VOL-162 - Initial commit of BAL-API protobuf
Change-Id: Iea2bc0070515da143c6fd5afc915e839681d1af0
Signed-off-by: Shad Ansari <shad@onlab.us>
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index affda7f..d7cce7c 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -96,9 +96,12 @@
docker build -t cord/voltha-base -f docker/Dockerfile.base .
+voltha: voltha-adapters
docker build -t cord/voltha -f docker/Dockerfile.voltha .
+ make -C voltha/adapters/asfvolt16_olt
mkdir tmp.chameleon
cp -R chameleon/* tmp.chameleon
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/asfvolt16_olt/Makefile b/voltha/adapters/asfvolt16_olt/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6672a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/voltha/adapters/asfvolt16_olt/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+ifeq ($(VOLTHA_BASE)_set,_set)
+$(error To get started, please source the env.sh file)
+include $(VOLTHA_BASE)/setup.mk
+SUBDIRS = protos
+.PHONY: subdirs $(SUBDIRS)
+subdirs: $(SUBDIRS)
+ $(MAKE) -C $@
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/asfvolt16_olt/protos/Makefile b/voltha/adapters/asfvolt16_olt/protos/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d81e8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/voltha/adapters/asfvolt16_olt/protos/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Makefile to build all protobuf and gRPC related artifacts
+ifeq ($(VOLTHA_BASE)_set,_set)
+ $(error To get started, please source the env.sh file from Voltha top level directory)
+default: build
+PROTO_FILES := $(wildcard *.proto) $(wildcard $(VOLTHA_BASE)/voltha/protos/third_party/google/api/*proto)
+PROTO_PB2_FILES := $(foreach f,$(PROTO_FILES),$(subst .proto,_pb2.py,$(f)))
+PROTO_DESC_FILES := $(foreach f,$(PROTO_FILES),$(subst .proto,.desc,$(f)))
+PROTOC_PREFIX := /usr/local
+PROTOC := $(PROTOC_PREFIX)/bin/protoc
+PROTOC_VERSION := "3.0.2"
+PROTOC_DOWNLOAD_PREFIX := "https://github.com/google/protobuf/releases/download"
+PROTOC_TARBALL := protobuf-python-$(PROTOC_VERSION).tar.gz
+PROTOC_BUILD_TMP_DIR := "/tmp/protobuf-build-$(shell uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"
+build: $(PROTOC) protos
+protos: $(PROTO_PB2_FILES)
+%_pb2.py: %.proto Makefile
+ @echo "Building protocol buffer artifacts from $<"
+ env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(PROTOC_LIBDIR) python -m grpc.tools.protoc \
+ -I. \
+ -I$(VOLTHA_BASE)/voltha/protos/third_party \
+ --python_out=. \
+ --grpc_python_out=. \
+ --descriptor_set_out=$(basename $<).desc \
+ --include_imports \
+ --include_source_info \
+ $<
+ @echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
+ @echo "It looks like you don't have protocol buffer tools installed."
+ @echo "To install the protocol buffer toolchain, you can run:"
+ @echo " make install-protoc"
+ @echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
+install-protoc: $(PROTOC)
+ @echo "Downloading and installing protocol buffer support."
+ @echo "Installation will require sodo priviledges"
+ @echo "This will take a few minutes."
+ mkdir -p $(PROTOC_BUILD_TMP_DIR)
+ @echo "We ask for sudo credentials now so we can install at the end"; \
+ sudo echo "Thanks"; \
+ tar xzvf $(PROTOC_TARBALL); \
+ cd $(PROTOC_DIR); \
+ ./configure --prefix=$(PROTOC_PREFIX); \
+ make; \
+ sudo make install
+ sudo make uninstall
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/asfvolt16_olt/protos/bal.proto b/voltha/adapters/asfvolt16_olt/protos/bal.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b4f8b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/voltha/adapters/asfvolt16_olt/protos/bal.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+// Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+syntax = "proto3";
+import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
+import "bal_obj.proto";
+import "bal_model_types.proto";
+import "bal_errno.proto";
+message BalErr {
+ BalErrno err = 1;
+ * BAL configuration object
+ */
+message BalCfg {
+ BalObj hdr = 1; // Transport header
+ oneof obj {
+ BalAccessTerminalCfg cfg = 2; // Access Terminal
+ BalFlowCfg flow = 3; // Flow
+ BalGroupCfg group = 4;
+ BalInterfaceCfg interface = 5;
+ BalPacketCfg packet = 6;
+ BalSubscriberTerminalCfg terminal = 7;
+ BalTmQueueCfg tm_queue_cfg = 8;
+ BalTmSchedCfg tm_sched_cfg = 9;
+ }
+message BalInit {
+ string balapi_mgmt_ip_port = 1; // IP:port of the BAL API management queue
+ string core_mgmt_ip_port = 2; // IP:port of the core management queue
+service Bal {
+ /**
+ * Initialize the BAL Public API internal data structures
+ **/
+ rpc BalApiInit(BalInit) returns(BalErr) {}
+ /**
+ * Un-initialize the BAL Public API internal data structures
+ **/
+ rpc BalApiFinish(google.protobuf.Empty) returns(BalErr) {}
+ /**
+ * BAL Public API Set (or modify) command.
+ *
+ * Set (or modify) the specified object instance (with implicit creation
+ * of dynamic objects) associated with the specified access-terminal device.
+ **/
+ rpc BalCfgSet(BalCfg) returns(BalErr) {}
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/asfvolt16_olt/protos/bal_errno.proto b/voltha/adapters/asfvolt16_olt/protos/bal_errno.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c66133a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/voltha/adapters/asfvolt16_olt/protos/bal_errno.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+// Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License; Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing; software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS;
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND; either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+syntax = "proto3";
+/** Error codes */
+enum BalErrno
+ BAL_ERR_OK = 0; /**< OK */
+ BAL_ERR_IN_PROGRESS = -1; /**< Operation is in progress */
+ BAL_ERR_PARM = -2; /**< Error in parameters */
+ BAL_ERR_NOMEM = -3; /**< No memory */
+ BAL_ERR_NORES = -4; /**< No resources */
+ BAL_ERR_INTERNAL = -5; /**< Internal error */
+ BAL_ERR_NOENT = -6; /**< Entry doesn't exist */
+ BAL_ERR_NODEV = -7; /**< Device doesn't exist */
+ BAL_ERR_ALREADY = -8; /**< Entry already exists */
+ BAL_ERR_RANGE = -9; /**< Out of range */
+ BAL_ERR_PERM = -10; /**< No permission to perform an operation */
+ BAL_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED = -11; /**< Operation is not supported */
+ BAL_ERR_PARSE = -12; /**< Parsing error */
+ BAL_ERR_INVALID_OP = -13; /**< Invalid operation */
+ BAL_ERR_IO = -14; /**< I/O error */
+ BAL_ERR_STATE = -15; /**< Object is in bad state */
+ BAL_ERR_DELETED = -16; /**< Object is deleted */
+ BAL_ERR_TOO_MANY = -17; /**< Too many objects */
+ BAL_ERR_NO_MORE = -18; /**< No more entries */
+ BAL_ERR_OVERFLOW = -19; /**< Buffer overflow */
+ BAL_ERR_COMM_FAIL = -20; /**< Communication failure */
+ BAL_ERR_NOT_CONNECTED = -21; /**< No connection with the target system */
+ BAL_ERR_SYSCALL_ERR = -22; /**< System call returned error */
+ BAL_ERR_MSG_ERROR = -23; /**< Received message is insane */
+ BAL_ERR_TOO_MANY_REQS = -24; /**< Too many outstanding requests */
+ BAL_ERR_TIMEOUT = -25; /**< Operation timed out */
+ BAL_ERR_TOO_MANY_FRAGS = -26; /**< Too many fragments */
+ BAL_ERR_NULL = -27; /**< Got NULL pointer */
+ BAL_ERR_READ_ONLY = -28; /**< Attempt to set read-only parameter */
+ BAL_ERR_ONU_ERR_RESP = -29; /**< ONU returned an error response */
+ BAL_ERR_MANDATORY_PARM_IS_MISSING = -30; /**< Mandatory parameter is missing */
+ BAL_ERR_KEY_RANGE = -31; /**< Key field was out of range */
+ BAL_ERR_QUEUE_EMPTY = -32; /**< Rx PCIe queue empty */
+ BAL_ERR_QUEUE_FULL = -33; /**< Tx PCIe queue full */
+ BAL_ERR_TOO_LONG = -34; /**< Processing is taking too long; but will finish eventually */
+ BAL_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_LIST_MEM = -35; /**< Not enough memory was provided for variable-length lists */
+ BAL_ERR_OUT_OF_SYNC = -36; /**< Sequence number or operation step was out of sync. */
+ BAL_ERR_CHECKSUM = -37; /**< Checksum error */
+ BAL_ERR_IMAGE_TYPE = -38; /**< Unsupported file/image type */
+ BAL_ERR_INCOMPLETE_TERMINATION = -39; /**< Incomplete premature termination */
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/asfvolt16_olt/protos/bal_model_ids.proto b/voltha/adapters/asfvolt16_olt/protos/bal_model_ids.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e1817d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/voltha/adapters/asfvolt16_olt/protos/bal_model_ids.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+// Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License; Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing; software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS;
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND; either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+syntax = "proto3";
+/** Identifiers for all properties contained in the access_terminal_cfg group.
+ */
+enum BalAccessTerminalCfgId
+ BAL_ACCESS_TERMINAL_CFG_ID_ADMIN_STATE = 0; /**< Administrative state. */
+ BAL_ACCESS_TERMINAL_CFG_ID_OPER_STATUS = 1; /**< Operational status. */
+ BAL_ACCESS_TERMINAL_CFG_ID_IWF_MODE = 2; /**< Interworking function mode. */
+/** Identifiers for all properties contained in the access_terminal_ind group.
+ */
+enum BalAccessTerminalIndId
+ BAL_ACCESS_TERMINAL_IND_ID_ADMIN_STATE = 0; /**< Administrative state. */
+ BAL_ACCESS_TERMINAL_IND_ID_OPER_STATUS = 1; /**< Operational status. */
+ BAL_ACCESS_TERMINAL_IND_ID_IWF_MODE = 2; /**< Interworking function mode. */
+/** Identifiers for all properties contained in the access_terminal_key group.
