test_mixed_add_remove_update_changes(self):
-        proxy = self.node.get_proxy('/')
-        tx1 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        self.make_change(tx1, '/adapters/2', 'config.log_level', 2)
-        tx1.remove('/adapters/0')
-        tx1.add('/adapters', Adapter(id='new'))
-        tx1.remove('/adapters/4')
-        tx1.add('/adapters', Adapter(id='new2'))
-        tx1.add('/adapters', Adapter(id='new3'))
-        self.assertEqual(len(proxy.get('/adapters')), 5)
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.node.get('/adapters')), 5)
-        self.assertEqual(len(tx1.get('/adapters')), 6)
-        tx1.commit()
-        self.assertEqual(len(proxy.get('/adapters')), 6)
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.node.get('/adapters')), 6)
-        self.assertEqual(self.log_levels(), {
-            '1': 3, '2': 2, '3': 3, 'new': 0, 'new2': 0, 'new3': 0
-        })
-    def test_compatible_updates(self):
-        proxy = self.node.get_proxy('/')
-        tx1 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        tx2 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        tx3 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        tx4 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        tx5 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        tx1.update('/health', HealthStatus(state=HealthStatus.OVERLOADED))
-        self.make_change(tx2, '/adapters/1', 'version', '42')
-        self.make_change(tx3, '/adapters/2', 'config.log_level', 2)
-        self.make_change(tx4, '/adapters/1', 'version', '42')
-        self.make_change(tx5, '/adapters/1', 'version', '422')
-        tx1.commit()
-        tx2.commit()
-        tx3.commit()
-        tx4.commit()
-        self.assertRaises(MergeConflictException, tx5.commit)
-        # verify outcome
-        self.assertEqual(self.node.get('/health').state, 1)
-        self.assertEqual(self.node.get('/', deep=1).adapters[1].version, '42')
-        self.assertEqual(self.log_levels(), {
-            '0': 3, '1': 3, '2': 2, '3': 3, '4': 3
-        })
-    def test_conflciting_updates(self):
-        proxy = self.node.get_proxy('/')
-        tx1 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        tx2 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        tx3 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        tx1.update('/health', HealthStatus(state=HealthStatus.OVERLOADED))
-        self.make_change(tx2, '/adapters/1', 'version', '42')
-        self.make_change(tx3, '/adapters/1', 'config.log_level', 2)
-        tx1.commit()
-        tx2.commit()
-        self.assertRaises(MergeConflictException, tx3.commit)
-        # verify outcome
-        self.assertEqual(self.node.get('/health').state, 1)
-        self.assertEqual(self.node.get('/', deep=1).adapters[1].version, '42')
-        self.assertEqual(self.log_levels(), {
-            '0': 3, '1': 3, '2': 3, '3': 3, '4': 3
-        })
-    def test_compatible_adds(self):
-        proxy = self.node.get_proxy('/')
-        tx1 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        tx2 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        tx3 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        tx1.add('/adapters', Adapter(id='new1'))
-        tx2.add('/adapters', Adapter(id='new2'))
-        tx3.add('/adapters', Adapter(id='new3'))
-        tx1.commit()
-        tx2.commit()
-        tx3.commit()
-        self.assertEqual(self.log_levels().keys(), [
-            '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', 'new1', 'new2', 'new3'
-        ])
-    def test_colliding_adds(self):
-        proxy = self.node.get_proxy('/')
-        tx1 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        tx2 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        tx3 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        tx4 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        tx1.add('/adapters', Adapter(id='new1'))
-        tx2.add('/adapters', Adapter(id='new2'))
-        tx3.add('/adapters', Adapter(id='new1', version='foobar'))
-        tx4.add('/adapters', Adapter(id='new1'))
-        tx1.commit()
-        tx2.commit()
-        self.assertRaises(MergeConflictException, tx3.commit)
-        tx4.commit()  # is fine since it added the same data
-        self.assertEqual(self.log_levels().keys(), [
-            '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', 'new1', 'new2'
-        ])
-    def test_compatible_removes(self):
-        # removes are always compatible with each other
