VOL-1076: CIG OLT Adapter Integration

Add CIG OLT Adapter with new proto files

Change-Id: Ie3d9d9d7544bd8884585bdf334150c249a4cdff3
diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile.protos b/docker/Dockerfile.protos
index 94bd4ed..db1470d 100644
--- a/docker/Dockerfile.protos
+++ b/docker/Dockerfile.protos
@@ -40,6 +40,11 @@
 WORKDIR /protos/openolt
 RUN make -f Makefile.protos build
+COPY voltha/adapters/cig_olt/protos/*.proto /protos/cig_olt/
+COPY voltha/adapters/cig_olt/protos/Makefile.protos /protos/cig_olt/Makefile.protos
+WORKDIR /protos/cig_olt
+RUN make -f Makefile.protos build
 # Copy the files to a scrach based container to minimize its size
 FROM ${REGISTRY}scratch
 COPY --from=builder /protos/ /protos/
diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile.test_runner b/docker/Dockerfile.test_runner
index 72ea3d2..9743dc4 100644
--- a/docker/Dockerfile.test_runner
+++ b/docker/Dockerfile.test_runner
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 COPY --from=protos /protos/google/api /work/voltha/protos/third_party/google/api
 COPY --from=protos /protos/asfvolt16_olt /work/voltha/adapters/asfvolt16_olt/protos
+COPY --from=protos /protos/cig_olt /work/voltha/protos
 COPY --from=protos /protos/voltha /work/ofagent/protos
 COPY --from=protos /protos/google/api /work/ofagent/protos/third_party/google/api
diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile.voltha_d b/docker/Dockerfile.voltha_d
index a8ab938..b65c9af 100644
--- a/docker/Dockerfile.voltha_d
+++ b/docker/Dockerfile.voltha_d
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 COPY --from=protos /protos/google/api /voltha/voltha/protos/third_party/google/api
 COPY --from=protos /protos/asfvolt16_olt /voltha/voltha/adapters/asfvolt16_olt/protos
 COPY --from=protos /protos/openolt /voltha/voltha/adapters/openolt/protos
+COPY --from=protos /protos/cig_olt /voltha/voltha/protos
 # Exposing process and default entry point
 # EXPOSE 8000
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/README.md b/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a32ef05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# CIG OLT Device Adapter
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/__init__.py b/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0fb0b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/cig_olt.py b/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/cig_olt.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37ec5da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/cig_olt.py
@@ -0,0 +1,680 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present CIG, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Cig 1-U OLT adapter.
+import structlog
+from twisted.internet import reactor,defer
+from zope.interface import implementer
+from voltha.adapters.iadapter import OltAdapter
+from cig_olt_handler import CigOltHandler
+from voltha.adapters.interface import IAdapterInterface
+from voltha.protos import third_party
+from voltha.protos.adapter_pb2 import Adapter
+from voltha.protos.adapter_pb2 import AdapterConfig
+from voltha.protos.common_pb2 import LogLevel
+from voltha.protos.device_pb2 import DeviceType, DeviceTypes
+from voltha.protos.health_pb2 import HealthStatus
+from voltha.registry import registry
+_ = third_party
+log = structlog.get_logger()
+class CigOltAdapter(OltAdapter):
+    supported_device_types = [
+        DeviceType(
+            id='cig_olt',
+            adapter='cig_olt',
+            accepts_bulk_flow_update=True
+        )
+    ]
+    def __init__(self, adapter_agent, config):
+        super(CigOltAdapter, self).__init__(adapter_agent=adapter_agent,
+                                               config=config,
+                                               device_handler_class = CigOltHandler,
+                                               name='cig_olt',
+                                               vendor='CIG Tech',
+                                               version='0.11',
+                                               device_type='cig_olt')
+        #self.adapter_agent = adapter_agent
+        #self.config = config
+        #self.descriptor = Adapter(
+            #id='cig_olt',
+            #vendor='Voltha project',
+            #version='0.4',
+            #config=AdapterConfig(log_level=LogLevel.INFO)
+        #)
+        self.devices_handlers = dict()  
+        self.logical_device_id_to_root_device_id = dict()
+        # register for adapter messages
+        self.adapter_agent.register_for_inter_adapter_messages()
+    def start(self):
+        """
+        Called once after adapter instance is loaded. Can be used to async
+        initialization.
+        :return: (None or Deferred)
+        """
+        log.debug('cig starting')
+        log.info('cig started')
+    def stop(self):
+        """
+        Called once before adapter is unloaded. It can be used to perform
+        any cleanup after the adapter.
+        :return: (None or Deferred)
+        """
+        log.info('stopped')
+    def adapter_descriptor(self):
+        """
+        Return the adapter descriptor object for this adapter.
+        :return: voltha.Adapter grpc object (see voltha/protos/adapter.proto),
+                 with adapter-specific information and config extensions.
+        """
+        log.debug('get descriptor')
+        return self.descriptor
+    def device_types(self):
+        """
+        Return list of device types supported by the adapter.
+        :return: voltha.DeviceTypes protobuf object, with optional type
+                 specific extensions.
+        """
+        log.debug('get device_types', items=self.supported_device_types)
+        return DeviceTypes(items=self.supported_device_types)
+    def health(self):
+        """
+        Return a 3-state health status using the voltha.HealthStatus message.
+        :return: Deferred or direct return with voltha.HealthStatus message
+        """
+        log.debug('get health')
+        return HealthStatus(state=HealthStatus.HealthState.HEALTHY)
+    def change_master_state(self, master):
+        """
+        Called to indicate if plugin shall assume or lose master role. The
+        master role can be used to perform functions that must be performed
+        from a single point in the cluster. In single-node deployments of
+        Voltha, the plugins are always in master role.
+        :param master: (bool) True to indicate the mastership needs to be
+                assumed; False to indicate that mastership needs to be abandoned.
+        :return: (Deferred) which is fired by the adapter when mastership is
+                assumed/dropped, respectively.
+        """
+        log.debug('change_master_state', master=master)
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def adopt_device(self, device):
+        """
+        Make sure the adapter looks after given device. Called when a device
+        is provisioned top-down and needs to be activated by the adapter.
+        :param device: A voltha.Device object, with possible device-type
+                specific extensions. Such extensions shall be described as part of
+                the device type specification returned by device_types().
+        :return: (Deferred) Shall be fired to acknowledge device ownership.
+        """
+        log.info('cig adopt-device', device=device)
+        self.devices_handlers[device.id] = CigOltHandler(self, device.id)
+        reactor.callLater(0, self.devices_handlers[device.id].activate, device)
+        return device
+        #raise NotImplementedError()
+    def reconcile_device(self, device):
+        """
+        Make sure the adapter looks after given device. Called when this device has
+        changed ownership from another Voltha instance to this one (typically, this
+        occurs when the previous voltha instance went down).
+        :param device: A voltha.Device object, with possible device-type specific
+                       extensions. Such extensions shall be described as part of
+                       the device type specification returned by device_types().
+        :return: (Deferred) Shall be fired to acknowledge device ownership.
+        """
+        log.info('reconcile-device', device=device)
+        #self.devices_handlers[device.id] = AdtranOltHandler(self, device.id)
+        #reactor.callLater(0, self.devices_handlers[device.id].activate, device, reconciling=True)
+        #return device
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def abandon_device(self, device):
+        """
+        Make sure the adapter no longer looks after device. This is called
+        if device ownership is taken over by another Voltha instance.
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+        :return: (Deferred) Shall be fired to acknowledge abandonment.
+        """
+        log.info('abandon-device', device=device)
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def disable_device(self, device):
+        """
+        This is called when a previously enabled device needs to be disabled
+        based on a NBI call.
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+        :return: (Deferred) Shall be fired to acknowledge disabling the device.
+        """
+        log.info('disable-device', device=device)
+        #raise NotImplementedError()
+        handler = self.devices_handlers.get(device.id)
+        if handler is not None:
+            reactor.callLater(0,handler.disable)
+            return device
+    def reenable_device(self, device):
+        """
+        This is called when a previously disabled device needs to be enabled
+        based on a NBI call.
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+        :return: (Deferred) Shall be fired to acknowledge re-enabling the device.
+        """
+        log.info('reenable_device', device=device)
+        #raise NotImplementedError()
+        handler = self.devices_handlers.get(device.id)
+        if handler is not None:
+            d = defer.Deferred()
+            reactor.callLater(0,handler.reenable,done_deferred=d)
+            return d
+    def reboot_device(self, device):
+        """
+        This is called to reboot a device based on a NBI call.  The admin
+        state of the device will not change after the reboot
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+        :return: (Deferred) Shall be fired to acknowledge the reboot.
+        """
+        log.info('reboot_device', device=device)
+        #raise NotImplementedError()
+        handler = self.devices_handlers.get(device.id)
+        if handler is not None:
+            reactor.callLater(0,handler.reboot)
+            return device
+    def download_image(self, device, request):
+        """
+        This is called to request downloading a specified image into the standby partition
+        of a device based on a NBI call.
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+        :param request: A Voltha.ImageDownload object.
+        :return: (Deferred) Shall be fired to acknowledge the download.
+        """
+        log.info('image_download', device=device, request=request)
+        handler = self.devices_handlers.get(device.id)
+        if handler is not None:
+            return handler.start_download(device, request, defer.Deferred())
+    def get_image_download_status(self, device, request):
+        """
+        This is called to inquire about a requested image download status based
+        on a NBI call. The adapter is expected to update the DownloadImage DB object
+        with the query result
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+        :param request: A Voltha.ImageDownload object.
+        :return: (Deferred) Shall be fired to acknowledge
+        """
+        log.info('get_image_download', device=device, request=request)
+        handler = self.devices_handlers.get(device.id)
+        if handler is not None:
+            return handler.download_status(device, request, defer.Deferred())
+    def cancel_image_download(self, device, request):
+        """
+        This is called to cancel a requested image download
+        based on a NBI call.  The admin state of the device will not
+        change after the download.
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+        :param request: A Voltha.ImageDownload object.
+        :return: (Deferred) Shall be fired to acknowledge
+        """
+        log.info('cancel_image_download', device=device)
+        handler = self.devices_handlers.get(device.id)
+        if handler is not None:
+            return handler.cancel_download(device, request, defer.Deferred())
+    def activate_image_update(self, device, request):
+        """
+        This is called to activate a downloaded image from
+        a standby partition into active partition.
+        Depending on the device implementation, this call
+        may or may not cause device reboot.
+        If no reboot, then a reboot is required to make the
+        activated image running on device
+        This call is expected to be non-blocking.
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+        :param request: A Voltha.ImageDownload object.
+        :return: (Deferred) OperationResponse object.
+        """
+        log.info('activate_image_update', device=device, request=request)
+        handler = self.devices_handlers.get(device.id)
+        if handler is not None:
+            return handler.activate_image(device, request, defer.Deferred())
+    def revert_image_update(self, device, request):
+        """
+        This is called to deactivate the specified image at
+        active partition, and revert to previous image at
+        standby partition.
+        Depending on the device implementation, this call
+        may or may not cause device reboot.
+        If no reboot, then a reboot is required to make the
+        previous image running on device
+        This call is expected to be non-blocking.
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+        :param request: A Voltha.ImageDownload object.
+        :return: (Deferred) OperationResponse object.
+        """
+        log.info('revert_image_update', device=device, request=request)
+        handler = self.devices_handlers.get(device.id)
+        if handler is not None:
+            return handler.revert_image(device, request, defer.Deferred())
+    def self_test_device(self, device):
+        """
+        This is called to Self a device based on a NBI call.
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+        :return: Will return result of self test
+        """
+        from  voltha.protos.voltha_pb2 import SelfTestResponse
+        log.info('self-test-device', device=device.id)
+        #raise NotImplementedError()
+        return SelfTestResponse(result=SelfTestResponse.NOT_SUPPORTED)
+    def delete_device(self, device):
+        """
+        This is called to delete a device from the PON based on a NBI call.
+        If the device is an OLT then the whole PON will be deleted.
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+        :return: (Deferred) Shall be fired to acknowledge the deletion.
+        """
+        log.info('delete-device', device=device)
+        handler = self.devices_handlers.get(device.id)
+        if handler is not None:
+            reactor.callLater(0, handler.delete)
+        return device
+    def get_device_details(self, device):
+        """
+        This is called to get additional device details based on a NBI call.
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+        :return: (Deferred) Shall be fired to acknowledge the retrieval of
+                            additional details.
+        """
+        log.debug('get_device_details', device=device)
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_flows_bulk(self, device, flows, groups):
+        """
+        Called after any flow table change, but only if the device supports
+        bulk mode, which is expressed by the 'accepts_bulk_flow_update'
+        capability attribute of the device type.
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+        :param flows: An openflow_v13.Flows object
+        :param groups: An  openflow_v13.Flows object
+        :return: (Deferred or None)
+        """
+        log.info('bulk-flow-update', device_id=device.id, flows=flows,
+                 groups=groups)
+        #assert len(groups.items) == 0, "Cannot yet deal with groups"
+        handler = self.devices_handlers[device.id]
+        return handler.update_flow_table(flows.items, device)
+        #raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_flows_incrementally(self, device, flow_changes, group_changes):
+        """
+        [This mode is not supported yet.]
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+        :param flow_changes:
+        :param group_changes:
+        :return:
+        """
+        log.debug('update_flows_incrementally', device=device, flow_changes=flow_changes,
+                  group_changes=group_changes)
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def update_pm_config(self, device, pm_configs):
+        """
+        Called every time a request is made to change pm collection behavior
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object
+        :param pm_configs: A Pms
+        """
+        log.debug('update_pm_config', device=device, pm_configs=pm_configs)
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def send_proxied_message(self, proxy_address, msg):
+        """
+        Forward a msg to a child device of device, addressed by the given
+        proxy_address=Device.ProxyAddress().
+        :param proxy_address: Address info for the parent device
+                to route the message to the child device. This was given to the
+                child device by the parent device at the creation of the child
+                device.
+        :param msg: (str) The actual message to send.
+        :return: (Deferred(None) or None) The return of this method should
+                indicate that the message was successfully *sent*.
+        """
+        log.info('send-proxied-message', proxy_address=proxy_address, msg=msg)
+        handler = self.devices_handlers[proxy_address.device_id]
+        handler.send_proxied_message(proxy_address, msg)
+    def receive_proxied_message(self, proxy_address, msg):
+        """
+        Pass an async message (arrived via a proxy) to this device.
+        :param proxy_address: Address info for the parent device
+                to route the message to the child device. This was given to the
+                child device by the parent device at the creation of the child
+                device. Note this is the proxy_address with which the adapter
+                had to register prior to receiving proxied messages.
+        :param msg: (str) The actual message received.
+        :return: None
+        """
+        log.debug('receive_proxied_message', proxy_address=proxy_address, msg=msg)
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def receive_packet_out(self, logical_device_id, egress_port_no, msg):
+        """
+        Pass a packet_out message content to adapter so that it can forward it
+        out to the device. This is only called on root devices.
+        :param logical_device_id:
+        :param egress_port_no: egress logical port number
+        :param msg: actual message
+        :return: None
+        """
+        log.info('packet-out', logical_device_id=logical_device_id,
+                 egress_port_no=egress_port_no, msg_len=len(msg))
+        def ldi_to_di(ldi):
+            di = self.logical_device_id_to_root_device_id.get(ldi)
+            if di is None:
+                logical_device = self.adapter_agent.get_logical_device(ldi)
+                di = logical_device.root_device_id
+                self.logical_device_id_to_root_device_id[ldi] = di
+            return di
+        device_id = ldi_to_di(logical_device_id)
+        handler = self.devices_handlers[device_id]
+        handler.packet_out(egress_port_no, msg)
+    def receive_inter_adapter_message(self, msg):
+        """
+        Called when the adapter recieves a message that was sent to it directly
+        from another adapter. An adapter may register for these messages by calling
+        the register_for_inter_adapter_messages() method in the adapter agent.
+        Note that it is the responsibility of the sending and receiving
+        adapters to properly encode and decode the message.
+        :param msg: The message contents.