+ */
+enum BalAccessTerminalKeyId
+ BAL_ACCESS_TERMINAL_KEY_ID_ACCESS_TERM_ID= 0; /**< access_term_id. */
+/** Identifiers for all properties contained in the flow_cfg group.
+ */
+enum BalFlowCfgId
+ BAL_FLOW_CFG_ID_ADMIN_STATE = 0; /**< Administrative state. */
+ BAL_FLOW_CFG_ID_OPER_STATUS = 1; /**< Operational status. */
+ BAL_FLOW_CFG_ID_ACCESS_INT_ID = 2; /**< Access Interface ID. */
+ BAL_FLOW_CFG_ID_NETWORK_INT_ID = 3; /**< Network Interface ID. */
+ BAL_FLOW_CFG_ID_SUB_TERM_ID = 4; /**< Subscriber Terminal ID. */
+ BAL_FLOW_CFG_ID_SUB_TERM_UNI_IDX = 5; /**< Subscriber Terminal uni port index. */
+ BAL_FLOW_CFG_ID_SVC_PORT_ID = 6; /**< Service Port ID. */
+ BAL_FLOW_CFG_ID_AGG_PORT_ID = 7; /**< Aggregate port ID. */
+ BAL_FLOW_CFG_ID_RESOLVE_MAC = 8; /**< Resolve mac. */
+ BAL_FLOW_CFG_ID_CLASSIFIER = 9; /**< Classifier. */
+ BAL_FLOW_CFG_ID_ACTION = 10; /**< Action. */
+ BAL_FLOW_CFG_ID_SLA = 11; /**< SLA. */
+ BAL_FLOW_CFG_ID_COOKIE = 12; /**< Cookie. */
+ BAL_FLOW_CFG_ID_PRIORITY = 13; /**< Priority. */
+ BAL_FLOW_CFG_ID_GROUP_ID = 14; /**< Group ID. */
+ BAL_FLOW_CFG_ID_QUEUE = 15; /**< Egress queue. */
+/** Identifiers for all properties contained in the flow_ind group.
+ */
+enum BalFlowIndId
+ BAL_FLOW_IND_ID_ADMIN_STATE = 0; /**< Administrative state. */
+ BAL_FLOW_IND_ID_OPER_STATUS = 1; /**< Operational status. */
+ BAL_FLOW_IND_ID_ACCESS_INT_ID = 2; /**< Access interface ID. */
+ BAL_FLOW_IND_ID_NETWORK_INT_ID = 3; /**< Network Interface ID. */
+ BAL_FLOW_IND_ID_SUB_TERM_ID = 4; /**< Subscriber terminal ID. */
+ BAL_FLOW_IND_ID_SVC_PORT_ID = 5; /**< Service port ID. */
+ BAL_FLOW_IND_ID_AGG_PORT_ID = 6; /**< Aggregate port ID. */
+ BAL_FLOW_IND_ID_RESOLVE_MAC = 7; /**< Resolve mac. */
+ BAL_FLOW_IND_ID_BASE_TC_ID = 8; /**< Base TCONT ID. */
+ BAL_FLOW_IND_ID_CLASSIFIER = 9; /**< Classifier. */
+ BAL_FLOW_IND_ID_ACTION = 10; /**< Action. */
+ BAL_FLOW_IND_ID_SLA = 11; /**< SLA. */
+ BAL_FLOW_IND_ID_COOKIE = 12; /**< Cookie. */
+ BAL_FLOW_IND_ID_PRIORITY = 13; /**< Priority. */
+/** Identifiers for all properties contained in the flow_key group.
+ */
+enum BalFlowKeyId
+ BAL_FLOW_KEY_ID_FLOW_ID = 0; /**< Flow ID. */
+ BAL_FLOW_KEY_ID_FLOW_TYPE = 1; /**< Flow type. */
+/** Identifiers for all properties contained in the flow_stat group.
+ */
+enum BalFlowStatId
+ BAL_FLOW_STAT_ID_RX_PACKETS = 0; /**< Received packets. */
+ BAL_FLOW_STAT_ID_RX_BYTES = 1; /**< Received bytes. */
+ BAL_FLOW_STAT_ID_TX_PACKETS = 2; /**< Transmitted packets. */
+ BAL_FLOW_STAT_ID_TX_BYTES = 3; /**< Transmitted bytes. */
+/** Identifiers for all properties contained in the group_cfg group.
+ */
+enum BalGroupCfgId
+ BAL_GROUP_CFG_ID_MEMBERS_CMD = 0; /**< Membership operation commands. */
+ BAL_GROUP_CFG_ID_MEMBERS = 1; /**< Member. */
+ BAL_GROUP_CFG_ID_COOKIE = 2; /**< Application cookie. */
+ BAL_GROUP_CFG_ID_FLOWS = 3; /**< List of flows associated with the group . */
+ BAL_GROUP_CFG_ID_OWNER = 4; /**< Owner of the group. */
+/** Identifiers for all properties contained in the group_key group.
+ */
+enum BalGroupKeyId
+ BAL_GROUP_KEY_ID_GROUP_ID = 0; /**< Group ID. */
+/** Identifiers for all properties contained in the interface_cfg group.
+ */
+enum BalInterfaceCfgId
+ BAL_INTERFACE_CFG_ID_ADMIN_STATE = 0; /**< Administrative state. */
+ BAL_INTERFACE_CFG_ID_OPER_STATUS = 1; /**< Operational status. */
+ BAL_INTERFACE_CFG_ID_MIN_DATA_AGG_PORT_ID= 2; /**< Minimum aggregate port ID. */
+ BAL_INTERFACE_CFG_ID_MIN_DATA_SVC_PORT_ID= 3; /**< Minimum service port ID. */
+ BAL_INTERFACE_CFG_ID_TRANSCEIVER_TYPE = 4; /**< Transceiver type. */
+ BAL_INTERFACE_CFG_ID_DS_MISS_MODE = 5; /**< Downstream unknown packet action. */
+ BAL_INTERFACE_CFG_ID_FLOW_CONTROL = 7; /**< Flow control. */
+ BAL_INTERFACE_CFG_ID_DS_TM = 8; /**< Downstream scheduler and shaper. */
+ BAL_INTERFACE_CFG_ID_US_TM = 9; /**< Upstream scheduler and shaper. */
+ BAL_INTERFACE_CFG_ID_SUB_TERM_ID_LIST = 10; /**< Sub-term id list. */
+/** Identifiers for all properties contained in the interface_ind group.
+ */
+enum BalInterfaceIndId
+ BAL_INTERFACE_IND_ID_ADMIN_STATE = 0; /**< Administrative state. */
+ BAL_INTERFACE_IND_ID_OPER_STATUS = 1; /**< Operational status. */
+ BAL_INTERFACE_IND_ID_MIN_DATA_AGG_PORT_ID= 2; /**< Minimum aggregate port ID. */
+ BAL_INTERFACE_IND_ID_MIN_DATA_SVC_PORT_ID= 3; /**< Minimum service port ID. */
+ BAL_INTERFACE_IND_ID_TRANSCEIVER_TYPE = 4; /**< Transceiver type. */
+ BAL_INTERFACE_IND_ID_DS_MISS_MODE = 5; /**< Downstream unknown packet action. */
+ BAL_INTERFACE_IND_ID_FLOW_CONTROL = 7; /**< Flow control. */
+ BAL_INTERFACE_IND_ID_DS_TM = 8; /**< Downstream scheduler and shaper. */
+ BAL_INTERFACE_IND_ID_US_TM = 9; /**< Upstream scheduler and shaper. */
+/** Identifiers for all properties contained in the interface_key group.
+ */
+enum BalInterfaceKeyId
+ BAL_INTERFACE_KEY_ID_INTF_ID = 0; /**< intf_id. */
+ BAL_INTERFACE_KEY_ID_INTF_TYPE = 1; /**< intf_type. */
+/** Identifiers for all properties contained in the interface_stat group.
+ */
+enum BalInterfaceStatId
+ BAL_INTERFACE_STAT_ID_RX_PACKETS = 0; /**< Recieved packets. */
+ BAL_INTERFACE_STAT_ID_RX_BYTES = 1; /**< Received bytes. */
+ BAL_INTERFACE_STAT_ID_TX_PACKETS = 2; /**< Transmitted packets. */
+ BAL_INTERFACE_STAT_ID_TX_BYTES = 3; /**< Transmitted bytes. */
+/** Identifiers for all properties contained in the packet_cfg group.
+ */
+enum BalPacketCfgId
+ BAL_PACKET_CFG_ID_FLOW_ID = 0; /**< Flow Id. */
+ BAL_PACKET_CFG_ID_FLOW_TYPE = 1; /**< Flow Type. */
+ BAL_PACKET_CFG_ID_INTF_ID = 2; /**< Interface ID. */
+ BAL_PACKET_CFG_ID_INTF_TYPE = 3; /**< Interface Type. */
+ BAL_PACKET_CFG_ID_SVC_PORT = 4; /**< Service Port. */
+ BAL_PACKET_CFG_ID_FLOW_COOKIE = 5; /**< Flow Cookie. */
+ BAL_PACKET_CFG_ID_PKT = 6; /**< Packet Data. */
+/** Identifiers for all properties contained in the packet_ind group.
+ */
+enum BalPacketIndId
+ BAL_PACKET_IND_ID_FLOW_ID = 0; /**< Flow Id. */
+ BAL_PACKET_IND_ID_FLOW_TYPE = 1; /**< Flow Type. */
+ BAL_PACKET_IND_ID_INTF_ID = 2; /**< Interface ID. */
+ BAL_PACKET_IND_ID_INTF_TYPE = 3; /**< Interface Type. */
+ BAL_PACKET_IND_ID_SVC_PORT = 4; /**< Service Port. */
+ BAL_PACKET_IND_ID_FLOW_COOKIE = 5; /**< Flow Cookie. */
+ BAL_PACKET_IND_ID_PKT = 6; /**< Packet Data. */
+/** Identifiers for all properties contained in the packet_key group.