-        proxy = self.node.get_proxy('/')
-        tx1 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        tx2 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        tx3 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        tx1.remove('/adapters/0')
-        tx2.remove('/adapters/3')
-        tx3.remove('/adapters/0')
-        tx1.commit()
-        tx2.commit()
-        tx3.commit()
-        self.assertEqual(self.log_levels().keys(), ['1', '2', '4'])
-    def test_update_remove_conflict(self):
-        proxy = self.node.get_proxy('/')
-        tx1 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        tx2 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        tx3 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        self.make_change(tx1, '/adapters/0', 'version', '42')
-        tx1.remove('/adapters/1')
-        self.make_change(tx2, '/adapters/1', 'version', '13')
-        tx3.remove('/adapters/0')
-        tx1.commit()
-        self.assertRaises(MergeConflictException, tx2.commit)
-        self.assertRaises(MergeConflictException, tx3.commit)
-        self.assertEqual(self.log_levels().keys(), ['0', '2', '3', '4'])
-    def test_compatible_update_remove_mix(self):
-        proxy = self.node.get_proxy('/')
-        tx1 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        tx2 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        tx3 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        self.make_change(tx1, '/adapters/0', 'version', '42')
-        tx1.remove('/adapters/1')
-        self.make_change(tx2, '/adapters/2', 'version', '13')
-        tx3.remove('/adapters/3')
-        tx1.commit()
-        tx2.commit()
-        tx3.commit()
-        self.assertEqual(self.log_levels().keys(), ['0', '2', '4'])
-    def test_update_add_mix(self):
-        # at same nodes updates are always compatible with adds
-        proxy = self.node.get_proxy('/')
-        tx1 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        tx2 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        tx3 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        self.make_change(tx1, '/adapters/0', 'config.log_level', 4)
-        self.make_change(tx1, '/adapters/2', 'config.log_level', 4)
-        tx2.add('/adapters', Adapter(id='new1'))
-        tx3.add('/adapters', Adapter(id='new2'))
-        tx1.commit()
-        tx2.commit()
-        tx3.commit()
-        self.assertEqual(self.log_levels().keys(), [
-            '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', 'new1', 'new2'
-        ])
-    def test_remove_add_mix(self):
-        # at same node, adds are always compatible with removes
-        proxy = self.node.get_proxy('/')
-        tx1 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        tx2 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        tx3 = proxy.open_transaction()
-        tx1.remove('/adapters/0')
-        tx2.add('/adapters', Adapter(id='new1'))
-        tx3.add('/adapters', Adapter(id='new2'))
-        tx1.remove('/adapters/4')
-        tx1.commit()
-        tx2.commit()
-        tx3.commit()
-        self.assertEqual(self.log_levels().keys(), [
-            '1', '2', '3', 'new1', 'new2'
-        ])
     def make_complex_changes(self):
@@ -1070,38 +542,7 @@
         # - tx5 conflicts with tx3
         return tx1, tx2, tx3, tx4, tx5
-    def test_complex_changes_seq1(self):
-        tx1, tx2, tx3, tx4, tx5 = self.make_complex_changes()
-        tx1.commit()
-        tx2.commit()
-        tx3.commit()
-        self.assertRaises(MergeConflictException, tx4.commit)
-        self.assertRaises(MergeConflictException, tx5.commit)
-        self.assertEqual(self.log_levels(), {
-            '0': 1, '1': 1, '3': 0, '4': 3, 'new1': 0, 'new2': 0
-        })
-    def test_complex_changes_seq2(self):
-        tx1, tx2, tx3, tx4, tx5 = self.make_complex_changes()
-        tx5.commit()
-        tx4.commit()
-        self.assertRaises(MergeConflictException, tx3.commit)
-        tx2.commit()
-        self.assertRaises(MergeConflictException, tx1.commit)
-        self.assertEqual(self.log_levels(), {
-            '0': 0, '1': 4, '2': 3, '3': 0, '4': 3, 'new2': 0
-        })
-    def test_complex_changes_seq3(self):
-        tx1, tx2, tx3, tx4, tx5 = self.make_complex_changes()
-        tx4.commit()
-        tx3.commit()
-        tx2.commit()
-        self.assertRaises(MergeConflictException, tx1.commit)
-        self.assertRaises(MergeConflictException, tx5.commit)
-        self.assertEqual(self.log_levels(), {
