Added the voltha swagger interface to the proxy. Voltha's swagger
interface is now avaialble at http://localhost/swagger.
Made a small change to the way nginx is started because requests to
reload the config were comming in before it had finished loading its
config causing consul-template to choke.
Added a gitignore file in the upstreams directory to ensure that it
gets created in the repo. It needs to be there since the directory is
mounted by the container during the development phase.

Change-Id: I39a1683970ba114f5952913a5beb7cfe9cfe1cc3
diff --git a/nginx_config/ b/nginx_config/
index eaaae61..bb0ed37 100755
--- a/nginx_config/
+++ b/nginx_config/
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 cd /
-#nginx -c /nginx_config/nginx.conf&
-exec consul-template -reload-signal='SIGHUP' -consul $CONSUL_ADDR -template="nginx_config/nginx-upstreams.ctmpl:nginx_config/upstreams/voltha-upstreams.conf:nginx -s reload"  -exec='/usr/sbin/nginx -c /nginx_config/nginx.conf -g "daemon off;"'
+nginx -c /nginx_config/nginx.conf&
+sleep 2 # Let nginx get settled bfore starting consul-template to avoid attemtps to reload resulting in errors.
+exec consul-template -reload-signal='SIGHUP' -consul $CONSUL_ADDR -template="nginx_config/nginx-upstreams.ctmpl:nginx_config/upstreams/voltha-upstreams.conf:nginx -s reload"