+ */
+enum BalPacketKeyId
+ BAL_PACKET_KEY_ID_RESERVED = 0; /**< Reserved key field. */
+ BAL_PACKET_KEY_ID_PACKET_SEND_DEST = 1; /**< Packet destination. */
+/** Identifiers for all properties contained in the subscriber_terminal_cfg
+ * group.
+ */
+enum BalSubscriberTerminalCfgId
+ BAL_SUBSCRIBER_TERMINAL_CFG_ID_ADMIN_STATE = 0; /**< Administrative state. */
+ BAL_SUBSCRIBER_TERMINAL_CFG_ID_OPER_STATUS = 1; /**< Operational status. */
+ BAL_SUBSCRIBER_TERMINAL_CFG_ID_DS_TM = 7; /**< Downstream scheduler and shaper. */
+ BAL_SUBSCRIBER_TERMINAL_CFG_ID_US_TM = 8; /**< Upstream scheduler and shaper. */
+ BAL_SUBSCRIBER_TERMINAL_CFG_ID_SVC_PORT_ID_LIST = 9; /**< svc_port_id list. */
+ BAL_SUBSCRIBER_TERMINAL_CFG_ID_AGG_PORT_ID_LIST = 10; /**< agg_port_id list. */
+/** Identifiers for all properties contained in the subscriber_terminal_ind
+ * group.
+ */
+enum BalSubscriberTerminalIndId
+ BAL_SUBSCRIBER_TERMINAL_IND_ID_ADMIN_STATE = 0; /**< Administrative state. */
+ BAL_SUBSCRIBER_TERMINAL_IND_ID_OPER_STATUS = 1; /**< Operational status. */
+ BAL_SUBSCRIBER_TERMINAL_IND_ID_DS_TM = 7; /**< Downstream scheduler and shaper. */
+ BAL_SUBSCRIBER_TERMINAL_IND_ID_US_TM = 8; /**< Upstream scheduler and shaper. */
+/** Identifiers for all properties contained in the subscriber_terminal_key
+ * group.
+ */
+enum BalSubscriberTerminalKeyId
+ BAL_SUBSCRIBER_TERMINAL_KEY_ID_SUB_TERM_ID = 0; /**< sub_term_id. */
+/** Identifiers for all properties contained in the subscriber_terminal_stat
+ * group.
+ */
+enum BalSubscriberTerminalStatId
+ BAL_SUBSCRIBER_TERMINAL_STAT_ID_RX_PACKETS = 0; /**< Received packets. */
+ BAL_SUBSCRIBER_TERMINAL_STAT_ID_RX_BYTES = 1; /**< Received bytes. */
+ BAL_SUBSCRIBER_TERMINAL_STAT_ID_TX_PACKETS = 2; /**< Transmitted packets. */
+ BAL_SUBSCRIBER_TERMINAL_STAT_ID_TX_BYTES = 3; /**< Transmitted bytes. */
+/** Identifiers for all properties contained in the tm_queue_cfg group.
+ */
+enum BalTmQueueCfgId
+ BAL_TM_QUEUE_CFG_ID_PRIORITY = 0; /**< priority. */
+ BAL_TM_QUEUE_CFG_ID_WEIGHT = 1; /**< weight. */
+ BAL_TM_QUEUE_CFG_ID_RATE = 2; /**< rate. */
+ BAL_TM_QUEUE_CFG_ID_BAC = 3; /**< bac. */
+ BAL_TM_QUEUE_CFG_ID_CREATION_MODE = 4; /**< creation_mode. */
+ BAL_TM_QUEUE_CFG_ID_REF_COUNT = 5; /**< ref_count. */
+/** Identifiers for all properties contained in the tm_queue_ind group.
+ */
+enum BalTmQueueIndId
+ BAL_TM_QUEUE_IND_ID_RET = 0; /**< ret. */
+/** Identifiers for all properties contained in the tm_queue_key group.
+ */
+enum BalTmQueueKeyId
+ BAL_TM_QUEUE_KEY_ID_SCHED_ID = 0; /**< sched_id. */
+ BAL_TM_QUEUE_KEY_ID_SCHED_DIR = 1; /**< sched dir. */
+ BAL_TM_QUEUE_KEY_ID_ID = 2; /**< id. */
+/** Identifiers for all properties contained in the tm_queue_stat group.
+ */
+enum BalTmQueueStatId
+ BAL_TM_QUEUE_STAT_ID_PACKETS_OK = 0; /**< packets_ok. */
+ BAL_TM_QUEUE_STAT_ID_BYTES_OK = 1; /**< bytes_ok. */
+ BAL_TM_QUEUE_STAT_ID_PACKETS_DISCARDED = 2; /**< packets_discarded. */
+ BAL_TM_QUEUE_STAT_ID_BYTES_DISCARDED = 3; /**< bytes_discarded. */
+/** Identifiers for all properties contained in the tmSched_cfg group.
+ */
+enum BalTmSchedCfgId
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_CFG_ID_OWNER = 0; /**< owner. */
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_CFG_ID_SCHED_TYPE = 1; /**< type. */
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_CFG_ID_SCHED_PARENT = 2; /**< parent. */
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_CFG_ID_SCHED_CHILD_TYPE = 3; /**< child_type. */
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_CFG_ID_RATE = 4; /**< rate. */
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_CFG_ID_TCONT_SLA = 5; /**< tcont_sla. */
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_CFG_ID_CREATION_MODE = 6; /**< creation_mode. */
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_CFG_ID_QUEUES = 7; /**< queues. */
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_CFG_ID_SUB_SCHEDS = 8; /**< sub_scheds. */
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_CFG_ID_NUM_PRIORITIES = 9; /**< num_priorities. */
+/** Identifiers for all properties contained in the tm_sched_ind group.
+ */
+enum BalTmSchedIndId
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_IND_ID_RET = 0; /**< ret. */
+/** Identifiers for all properties contained in the tm_sched_key group.
+ */
+enum BalTmSchedKeyId
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_KEY_ID_DIR = 0; /**< dir. */
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_KEY_ID_ID = 1; /**< id. */
+/** Identifiers for all objects in the system.
+ */
+enum BalObjId
+ BAL_OBJ_ID_ACCESS_TERMINAL = 0; /**< BAL Access Terminal */
+ BAL_OBJ_ID_FLOW = 1; /**< BAL Flow */
+ BAL_OBJ_ID_GROUP = 2; /**< BAL Group */
+ BAL_OBJ_ID_INTERFACE = 3; /**< BAL Interface */
+ BAL_OBJ_ID_PACKET = 4; /**< packet */
+ BAL_OBJ_ID_SUBSCRIBER_TERMINAL = 5; /**< BAL Subscriber Terminal */
+ BAL_OBJ_ID_TM_QUEUE = 6; /**< tm_queue */
+ BAL_OBJ_ID_TM_SCHED = 7; /**< tm_sched */
+/** Identifiers for all possible groups under all objects in the system.
+ */
+enum BalObjGroupId
+ BAL_OBJ_GROUP_ID_ACCESS_TERMINAL_KEY = 0; /**< BAL Access Terminal - key */
+ BAL_OBJ_GROUP_ID_ACCESS_TERMINAL_CFG = 1; /**< BAL Access Terminal - cfg */
+ BAL_OBJ_GROUP_ID_ACCESS_TERMINAL_IND = 2; /**< BAL Access Terminal - Access Terminal Indication */
+ BAL_OBJ_GROUP_ID_FLOW_KEY = 3; /**< BAL Flow - key */
+ BAL_OBJ_GROUP_ID_FLOW_CFG = 4; /**< BAL Flow - cfg */
+ BAL_OBJ_GROUP_ID_FLOW_STAT = 5; /**< BAL Flow - stat */
+ BAL_OBJ_GROUP_ID_FLOW_IND = 6; /**< BAL Flow - Flow Indication */
+ BAL_OBJ_GROUP_ID_GROUP_KEY = 7; /**< BAL Group - key */
+ BAL_OBJ_GROUP_ID_GROUP_CFG = 8; /**< BAL Group - cfg */
+ BAL_OBJ_GROUP_ID_INTERFACE_KEY = 9; /**< BAL Interface - key */
+ BAL_OBJ_GROUP_ID_INTERFACE_CFG = 10; /**< BAL Interface - cfg */
+ BAL_OBJ_GROUP_ID_INTERFACE_STAT = 11; /**< BAL Interface - stat */
+ BAL_OBJ_GROUP_ID_INTERFACE_IND = 12; /**< BAL Interface - Interface Indication */
+ BAL_OBJ_GROUP_ID_PACKET_KEY = 13; /**< packet - key */
+ BAL_OBJ_GROUP_ID_PACKET_CFG = 14; /**< packet - cfg */
+ BAL_OBJ_GROUP_ID_PACKET_IND = 15; /**< packet - Packet indication */
+ BAL_OBJ_GROUP_ID_SUBSCRIBER_TERMINAL_KEY = 16; /**< BAL Subscriber Terminal - key */
+ BAL_OBJ_GROUP_ID_SUBSCRIBER_TERMINAL_CFG = 17; /**< BAL Subscriber Terminal - cfg */
+ BAL_OBJ_GROUP_ID_SUBSCRIBER_TERMINAL_STAT = 18; /**< BAL Subscriber Terminal - stat */
+ BAL_OBJ_GROUP_ID_SUBSCRIBER_TERMINAL_IND = 19; /**< BAL Subscriber Terminal - Subscriber Terminal Indication */
+ BAL_OBJ_GROUP_ID_TM_QUEUE_KEY = 20; /**< tm_queue - key */
+ BAL_OBJ_GROUP_ID_TM_QUEUE_CFG = 21; /**< tm_queue - cfg */
+ BAL_OBJ_GROUP_ID_TM_QUEUE_STAT = 22; /**< tm_queue - stat */
+ BAL_OBJ_GROUP_ID_TM_QUEUE_IND = 23; /**< tm_queue - Tm Queue Indication */
+ BAL_OBJ_GROUP_ID_TM_SCHED_KEY = 24; /**< tm_sched - key */
+ BAL_OBJ_GROUP_ID_TM_SCHED_CFG = 25; /**< tm_sched - cfg */
+ BAL_OBJ_GROUP_ID_TM_SCHED_IND = 26; /**< tm_sched - Tm Sched Indication */
+/** List of all access_terminal groups of type auto.