+        :return: None
+        """
+        log.info('rx_inter_adapter_msg')
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def suppress_alarm(self, filter):
+        log.info('suppress_alarm', filter=filter)
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def unsuppress_alarm(self, filter):
+        log.info('unsuppress_alarm', filter=filter)
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    # PON Mgnt APIs #
+    def create_interface(self, device, data):
+        """
+        API to create various interfaces (only some PON interfaces as of now)
+        in the devices
+        """
+        log.info('create-interface', data=data)
+        handler = self.devices_handlers[device.id]
+        if handler is not None:
+            handler.create_interface(data)
+    def update_interface(self, device, data):
+        """
+        API to update various interfaces (only some PON interfaces as of now)
+        in the devices
+        """
+        log.info('update-interface', data=data)
+        handler = self.devices_handlers[device.id]
+        if handler is not None:
+            handler.update_interface(data)
+    def remove_interface(self, device, data):
+        """
+        API to delete various interfaces (only some PON interfaces as of now)
+        in the devices
+        """
+        log.info('remove-interface', data=data)
+        handler = self.devices_handlers[device.id]
+        if handler is not None:
+            handler.remove_interface(data)
+    def receive_onu_detect_state(self, device_id, state):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def create_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        """
+        API to create tcont object in the devices
+        :param device: device id
+        :tcont_data: tcont data object
+        :traffic_descriptor_data: traffic descriptor data object
+        :return: None
+        """
+        log.info('create-tcont', tcont_data=tcont_data,
+                 traffic_descriptor_data=traffic_descriptor_data)
+        if device.id in self.devices_handlers:
+            handler = self.devices_handlers[device.id]
+            if handler is not None:
+                handler.create_tcont(tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data)
+    def update_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        """
+        API to update tcont object in the devices
+        :param device: device id
+        :tcont_data: tcont data object
+        :traffic_descriptor_data: traffic descriptor data object
+        :return: None
+        """
+        log.info('update-tcont', tcont_data=tcont_data,
+                 traffic_descriptor_data=traffic_descriptor_data)
+        if device.id in self.devices_handlers:
+            handler = self.devices_handlers[device.id]
+            if handler is not None:
+                handler.update_tcont(tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data)
+    def remove_tcont(self, device, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        """
+        API to delete tcont object in the devices
+        :param device: device id
+        :tcont_data: tcont data object
+        :traffic_descriptor_data: traffic descriptor data object
+        :return: None
+        """
+        log.info('remove-tcont', tcont_data=tcont_data,
+                 traffic_descriptor_data=traffic_descriptor_data)
+        if device.id in self.devices_handlers:
+            handler = self.devices_handlers[device.id]
+            if handler is not None:
+                handler.remove_tcont(tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data)
+    def create_gemport(self, device, data):
+        """
+        API to create gemport object in the devices
+        :param device: device id
+        :data: gemport data object
+        :return: None
+        """
+        log.info('create-gemport', data=data)
+        if device.id in self.devices_handlers:
+            handler = self.devices_handlers[device.id]
+            if handler is not None:
+                handler.create_gemport(data)
+    def update_gemport(self, device, data):
+        """
+        API to update gemport object in the devices
+        :param device: device id
+        :data: gemport data object
+        :return: None
+        """
+        log.info('update-gemport', data=data)
+        if device.id in self.devices_handlers:
+            handler = self.devices_handlers[device.id]
+            if handler is not None:
+                handler.update_gemport(data)
+    def remove_gemport(self, device, data):
+        """
+        API to delete gemport object in the devices
+        :param device: device id
+        :data: gemport data object
+        :return: None
+        """
+        log.info('remove-gemport', data=data)
+        if device.id in self.devices_handlers:
+            handler = self.devices_handlers[device.id]
+            if handler is not None:
+                handler.remove_gemport(data)
+    def create_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        """
+        API to create multicast gemport object in the devices
+        :param device: device id
+        :data: multicast gemport data object
+        :return: None
+        """
+        log.info('create-mcast-gemport', data=data)
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+        #if device.id in self.devices_handlers:
+            #handler = self.devices_handlers[device.id]
+            #if handler is not None:
+                #handler.create_multicast_gemport(data)
+    def update_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        """
+        API to update  multicast gemport object in the devices
+        :param device: device id
+        :data: multicast gemport data object
+        :return: None
+        """
+        log.info('update-mcast-gemport', data=data)
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+        #if device.id in self.devices_handlers:
+            #handler = self.devices_handlers[device.id]
+            #if handler is not None:
+                #handler.update_multicast_gemport(data)
+    def remove_multicast_gemport(self, device, data):
+        """
+        API to delete multicast gemport object in the devices
+        :param device: device id
+        :data: multicast gemport data object
+        :return: None
+        """
+        log.info('remove-mcast-gemport', data=data)
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+        #if device.id in self.devices_handlers:
+            #handler = self.devices_handlers[device.id]
+            #if handler is not None:
+                #handler.remove_multicast_gemport(data)
+    def create_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        """
+        API to create multicast distribution rule to specify
+        the multicast VLANs that ride on the multicast gemport
+        :param device: device id
+        :data: multicast distribution data object
+        :return: None
+        """
+        log.info('create-mcast-distribution-set', data=data)
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+        #if device.id in self.devices_handlers:
+            #handler = self.devices_handlers[device.id]
+            #if handler is not None:
+                #handler.create_multicast_distribution_set(data)
+    def update_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        """
+        API to update multicast distribution rule to specify
+        the multicast VLANs that ride on the multicast gemport
+        :param device: device id
+        :data: multicast distribution data object
+        :return: None
+        """
+        log.info('update-mcast-distribution-set', data=data)
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+        #if device.id in self.devices_handlers:
+            #handler = self.devices_handlers[device.id]
+            #if handler is not None:
+                #handler.create_multicast_distribution_set(data)
+    def remove_multicast_distribution_set(self, device, data):
+        """
+        API to delete multicast distribution rule to specify
+        the multicast VLANs that ride on the multicast gemport
+        :param device: device id
+        :data: multicast distribution data object
+        :return: None
+        """
+        log.info('remove-mcast-distribution-set', data=data)
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+        #if device.id in self.devices_handlers:
+            #handler = self.devices_handlers[device.id]
+            #if handler is not None:
+                #handler.create_multicast_distribution_set(data)
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/cig_olt_device.py b/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/cig_olt_device.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce754ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/cig_olt_device.py
@@ -0,0 +1,808 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present CIG, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import base64
+import binascii
+import json
+import pprint
+import random
+import os
+import structlog
+from enum import Enum
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue, succeed
+from voltha.core.logical_device_agent import mac_str_to_tuple
+from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_types_pb2 import *
+from voltha.protos.common_pb2 import OperStatus, AdminState
+from voltha.protos.device_pb2 import Device
+from voltha.protos.device_pb2 import Port
+from voltha.protos.logical_device_pb2 import *
+from voltha.protos.openflow_13_pb2 import *
+from voltha.protos.olt_common_pb2 import *
+from voltha.protos.olt_d_pb2 import *
+from voltha.protos.olt_pon_pb2 import *
+from voltha.protos.olt_switch_pb2 import *
+#from voltha.adapters.cig_olt.protos.olt_common_pb2 import *
+#from voltha.adapters.cig_olt.protos.olt_d_pb2 import *
+#from voltha.adapters.cig_olt.protos.olt_pon_pb2 import *
+#from voltha.adapters.cig_olt.protos.olt_switch_pb2 import *
+from cig_olt_zmq import *
+from cig_olt_xpon import *
+log = structlog.get_logger()
+class NniPort(object):
+    """
+    A class similar to the 'Port' class in the VOLTHA
+    TODO: Merge this with the Port class or cleanup where possible
+          so we do not duplicate fields/properties/methods
+    """
+    def __init__(self, nni_port, parent_id):
+        self.log = structlog.get_logger(device_id=parent_id)
+        self._parent_id = parent_id
+        self._port_no = nni_port.port_no
+        self._mac_address = nni_port.mac_address
+        if self._mac_address is None:
+            self._mac_address = "11:22:33:44:55:66"
+        if nni_port.port_type == OLT_NNI_PORT_TYPE_10G:
+            self._ofp_capabilities = OFPPF_10GB_FD | OFPPF_FIBER
+            self._current_speed = OFPPF_10GB_FD
+            self._max_speed = OFPPF_10GB_FD
+        elif nni_port.port_type == OLT_NNI_PORT_TYPE_40G:
+            self._ofp_capabilities = OFPPF_40GB_FD | OFPPF_FIBER
+            self._current_speed = OFPPF_40GB_FD
+            self._max_speed = OFPPF_40GB_FD
+        elif nni_port.port_type == OLT_NNI_PORT_TYPE_100G or nni_port.port_type == OLT_NNI_PORT_TYPE_80G:
+            self._ofp_capabilities = OFPPF_100GB_FD | OFPPF_FIBER
+            self._current_speed = OFPPF_100GB_FD
+            self._max_speed = OFPPF_100GB_FD
+        else:
+            return error
+        self._ofp_state = OFPPS_LIVE
+        self.startup = None
+        self._port = None
+        self._logical_port = None
+        self._admin_state = AdminState.ENABLED
+        self._oper_status = OperStatus.ACTIVE
+        log.info('Creating NNI Port {}'.format(self._port_no))
+    def get_port(self):
+        """
+        Get the VOLTHA PORT object for this port
+        :return: VOLTHA Port object
+        """
+        self.log.info('get nni gort', self._port_no)
+        if self._port is None:
+            self._port = Port(port_no=self._port_no,    \
+                              label='NNI port',         \
+                              type=Port.ETHERNET_NNI,   \
+                              admin_state=self._admin_state,    \
+                              oper_status=self._oper_status)
+        return self._port
+    def get_logical_port(self):
+        """
+        Get the VOLTHA logical port for this port
+        :return: VOLTHA logical port or None if not supported
+        """
+        if self._logical_port is None:
+            openflow_port = ofp_port(port_no=self._port_no, \
+                                     hw_addr=mac_str_to_tuple(self._mac_address),   \
+                                     name='nni' + str(self._port_no),   \
+                                     config=0,  \
+                                     state=self._ofp_state, \
+                                     curr=self._ofp_capabilities,   \
+                                     advertised=self._ofp_capabilities, \
+                                     peer=self._ofp_capabilities,   \
+                                     curr_speed=self._current_speed,    \
+                                     max_speed=self._max_speed)
+            self._logical_port = LogicalPort(id='nni{}'.format(self._port_no),  \
+                                             ofp_port=openflow_port,    \
+                                             device_id=self._parent_id, \
+                                             device_port_no=self._port_no,  \
+                                             root_port=True)
+        return self._logical_port
+    def delete(self):
+        """
+        Parent device is being deleted. Do not change any config but
+        stop all polling
+        """
+        self.log.info('Deleting')
+        #self.state = DELETING
+        #self.cancel_deferred()
+class PonPort(object):
+    """
+    A class similar to the 'Port' class in the VOLTHA
+    TODO: Merge this with the Port class or cleanup where possible
+          so we do not duplicate fields/properties/methods
+    """
+    #def __init__(self, port_no, parent_id):
+    def __init__(self, port_no, parent):
+        # TODO: Weed out those properties supported by common 'Port' object
+        self.log = structlog.get_logger(device_id=parent.device_id)
+        self._parent_id = parent.device_id
+        self._parent = parent
+        self._pon_id = port_no
+        self._port_no = port_no
+        self._name = 'xpon 0/{}'.format(port_no)
+        self._label = 'pon-{}'.format(port_no)
+        self.startup = None
+        self._port = None
+        self._discovery_tick = 20.0
+        self._no_onu_discover_tick = self._discovery_tick / 2
+        self._sync_tick = 20.0
+        self._in_sync = False
+        self._expedite_sync = False
+        self._expedite_count = 0
+        self._admin_state = AdminState.ENABLED
+        self._oper_status = OperStatus.ACTIVE
+        #self.onus = {} 
+        #self._onus = {}         # serial_number-base64 -> ONU  (allowed list)
+        self._onu_by_id = {}    # onu-id -> ONU
+        self._deferred = None                     # General purpose
+        self._discovery_deferred = None           # Specifically for ONU discovery
+        self._sync_deferred = None                # For sync of PON config to hardware
+        self._active_los_alarms = set()           # ONU-ID
+        # xPON configuration
+        self._xpon_name = None
+        self._enabled = False
+        self._downstream_fec_enable = False
+        self._upstream_fec_enable = False
+        self._deployment_range = 25000
+        self._authentication_method = 'serial-number'
+        log.info('Creating pon Port {}'.format(self._port_no))  
+    def __del__(self):
+        #self.stop()
+        pass
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "PonPort-{}: Admin: {}, Oper: {}, OLT: {}".format(self._label,
+                                                                 self._admin_state,
+                                                                 self._oper_status,
+                                                                 self._parent)
+    def get_port(self):
+        """
+        Get the VOLTHA PORT object for this port
+        :return: VOLTHA Port object
+        """
+        self.log.info('get pon gort', self._port_no)
+        if self._port is None:
+            self._port = Port(    \
+                port_no=100 + self._port_no,    \
+                #port_no=self._port_no,    \
+                label=self._label,        \
+                type=Port.PON_OLT,        \
+                admin_state=self._admin_state,    \
+                oper_status=self._oper_status     \
+            )
+        return self._port
+    @property
+    def port_number(self):
+        return self._port_no
+    @property
+    def name(self):
+        return self._name
+    @property
+    def pon_id(self):
+        return self._pon_id
+    @property
+    def olt(self):
+        return self._parent
+    def onu(self, onu_id):
+        return self._onu_by_id.get(onu_id)
+    #def onu_add(self, onu_id, sn):
+    def onu_add(self, onu_info):
+        sn = onu_info['serial-number']
+        onu_id = onu_info['onu-id']
+        self.log.info('Add ONU: {}'.format(sn))
+        if onu_id not in self._onu_by_id:
+            # Newly found and not enabled ONU, enable it now if not at max
+            if len(self._onu_by_id) < self.MAX_ONUS_SUPPORTED:
+                # TODO: For now, always allow any ONU to be activated
+                #self.on_new_onu_discovered(onu)
+                #self.onus[sn] = str(onu_id)
+                self._onu_by_id[onu_id] = Onu(onu_info)
+                olt = self.olt
+                onu = self.onu(onu_id)
+                if (olt.work_mode == OLT_MODE_AUTO) and (onu._ranging_status == 1)  and (onu._config_status == 0):
+                    #add onu to oltd
+                    self.onu_add_msg_send(onu)
+                    onu._status_machine = 'activating'
+                elif (olt.work_mode == OLT_MODE_CONFIG) and (onu._config_status == 1):
+                    #add onu to oltd
+                    self.onu_add_msg_send(onu)
+                    onu._status_machine = 'activating'
+                else:
+                    pass
+            else:
+                self.log.warning('Maximum number of ONUs already provisioned')
+        else:
+            # ONU has been enabled
+            pass
+    def onu_update(self, onu_info):
+        if onu_info['serial-number'] is not None:
+            sn = onu_info['serial-number']
+            self.log.info('update ONU: {}'.format(sn))
+        onu_id = onu_info['onu-id']
+        onu = self.onu(onu_id)
+        if onu is None:
+            return
+        olt = self.olt
+        if olt.work_mode == OLT_MODE_AUTO:
+            return
+        if onu_info['ranging-status'] is not None:
+            onu._ranging_status = onu_info['ranging-status']
+        if onu_info['config-status'] is not None:
+            if (onu_info['config-status'] == 1) and (onu._config_status == 0):
+                #add onu to oltd
+                self.onu_add_msg_send(onu)
+                onu._status_machine = 'activating'
+                onu._config_status = onu_info['config-status']
+            if (onu_info['config-status'] == 0) and (onu._config_status == 1):
+                self.onu_delete_msg_send(onu)
+                del self._onu_by_id[onu_id]
+        if onu_info['channel-id'] is not None:
+            onu._channel_id = onu_info['channel-id']
+        if onu_info['status_machine'] is not None:
+            onu._status_machine = onu_info['status_machine']
+        if onu_info['upstream-fec'] is not None:
+            if onu._status_machine == 'activating' or onu._status_machine == 'activation_successful':
+                if onu._upstream_fec != onu_info['upstream-fec']:
+                    onu._upstream_fec = onu_info['upstream-fec']
+                    self.onu_update_msg_send(onu)
+            else :
+                onu._upstream_fec = onu_info['upstream-fec']
+    def onu_del(self, onu_id):
+        self.log.info('Delete ONU: {}'.format(onu_id))
+        if onu_id in self._onu_by_id:
+            onu = self.onu(onu_id)
+            if onu is None:
+                return
+            if onu._status_machine != 'init':
+                self.onu_delete_msg_send(onu)
+            del self._onu_by_id[onu_id]
+        else:
+            # ONU has been delete
+            pass
+    def onu_exist_check(self, onu_id):
+        return onu_id in self._onu_by_id
+    def onu_add_msg_send(self, onu):
+        try:
+            msg_hdr = OltMsgCommonHdr(
+                type=OLT_D_ADD_ONU,
+                src_appId=OLT_APPID_VOLTHA,
+                sync=0
+            )
+            data=msg_hdr.SerializeToString()
+            self._parent.zmq_client_async.async_send(data,1)
+            olt = self.olt
+            if olt.work_mode == OLT_MODE_AUTO:
+                onu_add = OltDAddOnu(
+                    pon_port=onu._pon_id,
+                    onu_id=onu.onu_id,
+                    sn=onu._serial_number_string,
+                    registration_id= "",
+                    fec_upstream= onu._upstream_fec,
+                    authentication_method=SERIAL_NUMBER
+                )
+            else:
+                channel_partition_name = onu._channel_partition
+                cp = olt.channel_partitions.get(channel_partition_name)
+                if cp['authentication-method'] == 'serial-number':
