Enhanced the installer's test mode such that multiple development users
can create independent vagrant VM based clusters on the same bare metal
server. This reduces the number of servers required to do development
and testing of the voltha HA cluster.
Updated the production installer to start a 3 node docker swarm cluster
once installation is completed.
Added an option to the production installer to use a different QEMU/KVM
network to enable testing of the installer using vagrant based VMs on
the same server as the installer. The production installer will use the
default network otherwise.
Further provisioning of the installed environment will be submitted in
subsequent updates as the HA implementation progresses.

Change-Id: I62424e882d4a7f322acb9e26a9ee588c6fa91ca1
diff --git a/install/CreateInstaller.sh b/install/CreateInstaller.sh
index e8da9a8..15a5cd0 100755
--- a/install/CreateInstaller.sh
+++ b/install/CreateInstaller.sh
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
@@ -19,6 +20,7 @@
+uId=`id -u`
 # Validate that vagrant is installed.
@@ -46,26 +48,45 @@
 # Ensure that the voltha VM is running so that images can be secured
 echo -e "${lBlue}Ensure that the ${lCyan}voltha VM${lBlue} is running${NC}"
-vVM=`virsh list | grep voltha_voltha`
+vVM=`virsh list | grep voltha_voltha${uId}`
 if [ -z "$vVM" ]; then
-	./BuildVoltha.sh
+	./BuildVoltha.sh $1
 # Verify if this is intended to be a test environment, if so start 3 VMs
 # to emulate the production installation cluster.
 if [ $# -eq 1 -a "$1" == "test" ]; then
 	echo -e "${lBlue}Testing, create the ${lCyan}ha-serv${lBlue} VMs${NC}"
-	vagrant destroy ha-serv{1,2,3}
-	vagrant up ha-serv{1,2,3}
+	# Update the vagrant settings file
+	sed -i -e '/server_name/s/.*/server_name: "ha-serv'${uId}'-"/' settings.vagrant.yaml
+	sed -i -e '/docker_push_registry/s/.*/docker_push_registry: "vinstall'${uId}':5000"/' ansible/group_vars/all
+	sed -i -e "/vinstall/s/vinstall/vinstall${uId}/" ../ansible/roles/docker/templates/daemon.json
+	# Set the insecure registry configuration based on the installer hostname
+	echo -e "${lBlue}Set up the inescure registry hostname ${lCyan}vinstall${uId}${NC}"
+	echo '{' > ansible/roles/voltha/templates/daemon.json
+	echo '"insecure-registries" : ["vinstall'${uId}':5000"]' >> ansible/roles/voltha/templates/daemon.json
+	echo '}' >> ansible/roles/voltha/templates/daemon.json
+	vagrant destroy ha-serv${uId}-{1,2,3}
+	vagrant up ha-serv${uId}-{1,2,3}
+	# Change the installer name
+	iVmName="vInstaller${uId}"
 	rm -fr .test
 	# Clean out the install config file keeping only the commented lines
         # which serve as documentation.
 	sed -i -e '/^#/!d' install.cfg
+	# Set the insecure registry configuration based on the installer hostname
+	echo -e "${lBlue}Set up the inescure registry hostname ${lCyan}vinstall${uId}${NC}"
+	echo '{' > ansible/roles/voltha/templates/daemon.json
+	echo '"insecure-registries" : ["vinstall:5000"]' >> ansible/roles/voltha/templates/daemon.json
+	echo '}' >> ansible/roles/voltha/templates/daemon.json
 # Shut down the domain in case it's running.
 echo -e "${lBlue}Shut down the ${lCyan}$iVmName${lBlue} VM if running${NC}"
@@ -155,6 +176,15 @@
 echo -e "${lBlue}Running the pre-configuration script on the VM${NC}"
 ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no vinstall@$ipAddr 
+# If we're in test mode, change the hostname of the installer vm
+if [ $# -eq 1 -a "$1" == "test" ]; then
+	echo -e "${lBlue}Test mode, change the installer host name to ${yellow}vinstall${uId}${NC}"
+	ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i key.pem vinstall@$ipAddr \
+		sudo hostnamectl set-hostname vinstall${uId}
+	ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i key.pem vinstall@$ipAddr \
+		sudo service networking restart
 # Install python which is required for ansible
 echo -e "${lBlue}Installing python${NC}"
 ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i key.pem vinstall@$ipAddr sudo apt-get update 
@@ -177,10 +207,10 @@
 # Add the voltha vm's information to the ansible tree
 echo -e "${lBlue}Add the voltha vm and key to the ansible accessible hosts${NC}"
-vIpAddr=`virsh domifaddr voltha_voltha | tail -n +3 | awk '{ print $4 }' | sed -e 's~/.*~~'`
+vIpAddr=`virsh domifaddr voltha_voltha${uId} | tail -n +3 | awk '{ print $4 }' | sed -e 's~/.*~~'`
 echo "[voltha]" > ansible/hosts/voltha
 echo $vIpAddr >> ansible/hosts/voltha
-echo "ansible_ssh_private_key_file: $wd/../.vagrant/machines/voltha/libvirt/private_key" > ansible/host_vars/$vIpAddr
+echo "ansible_ssh_private_key_file: $wd/../.vagrant/machines/voltha${uId}/libvirt/private_key" > ansible/host_vars/$vIpAddr
 # Prepare to launch the ansible playbook to configure the installer VM