+ */
+enum BalAccessTerminalAutoId
+ BAL_ACCESS_TERMINAL_AUTO_ID_IND = 0; /**< Access Terminal Indication. */
+/** List of all flow groups of type auto.
+ */
+enum BalFlowAutoId
+ BAL_FLOW_AUTO_ID_IND = 0; /**< Flow Indication. */
+/** List of all interface groups of type auto.
+ */
+enum BalInterfaceAutoId
+ BAL_INTERFACE_AUTO_ID_IND = 0; /**< Interface Indication. */
+/** List of all packet groups of type auto.
+ */
+enum BalPacketAutoId
+ BAL_PACKET_AUTO_ID_IND = 0; /**< Packet indication. */
+/** List of all subscriber_terminal groups of type auto.
+ */
+enum BalSubscriberTerminalAutoId
+ BAL_SUBSCRIBER_TERMINAL_AUTO_ID_IND = 0; /**< Subscriber Terminal Indication. */
+/** List of all tm_queue groups of type auto.
+ */
+enum BalTmQueueAutoId
+ BAL_TM_QUEUE_AUTO_ID_IND = 0; /**< Tm Queue Indication. */
+/** List of all tm_sched groups of type auto.
+ */
+enum BalTmSchedAutoId
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_AUTO_ID_IND = 0; /**< Tm Sched Indication. */
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/asfvolt16_olt/protos/bal_model_types.proto b/voltha/adapters/asfvolt16_olt/protos/bal_model_types.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b417c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/voltha/adapters/asfvolt16_olt/protos/bal_model_types.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,1065 @@
+// Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+syntax = "proto3";
+import "bal_obj.proto";
+/** action ID.
+ */
+enum BalActionId {
+ BAL_ACTION_ID_CMDS_BITMASK = 0x0001; /**< Commands bitmask. */
+ BAL_ACTION_ID_O_VID = 0x0002; /**< Outer vid. */
+ BAL_ACTION_ID_O_PBITS = 0x0004; /**< Outer pbits. */
+ BAL_ACTION_ID_O_TPID = 0x0008; /**< Outer tpid. */
+ BAL_ACTION_ID_I_VID = 0x0010; /**< Inner vid. */
+ BAL_ACTION_ID_I_PBITS = 0x0020; /**< Inner pbits. */
+ BAL_ACTION_ID_I_TPID = 0x0040; /**< Inner tpid. */
+ BAL_ACTION_ID_ALL = 0x007F; /**< All fields */
+/** actionCmdId.
+ */
+enum BalActionCmdId {
+ BAL_ACTION_CMD_ID_ADD_OUTER_TAG = 0x0001; /**< Add outer tag. */
+ BAL_ACTION_CMD_ID_REMOVE_OUTER_TAG = 0x0002; /**< Remove outer tag. */
+ BAL_ACTION_CMD_ID_XLATE_OUTER_TAG = 0x0004; /**< Translate outer tag. */
+ BAL_ACTION_CMD_ID_XLATE_TWO_TAGS = 0x0008; /**< Translate two tags. */
+ BAL_ACTION_CMD_ID_DISCARD_DS_BCAST = 0x0010; /**< Used to satisfy TR-156 Issue 3 R-111 */
+ BAL_ACTION_CMD_ID_DISCARD_DS_UNKNOWN = 0x0020; /**< Used to satisfy TR-156 Issue 3 R-109 */
+ BAL_ACTION_CMD_ID_ADD_TWO_TAGS = 0x0040; /**< Add two tags. */
+ BAL_ACTION_CMD_ID_REMOVE_TWO_TAGS = 0x0080; /**< Remove two tags. */
+ BAL_ACTION_CMD_ID_REMARK_PBITS = 0x0100; /**< Set the outer tag pbits */
+ BAL_ACTION_CMD_ID_COPY_PBITS = 0x0200; /**< Copy the inner pbits to outer pbits */
+ BAL_ACTION_CMD_ID_REVERSE_COPY_PBITS = 0x0400; /**< Copy the outer pbits to inner pbits */
+ BAL_ACTION_CMD_ID_DSCP_TO_PBITS = 0x0800; /**< Copy the L4 DSCP to outer pbits */
+ BAL_ACTION_CMD_ID_TRAP_TO_HOST = 0x1000; /**< Not a valid action for a group object member */
+/** classifier ID.
+ */
+enum BalClassifierId {
+ BAL_CLASSIFIER_ID_O_TPID = 0x0001; /**< Outer TPID of the packet to be classified */
+ BAL_CLASSIFIER_ID_O_VID = 0x0002; /**< Outer VID of the packet to be classified */
+ BAL_CLASSIFIER_ID_I_TPID = 0x0004; /**< Inner TPID of the packet to be classified */
+ BAL_CLASSIFIER_ID_I_VID = 0x0008; /**< Inner VID of the packet to be classified */
+ BAL_CLASSIFIER_ID_O_PBITS = 0x0010; /**< Outer PBITS of the packet to be classified */
+ BAL_CLASSIFIER_ID_I_PBITS = 0x0020; /**< Inner PBITS of the packet to be classified */
+ BAL_CLASSIFIER_ID_ETHER_TYPE = 0x0040; /**< Ethertype of the packet to be classified */
+ BAL_CLASSIFIER_ID_DST_MAC = 0x0080; /**< Destination MAC address of the packet to be classified */
+ BAL_CLASSIFIER_ID_SRC_MAC = 0x0100; /**< Source MAC address of the packet to be classified */
+ BAL_CLASSIFIER_ID_IP_PROTO = 0x0200; /**< IP protocol of the packet to be classified */
+ BAL_CLASSIFIER_ID_DST_IP = 0x0400; /**< Destination IP address of the packet to be classified */
+ BAL_CLASSIFIER_ID_SRC_IP = 0x0800; /**< Source IP address of the packet to be classified */
+ BAL_CLASSIFIER_ID_SRC_PORT = 0x1000; /**< Source port of the packet to be classified */
+ BAL_CLASSIFIER_ID_DST_PORT = 0x2000; /**< Destination port of the packet to be classified */
+ BAL_CLASSIFIER_ID_PKT_TAG_TYPE = 0x4000; /**< The tag type of the ingress packets */
+ BAL_CLASSIFIER_ID_ALL = 0x7FFF; /**< All fields */
+/** Packet tag type.
+ */
+enum BalPktTagType {
+ BAL_PKT_TAG_TYPE_UNTAGGED = 0x0001; /**< Untagged. */
+ BAL_PKT_TAG_TYPE_SINGLE_TAG = 0x0002; /**< Single tag. */
+ BAL_PKT_TAG_TYPE_DOUBLE_TAG = 0x0004; /**< Double tag. */
+/** Generic enable/disable enumeration
+ */
+enum BalControl {
+ BAL_CONTROL_DISABLE = 0; /**< disable. */
+ BAL_CONTROL_ENABLE = 1; /**< enable. */
+ BAL_CONTROL__NUM_OF = 2; /**< Number of enum entries, not an entry itself. */
+/** Destination type.
+ */
+enum BalDestType {
+ BAL_DEST_TYPE_NNI = 1; /**< for packets being sent to the NNI */
+ BAL_DEST_TYPE_SUB_TERM = 2; /**< for packets being sent to a subscriber terminal */
+ BAL_DEST_TYPE_HOST = 3; /**< for packet indications received from NNI or SUB_TERM and being sent to the host */
+/** Downstrean action for unknown packets.
+ */
+enum BalDsMissMode {
+ BAL_DS_MISS_MODE_DISCARD = 0; /**< Discard. */
+ BAL_DS_MISS_MODE_BROADCAST = 1; /**< Broadcast. */
+ BAL_DS_MISS_MODE_VID = 2; /**< Vid. */
+ BAL_DS_MISS_MODE__NUM_OF = 3; /**< Number of enum entries, not an entry itself. */
+/** Extra BW Eligibility Type
+ */
+enum BalExtraBwEligibilityType
+ BAL_EXTRA_BW_ELIGIBILITY_TYPE__NUM_OF = 3; /**< Number of enum entries, not an entry itself. */
+/** Flow Type.
+ */
+enum BalFlowType {
+ BAL_FLOW_TYPE_UPSTREAM = 1; /**< Upstream flow */
+ BAL_FLOW_TYPE_DOWNSTREAM = 2; /**< Downstream Flow */
+ BAL_FLOW_TYPE_BROADCAST = 3; /**< Broadcast Flow */
+ BAL_FLOW_TYPE_MULTICAST = 4; /**< Multicast Flow */
+/** Member operation type.
+ */
+enum BalGroupMemberCmd
+ BAL_GROUP_MEMBER_CMD_ADD_MEMBERS = 1; /**< Add new members. */
+ BAL_GROUP_MEMBER_CMD_REM_MEMBERS = 2; /**< Remove existing members. */
+ BAL_GROUP_MEMBER_CMD_SET_MEMBERS = 3; /**< Replace members with new set. */
+/** owner of the group
+ */
+enum BalGroupOwner
+ BAL_GROUP_OWNER_NONE = 0; /**< no owner */
+ BAL_GROUP_OWNER_MULTICAST = 1; /**< used as multicast group */
+ BAL_GROUP_OWNER_UNICAST = 2; /**< used as unicast group */
+ BAL_GROUP_OWNER__NUM_OF = 3; /**< Number of enum entries, not an entry itself. */
+/** Interface type.
+ */
+enum BalIntfType {
+ BAL_INTF_TYPE_NNI = 0; /**< NNI Interface. */
+ BAL_INTF_TYPE_PON = 1; /**< POIN Interface. */
+ BAL_INTF_TYPE__NUM_OF = 2; /**< Number of enum entries, not an entry itself. */
+/** Interworking Function Mode.
+ */
+enum BalIwfMode {
+ BAL_IWF_MODE_DIRECT_MAPPING = 0; /**< Direct mapping. */
+ BAL_IWF_MODE_PER_FLOW = 1; /**< Per flow . */
+ BAL_IWF_MODE__NUM_OF = 2; /**< Number of enum entries, not an entry itself. */
+/** SLA ID.