+                    auth_method = SERIAL_NUMBER
+                elif cp['authentication-method'] == 'loid':
+                    auth_method = LOID
+                elif cp['authentication-method'] == 'registration-id':
+                    auth_method = REGISTRATION_ID
+                elif cp['authentication-method'] == 'omci':
+                    auth_method = OMCI
+                elif cp['authentication-method'] == 'dot1x':
+                    auth_method = DOT1X
+                else :
+                    auth_method = SERIAL_NUMBER
+                #self.log.info('onu_add_msg_send cp', cp) 
+                #self.log.info('onu_add_msg_send auth_method', auth_method)
+                #ani = olt.ont_anis.get(onu._vani_name)
+                #if ani is not None:
+                    #ups_fec = ani['upstream-fec']
+                #else:
+                    #ups_fec = 1
+                onu_add = OltDAddOnu(
+                    pon_port=onu._pon_id,
+                    onu_id=onu.onu_id,
+                    sn=onu._serial_number_string,
+                    registration_id= onu._registration_id,
+                    #fec_upstream=ups_fec,
+                    fec_upstream=onu._upstream_fec,
+                    authentication_method=auth_method
+                )
+            data=onu_add.SerializeToString()
+            self._parent.zmq_client_async.async_send(data,0)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('Exception during add onu', e=e)
+    def onu_delete_msg_send(self, onu):
+        try:
+            msg_hdr = OltMsgCommonHdr(
+                type=OLT_D_DELETE_ONU,
+                src_appId=OLT_APPID_VOLTHA,
+                sync=0
+            )
+            data=msg_hdr.SerializeToString()
+            self._parent.zmq_client_async.async_send(data,1)
+            onu_delete = OltDDeleteOnu(
+                pon_port=onu._pon_id,
+                onu_id=onu.onu_id,
+                sn=onu._serial_number_string
+            )
+            data=onu_delete.SerializeToString()
+            self._parent.zmq_client_async.async_send(data,0)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('Exception during delete onu', e=e)
+    def onu_update_msg_send(self, onu):
+        try:
+            msg_hdr = OltMsgCommonHdr(
+                type=OLT_D_UPDATE_ONU,
+                src_appId=OLT_APPID_VOLTHA,
+                sync=0
+            )
+            data=msg_hdr.SerializeToString()
+            self._parent.zmq_client_async.async_send(data,1)
+            olt = self.olt
+            channel_partition_name = onu._channel_partition
+            cp = olt.channel_partitions.get(channel_partition_name)
+            if cp['authentication-method'] == 'serial-number':
+                auth_method = SERIAL_NUMBER
+            elif cp['authentication-method'] == 'loid':
+                auth_method = LOID
+            elif cp['authentication-method'] == 'registration-id':
+                auth_method = REGISTRATION_ID
+            elif cp['authentication-method'] == 'omci':
+                auth_method = OMCI
+            elif cp['authentication-method'] == 'dot1x':
+                auth_method = DOT1X
+            else :
+                auth_method = SERIAL_NUMBER
+            onu_update = OltDUpdateOnu(
+                pon_port=onu._pon_id,
+                onu_id=onu.onu_id,
+                sn=onu._serial_number_string,
+                registration_id= onu._registration_id,
+                fec_upstream=onu._upstream_fec,
+                authentication_method=auth_method
+            )
+            data=onu_update.SerializeToString()
+            self._parent.zmq_client_async.async_send(data,0)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('Exception during update onu', e=e)
+    def delete(self):
+        """
+        Parent device is being deleted. Do not change any config but
+        stop all polling
+        """
+        self.log.info('Deleting')
+        #self.state = DELETING
+        #self.cancel_deferred()
+        for onu in self._onu_by_id.itervalues():
+            onu.delete()
+        self._onu_by_id.clear()
+class Onu(object):
+    """
+    Wraps an ONU
+    """
+    MIN_ONU_ID = 0
+    MAX_ONU_ID = 253            # G.984. 0..253, 254=reserved, 255=broadcast
+    def __init__(self, onu_info):
+        self._onu_id = onu_info['onu-id']
+        self._ranging_status = onu_info['ranging-status']
+        self._config_status = onu_info['config-status']
+        self._status_machine = onu_info['status_machine']
+        if self._onu_id is None:
+            raise ValueError('No ONU ID available')
+        pon = onu_info['pon']
+        #self._serial_number_base64 = Onu.string_to_serial_number(onu_info['serial-number'])
+        self._serial_number_string = onu_info['serial-number']
+        self._device_id = onu_info['device-id']
+        self._password = onu_info['password']
+        self._registration_id = onu_info['expected-registration-id']
+        self._channel_partition = onu_info['channel-partition']
+        self._vani_name = onu_info['name']
+        self._upstream_fec = onu_info['upstream-fec']
+        #self._upstream_channel_speed = onu_info[upstream-channel-speed]
+        self._olt = pon.olt
+        self._pon_id = pon.pon_id
+        self._name = '{}@{}'.format(pon.name, self._onu_id)
+        self._xpon_name = onu_info['xpon-name']
+        self._gem_ports = {}                           # gem-id -> GemPort
+        self._tconts = {}                              # alloc-id -> TCont
+        self._onu_vid = onu_info['onu-vid']
+        self._uni_ports = [onu_info['onu-vid']]
+        assert len(self._uni_ports) == 1, 'Only one UNI port supported at this time'
+        self._channel_id = onu_info['channel-id']
+        self._enabled = onu_info['enabled']
+        self._vont_ani = onu_info.get('vont-ani')
+        self._rssi = -9999
+        self._equalization_delay = 0
+        self._fiber_length = 0
+        self._valid = True          # Set false during delete/cleanup
+        self._proxy_address = None
+        self._include_multicast = True        # TODO: May need to add multicast on a per-ONU basis
+        self._expedite_sync = False
+        self._expedite_count = 0
+        self._resync_flows = False
+        self._sync_deferred = None     # For sync of ONT config to hardware
+        # TODO: enable and upstream-channel-speed not yet supported
+        self.log = structlog.get_logger(pon_id=self._pon_id, onu_id=self._onu_id)
+    def __del__(self):
+        # self.stop()
+        pass
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "Onu-{}-{}, PON ID: {}".format(self._onu_id, self._serial_number_string, self._pon_id)
+    @property
+    def olt(self):
+        return self._olt
+    @property
+    def pon(self):
+        return self.olt.southbound_ports[self._pon_id]
+    @property
+    def onu_id(self):
+        return self._onu_id
+    @property
+    def device_id(self):
+        return self._device_id
+    @property
+    def name(self):
+        return self._name
+    @property
+    def enabled(self):
+        return self._enabled
+    def _get_v_ont_ani(self, olt):
+        onu = None
+        try:
+            vont_ani = olt.v_ont_anis.get(self.vont_ani)
+            ch_pair = olt.channel_pairs.get(vont_ani['preferred-channel-pair'])
+            ch_term = next((term for term in olt.channel_terminations.itervalues()
+                            if term['channel-pair'] == ch_pair['name']), None)
+            pon = olt.pon(ch_term['xgs-ponid'])
+            onu = pon.onu(vont_ani['onu-id'])
+        except Exception:
+            pass
+        return onu
+    def _cancel_deferred(self):
+        d, self._sync_deferred = self._sync_deferred, None
+        if d is not None and not d.called:
+            try:
+                d.cancel()
+            except Exception:
+                pass
+    def delete(self):
+        """
+        Clean up ONU (gems/tconts). ONU removal from OLT h/w done by PonPort
+        :return: (deferred)
+        """
+        self.log.info('onu Deleting')
+        self._valid = False
+        self._cancel_deferred()
+        self._gem_ports.clear()
+        self._tconts.clear()
+        self._olt = None
+        self._channel_id = None
+    def start(self):
+        self._cancel_deferred()
+        #self._sync_deferred = reactor.callLater(0, self._sync_hardware)
+    def stop(self):
+        self._cancel_deferred()
+        #self._sync_deferred = reactor.callLater(0, self._sync_hardware)
+    #@inlineCallbacks
+    def add_tcont(self, tcont, reflow=False):
+        """
+        Creates/ a T-CONT with the given alloc-id
+        :param tcont: (TCont) Object that maintains the TCONT properties
+        :param reflow: (boolean) If true, force add (used during h/w resync)
+        :return: (deferred)
+        """
+        self._tconts[tcont.alloc_id] = tcont
+        log.info('add_tcont onu_status_machine:', self._status_machine)
+        #log.info('add_tcont:', self._tconts[tcont.alloc_id])
+        #if self._status_machine == 'activation_successful':
+            #pass
+            #self.tcont_add_msg_send(self._olt, self._tconts[tcont.alloc_id])
+        self.tcont_add_msg_send(self._olt, tcont.alloc_id)
+    def update_tcont(self, alloc_id, new_values):
+        # TODO: If alloc-id in use by a gemport, should we deny request?
+        tcont = self._tconts.get(alloc_id)
+        #if tcont is None:
+            #returnValue(succeed('not-found'))
+        # del self._tconts[alloc_id]
+        #
+        # try:
+        #     results = yield tcont.remove_from_hardware()
+        #
+        # except Exception as e:
+        #     self.log.exception('delete', e=e)
+        #     raise
+        #returnValue(succeed('TODO: Not implemented yet'))
+    #@inlineCallbacks
+    def remove_tcont(self, alloc_id):
+        # TODO: If alloc-id in use by a gemport, should we deny request?
+        tcont = self._tconts.get(alloc_id)
+        if tcont is None:
+            return
+        log.info('remove_tcont alloc_id:', alloc_id)
+        #log.info('remove_tcont:', self._tconts[tcont.alloc_id])
+        #if self._status_machine == 'activation_successful':
+        self.tcont_delete_msg_send(self._olt, alloc_id)
+        del self._tconts[alloc_id]
+    def tcont_add_msg_send(self, olt, alloc_id):
+        tcont = self._tconts.get(alloc_id)
+        try:
+            msg_hdr = OltMsgCommonHdr(
+                type=OLT_PON_ADD_TCONT,
+                src_appId=OLT_APPID_VOLTHA,
+                sync=0
+            )
+            data=msg_hdr.SerializeToString()
+            olt.zmq_client_async.async_send(data,1)
+            tcont_add = OltPonAddTcont(
+                #pon_port=tcont.pon_id,
+                pon_port=self._pon_id,
+                onu_id=self._onu_id,
+                alloc_id=tcont.alloc_id,
+                fixed_bandwidth= tcont.traffic_descriptor.fixed_bandwidth,
+                assured_bandwidth= tcont.traffic_descriptor.assured_bandwidth,
+                maximum_bandwidth=tcont.traffic_descriptor.maximum_bandwidth
+            )
+            data=tcont_add.SerializeToString()
+            olt.zmq_client_async.async_send(data,0)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('Exception during add tcont', e=e)
+    def tcont_delete_msg_send(self, olt, alloc_id):
+        #tcont = self._tconts.get(tcont_id)
+        try:
+            msg_hdr = OltMsgCommonHdr(
+                type=OLT_PON_DELETE_TCONT,
+                src_appId=OLT_APPID_VOLTHA,
+                sync=0
+            )
+            data=msg_hdr.SerializeToString()
+            olt.zmq_client_async.async_send(data,1)
+            tcont_delete = OltPonDeleteTcont(
+                #pon_port=tcont.pon_id,
+                pon_port=self._pon_id,
+                alloc_id=alloc_id
+            )
+            data=tcont_delete.SerializeToString()
+            olt.zmq_client_async.async_send(data,0)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('Exception during delete tcont', e=e)
+    def add_gemport(self, gemport, reflow=False):
+        if reflow == False:
+            self._gem_ports[gemport.gem_id] = gemport
+        cvlan = gemport.cvlan
+        uni_name = gemport.uni_name
+        olt=self._olt
+        uniLogicalPort = 0
+        items = olt.adapter_agent.root_proxy.get('/logical_devices/{}/ports'.format(olt._logical_device.id))  
+        logical_port_items = LogicalPorts(items=items)  
+        for port in logical_port_items.items:
+            if uni_name == port.ofp_port.name :
+                uniLogicalPort = port.ofp_port.port_no
+                #onu_device = olt.adapter_agent.get_device(port.device_id)
+                #self.log.debug("gem_port--onu_device", onu_device=onu_device)
+                break
+        self.log.debug('gem_port--gemportId', gemportId = gemport.gem_id)        
+        self.log.debug('gem_port--cvlan', cvlan = cvlan)
+        self.log.debug('gem_port--uni', uni_name = uni_name)
+        self.log.debug('gem_port---uniLogicalPort', uniLogicalPort=uniLogicalPort)
+        self.gemport_msg_send(OLT_PON_ADD_GEMPORT, uniLogicalPort, cvlan, gemport.gem_id)
+    def remove_gemport(self, gemport_id, reflow=False):
+        gemport = self._gem_ports.get(gemport_id)
+        if gemport is None:
+            return
+        cvlan = gemport.cvlan
+        uni_name = gemport.uni_name
+        uniLogicalPort = 0
+        olt=self._olt
+        items = olt.adapter_agent.root_proxy.get('/logical_devices/{}/ports'.format(olt._logical_device.id))  
+        logical_port_items = LogicalPorts(items=items) 
+        for port in logical_port_items.items:
+            if uni_name == port.ofp_port.name :
+                uniLogicalPort = port.ofp_port.port_no
+                break
+        self.log.debug('gem_port--gemportId', gemportId = gemport.gem_id)        
+        self.log.debug('gem_port--cvlan', cvlan = cvlan)
+        self.log.debug('gem_port--uni', uni_name = uni_name)
+        self.log.debug('gem_port---uniLogicalPort', uniLogicalPort=uniLogicalPort)
+        self.gemport_msg_send(OLT_PON_DELETE_GEMPORT, uniLogicalPort, cvlan, gemport.gem_id)
+        del self._gem_ports[gemport_id]
+    def gemport_msg_send(self, msg_type, uni_logic_port, vlan, gemport_id):
+        gemport = self._gem_ports.get(gemport_id)
+        if gemport is None:
+            return
+        try:
+            mgr_hdr = OltMsgCommonHdr(
+                type=msg_type,
+                src_appId=OLT_APPID_VOLTHA,
+                sync=0
+            )
+            data=mgr_hdr.SerializeToString()
+            self._olt.zmq_client_async.async_send(data, 1)
+            gemport_data = OltPonGemport(
+                uni_logic_port = uni_logic_port,
+                vlan = vlan,
+                gemport_id = gemport_id,
+                onu_id = gemport.onu_id,
+                pon_port = gemport.pon_id
+            )
+            data=gemport_data.SerializeToString()
+            self._olt.zmq_client_async.async_send(data, 0)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('Exception during gemport add processing', e=e)
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/cig_olt_handler.py b/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/cig_olt_handler.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7c37a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/cig_olt_handler.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2648 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present CIG, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import datetime
+import pprint
+import random
+import argparse
+import datetime
+import shlex
+import time
+import arrow
+import structlog
+import json
+from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue, DeferredQueue
+from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall
+#from adapter_alarms import AdapterAlarms
+from cig_olt_zmq import *
+from cig_olt_device import *
+from cig_olt_xpon import *
+from download import *
+from voltha.extensions.omci.omci import *
+from voltha.core.logical_device_agent import mac_str_to_tuple
+from voltha.core.flow_decomposer import *
+from voltha.protos import third_party
+from voltha.protos.common_pb2 import OperStatus, AdminState, ConnectStatus
+from voltha.protos.events_pb2 import AlarmEventType, \
+    AlarmEventSeverity, AlarmEventState, AlarmEventCategory
+from voltha.protos.device_pb2 import Device, Image, DeviceType, DeviceTypes, Port, Device, \
+    PmConfigs, PmConfig, PmGroupConfig
+from voltha.protos.health_pb2 import HealthStatus
+from voltha.protos.logical_device_pb2 import LogicalPort, LogicalPorts, LogicalDevice
+from voltha.protos.openflow_13_pb2 import *
+#from voltha.adapters.cig_olt.protos.olt_common_pb2 import *
+#from voltha.adapters.cig_olt.protos.olt_d_pb2 import *
+#from voltha.adapters.cig_olt.protos.olt_pon_pb2 import *
+#from voltha.adapters.cig_olt.protos.olt_switch_pb2 import *
+from voltha.protos.olt_common_pb2 import *
+from voltha.protos.olt_d_pb2 import *
+from voltha.protos.olt_pon_pb2 import *
+from voltha.protos.olt_switch_pb2 import *
+from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_base_pb2 import \
+    ChannelgroupConfig, ChannelpartitionConfig, ChannelpairConfig, ChannelterminationConfig, \
+    OntaniConfig, VOntaniConfig, VEnetConfig
+from voltha.protos.events_pb2 import KpiEvent, KpiEventType, MetricValuePairs
+from voltha.registry import registry
+from common.frameio.frameio import BpfProgramFilter, hexify
+from common.utils.asleep import asleep
+from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether, Dot1Q
+from scapy.layers.inet import Raw
+from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToDict
+class CigOltHandler(object):
+    """
+    The OLT Handler is used to wrap a single instance of a 10G OLT 1-U pizza-box
+    """
+    def __init__(self, adapter, device_id):
+        self.adapter = adapter
+        self.adapter_agent = adapter.adapter_agent
+        self.device_id = device_id
+        self.log = structlog.get_logger(device_id=device_id)
+        self.io_port = None
+        self.logical_device_id = None
+        self._logical_device = None
+        #self.interface = registry('main').get_args().interface
+        self.work_mode = None
+        self.work_status = 0
+        self.reboot_status = 0
+        self.command_timeout = 5
+        self.pm_metrics = None
+        self.default_freq = 150
+        self.lc = None
+        #self.onus = {}
+        self.alarms = None
+        self.ip_address = None
+        self.olt_mac = None
+        self.startup = None
+        self.zmq_client_echo = None
+        self.zmq_client_sync = None
+        self.zmq_client_omci = None
+        self.zmq_client_of_packet = None
+        self.zmq_client_async = None
+        self.zmq_client_sub = None
+        self.echo_incoming_queue = DeferredQueue()
+        self.sync_incoming_queue = DeferredQueue()
+        self.async_incoming_queue = DeferredQueue()
+        self.omci_incoming_queue = DeferredQueue()
+        self.of_pkt_incoming_queue = DeferredQueue()
+        self.pon_port = None
+        self.onu_id = None
+        #self.channel = None  # Proxy messaging channel with 'send' method
+        # Northbound and Southbound ports
+        self.northbound_ports = {}  # port number -> Port
+        self.southbound_ports = {}  # port number -> Port  (For PON, use pon-id as key)
+        # self.management_ports = {}  # port number -> Port   TODO: Not currently supported
+        self.num_northbound_ports = None
+        self.num_southbound_ports = None
+        # self.num_management_ports = None
+        # Heartbeat support
+        self.heartbeat_miss = 0
+        self.heartbeat_interval = 2  # TODO: Decrease before release or any scale testing
+        self.heartbeat_failed_limit = 3
+        self.heartbrat_status = 0
+        self.reboot_check_times = 0
+        self.seq_no = 0
+        self.heartbeat = None
+        self.asyncmsg = None
+        self.omcimsg = None
+        self.packetmsg = None
+        #self.io_port = None
+        #self.interface = registry('main').get_args().interface      
+        # Installed flows
+        #self.flow_entries = {}  # Flow ID/name -> FlowEntry
+        # xPON config dictionaries
+        self._channel_groups = {}         # Name -> dict
+        self._channel_partitions = {}     # Name -> dict
+        self._channel_pairs = {}          # Name -> dict
+        self._channel_terminations = {}   # Name -> dict
+        self._v_ont_anis = {}             # Name -> dict
+        self._ont_anis = {}               # Name -> dict
+        self._v_enets = {}                # Name -> dict
+        self._tconts = {}                 # Name -> dict
+        self._traffic_descriptors = {}    # Name -> dict
+        self._gemports = {}               # Name -> dict
+        self._cached_xpon_pon_info = {}   # PON-id -> dict
+        self._download_protocols = None
+        self._download_deferred = None
+        self._downloads = {}        # name -> Download obj
+    def __del__(self):
+        if self.io_port is not None:
+            registry('frameio').close_port(self.io_port)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def activate(self, device):
+        """
+        Activate the OLT device
+        :param device: A voltha.Device object, with possible device-type
+                       specific extensions.