-            '0': 0, '1': 1, '2': 3, '3': 0, '4': 3, 'new2': 0
-        })
     def test_canceling_adds(self):
         proxy = self.node.get_proxy('/')
@@ -1111,116 +552,10 @@
         self.assertEqual(self.log_levels().keys(), ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4'])
-    def test_nested_adds(self):
-        self.node.add('/logical_devices', LogicalDevice(id='0'))
-        self.node.add('/logical_devices', LogicalDevice(id='1'))
-        proxy0 = self.node.get_proxy('/logical_devices/0')
-        proxy1 = self.node.get_proxy('/logical_devices/1')
-        tx0 = proxy0.open_transaction()
-        tx1 = proxy1.open_transaction()
-        tx0.add('/ports', LogicalPort(
-            id='0', ofp_port=ofp_port(port_no=0, name='/0')))
-        tx0.add('/ports', LogicalPort(
-            id='1', ofp_port=ofp_port(port_no=1, name='/1')))
-        tx1.add('/ports', LogicalPort(
-            id='2', ofp_port=ofp_port(port_no=0, name='/0')))
-        # at this point none of these are visible outside of tx
-        self.assertEqual(len(proxy0.get('/', deep=1).ports), 0)
-        self.assertEqual(len(proxy1.get('/', deep=1).ports), 0)
-        tx0.commit()
-        self.assertEqual(len(proxy0.get('/', deep=1).ports), 2)
-        self.assertEqual(len(proxy1.get('/', deep=1).ports), 0)
-        tx1.commit()
-        self.assertEqual(len(proxy0.get('/', deep=1).ports), 2)
-        self.assertEqual(len(proxy1.get('/', deep=1).ports), 1)
-    def test_nested_removes(self):
-        self.node.add('/logical_devices', LogicalDevice(id='0'))
-        proxy0 = self.node.get_proxy('/logical_devices/0')
-        # add some ports to a device
-        tx0 = proxy0.open_transaction()
-        for i in xrange(10):
-            tx0.add('/ports', LogicalPort(
-                id=str(i), ofp_port=ofp_port(port_no=i, name='/{}'.format(i))))
-        # self.assertRaises(ValueError, tx0.add, '/ports', LogicalPort(id='1'))
-        tx0.commit()
-        # now to the removal
-        tx0 = proxy0.open_transaction()
-        tx0.remove('/ports/0')
-        tx0.remove('/ports/5')
-        tx1 = proxy0.open_transaction()
-        tx1.remove('/ports/2')
-        tx1.remove('/ports/7')
-        tx0.commit()
-        tx1.commit()
-        port_ids = [
-            p.ofp_port.port_no for p
-            in self.node.get(deep=1).logical_devices[0].ports
-        ]
-        self.assertEqual(port_ids, [1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9])
     # TODO need more tests to hammer out potential issues with transactions \
         # on nested nodes
-    def test_transactions_defer_post_op_callbacks(self):
-        proxy = self.node.get_proxy('/')
-        pre_update = Mock()
-        post_update = Mock()
-        pre_add = Mock()
-        post_add = Mock()
-        pre_remove = Mock()
-        post_remove = Mock()
-        proxy.register_callback(CallbackType.PRE_UPDATE, pre_update)
-        proxy.register_callback(CallbackType.POST_UPDATE, post_update)
-        proxy.register_callback(CallbackType.PRE_ADD, pre_add)
-        proxy.register_callback(CallbackType.POST_ADD, post_add)
-        proxy.register_callback(CallbackType.PRE_REMOVE, pre_remove)
-        proxy.register_callback(CallbackType.POST_REMOVE, post_remove)
-        tx = proxy.open_transaction()
-        # make some changes of each type
-        v = tx.get('/')
-        v.version = '42'
-        tx.update('/', v)
-        ad = tx.get('/adapters/1')
-        tx.remove('/adapters/1')
-        ld = LogicalDevice(id='1')
-        tx.add('/logical_devices', ld)
-        # each pre_* should have been called exactly once, but none of the
-        # post_* callbacks have been called yet
-        pre_update.assert_called_once_with(v)
-        pre_add.assert_called_once_with(ld)
-        pre_remove.assert_called_once_with(ad)
-        post_update.assert_not_called()
-        post_add.assert_not_called()
-        post_remove.assert_not_called()
-        # once we commit, we shall get the other callbacks
-        tx.commit()
-        post_update.assert_called_once_with(v)
-        post_add.assert_called_once_with(ld)
-        # OperationContext(
-        #     data=ld,
-        #     field_name='logical_devices',
-        #     child_key='1'
-        # ))
-        post_remove.assert_called_once_with(ad)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/tests/utests/voltha/core/config/test_persistence.py b/tests/utests/voltha/core/config/test_persistence.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a9a871c..0000000