+ */
+enum BalSlaId {
+ BAL_SLA_ID_MIN_RATE = 0x0001; /**< The minimal rate for this flow, in kilobits per second (optional) */
+ BAL_SLA_ID_MAX_RATE = 0x0002; /**< The maximum rate for this flow, in kilobits per second (optional) */
+ BAL_SLA_ID_ALL = 0x0003; /**< All fields */
+/** Admin state values for access terminal object
+ */
+enum BalState {
+ BAL_STATE_UP = 1; /**< Admin state up */
+ BAL_STATE_DOWN = 2; /**< Admin state down */
+ BAL_STATE_TESTING = 3; /**< Admin state testing */
+/** Oper status values
+ */
+enum BalStatus {
+ BAL_STATUS_UP = 1; /**< Oper status up */
+ BAL_STATUS_DOWN = 2; /**< Oper status down */
+ BAL_STATUS_TESTING = 3; /**< Oper status testing */
+ BAL_STATUS_NOT_PRESENT = 4; /**< Oper status not present */
+ BAL_STATUS_LOWER_LAYER_DOWN = 5; /**< Oper status lower layer down */
+ BAL_STATUS_UNKNOWN = 6; /**< Oper status unknown */
+/** Buffer Admission Control Type
+ */
+enum BalTmBacType {
+ BAL_TM_BAC_TYPE_TAILDROP = 0; /**< Taildrop */
+ BAL_TM_BAC_TYPE_WTAILDROP = 1; /**< Weighted taildrop */
+ BAL_TM_BAC_TYPE_RED = 2; /**< Random Early Discard */
+ BAL_TM_BAC_TYPE_WRED = 3; /**< Weighted Random Early Discard */
+ BAL_TM_BAC_TYPE__NUM_OF = 4; /**< Number of enum entries, not an entry itself. */
+/** TM Creation Mode
+ */
+enum BalTmCreationMode {
+ BAL_TM_CREATION_MODE_MANUAL = 0; /**< tm object created manually */
+ BAL_TM_CREATION_MODE_AUTO = 1; /**< tm object created automatically */
+ BAL_TM_CREATION_MODE__NUM_OF = 2; /**< Number of enum entries, not an entry itself. */
+/** Scheduling Level for the Children TM
+ */
+enum BalTmSchedChildType {
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_CHILD_TYPE_QUEUE = 0; /**< Queue-level scheduler */
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_CHILD_TYPE_SCHED = 1; /**< Scheduler-level scheduler */
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_CHILD_TYPE__NUM_OF = 2; /**< Number of enum entries, not an entry itself. */
+/** Traffic Direction
+ */
+enum BalTmSchedDir {
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_DIR_US = 1; /**< Upstream */
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_DIR_DS = 2; /**< Downstream */
+/** TM Scheduler Owner Type
+ */
+enum BalTmSchedOwnerType
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_OWNER_TYPE_UNDEFINED = 0; /**< Undefined */
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_OWNER_TYPE_INTERFACE = 1; /**< Interface */
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_OWNER_TYPE_SUB_TERM = 2; /**< Subscriber terminal */
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_OWNER_TYPE_AGG_PORT = 3; /**< TM scheduler is owned by aggregation port */
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_OWNER_TYPE_UNI = 4; /**< TM scheduler is owned by UNI port */
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_OWNER_TYPE_VIRTUAL = 5; /**< Other unspecified owner */
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_OWNER_TYPE__NUM_OF = 6; /**< Number of enum entries, not an entry itself. */
+/** TmSchedOwner aggPort ID.
+ */
+enum BalTmSchedOwnerAggPortId
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_OWNER_AGG_PORT_ID_INTF_ID = 0x0001; /**< PON interface id */
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_OWNER_AGG_PORT_ID_SUB_TERM_ID = 0x0002; /**< Subscriber terminal id */
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_OWNER_AGG_PORT_ID_AGG_PORT_ID = 0x0004; /**< Aggregation port id */
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_OWNER_AGG_PORT_ID_ALL = 0x0007; /**< All fields */
+/** TmSchedParent ID.
+ */
+enum BalTmSchedParentId
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_PARENT_ID_SCHED_ID = 0x0001; /**< Parent scheduler id */
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_PARENT_ID_PRIORITY = 0x0002; /**< Priority */
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_PARENT_ID_WEIGHT = 0x0004; /**< Weight */
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_PARENT_ID_ALL = 0x0007; /**< All fields */
+/** Scheduler Type
+ */
+enum BalTmSchedType
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_TYPE_NONE = 0; /**< NO scheduling */
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_TYPE_WFQ = 1; /**< Weighted Fair Queue */
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_TYPE_SP = 2; /**< Strict Priority */
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_TYPE_SP_WFQ = 3; /**< Hybrid SP + WFQ */
+ BAL_TM_SCHED_TYPE__NUM_OF = 4; /**< Number of enum entries, not an entry itself. */
+/** TmShaping ID.
+ */
+enum BalTmShapingId
+ BAL_TM_SHAPING_ID_SBR = 0x0001; /**< Sustained Bit Rate (kbps) */
+ BAL_TM_SHAPING_ID_PBR = 0x0002; /**< Peak Bit Rate (kbps) */
+ BAL_TM_SHAPING_ID_BURST = 0x0004; /**< Max Burst Bytes at Peak Bit Rate */
+ BAL_TM_SHAPING_ID_ALL = 0x0007; /**< All fields */
+/** TmTcontSla ID.
+ */
+enum BalTmTcontSlaId
+ BAL_TM_TCONT_SLA_ID_EXTRA_BW_ELIG = 0x0001; /**< Extra BW eligibility type */
+ BAL_TM_TCONT_SLA_ID_NRT_CBR = 0x0002; /**< NRT CBR */
+ BAL_TM_TCONT_SLA_ID_RT_CBR = 0x0004; /**< RT_CBR */
+ BAL_TM_TCONT_SLA_ID_RT_PROFILE = 0x0008; /**< RT Profile */
+ BAL_TM_TCONT_SLA_ID_NRT_PROFILE = 0x0010; /**< NRT Profile */
+ BAL_TM_TCONT_SLA_ID_ALL = 0x001F; /**< All fields */
+/** Transceiver types
+ */
+enum BalTrxType
+ BAL_TRX_TYPE_GPON_SPS_43_48 = 0; /**< gpon_sps_43_48. */
+ BAL_TRX_TYPE_GPON_SPS_SOG_4321 = 1; /**< gpon_sps_sog_4321. */
+ BAL_TRX_TYPE_GPON_LTE_3680_M = 2; /**< gpon_lte_3680_m. */
+ BAL_TRX_TYPE_GPON_SOURCE_PHOTONICS = 3; /**< gpon_source_photonics. */
+ BAL_TRX_TYPE_GPON_LTE_3680_P = 4; /**< gpon_lte_3680_p. */
+ BAL_TRX_TYPE_XGPON_LTH_7222_PC = 5; /**< xgpon_lth_7222_pc. */
+ BAL_TRX_TYPE_XGPON_LTH_7226_PC = 6; /**< xgpon_lth_7226_pc. */
+ BAL_TRX_TYPE_XGPON_LTH_5302_PC = 7; /**< xgpon_lth_5302_pc. */
+ BAL_TRX_TYPE__NUM_OF = 8; /**< Number of enum entries, not an entry itself. */
+/** action.
+ */
+message BalAction
+ BalActionId presence_mask = 1; /**< Presence Mask. */
+ BalActionCmdId cmds_bitmask = 2; /**< Commands bitmask. */
+ uint32 o_vid = 3; /**< Outer vid. */
+ uint32 o_pbits = 4; /**< Outer pbits. */
+ uint32 o_tpid = 5; /**< Outer tpid. */
+ uint32 i_vid = 6; /**< Inner vid. */
+ uint32 i_pbits = 7; /**< Inner pbits. */
+ uint32 i_tpid = 8; /**< Inner tpid. */
+/** Variable-length list of aggregationPortId.
+ */
+message BalAggregationPortIdList
+ uint32 len = 1; /**< List length in uint8 (bytes). */
+ repeated uint32 val = 2; /**< List contents. */
+/** classifier.
+ */
+message BalClassifier
+ BalClassifierId presence_mask = 1; /**< Presence Mask. */
+ uint32 o_tpid = 2; /**< Outer TPID of the packet to be classified */
+ uint32 o_vid = 3; /**< Outer VID of the packet to be classified */
+ uint32 i_tpid = 4; /**< Inner TPID of the packet to be classified */
+ uint32 i_vid = 5; /**< Inner VID of the packet to be classified */
+ uint32 o_pbits = 6; /**< Outer PBITS of the packet to be classified */
+ uint32 i_pbits = 7; /**< Inner PBITS of the packet to be classified */
+ uint32 ether_type = 8; /**< Ethertype of the packet to be classified */
+ bytes dst_mac = 9; /**< Destination MAC address of the packet to be classified */
+ bytes src_mac = 10; /**< Source MAC address of the packet to be classified */
+ uint32 ip_proto = 11; /**< IP protocol of the packet to be classified */
+ uint32 dst_ip = 12; /**< Destination IP address of the packet to be classified */
+ uint32 src_ip = 13; /**< Source IP address of the packet to be classified */
+ uint32 src_port = 14; /**< Source port of the packet to be classified */
+ uint32 dst_port = 15; /**< Destination port of the packet to be classified */
+ BalPktTagType pkt_tag_type = 16; /**< The tag type of the ingress packets */
+/** Packet destination.
+ */
+message BalDestNni {
+ uint32 int_id = 1; /**< Interface ID. */
+message BalDestSubTerm {
+ uint32 sub_term_id = 1; /**< Subscriber terminal ID. */
+ uint32 sub_term_uni = 2; /**< Subscriber terminal UNI. */
+ uint32 int_id = 3; /**< Interface ID. */
+message BalDest
+ BalDestType type = 1; /**< packet destination type. */
+ oneof u {
+ BalDestNni nni = 2;
+ BalDestSubTerm sub_term = 3;
+ }
+/** Variable-length list of flowId.