+        :param reconciling: If True, this adapter is taking over for a previous adapter
+                            for an existing OLT
+        """
+        log.debug('cig activate starting')
+        log.info('cig activate started')
+        self.log.info('CigDeviceHandler.activating', device=device)
+        self.ip_address = device.ipv4_address
+        self.zmq_client_sync = CigZmqClientSync(self.ip_address, self.sync_incoming_queue)
+        olt_info = yield self.get_olt_info_com()
+        if olt_info == None:
+            self.log.info(' get olt info fail.')
+            self.activate_failed(device, "ipc timeout.", reachable=False)
+            return
+        else:
+            reactor.callLater(1, self._olt_activate, device, olt_info)
+    def _olt_activate(self, device, olt_info):
+        self.work_mode = olt_info.work_mode
+        self.olt_mac = olt_info.mac_address
+        device.root = True
+        device.vendor = olt_info.vendor
+        device.model = olt_info.model
+        device.hardware_version = olt_info.hardware_version
+        device.firmware_version = olt_info.firmware_version
+        device.serial_number = olt_info.serial_number
+        self.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+        logical_device = self.get_logical_device(device)
+        self._logical_device = self.adapter_agent.create_logical_device(logical_device,dpid=self.olt_mac)
+        for m in olt_info.nni_port:
+            self.log.info('nni_port.port_no', m.port_no)
+            self.log.info('nni_port.port_type', m.port_type)
+            self.log.info('nni_port.mac_address', m.mac_address)
+            if m.port_no==1:
+                self.northbound_ports[m.port_no] = NniPort(m, self.device_id)
+                phy_port = self.northbound_ports[m.port_no].get_port()
+                self.adapter_agent.add_port(device.id, phy_port)
+                logical_port = self.northbound_ports[m.port_no].get_logical_port()
+                self.adapter_agent.add_logical_port(self._logical_device.id, logical_port)              
+        for m in olt_info.pon_port:
+            self.log.info('pon_port.port_no', m.port_no)
+            self.log.info('pon_port.port_type', m.port_type)
+            #if m.port_no==1  or m.port_no==2:
+            #if m.port_no==1:
+                #self.southbound_ports[m.port_no] = PonPort(m.port_no, self.device_id)
+            self.southbound_ports[m.port_no] = PonPort(m.port_no, self)
+            phy_port = self.southbound_ports[m.port_no].get_port()
+            self.adapter_agent.add_port(device.id, phy_port)
+        self.log.info('create CigZmqClientAsync socket.')
+        self.zmq_client_async = CigZmqClientAsync(self.ip_address, self.heartbeat_receive)
+        self.log.info('send olt activate_msg.')
+        self.olt_activate_msg_send()
+        self.work_status = 1
+        ############################################################################
+        # Setup Alarm handler
+        #self.alarms = AdapterAlarms(self.adapter, device)
+        ############################################################################
+        self.log.info('get_device.....')
+        device = self.adapter_agent.get_device(device.id)
+        device.parent_id = self._logical_device.id
+        #device.connect_status = ConnectStatus.UNREACHABLE
+        #device.oper_status = OperStatus.ACTIVATING
+        #self.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+        self.logical_device_id = self._logical_device.id
+        #device = self.adapter_agent.get_device(device.id)
+        device.connect_status = ConnectStatus.REACHABLE
+        device.oper_status = OperStatus.ACTIVE
+        device.reason = ''
+        self.log.info('update_device.....')
+        self.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+        self.log.info('create others zmq sockets.....')
+        self.zmq_client_sub = CigZmqClientSub(self.ip_address, self.async_incoming_queue)
+        self.zmq_client_omci = CigZmqClientOmci(self.ip_address, self.omci_incoming_queue)
+        self.zmq_client_of_packet = CigZmqClientPacketInOut(self.ip_address, self.of_pkt_incoming_queue)
+        # Schedule the heartbeat for the device
+        self.log.debug('Starting heartbeat')
+        self.start_heartbeat(delay=5)
+        #self.start_onu_test()
+        self.start_poll_async_msg()
+        self.start_poll_omci_msg()
+        #self.start_kpi_collection()
+        self.start_poll_packet_in_msg()
+        self.log.info('activate over.', device_id=self.device_id)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def collect_gem_metrics(self,prefix):
+        try:
+            # get pon port
+            gem_metrics = {}
+            self.log.info("collect-gem-metrics")
+            for m in self.southbound_ports:
+                phy_port = self.southbound_ports[m]._pon_id
+                self.log.info("collect-gem-metrics", m=m, port=phy_port)
+                xgem_pm_req_head = OltMsgCommonHdr(
+                    type=OLT_PON_GET_XGEM_PM_REQ,
+                    src_appId=OLT_APPID_VOLTHA,
+                    sync=1
+                )
+                data = xgem_pm_req_head.SerializeToString()
+                self.zmq_client_sync.sync_send(data, 1)
+                xgem_pm_req_data = OltPonXGemPMReq(
+                    pon_slot=0,
+                    pon_port=phy_port
+                )
+                data = xgem_pm_req_data.SerializeToString()
+                self.zmq_client_sync.sync_send(data, 0)
+                #time.sleep(1)
+                self.startup = self.get_sync_queue()
+                results = yield self.startup
+                self.log.info('get_sync_queue', results=results)
+                if results == "RecvTimeoutErr.":
+                    self.log.info('get OLT_PON_GET_XGEM_PM_ACK info timeout.', results=results)
+                    self.zmq_client_sync.sync_reconnect()
+                else:
+                    gem_pm_info_rep = OltMsgCommonHdr()
+                    gem_pm_info_rep.ParseFromString(results[0])
+                    self.log.info('gem_pm_info_rep.type', gem_pm_info_rep.type)
+                    self.log.info('gem_pm_info_rep.src_appId', gem_pm_info_rep.src_appId)
+                    self.log.info('gem_pm_info_rep.sync', gem_pm_info_rep.sync)
+                    if (gem_pm_info_rep.type != OLT_PON_GET_XGEM_PM_ACK) or (
+                        gem_pm_info_rep.src_appId != OLT_APPID_OLTD) \
+                        or (gem_pm_info_rep.sync != 1) or (len(results) < 2):
+                        self.log.info('get OLT_PON_GET_XGEM_PM_ACK err.')
+                    else:
+                        gem_pm_info = OltPonXGemPMAck()
+                        gem_pm_info.ParseFromString(results[1])
+                        self.log.info('gem_pm_info.pon_port', pon_port=gem_pm_info.pon_port)
+                        self.log.info('gem_pm_info.pon_slot', pon_slot=gem_pm_info.pon_slot)
+                        self.log.info('gem_pm_info.tx_gem_frames', tx_gem_frames=gem_pm_info.tx_gem_frames)
+                        self.log.info('gem_pm_info.rx_gem_frames', rx_gem_frames=gem_pm_info.rx_gem_frames)
+                        self.log.info('gem_pm_info.tx_nolfbit_count', tx_nolfbit_count=gem_pm_info.tx_nolfbit_count)
+                        self.log.info('gem_pm_info.hec_err_count', hec_err_count=gem_pm_info.hec_err_count)
+                        self.log.info('gem_pm_info.frame_lost_count', frame_lost_count=gem_pm_info.frame_lost_count)
+                        self.log.info('gem_pm_info.key_err_count', key_err_count=gem_pm_info.key_err_count)
+                        gem_metrics['tx_gem_frames'] = gem_pm_info.tx_gem_frames
+                        gem_metrics['rx_gem_frames'] = gem_pm_info.rx_gem_frames
+                        gem_metrics['tx_nolfbit_count'] = gem_pm_info.tx_nolfbit_count
+                        gem_metrics['hec_err_count'] = gem_pm_info.hec_err_count
+                        gem_metrics['frame_lost_count'] = gem_pm_info.frame_lost_count
+                        gem_metrics['key_err_count'] = gem_pm_info.key_err_count
+                        # Step 2: prepare the KpiEvent for submission
+                        # we can time-stamp them here (or could use time derived from OLT
+                        ts = arrow.utcnow().timestamp
+                        prefixstr = "%s pon_port:%d xgem" % (prefix, gem_pm_info.pon_port)
+                        self.log.info('prefixstr', prefixstr=prefixstr)
+                        kpi_event = KpiEvent(
+                            type=KpiEventType.slice,
+                            ts=ts,
+                            prefixes={
+                                # xgem
+                                prefixstr: MetricValuePairs(
+                                metrics=gem_metrics),
+                            }
+                        )
+                        # Step 3: submit
+                        self.adapter_agent.submit_kpis(kpi_event)
+                        gem_metrics.clear()
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception('failed-to-submit-kpis', e=e)
+    def start_kpi_collection(self):
+        prefix = 'voltha.{}.{}'.format('cig-olt', self.device_id)
+        self.log.info('start_kpi_collection',prefix=prefix)
+        self.lc = LoopingCall(self.collect_gem_metrics,prefix)
+        self.log.info('start_kpi_collection ',interval=self.default_freq / 10)
+        self.lc.start(interval=self.default_freq / 10)
+        #reactor.run()
+    def stop_kpi_collection(self):
+        self.lc.stop()
+    #packet_in, strip svlan and cvlan, and send to onos   
+    '''
+    def rcv_io(self, port, frame):
+        self.log.info('received', iface_name=port.iface_name,
+                      frame_len=len(frame))
+        pkt = Ether(frame)
+        if pkt.haslayer(Dot1Q):
+            outer_shim = pkt.getlayer(Dot1Q)
+            if isinstance(outer_shim.payload, Dot1Q):
+                inner_shim = outer_shim.payload
+                cvid = inner_shim.vlan
+                logical_port = cvid
+                popped_frame = (
+                    Ether(src=pkt.src, dst=pkt.dst, type=inner_shim.type) /
+                    inner_shim.payload
+                )
+                kw = dict(
+                    logical_device_id=self.logical_device_id,
+                    logical_port_no=logical_port,
+                )
+                self.log.info('sending-packet-in', **kw)
+                self.adapter_agent.send_packet_in(
+                    packet=str(popped_frame), **kw)
+            elif pkt.haslayer(Raw):
+                raw_data = json.loads(pkt.getlayer(Raw).load)
+                self.alarms.send_alarm(self, raw_data)
+    '''
+    def activate_failed(self, device, reason, reachable=True):
+        """
+        Activation process (adopt_device) has failed.
+        :param device:  A voltha.Device object, with possible device-type
+                        specific extensions. Such extensions shall be described as part of
+                        the device type specification returned by device_types().
+        :param reason: (string) failure reason
+        :param reachable: (boolean) Flag indicating if device may be reachable
+                                    via RESTConf or NETConf even after this failure.
+        """
+        device.oper_status = OperStatus.FAILED
+        if not reachable:
+            device.connect_status = ConnectStatus.UNREACHABLE
+        device.reason = reason
+        self.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+        raise RuntimeError('Failed to activate OLT: {}'.format(device.reason))
+    #@inlineCallbacks
+    def deactivate(self, device):
+        # OLT Specific things here
+        d, self.startup = self.startup, None
+        if d is not None:
+            d.cancel()
+        self.pons.clear()
+        # TODO: Any other? OLT specific deactivate steps
+        # Call into base class and have it clean up as well
+        super(AdtranOltHandler, self).deactivate(device)
+    #@inlineCallbacks
+    def update_flow_table(self, flows, device):
+        '''
+        for flow in flows:
+            self.log.info('bulk-flow-update1', device_id=device.id, flow=flow)
+            for field in get_ofb_fields(flow):
+                if field.type == IN_PORT:
+                    if field.port >= 100 and field.port < 124:
+                        field.port = field.port - 100
+                        flow.cookie = 1
+                    elif field.port >= 0 and field.port < 6:
+                        flow.cookie = 2
+                    else:
+                        pass
+            for action in get_actions(flow):
+                if action.type == OUTPUT:
+                    if action.output.port >= 100 and action.output.port < 124:
+                        action.output.port = action.output.port - 100
+            self.log.info('bulk-flow-update2', device_id=device.id, flow=flow)
+        '''
+        try:
+            msg_hdr = OltMsgCommonHdr(
+                type=OLT_SWITCH_UPDATE_FLOW_TABLE,
+                src_appId=OLT_APPID_VOLTHA,
+                sync=0
+            )
+            data=msg_hdr.SerializeToString()
+            self.zmq_client_async.async_send(data,1)
+            flow_table = OltSwitchFlowTable(
+                flows=flows
+            )
+            data=flow_table.SerializeToString()
+            self.zmq_client_async.async_send(data,0)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('Exception during update flow table.', e=e)
+    #@inlineCallbacks
+    def send_proxied_message(self, proxy_address, msg):
+        if isinstance(msg, Packet):
+            msg = str(msg)
+        self.log.info('send-proxied-message',
+                      proxy_address=proxy_address,
+                      msg=msg)
+        if self.zmq_client_omci is not None:
+            pon_id = proxy_address.channel_id - 100
+            onu_id = proxy_address.onu_id
+            self.log.info('send-proxied-message pon_id:',pon_id)
+            self.log.info('send-proxied-message onu_id:',onu_id)
+        else:
+            return
+        try:
+            msg_hdr = OltMsgCommonHdr(
+                type=OLT_PON_SEND_OMCI,
+                src_appId=OLT_APPID_VOLTHA,
+                sync=0
+            )
+            data=msg_hdr.SerializeToString()
+            self.zmq_client_omci.omci_send(data,1)
+            omci_msg = OltPonSendOmci(
+                pon_slot=0,
+                pon_port=pon_id,
+                onu_id=onu_id,
+                omci_content=msg
+            )
+            #self.log.info('omci_msg.pon_slot', omci_msg.pon_slot)
+            #self.log.info('omci_msg.pon_port', omci_msg.pon_port)
+            self.log.info('omci_msg.onu_id', omci_msg.onu_id, datetime.datetime.now())
+            #self.log.info('omci_msg.omci_content', omci_msg.omci_content)
+            data=omci_msg.SerializeToString()
+            self.zmq_client_omci.omci_send(data,0)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.info('zmq_client_omci.omci_send exception', exc=str(e))
+            #raise
+    def packet_in_msg_proc(self, message):
+        try:
+            self.log.info('packet_in_msg_proc: Message from oltd')
+            sub_msg_header = OltMsgCommonHdr()
+            sub_msg_header.ParseFromString(message[0])
+            #self.log.info('got-response', sub_msg_header.type)
+            #self.log.info('got-response', sub_msg_header.src_appId)
+            #self.log.info('got-response', sub_msg_header.sync)
+            if (sub_msg_header.src_appId != OLT_APPID_OLTD) or (sub_msg_header.sync != 0):
+                self.log.exception('Get error msg.')
