VOL-1054 Kubernetes Conversion and PonsimV2date Makefile with selective changes from the one from SIAB to allow compatibility with Helm Chart changes
Change Class and filenames according to best practices
Change preprovisionTest -> Preprovision
Change-Id: Ib15e34ad397d2307b5ba3890cc6e8b245e5e3004
diff --git a/tests/atests/common/volthaMngr.py b/tests/atests/common/volthaMngr.py
index 553f7c0..5257dfa 100755
--- a/tests/atests/common/volthaMngr.py
+++ b/tests/atests/common/volthaMngr.py
@@ -22,111 +22,103 @@
 import os
 import time
 import subprocess
-import paramiko
-import spur
+import testCaseUtils
+import urlparse
-class volthaMngr(object):
+class VolthaMngr(object):
     This class implements voltha startup/shutdown callable helper functions
     def __init__(self):
-        self.__rootDir = None
-        self.__volthaDir = None
-        self.__logDir = None
-        self.__rootSsh = None
-    def configDir(self, rootDir, volthaDir, logDir):
-        self.__rootDir = rootDir
-        self.__volthaDir = volthaDir
-        self.__logDir = logDir
+        self.dirs = {}
+        self.dirs ['root'] = None
+        self.dirs ['voltha'] = None
+        self.dirs ['log'] = None
-        os.chdir(volthaDir)
-    def openRootSsh(self):
-        shell = spur.SshShell(hostname='localhost', username='root',
-                              password='root',
-                              missing_host_key=spur.ssh.MissingHostKey.accept)
-        return shell
-    def getAllRunningContainers(self):
-        allContainers = []
-        proc1 = subprocess.Popen(['docker', 'ps', '-a'],
+    def vSetLogDirs(self, rootDir, volthaDir, logDir):
+        testCaseUtils.configDirs(self, logDir, rootDir, volthaDir)
+    def startAllPods(self):
+        proc1 = subprocess.Popen([testCaseUtils.getDir(self, 'root') + '/build.sh', 'start'],
-        proc2 = subprocess.Popen(['grep', '-v', 'CONT'], stdin=proc1.stdout,
+        output = proc1.communicate()[0]
+        print(output)
+        proc1.stdout.close
+    def stopAllPods(self):
+        proc1 = subprocess.Popen([testCaseUtils.getDir(self, 'root') + '/build.sh', 'stop'],
+                                 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                                 stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+        output = proc1.communicate()[0]
+        print(output)
+        proc1.stdout.close
+    def resetKubeAdm(self):
+        proc1 = subprocess.Popen([testCaseUtils.getDir(self, 'root') + '/build.sh', 'clear'],
+                                 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                                 stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+        output = proc1.communicate()[0]
+        print(output)
+        proc1.stdout.close
+    """
+    Because we are not deploying SEBA with XOS and NEM, and that a standalone Voltha
+    deployment is not common, in order to get flows to work, we need to alter Onos 
+    NetCfg in two fashion.