+ */
+message BalFlowIdList
+ uint32 len = 1; /**< List length. */
+ repeated uint32 val = 2; /**< List contents. */
+/** Queue Reference
+ */
+message BalTmQueue_ref
+ uint32 sched_id = 1; /**< Scheduler (Tmsched) ID */
+ uint32 queue_id = 2; /**< Queue ID */
+/** Group Member Info.
+ */
+message BalGroupMemberInfo
+ uint32 intf_id = 1; /**< Access interface id for this member */
+ uint32 svc_port_id = 2; /**< The multicast "GEM" for this member */
+ BalAction action = 3; /**< VLAN actions */
+ BalTmQueue_ref queue = 4; /**< Egress queue */
+/** Variable-length list of groupMemberInfo.
+ */
+message BalGroupMemberInfoList_u16
+ uint32 len = 1; /**< List length. */
+ repeated BalGroupMemberInfo val = 2; /**< List contents. */
+/** Serial number.
+ */
+message BalSerialNumber
+ string vendor_id = 1; /**< vendor id. */
+ string vendor_specific = 2; /**< vendor specific. */
+/** Variable-length list of servicePortId.
+ */
+message uint32List_u8
+ uint32 len = 1; /**< List length. */
+ repeated uint32 val = 2; /**< List contents. */
+/** SLA.
+ */
+message BalSla
+ BalSlaId presence_mask = 1; /**< Presence Mask. */
+ uint32 min_rate = 2; /**< The minimal rate for this flow, in kilobits per second (optional) */
+ uint32 max_rate = 3; /**< The maximum rate for this flow, in kilobits per second (optional) */
+/** Variable-length list of subId.
+ */
+message uint32List_u16
+ uint32 len = 1; /**< List length. */
+ repeated uint32 val = 2; /**< List contents. */
+/** Random Early Discard Configuration
+ */
+message BalTmred
+ uint32 min_threshold = 1; /**< Min threshold in percent of max queue size */
+ uint32 max_threshold = 2; /**< Max threshold in percent of max queue size */
+ uint32 max_probability = 3; /**< Discard probability for occupancy between min_threshold and max_threshold */
+/** Queue Buffer Admission Control
+ */
+message BalTMBacTaildrop
+ uint32 max_size = 1; /**< max number of packets in the queue */
+message BalTMBacRed
+ BalTmred red = 1; /**< Random Early Discard configuration */
+message BalTMBacWred {
+ BalTmred green = 1; /**< Green Random Early Discard Configuration */
+ BalTmred yellow = 2; /**< Yellow Random Early Discard Configuration */
+ BalTmred red = 3; /**< Red Random Early Discard Configuration */
+message BalTmBac
+ BalTmBacType type = 1; /**< Buffer Admission Control Type */
+ oneof u {
+ BalTMBacTaildrop taildrop = 2;
+ BalTMBacRed red = 3;
+ BalTMBacWred wred = 4;
+ }
+/** Variable-length list of TmQueueId.
+ */
+message BalTmQueueIdList
+ uint32 len = 1; /**< List length. */
+ repeated uint32 val = 2; /**< List contents. */
+/** Variable-length list of TmSchedId.
+ */
+message BalTmSchedIdList
+ uint32 len = 1; /**< List length. */
+ repeated uint32 val = 2; /**< List contents. */
+/** TM Scheduler Owner
+ */
+message BalTmSchedOwnerInterface
+ BalIntfType intf_type = 1; /**< Interface Type */
+ uint32 intf_id = 2; /**< Interface ID */
+message BalTmSchedOwnerSubTerm
+ uint32 intf_id = 1; /**< PON interface id */
+ uint32 sub_term_id = 2; /**< Subscriber terminal ID */
+message BalTmSchedOwnerAggPort
+ BalTmSchedOwnerAggPortId presence_mask = 1; /**< Presence Mask. */
+ uint32 intf_id = 2; /**< PON interface id */
+ uint32 sub_term_id = 3; /**< Subscriber terminal id */
+ uint32 agg_port_id = 4; /**< Aggregation port id */
+message BalTmSchedOwnerUni
+ uint32 intf_id = 1; /**< PON interface id */
+ uint32 sub_term_id = 2; /**< Subscriber terminal id */
+ uint32 idx = 3; /**< Index at subscriber terminal */
+message BalTmSchedOwnerVirtual
+ uint32 idx = 1; /**< Owner index */
+message BalTmSchedOwner
+ BalTmSchedOwnerType type = 1; /**< Owner type */
+ oneof u {
+ BalTmSchedOwnerInterface interface = 2;
+ BalTmSchedOwnerSubTerm sub_term = 3;
+ BalTmSchedOwnerAggPort agg_port = 4;
+ BalTmSchedOwnerUni uni = 5;
+ BalTmSchedOwnerVirtual virtual = 6;
+ }
+/** Scheduling Parent Connect Point
+ */
+message BalTmSchedParent
+ BalTmSchedParentId presence_mask = 1; /**< Presence Mask. */
+ uint32 sched_id = 2; /**< Parent scheduler id */
+ uint32 priority = 3; /**< Priority */
+ uint32 weight = 4; /**< Weight */
+/** Shaping Parameters
+ */
+message BalTmShaping
+ BalTmShapingId presence_mask = 1; /**< Presence Mask. */
+ uint32 sbr = 2; /**< Sustained Bit Rate (kbps) */
+ uint32 pbr = 3; /**< Peak Bit Rate (kbps) */
+ uint32 burst = 4; /**< Max Burst Bytes at Peak Bit Rate */
+/** ITU-PON Extended SLA Parameters
+ */
+message BalTmTcontSla
+ BalTmTcontSlaId presence_mask = 1; /**< Presence Mask. */
+ BalExtraBwEligibilityType extra_bw_elig = 2; /**< Extra BW eligibility type */
+ uint32 nrt_cbr = 3; /**< NRT CBR */
+ uint32 rt_cbr = 4; /**< RT_CBR */
+ uint32 rt_profile = 5; /**< RT Profile */
+ uint32 nrt_profile = 6; /**< NRT Profile */
+/** Variable-length list of U8.
+ */
+message BalU8List
+ uint32 len = 1; /**< List length. */
+ repeated uint32 val = 2; /**< List contents. */
+/** Structure definition for the "key" group of the "access_terminal" object.
+ */
+message BalAccessTerminalKey
+ uint32 access_term_id = 1; /**< Reserved (set to 0) */
+/** Structure definition for the "cfg" group of the "access_terminal" object.
+ */
+message BalAccessTerminalCfgData
+ BalState admin_state = 1; /**< Administrative state */
+ BalStatus oper_status = 2; /**< Operational status */
+ BalIwfMode iwf_mode = 3; /**< The interworking mode */
+/** Transport message definition for "cfg" group of "access_terminal" object.
+ */
+message BalAccessTerminalCfg
+ BalAccessTerminalKey key = 1; /**< Object key. */
+ BalAccessTerminalCfgData data = 2; /**< All properties that must be set by the user. */
+/** Structure definition for the "ind" group of the "access_terminal" object.
+ */
+message BalAccessTerminalIndData
+ BalState admin_state = 1; /**< Current administrative state */
+ BalStatus oper_status = 2; /**< Current operational status */
+ BalIwfMode iwf_mode = 3; /**< The interworking mode */
+/** Transport message definition for "ind" group of "access_terminal" object.
+ */
+message BalAccessTerminalInd
+ BalObj hdr = 1; /**< Transport header. */
+ BalAccessTerminalKey key = 2; /**< Object key. */
+ BalAccessTerminalIndData data = 3; /**< All properties that must be set by the user. */
+/** Structure definition for the "key" group of the "flow" object.
+ */
+message BalFlowKey
+ uint32 flow_id = 1; /**< The ID of the flow object instance being referenced */
+ BalFlowType flow_type = 2; /**< The type of the flow, Upstream, Downstream, Broadcast or Multicast */
+/** Structure definition for the "cfg" group of the "flow" object.
+ */
+message BalFlowCfgData
+ BalState admin_state = 1; /**< Administrative state */
+ BalStatus oper_status = 2; /**< Operational status */
+ uint32 access_int_id = 3; /**< The ID of the subscriber side interface; i.e. PON */
+ uint32 network_int_id = 4; /**< The ID of the network side interface; i.e. NNI */
+ uint32 sub_term_id = 5; /**< The ID of the subsccriber terminal device */
+ uint32 sub_term_uni_idx = 6; /**< The index of the subsccriber terminal uni port the flow is related to */
+ uint32 svc_port_id = 7; /**< The ID of the service port (for GPON/XGPON - GEM ID) */
+ uint32 agg_port_id = 8; /**< The ID of the aggregate port (for GPON/XGPON - ALLOC ID) */
+ bool resolve_mac = 9; /**< A flag indicating if the MAC address table should be used in DS GEM resolution */
+ BalClassifier classifier = 10; /**< The classifier for this flow */
+ BalAction action = 11; /**< The action associated with the flow */
+ BalSla sla = 12; /**< SLA parameters for this flow */
+ uint64 cookie = 13; /**< Application cookie */
+ uint32 priority = 14; /**< Priority for this flow in case of multiple match. */
+ uint32 group_id = 15; /**< RW - The multicast group associated with this flow, valid for type MULTICAST only */
+ BalTmQueue_ref queue = 16; /**< Egress queue */
+/** Transport message definition for "cfg" group of "flow" object.
+ */
+message BalFlowCfg
+ BalFlowKey key = 1; /**< Object key. */
+ BalFlowCfgData data = 2; /**< All properties that must be set by the user. */
+/** Structure definition for the "stat" group of the "flow" object.
+ */
+message BalFlowStatData
+ uint64 rx_packets = 1; /**< Received packets. */
+ uint64 rx_bytes = 2; /**< Received bytes. */
+ uint64 tx_packets = 3; /**< Transmitted packets. */
+ uint64 tx_bytes = 4; /**< Transmitted bytes. */
+/** Transport message definition for "stat" group of "flow" object.
+ */
+message BalFlowStat
+ BalObj hdr = 1; /**< Transport header. */
+ BalFlowKey key = 2; /**< Object key. */
+ BalFlowStatData data = 3; /**< All properties that must be set by the user. */
+/** Structure definition for the "ind" group of the "flow" object.