+                return
+            if sub_msg_header.type == OLT_D_PACKET_IN:
+                if len(message) != 2:
+                    self.log.exception('Get error packet in msg.')
+                    return
+                packet_msg = OltDEthPacket()
+                packet_msg.ParseFromString(message[1])
+                frame = packet_msg.pkt_buf
+                #self.log.info('received packet_msg.pkt_len', packet_msg.pkt_len)
+                #self.log.info('received packet_msg', hexify(packet_msg.pkt_buf))
+                #self.log.info('received frame:', hexify(frame))
+                #self.packet_out(1,frame)
+                pkt = Ether(frame)
+                if pkt.haslayer(Dot1Q):
+                    inner_shim = pkt.getlayer(Dot1Q)
+                    #if isinstance(outer_shim.payload, Dot1Q):
+                        #inner_shim = outer_shim.payload
+                    cvid = inner_shim.vlan
+                    logical_port = cvid
+                    popped_frame = (
+                        Ether(src=pkt.src, dst=pkt.dst, type=inner_shim.type) /
+                        inner_shim.payload
+                    )
+                    kw = dict(
+                        logical_device_id=self.logical_device_id,
+                        logical_port_no=logical_port,
+                    )
+                    self.log.info('sending-packet-in', **kw)
+                    self.adapter_agent.send_packet_in(
+                        packet=str(popped_frame), **kw)
+                    #elif pkt.haslayer(Raw):
+                        #raw_data = json.loads(pkt.getlayer(Raw).load)
+                        #self.alarms.send_alarm(self, raw_data)
+                else:
+                    self.log.info('No Dot1Q tag.')
+            else:
+                self.log.exception('No support msg type.')
+                return
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('Exception during packet_in_msg_proc processing', e=e)
+    def packet_out(self, egress_port, msg):
+        self.log.info('sending-packet-out', egress_port=egress_port,
+                      msg=hexify(msg))
+        pkt = Ether(msg)
+        out_pkt = (
+            Ether(src=pkt.src, dst=pkt.dst) /
+            Dot1Q(vlan=egress_port, type=pkt.type) /
+            pkt.payload
+        )
+        #self.io_port.send(str(out_pkt))
+        if self.zmq_client_of_packet is None:
+            return            
+        try:
+            msg_hdr = OltMsgCommonHdr(
+                type=OLT_D_PACKET_OUT,
+                src_appId=OLT_APPID_VOLTHA,
+                sync=0
+            )
+            data=msg_hdr.SerializeToString()
+            self.zmq_client_of_packet.packet_send(data,1)
+            packet_msg = OltDEthPacket(
+                pkt_len=len(str(out_pkt)),
+                pkt_buf=str(out_pkt)
+            )
+            #self.log.info('packet_msg.pkt_len', packet_msg.pkt_len)
+            #self.log.info('packet_msg.pkt_buf', packet_msg.pkt_buf)
+            data=packet_msg.SerializeToString()
+            self.zmq_client_of_packet.packet_send(data,0)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.info('zmq_client_of_packet.packet_send exception', exc=str(e))
+    def poll_metrics_receive(self, message):
+        try:
+            self.log.info('poll_metrics_receive: Message from oltd')
+            self.poll_incoming_queue.put(message)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('Exception during poll_metrics_receive processing', e=e)
+    def of_packet_receive(self, message):
+        try:
+            self.log.info('of_packet_receive: Message from oltd')
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('Exception during of_packet_receive processing', e=e)
+    def heartbeat_receive(self, message):
+        if self.work_status == 0:
+            return
+        try:
+            #self.log.info('heartbeat_receive: Message from oltd')
+            sub_msg_header = OltMsgCommonHdr()
+            sub_msg_header.ParseFromString(message[0])
+            if sub_msg_header.type == OLT_COMMON_HEART_BEAT_ACK:
+                heartbeat_ack = OltCommonHeartBeat()
+                heartbeat_ack.ParseFromString(message[1])
+                #self.log.info('heartbeat_ack.is_active', heartbeat_ack.is_active)
+                if heartbeat_ack.seq_no != self.seq_no:
+                    return 
+                self.heartbeat_miss = 0
+                #self.log.info("receive-heart-beat-ack heartbeat_ack.seq_no", heartbeat_ack.seq_no)
+                if heartbeat_ack.is_active == 0:
+                    if self.reboot_status == 0:
+                        for port in self.southbound_ports.itervalues():
+                            port.delete()
+                    self.olt_activate_msg_send()
+                    for channel_term in self._channel_terminations:
+                        self.log.info('self._channel_terminations:', channel_term)
+                        self._on_channel_termination_create(channel_term)
+                        self.configure_pon(channel_term)
+                    for vont_ani in self._v_ont_anis:
+                        self.log.info('self._v_ont_anis:', vont_ani)
+                        self._on_vont_ani_create(vont_ani)
+                    for ont_ani in self._ont_anis:
+                        self.log.info('self._ont_anis:', ont_ani)
+                        self._on_ont_ani_create(ont_ani)
+                    #self.log.info('pon and onu config recovery.', device_id=self.device_id)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('Exception during of_packet_receive processing', e=e)
+    def omci_msg_proc(self, message):
+        try:
+            self.log.info('omci_msg_proc: Message from oltd')
+            sub_msg_header = OltMsgCommonHdr()
+            sub_msg_header.ParseFromString(message[0])
+            #self.log.info('got-response', sub_msg_header.type)
+            #self.log.info('got-response', sub_msg_header.src_appId)
+            #self.log.info('got-response', sub_msg_header.sync)
+            if (sub_msg_header.src_appId != OLT_APPID_OLTD) or (sub_msg_header.sync != 0):
+                self.log.exception('Get error async msg.')
+                return
+            if sub_msg_header.type == OLT_PON_SEND_OMCI:
+                if len(message) != 2:
+                    self.log.exception('Get error omci msg.')
+                    return
+                omci_msg = OltPonSendOmci()
+                omci_msg.ParseFromString(message[1])
+                #self.log.info('omci_msg.pon_slot', omci_msg.pon_slot)
+                #self.log.info('omci_msg.pon_port', omci_msg.pon_port)
+                self.log.info('omci_msg.onu_id', omci_msg.onu_id, datetime.datetime.now())
+                #self.log.info('omci_msg.omci_content', omci_msg.omci_content)
+                #proxy_address=Device.ProxyAddress(
+                #    device_id=self.device_id,
+                #    channel_id=omci_msg.pon_port + 100,
+                #    onu_id=omci_msg.onu_id,
+                #)
+                child_device = self.adapter_agent.get_child_device(self.device_id, onu_id=omci_msg.onu_id)
+                self.adapter_agent.receive_proxied_message(child_device.proxy_address, omci_msg.omci_content)
+                #self.adapter_agent.receive_proxied_message(proxy_address, omci_msg.omci_content)
+            else:
+                self.log.exception('No support omci msg type.')
+                return
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('Exception during omci_receive processing', e=e)
+    def async_msg_proc(self, message):
+        try:
+            self.log.info('sub_receive: Message from oltd')
+            sub_msg_header = OltMsgCommonHdr()
+            sub_msg_header.ParseFromString(message[0])
+            #self.log.info('got-response', sub_msg_header.type)
+            #self.log.info('got-response', sub_msg_header.src_appId)
+            #self.log.info('got-response', sub_msg_header.sync)
+            if (sub_msg_header.src_appId != OLT_APPID_OLTD) or (sub_msg_header.sync != 0):
+                self.log.exception('Get error async msg.')
+                return
+            if sub_msg_header.type == OLT_PON_ONU_RANGING_EVENT:
+                if len(message) != 2:
+                    self.log.exception('Get error async msg(OLT_PON_ONU_RANGING_EVENT).')
+                    return
+                self.log.info('sub_receive. msg_len', len(message), message[1])
+                self.onu_detected(message[1])
+            elif sub_msg_header.type == OLT_PON_ONU_ACTIVATE_COMPLETE:
+                if len(message) != 2:
+                    self.log.exception('Get error async msg(OLT_PON_ONU_ACTIVATE_COMPLETE).')
+                    return
+                self.log.info('sub_receive. msg_len', len(message), message[1])
+                self.onu_activate_complete_msg_proc(message[1])
+            else:
+                self.log.exception('No support msg type.')
+                #return
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('Exception during sub_receive processing', e=e)
+    def get_echo_queue(self):
+        request = self.echo_incoming_queue.get()
+        return request
+    def get_sync_queue(self):
+        request = self.sync_incoming_queue.get()
+        return request
+    def get_async_queue(self):
+        request = self.async_incoming_queue.get()
+        return request
+    def get_omci_queue(self):
+        request = self.omci_incoming_queue.get()
+        return request
+    def get_packet_in_queue(self):
+        request = self.of_pkt_incoming_queue.get()
+        return request
+    def start_poll_async_msg(self):
+        self.log.info('*** Starting polling async msg ***')
+        self.asyncmsg = reactor.callLater(0, self.poll_async_msg)
+        return self.asyncmsg
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def poll_async_msg(self):
+        try:
+            response = yield self.get_async_queue()
+            self.async_msg_proc(response)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.info('wait-for-async-exception', exc=str(e))
+        self.asyncmsg = reactor.callLater(0.07, self.poll_async_msg)
+    def start_poll_omci_msg(self):
+        self.log.info('*** Starting polling omci msg ***')
+        self.omcimsg = reactor.callLater(0, self.poll_omci_msg)
+        return self.omcimsg
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def poll_omci_msg(self):
+        try:
+            response = yield self.get_omci_queue()
+            self.omci_msg_proc(response)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.info('wait-for-omci-exception', exc=str(e))
+        self.omcimsg = reactor.callLater(0.1, self.poll_omci_msg)
+    def start_poll_packet_in_msg(self):
+        self.log.info('*** Starting polling packet in msg ***')
+        self.packetmsg = reactor.callLater(0, self.poll_packet_in_msg)
+        return self.packetmsg
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def poll_packet_in_msg(self):
+        try:
+            response = yield self.get_packet_in_queue()
+            self.packet_in_msg_proc(response)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.info('wait-for-packet-in-exception', exc=str(e))
+        self.packetmsg = reactor.callLater(0.1, self.poll_packet_in_msg)
+    def start_heartbeat(self, delay=10):
+        assert delay > 1
+        self.log.info('*** Starting Device Heartbeat ***')
+        self.heartbeat = reactor.callLater(delay, self.check_pulse)
+        return self.heartbeat
+    def check_pulse(self): 
+        if self.work_status == 0:
+            return
+        self.heartbeat_check_status()
+        try:
+            echo_req = OltMsgCommonHdr(
+                type=1,
+                src_appId=OLT_APPID_VOLTHA,
+                sync=0
+            )
+            data=echo_req.SerializeToString()
+            self.zmq_client_async.async_send(data,1)
+            self.seq_no += 1
+            heart_beat = OltCommonHeartBeat(
+                seq_no=self.seq_no,
+                is_active=1
+            )
+            #self.log.info('send-heartbeat heart_beat.seq_no', heart_beat.seq_no)
+            #self.log.info('send-heartbeat heart_beat.is_active', heart_beat.is_active)
+            data=heart_beat.SerializeToString()
+            self.zmq_client_async.async_send(data,0)
+            self.heartbeat_miss += 1
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('Exception during echo processing', e=e)
+        # Reschedule next heartbeat
+        #if self.logical_device_id is not None:
+        #if self.startup_heartbeat
+        self.heartbeat = reactor.callLater(self.heartbeat_interval, self.check_pulse)
+    def heartbeat_check_status(self):
+        """
+        Check the number of heartbeat failures against the limit and emit an alarm if needed
+        """
+        device = self.adapter_agent.get_device(self.device_id)
+        if self.heartbeat_miss >= self.heartbeat_failed_limit and device.connect_status == ConnectStatus.REACHABLE:
+            self.log.warning('olt-heartbeat-failed', count=self.heartbeat_miss)
+            self.heartbrat_status = 0
+            device.connect_status = ConnectStatus.UNREACHABLE
+            device.oper_status = OperStatus.FAILED
+            device.reason = 'heartbeat timeout'
+            self.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+            self.heartbeat_alarm(True, self.heartbeat_miss)
+        else:
+            # Update device states
+            if self.heartbeat_miss == 0 and device.connect_status != ConnectStatus.REACHABLE:
+                self.heartbrat_status = 1
+                self.log.info('heartbeat success')
+                device.connect_status = ConnectStatus.REACHABLE
+                device.oper_status = OperStatus.ACTIVE
+                device.reason = ''
+                self.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+                self.heartbeat_alarm(False)
+    def heartbeat_alarm(self, status, heartbeat_misses=0):
+        try:
+            ts = arrow.utcnow().timestamp
+            alarm_data = {'heartbeats_missed':str(heartbeat_misses)}
+            alarm_event = self.adapter_agent.create_alarm(
+                id='voltha.{}.{}.olt'.format(self.adapter.name, self.device_id),
+                resource_id='olt',
+                type=AlarmEventType.EQUIPMENT,
+                category=AlarmEventCategory.PON,
+                severity=AlarmEventSeverity.CRITICAL,
+                state=AlarmEventState.RAISED if status else
+                    AlarmEventState.CLEARED,
+                description='OLT Alarm - Heartbeat - {}'.format('Raised'
+                                                                if status
+                                                                else 'Cleared'),
+                context=alarm_data,
+                raised_ts = ts)
+            self.adapter_agent.submit_alarm(self.device_id, alarm_event)
+            self.log.debug('olt-heartbeat alarm sent')
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception('failed-to-submit-alarm', e=e)    
+    def onu_detected(self, message):
+        onu_ranging_event = OltPonOnuRangingEvent()
+        onu_ranging_event.ParseFromString(message)
+        #self.log.info('onu_detected', onu_ranging_event.pon_slot)
+        #self.log.info('onu_detected', onu_ranging_event.pon_port)
+        self.log.info('onu_detected', onu_ranging_event.onu_id, datetime.datetime.now())
+        #self.log.info('onu_detected', onu_ranging_event.sn)
+        #self.log.info('onu_detected', onu_ranging_event.ranging_state)
+        if onu_ranging_event.ranging_state == 1:
+            if self.southbound_ports[onu_ranging_event.pon_port].onu_exist_check(onu_ranging_event.onu_id)==False:
+                if self.work_mode == OLT_MODE_AUTO:
+                    self.adapter_agent.child_device_detected(
+                        parent_device_id=self.device_id,
+                        parent_port_no=100 + onu_ranging_event.pon_port,
+                        child_device_type='broadcom_onu',
+                        proxy_address=Device.ProxyAddress(
+                            device_id=self.device_id,
+                            channel_id=onu_ranging_event.pon_port + 100,
+                            onu_id=onu_ranging_event.onu_id,
+                        ),
+                        admin_state=AdminState.ENABLED,
+                    )
+                onu_info = {
+                    'name': None,
+                    'device-id': self.device_id,
+                    'serial-number': onu_ranging_event.sn,
+                    'xpon-name': None,
+                    #'pon': onu_ranging_event.pon_port,
+                    'pon': self.southbound_ports[onu_ranging_event.pon_port],
+                    'onu-id': onu_ranging_event.onu_id,
+                    'ranging-status': 1,
+                    'config-status': 0,
+                    'status_machine': 'init',
+                    'enabled': None,
+                    'channel-partition': None,
+                    'expected-registration-id': None,
+                    'upstream-channel-speed': None,
+                    'upstream-fec': True,
+                    'password': Onu.DEFAULT_PASSWORD,
+                    't-conts': None,
+                    'gem-ports': None,
+                    'onu-vid': None,
+                    'channel-id': onu_ranging_event.pon_port + 100,
+                    'vont-ani': None
+                }
+                self.southbound_ports[onu_ranging_event.pon_port].onu_add(onu_info)
+            else:
+                if self.work_mode == OLT_MODE_CONFIG:
+                    onu_info = {
+                        'name': None,
+                        'device-id': self.device_id,
+                        'serial-number': onu_ranging_event.sn,
+                        'xpon-name': None,
+                        'pon': self.southbound_ports[onu_ranging_event.pon_port],
+                        'onu-id': onu_ranging_event.onu_id,