+    One is to add to device list and the other is to add the missing Sadis section
+    """        
+    def alterOnosNetCfg(self):
+        print ('Altering the Onos NetCfg to suit Voltha\'s needs')
+        time.sleep(30)
+        onosIp = testCaseUtils.extractIpAddr("onos-ui")
+        netloc = onosIp.rstrip() + ":8181"
+        devUrl = urlparse.urlunparse(('http', netloc, '/onos/v1/network/configuration/devices/', '', '', ''))
+        sadisUrl = urlparse.urlunparse(('http', netloc, '/onos/v1/network/configuration/apps/', '', '', ''))
+        os.system('curl --user karaf:karaf -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" '
+            '%s -d @%s/tests/atests/build/devices_json' % (devUrl, testCaseUtils.getDir(self, 'voltha')))
+        os.system('curl --user karaf:karaf -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" '
+            '%s -d @%s/tests/atests/build/sadis_json' % (sadisUrl, testCaseUtils.getDir(self, 'voltha')))
+    def getAllRunningPods(self):
+        allRunningPods = []
+        proc1 = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/bin/kubectl', 'get', 'pods', '--all-namespaces'],
+                                 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                                 stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+        proc2 = subprocess.Popen(['grep', '-v', 'NAMESPACE'], stdin=proc1.stdout,
         out, err = proc2.communicate()
+        print (out)
         if out:
             for line in out.split('\n'):
                 items = line.split()
-                if len(items):
-                    allContainers.append(items)
-        return allContainers
+                nsName = {}
+                if len(items) > 2:
+                    nsName = {}
+                    nsName['NS'] = items[0]
+                    nsName['Name'] = items[1]
+                    allRunningPods.append(nsName)
+        return allRunningPods
+    def collectPodLogs(self):
+        print('Collect logs from all Pods')
+        allRunningPods = self.getAllRunningPods()
+        for nsName in allRunningPods:
+            Namespace = nsName.get('NS')
+            podName   = nsName.get('Name')
+            os.system('/usr/bin/kubectl logs -n %s -f %s > %s/%s.log 2>&1 &' %
+                      (Namespace, podName, testCaseUtils.getDir(self, 'log'), podName))
-    def stopPonsim(self):
-        command = "for pid in $(ps -ef | grep ponsim | grep -v grep | " \
-                  "awk '{print $2}'); do echo $pid; done"
-        client = paramiko.SSHClient()
-        client.load_system_host_keys()
-        client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
-        client.connect('localhost', username='root', password='root')
-        transport = client.get_transport()
-        channel = transport.open_session()
-        channel.exec_command(command)
-        procIds = channel.recv(4096).replace('\n', ' ')
-        channel = transport.open_session()
-        channel.exec_command('sudo kill -9 %s' % procIds)
-    def removeExistingContainers(self):
-        allContainers = self.getAllRunningContainers()
-        for container in allContainers:
-            procID = container[0]
-            os.system('docker rm -f %s > /dev/null 2>&1' % procID)
-    def startVolthaContainers(self):
-        print('Start VOLTHA containers')
-        # Bring up all the containers required for VOLTHA (total 15)
-        os.system(
-            'docker-compose -f compose/docker-compose-system-test.yml '
-            'up -d > %s/start_voltha_containers.log 2>&1' %
-            self.__logDir)
-    def collectAllLogs(self):
-        print('Collect all VOLTHA container logs')
-        allContainers = self.getAllRunningContainers()
-        for container in allContainers:
-            containerName = container[-1]
-            os.system('docker logs --since 0m -f %s > %s/%s.log 2>&1 &' %
-                      (containerName, self.__logDir, containerName))
-    def enableBridge(self):
-        self.__rootSsh = self.openRootSsh()
-        result = self.__rootSsh.run([self.__rootDir + '/enable_bridge.sh'])
-        print(result.output)
-    def startPonsim(self, onusAmount=1):
-        command = 'source env.sh ; ./ponsim/main.py -v'
-        if onusAmount > 1:
-            command += ' -o %s' % onusAmount
-        ponsimLog = open('%s/ponsim.log' % self.__logDir, 'w')
-        process = self.__rootSsh.spawn(['bash', '-c', command],
-                                       cwd=self.__volthaDir, store_pid=True,
-                                       stdout=ponsimLog)
-        return process.pid
 def voltha_Initialize(rootDir, volthaDir, logDir):
+    voltha = VolthaMngr()
+    voltha.vSetLogDirs(rootDir, volthaDir, logDir)
+    voltha.stopAllPods()
+    voltha.resetKubeAdm()
+    voltha.startAllPods()
+    voltha.alterOnosNetCfg()
+    voltha.collectPodLogs()
-    voltha = volthaMngr()
-    voltha.configDir(rootDir, volthaDir, logDir)
-    voltha.stopPonsim()
-    voltha.removeExistingContainers()
-    voltha.startVolthaContainers()
-    voltha.collectAllLogs()
-    voltha.enableBridge()
-    voltha.startPonsim(3)