+ */
+message BalFlowIndData
+ BalState admin_state = 1; /**< Administrative state */
+ BalStatus oper_status = 2; /**< Operational Status */
+ uint32 access_int_id = 3; /**< The ID of the subscriber side interface; i.e. PON */
+ uint32 network_int_id = 4; /**< The ID of the network side interface; i.e. NNI */
+ uint32 sub_term_id = 5; /**< The ID of the subsccriber terminal device */
+ uint32 svc_port_id = 6; /**< The ID of the service port (for GPON/XGPON - GEM ID) */
+ uint32 agg_port_id = 7; /**< The ID of the aggregate port (for GPON/XGPON - ALLOC ID) */
+ bool resolve_mac = 8; /**< A flag indicating if the MAC address table should be used in DS GEM resolution */
+ uint32 base_tc_id = 9; /**< The base index of the TC object(s) to be used for this flow */
+ BalClassifier classifier = 10; /**< The classifier for this flow */
+ BalAction action = 11; /**< The action associated with the flow */
+ BalSla sla = 12; /**< SLA parameters for this flow */
+ uint32 cookie = 13; /**< Application cookie */
+ uint32 priority = 14; /**< Priority for this flow in case of multiple match. */
+/** Transport message definition for "ind" group of "flow" object.
+ */
+message BalFlowInd
+ BalObj hdr = 1; /**< Transport header. */
+ BalFlowKey key = 2; /**< Object key. */
+ BalFlowIndData data = 3; /**< All properties that must be set by the user. */
+/** Structure definition for the "key" group of the "group" object.
+ */
+message BalGroupKey
+ uint32 group_id = 1; /**< The ID of the group object instance being referenced */
+/** Structure definition for the "cfg" group of the "group" object.
+ */
+message BalGroupCfgData
+ BalGroupMemberCmd members_cmd = 1; /**< Membership operation commands. */
+ BalGroupMemberInfoList_u16 members = 2; /**< The list of members associated with this group */
+ uint64 cookie = 3; /**< Application cookie */
+ BalFlowIdList flows = 4; /**< List of flows associated with this group */
+ BalGroupOwner owner = 5; /**< Owner of the group. */
+/** Transport message definition for "cfg" group of "group" object.
+ */
+message BalGroupCfg
+ BalGroupKey key = 1; /**< Object key. */
+ BalGroupCfgData data = 2; /**< All properties that must be set by the user. */
+/** Structure definition for the "key" group of the "interface" object.
+ */
+message BalInterfaceKey
+ uint32 intf_id = 1; /**< intf_id. */
+ BalIntfType intf_type = 2; /**< intfType. */
+/** Structure definition for the "cfg" group of the "interface" object.
+ */
+message BalInterfaceCfgData
+ BalState admin_state = 1; /**< Administrative state */
+ BalStatus oper_status = 2; /**< Operational status */
+ uint32 min_data_agg_port_id = 3; /**< The minimum agg_portId that is allowed in the system */
+ uint32 min_data_svc_port_id = 4; /**< The minimum svc_portId that is allowed in the system */
+ BalTrxType transceiver_type = 5; /**< The transceiver type used on an interface */
+ BalDsMissMode ds_miss_mode = 6; /**< Defines the action to take for unknown downstream packets */
+ uint32 mtu = 7; /**< The MTU for an interface */
+ BalControl flow_control = 8; /**< Flow control enable or disable */
+ uint32 ds_tm = 9; /**< Downstream scheduler and shaper */
+ uint32 us_tm = 10; /**< Upstream scheduler and shaper */
+ uint32List_u16 sub_term_id_list = 11; /**< A list of subscriber terminal ids configured on this interface */
+/** Transport message definition for "cfg" group of "interface" object.
+ */
+message BalInterfaceCfg
+ BalInterfaceKey key = 1; /**< Object key. */
+ BalInterfaceCfgData data = 2; /**< All properties that must be set by the user. */
+/** Structure definition for the "stat" group of the "interface" object.
+ */
+message BalInterfaceStatData
+ uint64 rx_packets = 1; /**< Recieved packets. */
+ uint64 rx_bytes = 2; /**< Received bytes. */
+ uint64 tx_packets = 3; /**< Transmitted packets. */
+ uint64 tx_bytes = 4; /**< Transmitted bytes. */
+/** Transport message definition for "stat" group of "interface" object.
+ */
+message BalInterfaceStat
+ BalObj hdr = 1; /**< Transport header. */
+ BalInterfaceKey key = 2; /**< Object key. */
+ BalInterfaceStatData data = 3; /**< All properties that must be set by the user. */
+/** Structure definition for the "ind" group of the "interface" object.
+ */
+message BalInterfaceIndData
+ BalState admin_state = 1; /**< Current administrative state */
+ BalStatus oper_status = 2; /**< Current operational state */
+ uint32 min_data_agg_port_id = 3; /**< The minimum agg_port_id that is allowed in the system */
+ uint32 min_data_svc_port_id = 4; /**< The minimum svc_port_id that is allowed in the system */
+ BalTrxType transceiver_type = 5; /**< The transceiver type used on an interface */
+ BalDsMissMode ds_miss_mode = 6; /**< Defines the action to take for DS unknown packets */
+ uint32 mtu = 7; /**< The MTU for an interface */
+ BalControl flow_control = 8; /**< Flow control enable or disable */
+ uint32 ds_tm = 9; /**< Downstream scheduler and shaper */
+ uint32 us_tm = 10; /**< Upstream scheduler and shaper */
+/** Transport message definition for "ind" group of "interface" object.
+ */
+message BalInterfaceInd
+ BalObj hdr = 1; /**< Transport header. */
+ BalInterfaceKey key = 2; /**< Object key. */
+ BalInterfaceIndData data = 3; /**< All properties that must be set by the user. */
+/** Structure definition for the "key" group of the "packet" object.
+ */
+message BalPacketKey
+ uint32 reserved = 1; /**< Reserved key field. */
+ BalDest packet_send_dest = 2; /**< Packet destination. */
+/** Structure definition for the "cfg" group of the "packet" object.
+ */
+message BalPacketCfgData
+ uint32 flow_id = 1; /**< N/A for sending a packet */
+ BalFlowType flow_type = 2; /**< Flow Type. */
+ uint32 intf_id = 3; /**< Interface ID. */
+ BalIntfType intf_type = 4; /**< Interface Type. */
+ uint32 svc_port = 5; /**< N/A for sending a packet */
+ uint64 flow_cookie = 6; /**< N/A for sending a packet */
+ BalU8List pkt = 7; /**< Packet Data. */
+/** Transport message definition for "cfg" group of "packet" object.
+ */
+message BalPacketCfg
+ BalPacketKey key = 1; /**< Object key. */
+ BalPacketCfgData data = 2; /**< All properties that must be set by the user. */
+/** Structure definition for the "ind" group of the "packet" object.
+ */
+message BalPacketIndData
+ uint32 flow_id = 1; /**< N/A for sending a packet */
+ BalFlowType flow_type = 2; /**< Flow Type. */
+ uint32 intf_id = 3; /**< Interface ID. */
+ BalIntfType intf_type = 4; /**< Interface Type. */
+ uint32 svc_port = 5; /**< N/A for sending a packet */
+ uint64 flow_cookie = 6; /**< N/A for sending a packet */
+ BalU8List pkt = 7; /**< Packet Data. */
+/** Transport message definition for "ind" group of "packet" object.
+ */
+message BalPacketInd
+ BalObj hdr = 1; /**< Transport header. */
+ BalPacketKey key = 2; /**< Object key. */
+ BalPacketIndData data = 3; /**< All properties that must be set by the user. */
+/** Structure definition for the "key" group of the "subscriber_terminal"
+ * object.
+ */
+message BalSubscriberTerminalKey
+ uint32 sub_term_id = 1; /**< sub_termId. */
+ uint32 intf_id = 2; /**< intf_id. */
+/** Structure definition for the "cfg" group of the "subscriber_terminal"
+ * object.
+ */
+message BalSubscriberTerminalCfgData
+ BalState admin_state = 1; /**< Administrative state */
+ BalStatus oper_status = 2; /**< Operational status */
+ BalSerialNumber serial_number = 3; /**< The serial number of an ITU PON (GPON/XG-PON1/XGS-PON/NG-PON2) subscriber terminal */
+ string password = 4; /**< The password of a GPON subscriber terminal */
+ string registration_id = 5; /**< ONU registration ID of an ITU PON (XG-PON1/XGS-PON/NG-PON2) subscriber terminal */
+ uint32 svc_port_id = 6; /**< The management service port ID (for PON, the ONU ID) */
+ bytes mac_address = 7; /**< The Ethernet MAC address of an EPON subscriber terminal */
+ uint32 ds_tm = 8; /**< Downstream scheduler and shaper */
+ uint32 us_tm = 9; /**< Upstream scheduler and shaper */
+ uint32List_u8 svc_port_id_list = 10; /**< A list of bearer traffic svc_port_ids associated with this subscriber terminal */
+ BalAggregationPortIdList agg_port_id_list = 11; /**< A list of aggrPort_ids associated with this subscriber terminal */
+/** Transport message definition for "cfg" group of "subscriber_terminal"
+ * object.
+ */
+message BalSubscriberTerminalCfg
+ BalSubscriberTerminalKey key = 1; /**< Object key. */
+ BalSubscriberTerminalCfgData data = 2; /**< All properties that must be set by the user. */
+/** Structure definition for the "stat" group of the "subscriber_terminal"
+ * object.
+ */
+message BalSubscriberTerminalStatData
+ uint64 rx_packets = 1; /**< Received packets on specified object */
+ uint64 rx_bytes = 2; /**< Received bytes on specified object */
+ uint64 tx_packets = 3; /**< Transmitted packets on specified object */
+ uint64 tx_bytes = 4; /**< Transmittted bytes on specified object */
+/** Transport message definition for "stat" group of "subscriber_terminal"
+ * object.
+ */
+message BalSubscriberTerminalStat
+ BalObj hdr = 1; /**< Transport header. */
+ BalSubscriberTerminalKey key = 2; /**< Object key. */
+ BalSubscriberTerminalStatData data = 3; /**< All properties that must be set by the user. */
+/** Structure definition for the "ind" group of the "subscriber_terminal"
+ * object.