+                        'ranging-status': 1,
+                        'config-status': None,
+                        'status_machine': None,
+                        'enabled': None,
+                        'channel-partition': None,
+                        'expected-registration-id': None,
+                        'upstream-channel-speed': None,
+                        'upstream-fec': None,
+                        'password': None,
+                        't-conts': None,
+                        'gem-ports': None,
+                        'onu-vid': None,
+                        'channel-id': None,
+                        'vont-ani': None
+                    }
+                    self.southbound_ports[onu_ranging_event.pon_port].onu_update(onu_info)
+        else :
+            if self.southbound_ports[onu_ranging_event.pon_port].onu_exist_check(onu_ranging_event.onu_id)==True:
+                if self.work_mode == OLT_MODE_AUTO:
+                    self.southbound_ports[onu_ranging_event.pon_port].onu_del(onu_ranging_event.onu_id)
+                    child_device = self.adapter_agent.get_child_device(self.device_id, onu_id=onu_ranging_event.onu_id)
+                    if child_device:
+                        self.adapter_agent.delete_child_device(self.device_id, child_device.id)
+                elif self.work_mode == OLT_MODE_CONFIG:
+                    onu_info = {
+                        'name': None,
+                        'device-id': self.device_id,
+                        'serial-number': onu_ranging_event.sn,
+                        'xpon-name': None,
+                        'pon': self.southbound_ports[onu_ranging_event.pon_port],
+                        'onu-id': onu_ranging_event.onu_id,
+                        'ranging-status': 0,
+                        'config-status': None,
+                        'status_machine': None,
+                        'enabled': None,
+                        'channel-partition': None,
+                        'expected-registration-id': None,
+                        'upstream-channel-speed': None,
+                        'upstream-fec': None,
+                        'password': None,
+                        't-conts': None,
+                        'gem-ports': None,
+                        'onu-vid': None,
+                        'channel-id': None,
+                        'vont-ani': None
+                    }
+                    self.southbound_ports[onu_ranging_event.pon_port].onu_update(onu_info)
+                    child_device = self.adapter_agent.get_child_device(self.device_id, onu_id=onu_ranging_event.onu_id)
+                    self.log.info('onu_activate_ranging_down_msg', child_device)
+                    time.sleep(1)
+                    if child_device is not None:
+                        msg = {'proxy_address': child_device.proxy_address,'event': 'deactivation-completed'}
+                        self.adapter_agent.publish_inter_adapter_message(child_device.id, msg)
+                else:
+                    pass
+    def onu_activate_complete_msg_proc(self, message):
+        onu_activate_complete_event = OltPonOnuActivateComplete()
+        onu_activate_complete_event.ParseFromString(message)
+        #self.log.info('onu_activate_complete_msg_proc', onu_activate_complete_event.pon_port)
+        #self.log.info('onu_activate_complete_msg_proc', onu_activate_complete_event.onu_id)
+        #self.log.info('onu_activate_complete_msg_proc', onu_activate_complete_event.result)
+        child_device = self.adapter_agent.get_child_device(self.device_id, onu_id=onu_activate_complete_event.onu_id)
+        self.log.info('onu_activate_complete_msg_proc', child_device)
+        time.sleep(1)
+        if child_device is not None:
+            if onu_activate_complete_event.result==0:
+                ind_info = {
+                    'activation_successful': True
+                }
+                onu_status = 'activation_successful'
+            else :
+                ind_info = {
+                    'activation_successful': False
+                }
+                onu_status = 'activation_fail'
+            msg = {'proxy_address': child_device.proxy_address,'event': 'activation-completed', 'event_data': ind_info}
+            self.adapter_agent.publish_inter_adapter_message(child_device.id, msg)
+            self.log.info('onu_activate_complete_msg_proc', onu_activate_complete_event.pon_port)
+            self.log.info('onu_activate_complete_msg_proc', onu_activate_complete_event.onu_id)
+            self.log.info('onu_activate_complete_msg_proc', onu_activate_complete_event.result)
+            #update onu
+            onu_info = {
+                'name': None,
+                'device-id': self.device_id,
+                'serial-number': None,
+                'xpon-name': None,
+                'pon': self.southbound_ports[onu_activate_complete_event.pon_port],
+                'onu-id': onu_activate_complete_event.onu_id,
+                'ranging-status': None,
+                'config-status': None,
+                'status_machine': onu_status,
+                'enabled': None,
+                'channel-partition': None,
+                'expected-registration-id': None,
+                'upstream-channel-speed': None,
+                'upstream-fec': None,
+                'password': None,
+                't-conts': None,
+                'gem-ports': None,
+                'onu-vid': None,
+                'channel-id':None,
+                'vont-ani': None
+            }
+            self.southbound_ports[onu_activate_complete_event.pon_port].onu_update(onu_info)
+            onu = self.southbound_ports[onu_activate_complete_event.pon_port].onu(onu_activate_complete_event.onu_id)
+            if onu._status_machine == 'activation_successful':
+                for tcont_id in onu._tconts:
+                    self.log.info('onu_activate_complete_msg_proc tcont add', tcont_id)
+                    onu.tcont_add_msg_send(self, tcont_id)
+                for gemport_id in onu._gem_ports:
+                    self.log.info('onu_activate_complete_msg_proc gem add', gemport_id)
+                    gemport = onu._gem_ports.get(gemport_id)
+                    onu.add_gemport(gemport, True)
+    def start_onu_test(self):
+        self.log.info('*** Starting onu report test ***')
+        self.test = reactor.callLater(0, self.onu_test, 1, 1, 1)
+        return self.test
+    def onu_test(self, port, onuid, state):
+        onu_ranging_event = OltPonOnuRangingEvent(
+            pon_slot=1,
+            pon_port=port,
+            onu_id=onuid,
+            #sn='CIGONU' + str((port << 24) + (onuid << 8)),
+            sn='BRCM00000001',
+            ranging_state=state,
+            eqd=1,
+            distance=1
+        )
+        data=onu_ranging_event.SerializeToString()
+        self.onu_detected(data)
+        self.onu_id = onuid
+        self.pon_port = port
+        if self.onu_id < 1 :
+            self.pon_port = port
+            self.onu_id = onuid + 1
+        else:
+            self.pon_port = port + 1
+            self.onu_id = 1
+        if self.pon_port < 2:
+            self.test = reactor.callLater(0.07, self.onu_test, self.pon_port, self.onu_id, state)
+        #elif state == 1:
+            #self.pon_port = 1
+            #self.onu_id = 0
+            #state = 0
+            #self.test = reactor.callLater(0.07, self.onu_test, self.pon_port, self.onu_id, state)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def get_olt_info_com(self):
+        while (True):    
+            try:
+                get_olt_info_req = OltMsgCommonHdr(
+                    type=OLT_D_GET_OLT_INFO_REQ,
+                    src_appId=OLT_APPID_VOLTHA,
+                    sync=1
+                )
+                data=get_olt_info_req.SerializeToString()
+                self.log.info('send get olt info msg.')
+                self.zmq_client_sync.sync_send(data,0) 
+                self.startup = self.get_sync_queue()
+                results = yield self.startup
+                if results == "RecvTimeoutErr.":
+                    self.log.info('get olt info timeout.')
+                    self.zmq_client_sync.sync_reconnect()
+                    #returnValue (None)
+                else:    
+                    get_olt_info_rep = OltMsgCommonHdr()
+                    get_olt_info_rep.ParseFromString(results[0])
+                    self.log.info('get_olt_info_rep.type', get_olt_info_rep.type)
+                    self.log.info('get_olt_info_rep.src_appId', get_olt_info_rep.src_appId)
+                    self.log.info('get_olt_info_rep.sync', get_olt_info_rep.sync)
+                    if (get_olt_info_rep.type != OLT_D_GET_OLT_INFO_ACK) or (get_olt_info_rep.src_appId != OLT_APPID_OLTD) \
+                        or (get_olt_info_rep.sync != 1) or (len(results) < 2):
+                        self.log.info('get OltDGetOltInfoAck err.')
+                        returnValue (None)
+                    else:
+                        olt_info = OltDGetOltInfoAck()
+                        olt_info.ParseFromString(results[1])
+                        self.log.info('olt_info.olt_state', olt_info.olt_state)
+                        self.log.info('olt_info.vendor', olt_info.vendor)
+                        self.log.info('olt_info.model', olt_info.model)
+                        self.log.info('olt_info.hardware_version', olt_info.hardware_version)
+                        self.log.info('olt_info.firmware_version', olt_info.firmware_version)
+                        self.log.info('olt_info.software_version', olt_info.software_version)
+                        self.log.info('olt_info.serial_number', olt_info.serial_number)
+                        #add mac loginfo
+                        self.log.info('olt_info.work_mode',olt_info.work_mode)
+                        self.log.info('olt_info.mac_address',olt_info.mac_address)
+                        returnValue (olt_info)
+            except Exception as e:
+                self.log.exception('Exception during activate get olt info processing', e=e)
+                returnValue (None)
+    def olt_activate_msg_send(self):
+        try:
+            olt_activate_msg = OltMsgCommonHdr(
+                type=OLT_D_ACTIVATE_OLT,
+                src_appId=OLT_APPID_VOLTHA,
+                sync=0
+            )
+            data=olt_activate_msg.SerializeToString()
+            self.zmq_client_async.async_send(data,0)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('Exception during activate processing', e=e)
+    def olt_deactivate_msg_send(self):
+        try:
+            msg_hdr = OltMsgCommonHdr(
+                #type=OLT_D_DISABLE_OLT,
+                type=OLT_D_DEACTIVATE_OLT,
+                src_appId=OLT_APPID_VOLTHA,
+                sync=0
+            )
+            data = msg_hdr.SerializeToString()
+            self.zmq_client_async.async_send(data, 0)
+            self.log.info("send-deactivate-olt ok")
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('Exception during send deactivate olt', e=e)
+    def olt_reboot_msg_send(self):
+        try:
+            msg_hdr = OltMsgCommonHdr(
+                type=OLT_D_REBOOT_OLT,
+                src_appId=OLT_APPID_VOLTHA,
+                sync=0
+            )
+            data = msg_hdr.SerializeToString()
+            self.zmq_client_async.async_send(data, 0)
+            self.log.info("send-reboot-olt ok")
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('Exception during send deactivate olt', e=e)
+    def get_logical_device(self, device):
+        """
+        Get the VOLTHA logical device
+        :return: VOLTHA logical device or None
+        """
+        if self._logical_device is None:
+            self._logical_device = LogicalDevice(
+                # not setting id and datapth_id will let the adapter
+                # agent pick id
+                desc=ofp_desc(
+                    mfr_desc='cord project',
+                    hw_desc='n/a',
+                    sw_desc='logical device for Cig-based PON',
+                    serial_num=device.serial_number,
+                    dp_desc='n/a'
+                ),
+                switch_features=ofp_switch_features(
+                    n_buffers=256,  # TODO fake for now
+                    n_tables=2,  # TODO ditto
+                    capabilities=(  # TODO and ditto
+                        OFPC_FLOW_STATS
+                        | OFPC_TABLE_STATS
+                        | OFPC_PORT_STATS
+                        | OFPC_GROUP_STATS
+                    )
+                ),
+                root_device_id=device.id
+            )
+        return self._logical_device
+    def _get_xpon_collection(self, data):
+        if isinstance(data, ChannelgroupConfig):
+            return self._channel_groups
+        elif isinstance(data, ChannelpartitionConfig):
+            return self._channel_partitions
+        elif isinstance(data, ChannelpairConfig):
+            return self._channel_pairs
+        elif isinstance(data, ChannelterminationConfig):
+            return self._channel_terminations
+        elif isinstance(data, OntaniConfig):
+            return self._ont_anis
+        elif isinstance(data, VOntaniConfig):
+            return self._v_ont_anis
+        elif isinstance(data, VEnetConfig):
+            return self._v_enets
+        return None
+    def pon(self, pon_id):
+        return self.southbound_ports.get(pon_id)
+    @property
+    def channel_terminations(self):
+        return self._channel_terminations
+    @property
+    def channel_pairs(self):
+        return self._channel_pairs
+    @property
+    def channel_partitions(self):
+        return self._channel_partitions
+    @property
+    def ont_anis(self):
+        return self._ont_anis
+    @property
+    def v_ont_anis(self):
+        return self._v_ont_anis
+    @property
+    def v_enets(self):
+        return self._v_enets
+    @property
+    def tconts(self):
+        return self._tconts
+    def _data_to_dict(self, data):
+        name = data.name
+        interface = data.interface
+        inst_data = data.data
+        if isinstance(data, ChannelgroupConfig):
+            return 'channel-group', {
+                'name': name,
+                'enabled': interface.enabled,
+                'system-id': inst_data.system_id,
+                'polling-period': inst_data.polling_period
+            }
+        elif isinstance(data, ChannelpartitionConfig):
+            def _auth_method_enum_to_string(value):
+                from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_types_pb2 import SERIAL_NUMBER, LOID, \
+                    REGISTRATION_ID, OMCI, DOT1X
+                return {
+                    SERIAL_NUMBER: 'serial-number',
+                    LOID: 'loid',
+                    REGISTRATION_ID: 'registration-id',
+                    OMCI: 'omci',
+                    DOT1X: 'dot1x'
+                }.get(value, 'unknown')
+            return 'channel-partition', {
+                'name': name,
+                'enabled': interface.enabled,
+                'authentication-method': _auth_method_enum_to_string(inst_data.authentication_method),
+                'channel-group': inst_data.channelgroup_ref,
+                'fec-downstream': inst_data.fec_downstream,
+                'mcast-aes': inst_data.multicast_aes_indicator,
+                'differential-fiber-distance': inst_data.differential_fiber_distance,
+                'closest_ont_distance':inst_data.closest_ont_distance
+            }
+        elif isinstance(data, ChannelpairConfig):
+            return 'channel-pair', {
+                'name': name,
+                'enabled': interface.enabled,
+                'channel-group': inst_data.channelgroup_ref,
+                'channel-partition': inst_data.channelpartition_ref,
+                'line-rate': inst_data.channelpair_linerate
+            }
+        elif isinstance(data, ChannelterminationConfig):
+            return 'channel-termination', {
+                'name': name,
+                'enabled': interface.enabled,
+                'xgs-ponid': inst_data.xgs_ponid,
+                'xgpon-ponid': inst_data.xgpon_ponid,
+                'channel-pair': inst_data.channelpair_ref,
+                'ber-calc-period': inst_data.ber_calc_period,
+                'pon_tag':inst_data.pon_tag
+            }
+        elif isinstance(data, OntaniConfig):
+            return 'ont-ani', {
+                'name': name,
+                'enabled': interface.enabled,
+                'upstream-fec': inst_data.upstream_fec_indicator,
+                'mgnt-gemport-aes': inst_data.mgnt_gemport_aes_indicator
+            }
+        elif isinstance(data, VOntaniConfig):
+            return 'vOnt-ani', {
+                'name': name,
+                'enabled': interface.enabled,
+                'onu-id': inst_data.onu_id,
+                'expected-serial-number': inst_data.expected_serial_number,
+                'expected-registration-id': inst_data.expected_registration_id,
+                'preferred-channel-pair': inst_data.preferred_chanpair,
+                'channel-partition': inst_data.parent_ref,
+                'upstream-channel-speed': inst_data.upstream_channel_speed,
+                'data': data
+            }
+        elif isinstance(data, VEnetConfig):
+            return 'vEnet', {
+                'name': name,
+                'enabled': interface.enabled,
+                'v-ont-ani': inst_data.v_ontani_ref
+            }
+        else:
+            raise NotImplementedError('Unknown data type')
+    @staticmethod
+    def _dict_diff(lhs, rhs):
+        """
+        Compare the values of two dictionaries and return the items in 'rhs'
+        that are different than 'lhs. The RHS dictionary keys can be a subset of the
+        LHS dictionary, or the RHS dictionary keys can contain new values.
