To get the EOAM stack to work with the ONOS olt-test, the following command was used in the shell to launch the olt-test.

NOTE: This command should soon be eliminated as the adapter should be started by VOLTHA. By running the commands as listed below, then the olt-test can take advantage of the virtual environment.

$ sudo -s
# . ./
(venv-linux) # PYTHONPATH=$HOME/dev/voltha/voltha/adapters/tibit ./oftest/oft --test-dir=olt-oftest/ -i 1@enp1s0f0 -i 2@enp1s0f1 --port 6633 -V 1.3 -t "olt_port=1;onu_port=2;in_out_port=1;device_type='tibit'" olt-complex.TestScenario1SingleOnu