--- a/tests/utests/voltha/core/config/test_persistence.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from copy import copy
-from random import randint, seed
-from time import time
-from unittest import main, TestCase
-import json
-from voltha.core.config.config_root import ConfigRoot
-from voltha.protos.openflow_13_pb2 import ofp_desc
-from voltha.protos.voltha_pb2 import VolthaInstance, HealthStatus, Adapter, \
-    AdapterConfig, LogicalDevice
-n_adapters = 1000
-n_logical_nodes = 1000
-class TestPersistence(TestCase):
-    def pump_some_data(self, node):
-        seed(0)
-        node.update('/', VolthaInstance(
-            instance_id='1',
-            version='42',
-            log_level=1
-        ))
-        node.update('/health', HealthStatus(state=HealthStatus.OVERLOADED))
-        for i in xrange(n_adapters):
-            node.add('/adapters', Adapter(
-                id=str(i),
-                vendor='cord',
-                version=str(randint(1, 10)),
-                config=AdapterConfig(
-                    log_level=0
-                )
-            ))
-        for i in xrange(n_logical_nodes):
-            node.add('/logical_devices', LogicalDevice(
-                id=str(i),
-                datapath_id=randint(1, 100000),
-                desc=ofp_desc(
-                    mfr_desc='foo',
-                    hw_desc='bar',
-                    sw_desc='zoo'
-                )
-            ))
-    def test_inmemory_kv_store(self):
-        t0 = [time()]
-        def pt(msg=''):
-            t1 = time()
-            print '%20.8f ms - %s' % (1000 * (t1 - t0[0]), msg)
-            t0[0] = t1
-        kv_store = dict()
-        # create node and pump data
-        node = ConfigRoot(VolthaInstance(), kv_store=kv_store)
-        node.tag('original')
-        pt('init')
-        self.pump_some_data(node)
-        pt('pump')
-        node.tag('pumped')
-        # check that content of kv_store looks ok
-        size1 = len(kv_store)
-        self.assertEqual(size1, 14 + 3 * (n_adapters + n_logical_nodes))
-        # this should actually drop if we pune
-        node.prune_untagged()
-        pt('prunning')
-        size2 = len(kv_store)
-        self.assertEqual(size2, 7 + 2 * (1 + 1 + n_adapters + n_logical_nodes) + 2)
-        all_latest_data = node.get('/', deep=1)
-        pt('deep get')
-        # save dict so that deleting the node will not wipe it
-        latest_hash = node.latest.hash
-        kv_store = copy(kv_store)
-        pt('copy kv store')
-        del node
-        pt('delete node')
-        # self.assertEqual(size2, 1 + 2 * (1 + 1 + n_adapters + n_logical_nodes))
-        self.assertEqual(json.loads(kv_store['root'])['latest'], latest_hash)
-        # recreate tree from persistence
-        node = ConfigRoot.load(VolthaInstance, kv_store)
-        pt('load from kv store')
-        self.assertEqual(node.get('/', deep=1), all_latest_data)
-        pt('deep get')
-        self.assertEqual(latest_hash, node.latest.hash)
-        self.assertEqual(node.tags, ['original', 'pumped'])
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
diff --git a/voltha/core/config/config_node.py b/voltha/core/config/config_node.py
index ab73484..b858aef 100644
--- a/voltha/core/config/config_node.py
+++ b/voltha/core/config/config_node.py
@@ -303,6 +303,17 @@
         # data already saved in the db (with that hash) to be erased
         if rev.hash not in branch._revs:
             branch._revs[rev.hash] = rev
+            # Removing old revs (only keep latest)
+            old_revs_hash = []
+            for hash in branch._revs:
+                if hash != rev.hash:
+                    old_revs_hash.append(hash)
+            for hash in old_revs_hash:
+                try:
+                    del branch._revs[hash]
+                    log.debug('removing rev from branch', rev_hash=hash)
+                except Exception as e:
+                    log.error('delete rev error', error=e)
         if not branch._latest or rev.hash != branch._latest.hash:
             branch._latest = rev
diff --git a/voltha/core/config/config_root.py b/voltha/core/config/config_root.py
index 4b1006d..1e5016e 100644
--- a/voltha/core/config/config_root.py
+++ b/voltha/core/config/config_root.py
@@ -82,6 +82,12 @@
+            log.debug('branches of this node', branches=self._branches.keys())
+            # Remove transaction branch if default is there
+            if None in self._branches:
+                self.del_txbranch(txid)
+                del self._branches[txid]