+        :param lhs: (dict) Original dictionary values
+        :param rhs: (dict) New dictionary values to compare to the original (lhs) dict
+        :return: (dict) Dictionary with differences from the RHS dictionary
+        """
+        assert len(lhs.keys()) == len(set(lhs.iterkeys()) & (rhs.iterkeys())), 'Dictionary Keys do not match'
+        return {k: v for k, v in rhs.items() if k not in lhs or lhs[k] != rhs[k]}
+    def _valid_to_modify(self, item_type, valid, diffs):
+        bad_keys = [mod_key not in valid for mod_key in diffs]
+        if len(bad_keys) != 0:
+            self.log.warn("{} modification of '{}' not supported").format(item_type, bad_keys[0])
+            return False
+        return True
+    def _on_channel_group_modify(self, name, items, diffs):
+        if len(diffs) == 0:
+            return
+        valid_keys = ['polling-period']     # Modify of these keys supported
+        if self._valid_to_modify('channel-group', valid_keys, diffs.keys()):
+            self.log.info('TODO: Not-Implemented-yet')
+            # for k, v in diffs.items:
+            #     items[name][k] = v
+    def _on_channel_partition_modify(self, name, items, diffs):
+        if len(diffs) == 0:
+            return
+        valid_keys = ['fec-downstream', 'mcast-aes', 'differential-fiber-distance']
+        if self._valid_to_modify('channel-partition', valid_keys, diffs.keys()):
+            self.log.info('TODO: Not-Implemented-yet')
+            # for k, v in diffs.items:
+            #     items[name][k] = v
+    def _on_channel_pair_modify(self, name, items, diffs):
+        if len(diffs) == 0:
+            return
+        valid_keys = ['line-rate']     # Modify of these keys supported
+        if self._valid_to_modify('channel-pair', valid_keys, diffs.keys()):
+            self.log.info('TODO: Not-Implemented-yet')
+            # for k, v in diffs.items:
+            #     items[name][k] = v
+    def _on_channel_termination_create(self, name, pon_type='xgs-ponid'):
+        assert name in self._channel_terminations, \
+            '{} is not a channel-termination'.format(name)
+        ct = self._channel_terminations[name]
+        pon_id = ct[pon_type]
+        # Look up the southbound PON port
+        pon_port = self.southbound_ports.get(pon_id, None)
+        if pon_port is None:
+            raise ValueError('Unknown PON port. PON-ID: {}'.format(pon_id))
+        assert ct['channel-pair'] in self._channel_pairs, \
+            '{} is not a channel-pair'.format(ct['channel-pair'])
+        cpair = self._channel_pairs[ct['channel-pair']]
+        assert cpair['channel-group'] in self._channel_groups, \
+            '{} is not a -group'.format(cpair['channel-group'])
+        assert cpair['channel-partition'] in self._channel_partitions, \
+            '{} is not a channel-partition'.format(cpair('channel-partition'))
+        cg = self._channel_groups[cpair['channel-group']]
+        cpart = self._channel_partitions[cpair['channel-partition']]
+        enabled = ct['enabled']
+        polling_period = cg['polling-period']
+        authentication_method = cpart['authentication-method']
+        # line_rate = cpair['line-rate']
+        downstream_fec = cpart['fec-downstream']
+        deployment_range = cpart['differential-fiber-distance']
+        # mcast_aes = cpart['mcast-aes']
+        # TODO: Support BER calculation period
+        # TODO Support setting of line rate
+        pon_port.xpon_name = name
+        pon_port.discovery_tick = polling_period
+        pon_port.authentication_method = authentication_method
+        pon_port.deployment_range = deployment_range * 1000     # pon-agent uses meters
+        pon_port.downstream_fec_enable = downstream_fec
+        # TODO: For now, upstream FEC = downstream
+        pon_port.upstream_fec_enable = downstream_fec
+        # TODO: pon_port.mcast_aes = mcast_aes
+        pon_port.admin_state = AdminState.ENABLED if enabled else AdminState.DISABLED
+    def _on_channel_termination_modify(self, name, items, diffs):
+        if len(diffs) == 0:
+            return
+        valid_keys = ['enabled']     # Modify of these keys supported
+        if self._valid_to_modify('channel-termination', valid_keys, diffs.keys()):
+            self.log.info('TODO: Not-Implemented-yet')
+            # for k, v in diffs.items:
+            #     items[name][k] = v
+    def _on_channel_termination_delete(self, name, pon_type='xgs-ponid'):
+        assert name in self._channel_terminations, \
+            '{} is not a channel-termination'.format(name)
+        ct = self._channel_terminations[name]
+        # Look up the southbound PON port
+        pon_id = ct[pon_type]
+        pon_port = self.southbound_ports.get(pon_id, None)
+        if pon_port is None:
+            raise ValueError('Unknown PON port. PON-ID: {}'.format(pon_id))
+        pon_port.admin_state = AdminState.DISABLED
+    def _on_vont_ani_create(self, name):
+        assert name in self._v_ont_anis, \
+            '{} is not a v_ont_ani'.format(name)
+        vani = self._v_ont_anis[name]
+        va_cp_name = vani['preferred-channel-pair'] 
+        if vani['preferred-channel-pair'] in self.channel_pairs:
+            for ct_name in self._channel_terminations:
+                #ct_name = ct['channel-pair']
+                ct_cp_name = self._channel_terminations[ct_name]['channel-pair']
+                if va_cp_name == ct_cp_name:
+                    ct = self._channel_terminations[ct_name]
+                    pon_id = ct['xgs-ponid']
+                    # Look up the southbound PON port
+                    pon_port = self.southbound_ports.get(pon_id, None)
+                    if pon_port is not None:
+                        sn = vani['expected-serial-number']
+                        onu_id = vani['onu-id']
+                        if pon_port.onu_exist_check(onu_id)==False:
+                            #add onu
+                            onu_info = {
+                                'name': vani['name'],
+                                'device-id': self.device_id,
+                                'serial-number': sn,
+                                'xpon-name': None,
+                                'pon': pon_port,
+                                'onu-id': onu_id,
+                                'ranging-status': 0,
+                                'config-status': 1,
+                                'status_machine': 'init',
+                                'enabled': vani['enabled'],
+                                'channel-partition': vani['channel-partition'],
+                                'expected-registration-id': vani['expected-registration-id'],
+                                'upstream-channel-speed': vani['upstream-channel-speed'],
+                                'upstream-fec': True,
+                                'password': Onu.DEFAULT_PASSWORD,
+                                't-conts': None,
+                                'gem-ports': None,
+                                'onu-vid': None,
+                                'channel-id': pon_id + 100,
+                                'vont-ani': vani
+                            }
+                            pon_port.onu_add(onu_info)
+                        else:
+                            #update onu
+                            onu_info = {
+                                'name': vani['name'],
+                                'device-id': self.device_id,
+                                'serial-number': sn,
+                                'xpon-name': None,
+                                'pon': pon_port,
+                                'onu-id': onu_id,
+                                'ranging-status': None,
+                                'config-status': 1,
+                                'status_machine': None,
+                                'enabled': vani['enabled'],
+                                'channel-partition': vani['channel-partition'],
+                                'expected-registration-id': vani['expected-registration-id'],
+                                'upstream-channel-speed': vani['upstream-channel-speed'],
+                                'upstream-fec': None,
+                                'password': None,
+                                't-conts': None,
+                                'gem-ports': None,
+                                'onu-vid': None,
+                                'channel-id':None,
+                                'vont-ani': vani
+                            }
+                            pon_port.onu_update(onu_info)
+                    else:
+                        pass
+                else:
+                    pass
+            else:
+                pass
+        else:
+            pass            
+        #if vani['protection-channel-pair'] in self.channel_pairs:
+            #for ct in self._channel_terminations:
+                #if ct['channel-pair']== vani['protection-channel-pair']:
+                    #pon_id = ct['xgs-ponid']
+                    # Look up the southbound PON port
+                    #pon_port = self.southbound_ports.get(pon_id, None)
+                    #if pon_port is not None:
+                        #sn = vani['expected-serial-number']
+                        #onu_id = vani['onu-id']
+                        #if pon_port.onu_exist_check(onuid)==False:
+                            #add onu
+                            #onu_info = {
+                                #'device-id': self.device_id,
+                                #'serial-number': sn,
+                                #'xpon-name': None,
+                                #'pon': pon_port,
+                                #'onu-id': onu_id,
+                                #'enabled': enabled,
+                                #'upstream-channel-speed': vani['upstream-channel-speed'],
+                                #'password': Onu.DEFAULT_PASSWORD,
+                                #'t-conts': None,
+                                #'gem-ports': None,
+                                #'onu-vid': None,
+                                #'vont-ani': vani
+                            #}
+                            #pon_port.onu_add(onu_info)
+                        #else:
+                            #update onu
+    def _on_vont_ani_delete(self, name):
+        assert name in self._v_ont_anis, \
+            '{} is not a v_ont_ani'.format(name)
+        vani = self._v_ont_anis[name]
+        va_cp_name = vani['preferred-channel-pair'] 
+        if vani['preferred-channel-pair'] in self.channel_pairs:
+            for ct_name in self._channel_terminations:
+                ct_cp_name = self._channel_terminations[ct_name]['channel-pair']
+                if va_cp_name == ct_cp_name:
+                    ct = self._channel_terminations[ct_name]
+                    pon_id = ct['xgs-ponid']
+                    # Look up the southbound PON port
+                    pon_port = self.southbound_ports.get(pon_id, None)
+                    if pon_port is not None:
+                        onu_id = vani['onu-id']
+                        onu_info = {
+                            'name': vani['name'],
+                            'device-id': self.device_id,
+                            'serial-number': None,
+                            'xpon-name': None,
+                            'pon': pon_port,
+                            'onu-id': onu_id,
+                            'ranging-status': None,
+                            'config-status': 0,
+                            'status_machine': None,
+                            'enabled': None,
+                            'channel-partition': None,
+                            'expected-registration-id': None,
+                            'upstream-channel-speed': None,
+                            'upstream-fec': None,
+                            'password': None,
+                            't-conts': None,
+                            'gem-ports': None,
+                            'onu-vid': None,
+                            'channel-id':None,
+                            'vont-ani': None
+                        }
+                        pon_port.onu_update(onu_info)
+                    else:
+                        pass
+                else:
+                    pass
+            else:
+                pass
+        else:
+            pass            
+        #if vani['protection-channel-pair'] in self.channel_pairs:
+            #for ct in self._channel_terminations:
+                #if ct['channel-pair']== vani['protection-channel-pair']:
+                    #pon_id = ct['xgs-ponid']
+                    # Look up the southbound PON port
+                    #pon_port = self.southbound_ports.get(pon_id, None)
+                    #if pon_port is not None:
+                        #sn = vani['expected-serial-number']
+                        #onu_id = vani['onu-id']
+                        #if pon_port.onu_exist_check(onuid)==False:
+                            #add onu
+                            #onu_info = {
+                                #'device-id': self.device_id,
+                                #'serial-number': sn,
+                                #'xpon-name': None,
+                                #'pon': pon_port,
+                                #'onu-id': onu_id,
+                                #'enabled': enabled,
+                                #'upstream-channel-speed': vani['upstream-channel-speed'],
+                                #'password': Onu.DEFAULT_PASSWORD,
+                                #'t-conts': None,
+                                #'gem-ports': None,
+                                #'onu-vid': None,
+                                #'vont-ani': vani
+                            #}
+                            #pon_port.onu_add(onu_info)
+                        #else:
+                            #update onu
+    def _on_ont_ani_create(self, name):
+        assert name in self._ont_anis, \
+            '{} is not a ont_ani'.format(name)
+        ani = self._ont_anis[name]
+        upstream_fec = ani['upstream-fec']
+        #if upstream_fec == 1:
+            #return 
+        vani = self._v_ont_anis[name]
+        if vani is None:
+            return
+        va_cp_name = vani['preferred-channel-pair'] 
+        if va_cp_name in self.channel_pairs:
+            for ct_name in self._channel_terminations:
+                ct_cp_name = self._channel_terminations[ct_name]['channel-pair']
+                if va_cp_name == ct_cp_name:
+                    ct = self._channel_terminations[ct_name]
+                    pon_id = ct['xgs-ponid']
+                    # Look up the southbound PON port
+                    pon_port = self.southbound_ports.get(pon_id, None)
+                    if pon_port is not None:
+                        sn = vani['expected-serial-number']
+                        onu_id = vani['onu-id']
+                        if pon_port.onu_exist_check(onu_id)==True:
+                            #update onu
+                            onu_info = {
+                                'name': vani['name'],
+                                'device-id': self.device_id,
+                                'serial-number': sn,
+                                'xpon-name': None,
+                                'pon': pon_port,
+                                'onu-id': onu_id,
+                                'ranging-status': None,
+                                'config-status': None,
+                                'status_machine': None,
+                                'enabled': None,
+                                'channel-partition': None,
+                                'expected-registration-id': None,
+                                'upstream-channel-speed': None,
+                                'upstream-fec': upstream_fec,
+                                'password': None,
+                                't-conts': None,
+                                'gem-ports': None,
+                                'onu-vid': None,
+                                'channel-id':None,
+                                'vont-ani': None
+                            }
+                            pon_port.onu_update(onu_info)
+                    else:
+                        pass
+                else:
+                    pass
+            else:
+                pass
+        else:
+            pass            
+    def create_interface(self, data):
+        """
+        Create XPON interfaces
+        :param data: (xpon config info)
+        """
+        self.log.debug('create-interface', interface=data.interface, inst_data=data.data)
+        name = data.name
+        items = self._get_xpon_collection(data)
+        if items is not None and name not in items:
+            self._cached_xpon_pon_info = {}     # Clear cached data
+        item_type, new_item = self._data_to_dict(data)
+        #self.log.debug('new-item', item_type=item_type, item=new_item)
+        if name not in items:
+            self.log.debug('new-item', item_type=item_type, item=new_item)
+            items[name] = new_item
+            if isinstance(data, ChannelterminationConfig):
+                self._on_channel_termination_create(name)
+                self.configure_pon(name)
+            elif isinstance(data, VOntaniConfig):
+                self._on_vont_ani_create(name)
+            elif isinstance(data, OntaniConfig):
+                self._on_ont_ani_create(name)
+            else:
+                pass
+    def configure_pon(self,name,pon_type='xgs-ponid'):
+        self.log.debug('configure-pon', name=name)
+        try:
+            assert name in self._channel_terminations, \
+                '{} is not a channel-termination'.format(name)
+            ct = self._channel_terminations[name]
+            pon_id = ct[pon_type]
+            # Look up the southbound PON port
+            pon_port = pon_id
+            assert ct['channel-pair'] in self._channel_pairs, \
+                '{} is not a channel-pair'.format(ct['channel-pair'])
+            cpair = self._channel_pairs[ct['channel-pair']]
+            assert cpair['channel-group'] in self._channel_groups, \
+                '{} is not a -group'.format(cpair['channel-group'])
+            assert cpair['channel-partition'] in self._channel_partitions, \
+                '{} is not a channel-partition'.format(cpair('channel-partition'))
+            cg = self._channel_groups[cpair['channel-group']]
+            cpart = self._channel_partitions[cpair['channel-partition']]
+            pon_tag = ct['pon_tag']
+            closest_ont_distance = cpart['closest_ont_distance']
+            differential_fiber_distance = cpart['differential-fiber-distance']
+            fec_downstream = cpart['fec-downstream']
+            aes_downstream = 1
+            aes_upstream = 1
+            pon_profile = 0
+            bwmap_cycle = 8
+            discover_period = cg['polling-period']
+            msg_hdr = OltMsgCommonHdr(
+                type=OLT_PON_CONFIGURE_PON,
+                src_appId=OLT_APPID_VOLTHA,
+                sync=0
+            )
+            data = msg_hdr.SerializeToString()
+            self.zmq_client_async.async_send(data, 1)
+            config_pon = OltPonConfigurePon(
+                pon_port = pon_port,
+                pon_id = pon_id,
+                pon_tag = pon_tag,
+                closest_ont_distance = closest_ont_distance,
+                differential_fiber_distance = differential_fiber_distance,
+                fec_downstream = fec_downstream,
+                aes_downstream = aes_downstream,
+                aes_upstream = aes_upstream,
+                pon_profile = pon_profile,
+                bwmap_cycle = bwmap_cycle,
+                discover_period = discover_period
+            )
+            data = config_pon.SerializeToString()
+            self.zmq_client_async.async_send(data, 0)
+            self.log.debug('send configure-pon message success',config_pon=config_pon)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('Exception during configure pon', e=e)
+    def update_interface(self, data):
+        """
+        Update XPON interfaces
+        :param data: (xpon config info)
+        """
+        self.log.debug('update_interface', interface=data.interface, inst_data=data.data)
+        name = data.name
+        items = self._get_xpon_collection(data)
+        if items is None:
+            raise ValueError('Unknown data type: {}'.format(type(data)))
+        existing_item = items.get(name)
+        if existing_item is None:
+            raise KeyError("'{}' not found. Type: {}".format(name, type(data)))
+        item_type, update_item = self._data_to_dict(data)
+        self.log.debug('update-item', item_type=item_type, item=update_item)
+        # Calculate the difference
+        diffs = self._dict_diff(existing_item, update_item)
+        if len(diffs) == 0:
+            self.log.debug('update-item-no-diffs')
+        self._cached_xpon_pon_info = {}     # Clear cached data
+        # Act on changed items
+        if isinstance(data, ChannelgroupConfig):
+            self._on_channel_group_modify(name, items, diffs)
+            #raise NotImplementedError('TODO: not yet supported')
+        elif isinstance(data, ChannelpartitionConfig):
+            self._on_channel_partition_modify(name, items, diffs)
+            #raise NotImplementedError('TODO: not yet supported')
+        elif isinstance(data, ChannelpairConfig):
+            self._on_channel_pair_modify(name, items, diffs)
+            #raise NotImplementedError('TODO: not yet supported')
+        elif isinstance(data, ChannelterminationConfig):
+            self._on_channel_termination_modify(name, items, diffs)
+            #raise NotImplementedError('TODO: not yet supported')
+        elif isinstance(data, OntaniConfig):
+            raise NotImplementedError('TODO: not yet supported')
+        elif isinstance(data, VOntaniConfig):
+            raise NotImplementedError('TODO: not yet supported')
+        elif isinstance(data, VEnetConfig):
+            raise NotImplementedError('TODO: not yet supported')
+        else:
+            raise NotImplementedError('Unknown data type')
+    def remove_interface(self, data):
+        """
+        Deleete XPON interfaces
+        :param data: (xpon config info)
+        """
+        self.log.debug('remove_interface', interface=data.interface, inst_data=data.data)
+        name = data.name
+        items = self._get_xpon_collection(data)
+        item = items.get(name)
+        self.log.debug('delete-interface', name=name, data=data)
+        self.log.debug('remove_interface len(items)', len(items))
+        if item is not None:
+            self._cached_xpon_pon_info = {}     # Clear cached data
+            #del items[name]
+            if isinstance(data, ChannelgroupConfig):
+                pass  # Rely upon xPON logic to not allow delete of a referenced group
+            elif isinstance(data, ChannelpartitionConfig):
+                pass  # Rely upon xPON logic to not allow delete of a referenced partition
+            elif isinstance(data, ChannelpairConfig):
+                pass  # Rely upon xPON logic to not allow delete of a referenced pair
+            elif isinstance(data, ChannelterminationConfig):
+                self._on_channel_termination_delete(name)
+            elif isinstance(data, OntaniConfig):
+                pass
+            elif isinstance(data, VOntaniConfig):
+                self._on_vont_ani_delete(name)
+                #pass
+            elif isinstance(data, VEnetConfig):
+                pass
+            else:
+                raise NotImplementedError('Unknown data type')
+            del items[name]
+            self.log.debug('remove_interface len(items)', len(items))
+            #raise NotImplementedError('TODO: not yet supported')
+    def create_tcont(self, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        """
+        Create TCONT information
+        :param tcont_data:
+        :param traffic_descriptor_data:
+        """
+        self.log.debug('create-tcont', tcont=tcont_data, td=traffic_descriptor_data)
+        traffic_descriptor = TrafficDescriptor.create(traffic_descriptor_data)
+        tcont = TCont.create(tcont_data, traffic_descriptor)
+        if tcont.name not in self._tconts:
+            self._cached_xpon_pon_info = {}     # Clear cached data
+            self._tconts[tcont.name] = tcont
+            # Update any ONUs referenced
+            tcont.xpon_create(self)
+            if traffic_descriptor.name not in self._traffic_descriptors:
+                self._traffic_descriptors[traffic_descriptor.name] = traffic_descriptor
+                # Update any ONUs referenced
+                traffic_descriptor.xpon_create(self, tcont)
+    def update_tcont(self, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        """
+        Update TCONT information
+        :param tcont_data:
+        :param traffic_descriptor_data:
+        """
+        self.log.debug('update-tcont', tcont=tcont_data, td=traffic_descriptor_data)
+        if tcont_data.name not in self._tconts:
+            raise KeyError("TCONT '{}' does not exists".format(tcont_data.name))
+        if traffic_descriptor_data.name not in self._traffic_descriptors:
+            raise KeyError("Traffic Descriptor '{}' does not exists".