+ */
+message BalSubscriberTerminalIndData
+ BalState admin_state = 1; /**< Current administrative state */
+ BalStatus oper_status = 2; /**< Current operational status */
+ BalSerialNumber serial_number = 3; /**< The serial number of an ITU PON (GPON/XG-PON1/XGS-PON/NG-PON2) subscriber terminal */
+ string password = 4; /**< The password of a GPON subscriber terminal */
+ string registration_id = 5; /**< ONU registration ID of an ITU PON (XG-PON1/XGS-PON/NG-PON2) subscriber terminal */
+ uint32 svc_port_id = 6; /**< The service port ID (for PON, the ONU ID) */
+ bytes mac_address = 7; /**< The Ethernet MAC address of an epon subscriber terminal */
+ uint32 ds_tm = 8; /**< Downstream scheduler and shaper */
+ uint32 us_tm = 9; /**< Upstream scheduler and shaper */
+/** Transport message definition for "ind" group of "subscriber_terminal"
+ * object.
+ */
+message BalSubscriberTerminalInd
+ BalObj hdr = 1; /**< Transport header. */
+ BalSubscriberTerminalKey key = 2; /**< Object key. */
+ BalSubscriberTerminalIndData data = 3; /**< All properties that must be set by the user. */
+/** Structure definition for the "key" group of the "TmQueue" object.
+ */
+message BalTmQueueKey
+ uint32 sched_id = 1; /**< Scheduler that owns the queue */
+ BalTmSchedDir sched_dir = 2; /**< sched dir. */
+ uint32 id = 3; /**< Queue id */
+/** Structure definition for the "cfg" group of the "TmQueue" object.
+ */
+message BalTmQueueCfgData
+ uint32 priority = 1; /**< Scheduling priority */
+ uint32 weight = 2; /**< Scheduling weight */
+ BalTmShaping rate = 3; /**< Rate shaping parameters */
+ BalTmBac bac = 4; /**< Buffer admission control */
+ BalTmCreationMode creation_mode = 5; /**< Creation mode */
+ uint32 ref_count = 6; /**< reference count (flows) */
+/** Transport message definition for "cfg" group of "TmQueue" object.
+ */
+message BalTmQueueCfg
+ BalTmQueueKey key = 1; /**< Object key. */
+ BalTmQueueCfgData data = 2; /**< All properties that must be set by the user. */
+/** Structure definition for the "stat" group of the "TmQueue" object.
+ */
+message BalTmQueueStatData
+ uint64 packets_ok = 1; /**< Packets transmitted succewssfully */
+ uint64 bytes_ok = 2; /**< Bytes transmitted successfully */
+ uint64 packets_discarded = 3; /**< Packets discarded */
+ uint64 bytes_discarded = 4; /**< Bytes discarded */
+/** Transport message definition for "stat" group of "TmQueue" object.
+ */
+message BalTmQueueStat
+ BalObj hdr = 1; /**< Transport header. */
+ BalTmQueueKey key = 2; /**< Object key. */
+ BalTmQueueStatData data = 3; /**< All properties that must be set by the user. */
+/** Structure definition for the "ind" group of the "TmQueue" object.
+ *
+ * Tm Queue Indication
+ */
+message BalTmQueueIndData
+ uint32 ret = 1; /**< ret */
+/** Transport message definition for "ind" group of "TmQueue" object.
+ */
+message BalTmQueueInd
+ BalObj hdr = 1; /**< Transport header. */
+ BalTmQueueKey key = 2; /**< Object key. */
+ BalTmQueueIndData data = 3; /**< All properties that must be set by the user. */
+/** Structure definition for the "key" group of the "TmSched" object.
+ */
+message BalTmSchedKey
+ BalTmSchedDir dir = 1; /**< Traffic direction */
+ uint32 id = 2; /**< ID */
+/** Structure definition for the "cfg" group of the "TmSched" object.
+ */
+message BalTmSchedCfgData
+ BalTmSchedOwner owner = 1; /**< owner. */
+ BalTmSchedType sched_type = 2; /**< Scheduler type */
+ BalTmSchedParent sched_parent = 3; /**< Scheduling parameters for parent scheduler */
+ BalTmSchedChildType sched_child_type = 4; /**< Scheduling level for children tm */
+ BalTmShaping rate = 5; /**< Rate shaping parameters */
+ BalTmTcontSla tcont_sla = 6; /**< Additional SLA parameters for aggPort owner */
+ BalTmCreationMode creation_mode = 7; /**< Creation mode */
+ BalTmQueueIdList queues = 8; /**< Subsidiary queues */
+ BalTmSchedIdList sub_scheds = 9; /**< Subsidiary schedulers */
+ uint32 num_priorities = 10; /**< Max number of strict priority scheduling elements */
+/** Transport message definition for "cfg" group of "Tmsched" object.
+ */
+message BalTmSchedCfg
+ BalTmSchedKey key = 1; /**< Object key. */
+ BalTmSchedCfgData data = 2; /**< All properties that must be set by the user. */
+/** Structure definition for the "ind" group of the "TmSched" object.
+ *
+ * Tm Sched Indication
+ */
+message BalTmSchedIndData
+ uint32 ret = 1; /**< ret */
+/** Transport message definition for "ind" group of "TmSched" object.
+ */
+message BalTmSchedInd
+ BalObj hdr = 1; /**< Transport header. */
+ BalTmSchedKey key = 2; /**< Object key. */
+ BalTmSchedIndData data = 3; /**< All properties that must be set by the user. */
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/asfvolt16_olt/protos/bal_msg_type.proto b/voltha/adapters/asfvolt16_olt/protos/bal_msg_type.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e39275a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/voltha/adapters/asfvolt16_olt/protos/bal_msg_type.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+syntax = "proto3";
+/** The BAL message subtype
+ */
+enum BalMsgType
+ BAL_MSG_TYPE_IND = 3; /**< An INDication message generated as a part of a protocol exchange */
+ BAL_MSG_TYPE_AUTO_IND = 4; /**< An asynchronous autonomous INDication message */
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/asfvolt16_olt/protos/bal_obj.proto b/voltha/adapters/asfvolt16_olt/protos/bal_obj.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac2d16f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/voltha/adapters/asfvolt16_olt/protos/bal_obj.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+// Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+syntax = "proto3";
+import "bal_msg_type.proto";
+import "bal_osmsg.proto";
+import "bal_model_ids.proto";
+import "bal_errno.proto";
+ * The BAL common message header
+ */
+message bal_comm_msg_hdr
+ uint32 version_major = 2; /**< Header Major version number */
+ uint32 version_minor = 3; /**< Header Minor version number */
+ BalMsgType msg_type = 4; /**< Request / Response / Ack / Indication */
+ uint32 msg_id = 5; /**< Message ID – the ID of the message (subID under the message type) */
+ uint32 ex_id = 6; /**< Exchange ID for message tracking between endpoints */
+ BalSubsystem sender = 7; /**< Sender subsystem - used for additional validation */
+ uint32 timestamp = 8; /**< Timestamp when the message was sent */
+ uint64 scratchpad = 10; /**< Scratchpad used for inter-thread communication */
+ bytes payload = 11; /**< Payload follows the header */
+/** Helper type to determine what the data format of a message should look like */
+enum Bal_mgt_group
+ BCMBAL_MGT_GROUP_KEY = 0; /**< Key that uniquely identifies object instance */
+ BCMBAL_MGT_GROUP_CFG = 1; /**< Configuration (get/set/clear) */
+ BCMBAL_MGT_GROUP_STAT = 2; /**< Statistics */
+ BCMBAL_MGT_GROUP_AUTO = 3; /**< Autonomous indications */
+ BCMBAL_MGT_GROUP_AUTO_CFG = 4; /**< Autonomous indication configuration */
+/** Object message type. Can be a combination of flags. */
+enum BalObj_msg_type
+ BCMBAL_OBJ_MSG_TYPE_GET = 0x01; /**< Get configuration parameters */
+ BCMBAL_OBJ_MSG_TYPE_SET = 0x02; /**< Set configuration parameters */
+ BCMBAL_OBJ_MSG_TYPE_CLEAR = 0x04; /**< Clear configuration parameters */
+/** Object message direction - request or response. */
+enum BalObj_msg_dir
+/** Information common to all BAL objects */
+message BalObj
+ bal_comm_msg_hdr comm_hdr = 1; /**< Communication header */
+ uint32 version = 2; /**< Version of the Object definition/messageure */
+ BalObjId obj_type = 3; /**< An enumerated ID associated with the object being specified */
+ Bal_mgt_group group = 4; /**< Management group */
+ uint32 subgroup = 5; /**< Subgroup for indications */
+ BalObj_msg_type type = 6; /**< Type (e.g. get / set / clear) */
+ BalObj_msg_dir dir = 7; /**< Direction - request / response */
+ BalErrno status = 8; /**< BAL status code (BCM_ERR_OK–success, error code otherwise) */
+ uint64 presence_mask = 9; /**< Indicates which attribute parameters are present */
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/asfvolt16_olt/protos/bal_osmsg.proto b/voltha/adapters/asfvolt16_olt/protos/bal_osmsg.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd246ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/voltha/adapters/asfvolt16_olt/protos/bal_osmsg.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+// Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+syntax = "proto3";
+/* BAL subsystem */
+enum BalSubsystem
+/** BAL OS message
+ * \ingroup system_msg
+ */
+enum BcmosMsgId
+ /* Messages used internally by OS abstraction. Do not touch */
+ BCMOS_MSG_ID_INTERNAL_TIMER = 1; /**< Internal "timer message" type */
+ BCMOS_MSG_ID_INTERNAL_EVENT = 2; /**< Internal "event message" type */
+ /* Application messages */
+ BCMOS_MSG_ID_IPC_PING = 4; /*** Inter-process communication ping */
+ /* Core/Switch util messages */
+ /* Core/Mac util messages */
+ /* Core<->Public API messages */
+ /* Core->Public API indication messages (both auto and "normal") */
+ BCMOS_MSG_ID__FORCE16 = 0x7fff;