Multiple changes
- Added code to create default KVM storage pool and network if they
  don't exits.
- Added a docker registry to the cluster.
- Added a a wait cycle for consul to start to avoid proxy thrashing when
  voltah starts.
- Addition of the rmake developer tool to simplify the edit develop make
  and install into cluster developer workflow.

Change-Id: Ie365948bc3cdb9064670560d32e685554bfca432
diff --git a/install/ b/install/
index 9a23b79..77c25a5 100755
--- a/install/
+++ b/install/
@@ -129,6 +129,22 @@
+# Create the daemon.json file for the swarm
+echo "{" > daemon.json
+echo -n '  "insecure-registries" : [' >> daemon.json
+for i in .keys/*
+	if [ -z "$first" ]; then
+		echo -n '"'`basename $i`':5001"' >> daemon.json
+		first="not"
+	else
+		echo -n ' , "'`basename $i`':5001"' >> daemon.json
+	fi
+echo "]" >> daemon.json
+echo "}" >> daemon.json
+unset first
 # Running ansible
 echo -e "${lBlue}Running ansible${NC}"