+                           format(traffic_descriptor_data.name))
+        self._cached_xpon_pon_info = {}     # Clear cached data
+        traffic_descriptor = TrafficDescriptor.create(traffic_descriptor_data)
+        tcont = TCont.create(tcont_data, traffic_descriptor)
+        #
+        # Update any ONUs referenced
+        # tcont.xpon_update(self)
+        # traffic_descriptor.xpon_update(self, tcont)
+        pass
+        raise NotImplementedError('TODO: Not yet supported')
+    def remove_tcont(self, tcont_data, traffic_descriptor_data):
+        """
+        Remove TCONT information
+        :param tcont_data:
+        :param traffic_descriptor_data:
+        """
+        self.log.debug('remove-tcont', tcont=tcont_data, td=traffic_descriptor_data)
+        tcont = self._tconts.get(tcont_data.name)
+        traffic_descriptor = self._traffic_descriptors.get(traffic_descriptor_data.name)
+        if traffic_descriptor is not None:
+            del self._traffic_descriptors[traffic_descriptor_data.name]
+            self._cached_xpon_pon_info = {}     # Clear cached data
+            pass         # Perform any needed operations
+            #raise NotImplementedError('TODO: Not yet supported')
+        if tcont is not None:
+            #del self._tconts[tcont_data.name]
+            self._cached_xpon_pon_info = {}     # Clear cached data
+            #Update any ONUs referenced
+            tcont.xpon_delete(self)
+            del self._tconts[tcont_data.name]
+            pass         # Perform any needed operations
+            #raise NotImplementedError('TODO: Not yet supported')
+    def create_gemport(self, gemport_data):
+        """
+        Create GEM Port
+        :param data:
+        """
+        self.log.debug('create-gemport', gemport=gemport_data)
+        gemport = Gemport.create(gemport_data)
+        if gemport.name not in self._gemports:
+            self._cached_xpon_pon_info = {}     # Clear cached data
+            self._gemports[gemport.name] = gemport
+            # Update any ONUs referenced
+            gemport.xpon_create(self)
+    def remove_gemport(self, data):
+        """
+        Delete GEM Port
+        :param data:
+        """
+        self.log.debug('remove-gemport', gem_port=data.name)
+        gemport = self._gemports.get(data.name)
+        if gemport is not None:
+            #del self._tconts[tcont_data.name]
+            self._cached_xpon_pon_info = {}     # Clear cached data
+            #Update any ONUs referenced
+            gemport.xpon_delete(self)
+            del self._gemports[data.name]
+            pass         # Perform any needed operations
+    def update_gemport(self, data):
+        """
+        Update GEM Port
+        :param data:
+        """
+        self.log.debug('update-gemport', gem_port=data)
+        pass
+    def _unregister_for_inter_adapter_messages(self):
+        try:
+            self.adapter_agent.unregister_for_inter_adapter_messages()
+        except:
+            pass
+    def _delete_logical_device(self):
+        ldi, self.logical_device_id = self.logical_device_id, None
+        if ldi is None:
+            return
+        self.log.debug('delete-logical-device', ldi=ldi)
+        logical_device = self.adapter_agent.get_logical_device(ldi)
+        self.adapter_agent.delete_logical_device(logical_device)
+        device = self.adapter_agent.get_device(self.device_id)
+        device.parent_id = ''
+        #  Update the logical device mapping
+        if ldi in self.adapter.logical_device_id_to_root_device_id:
+            del self.adapter.logical_device_id_to_root_device_id[ldi]
+    def _cancel_deferred(self):
+        d1, self.heartbeat = self.heartbeat, None
+        d2, self.asyncmsg = self.asyncmsg, None
+        d3, self.omcimsg = self.omcimsg, None
+        d4, self.packetmsg = self.packetmsg, None
+        for d in [d1, d2, d3, d4]:
+            try:
+                if d is not None and not d.called:
+                    d.cancel()
+            except:
+                pass
+    def _zmq_shutdown(self):
+        self.zmq_client_sub.sub_shutdown()
+        self.zmq_client_sync.sync_shutdown()
+        self.zmq_client_async.async_shutdown()
+        self.zmq_client_omci.omci_shutdown()  
+        self.zmq_client_of_packet.packet_shutdown()
+    def _finish_reboot(self):
+        if self.heartbrat_status == 1:
+            self.log.info('reboot self.reboot_check_times:', self.reboot_check_times)
+            self.reboot_check_times = 0
+            # Reenable all child devices
+            self.adapter_agent.update_child_devices_state(self.device_id,
+                                                          admin_state=AdminState.ENABLED)
+            #self.olt_activate_msg_send()
+            #self.work_status = 1
+            #for channel_term in self._channel_terminations:
+                #self.log.info('self._channel_terminations:', channel_term)
+                #self._on_channel_termination_create(channel_term)
+                #self.configure_pon(channel_term)
+            #for vont_ani in self._v_ont_anis:
+                #self.log.info('self._v_ont_anis:', vont_ani)
+                #self._on_vont_ani_create(vont_ani)
+            self.reboot_status = 0
+            self.log.info('rebooted', device_id=self.device_id)
+        else:
+            self.reboot_check_times += 1
+            if self.reboot_check_times < 20:
+                self.startup = reactor.callLater(10, self._finish_reboot)
+            else:
+                self.log.info('reboot fail. olt is unreachable.', device_id=self.device_id)
+    def disable(self):
+        self.log.info('disabling', device_id=self.device_id)
+        #send deactivate msg
+        self.olt_deactivate_msg_send()
+        self.work_status = 0
+        # Cancel any running enable/disable/... in progress
+        d, self.startup = self.startup, None
+        try:
+            if d is not None and not d.called:
+                d.cancel()
+        except:
+            pass
+        self._cancel_deferred()
+        self._unregister_for_inter_adapter_messages()
+        device = self.adapter_agent.get_device(self.device_id)
+        device.oper_status = OperStatus.UNKNOWN
+        device.connect_status = ConnectStatus.UNREACHABLE
+        #device.admin_state = AdminState.DISABLED
+        self.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+        # Remove the logical device
+        logical_device = self.adapter_agent.get_logical_device(
+            self.logical_device_id)
+        self.adapter_agent.delete_logical_device(logical_device)
+        # Disable all child devices first
+        self.adapter_agent.update_child_devices_state(self.device_id,
+                                                      oper_status=OperStatus.UNKNOWN,
+                                                      connect_status=ConnectStatus.UNREACHABLE,
+                                                      admin_state=AdminState.DISABLED)
+        # Remove the peer references from this device
+        self.adapter_agent.delete_all_peer_references(self.device_id)
+        for port in self.southbound_ports.itervalues():
+            port.delete()
+        # Set all ports to disabled
+        self.adapter_agent.disable_all_ports(self.device_id)
+        #  Update the logice device mapping
+        if self.logical_device_id in \
+                self.adapter.logical_device_id_to_root_device_id:
+            del self.adapter.logical_device_id_to_root_device_id[
+                self.logical_device_id]
+        if self.logical_device_id is not None:
+            self.logical_device_id = None
+        #self._delete_logical_device()
+        self.log.info('disabled', device_id=device.id)
+        #zmq shutdown
+        #self._zmq_shutdown()
+    def reenable(self,done_deferred=None):
+        """
+        This is called when a previously disabled device needs to be enabled based on a NBI call.
+        :param done_deferred: (Deferred) Deferred to fire when done
+        """
+        self.log.info('re-enabling', device_id=self.device_id)
+        # Cancel any running enable/disable/... in progress
+        d, self.startup = self.startup, None
+        try:
+            if d is not None and not d.called:
+                d.cancel()
+        except:
+            pass
+        # Get the latest device reference
+        device = self.adapter_agent.get_device(self.device_id)
+        # Update the connect status to REACHABLE
+        device.connect_status = ConnectStatus.REACHABLE
+        device.oper_status = OperStatus.ACTIVATING
+        self.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+        # Set all ports to enabled
+        self.adapter_agent.enable_all_ports(self.device_id)
+        # Recreate the logical device
+        logical_device = self.get_logical_device(device)
+        self._logical_device = self.adapter_agent.create_logical_device(logical_device,dpid=self.olt_mac)
+        # Recreate logical ports for all southbound and northbound interfaces
+        for port_no in self.northbound_ports:
+            logical_port = self.northbound_ports[port_no].get_logical_port()
+            self.adapter_agent.add_logical_port(self._logical_device.id, logical_port)              
+        # update device active status now
+        device = self.adapter_agent.get_device(device.id)
+        device.parent_id = self._logical_device.id
+        device.oper_status = OperStatus.ACTIVE
+        device.reason = ''
+        self.logical_device_id = self._logical_device.id
+        self.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+        # Reenable all child devices
+        self.adapter_agent.update_child_devices_state(device.id,
+                                                      oper_status=OperStatus.DISCOVERED,
+                                                      connect_status=ConnectStatus.REACHABLE,
+                                                      admin_state=AdminState.ENABLED)
+        self.olt_activate_msg_send()
+        self.work_status = 1
+        for channel_term in self._channel_terminations:
+            self.log.info('self._channel_terminations:', channel_term)
+            self._on_channel_termination_create(channel_term)
+            self.configure_pon(channel_term)
+        for vont_ani in self._v_ont_anis:
+            self.log.info('self._v_ont_anis:', vont_ani)
+            self._on_vont_ani_create(vont_ani)
+        for ont_ani in self._ont_anis:
+            self.log.info('self._ont_anis:', ont_ani)
+            self._on_ont_ani_create(ont_ani)
+        #start heart_beat pm_collect
+        self.log.debug('Starting heartbeat')
+        self.start_heartbeat(delay=5)
+        #self.start_onu_test()
+        self.start_poll_async_msg()
+        self.start_poll_omci_msg()
+        #self.start_kpi_collection()
+        self.start_poll_packet_in_msg()
+        self.log.info('re-enabled', device_id=device.id)
+    def reboot(self):
+        self.log.info('rebooting', device_id=self.device_id)
+        # Update the operational status to ACTIVATING and connect status to
+        # UNREACHABLE
+        #device = self.adapter_agent.get_device(self.device_id)
+        #previous_oper_status = device.oper_status
+        #previous_conn_status = device.connect_status
+        #device.oper_status = OperStatus.ACTIVATING
+        #device.connect_status = ConnectStatus.UNREACHABLE
+        #self.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+        # Update the child devices connect state to UNREACHABLE
+        #self.adapter_agent.update_child_devices_state(self.device_id,
+        #                                              connect_status=ConnectStatus.UNREACHABLE)
+        # Disable all child devices first
+        self.adapter_agent.update_child_devices_state(self.device_id,
+                                                      admin_state=AdminState.DISABLED)
+        # Remove the peer references from this device
+        self.adapter_agent.delete_all_peer_references(self.device_id)
+        for port in self.southbound_ports.itervalues():
+            port.delete()
+        self.olt_reboot_msg_send()
+        self.reboot_status = 1
+        self.heartbrat_status = 0
+        self.reboot_check_times = 0
+        self.startup = reactor.callLater(10, self._finish_reboot)
+    def delete(self):
+        self.log.info('deleting', device_id=self.device_id)
+        #send deactivate msg
+        #self.olt_deactivate_msg_send()
+        #self._cancel_deferred()
+        # Drop registration for adapter messages
+        #self._unregister_for_inter_adapter_messages()
+        # Cancel any outstanding tasks
+        #d, self.startup = self.startup, None
+        #try:
+            #if d is not None and not d.called:
+                #d.cancel()
+        #except:
+            #pass
+        # clear xpon config
+        self._channel_groups.clear
+        self._channel_partitions.clear
+        self._channel_pairs.clear
+        self._channel_terminations.clear
+        self._v_ont_anis.clear
+        self._ont_anis.clear
+        self._v_enets.clear
+        self._tconts.clear
+        self._traffic_descriptors.clear
+        self._gemports.clear
+        self._cached_xpon_pon_info.clear
+        # Remove all child devices
+        self.adapter_agent.delete_all_child_devices(self.device_id)
+        self.log.info("_delete_logical_device")
+        # Remove the logical device (should already be gone if disable came first)
+        if self.logical_device_id is not None:
+            logical_device = self.adapter_agent.get_logical_device(
+                self.logical_device_id)
+            self.adapter_agent.delete_logical_device(logical_device)
+        #self.log.info("delete_all_peer_references")
+        # Remove the peer references from this device
+        #self.adapter_agent.delete_all_peer_references(self.device_id)
+        #  Update the logice device mapping
+        if self.logical_device_id in \
+                self.adapter.logical_device_id_to_root_device_id:
+            del self.adapter.logical_device_id_to_root_device_id[
+                self.logical_device_id]
+        if self.logical_device_id is not None:
+            self.logical_device_id = None
+        # Tell all ports to stop any background processing
+        for port in self.northbound_ports.itervalues():
+            port.delete()
+        for port in self.southbound_ports.itervalues():
+            port.delete()
+        self.northbound_ports.clear()
+        self.southbound_ports.clear()
+        # Shutdown communications with OLT
+        self._zmq_shutdown()
+        self.log.info('deleted', device_id=self.device_id)
+    def _update_download_status(self, request, download):
+        if download is not None:
+            request.state = download.download_state
+            request.reason = download.failure_reason
+            request.image_state = download.image_state
+            request.additional_info = download.additional_info
+            request.downloaded_bytes = download.downloaded_bytes
+        else:
+            request.state = ImageDownload.DOWNLOAD_UNKNOWN
+            request.reason = ImageDownload.UNKNOWN_ERROR
+            request.image_state = ImageDownload.IMAGE_UNKNOWN
+            request.additional_info = "Download request '{}' not found".format(request.name)
+            request.downloaded_bytes = 0
+        self.adapter_agent.update_image_download(request)
+    def start_download(self, device, request, done):
+        """
+        This is called to request downloading a specified image into
+        the standby partition of a device based on a NBI call.
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+        :param request: A Voltha.ImageDownload object.
+        :param done: (Deferred) Deferred to fire when done
+        :return: (Deferred) Shall be fired to acknowledge the download.
+        """
+        log.info('image_download', request=request)
+        try:
+            if request.name in self._downloads:
+                raise Exception("Download request with name '{}' already exists".
+                                format(request.name))
+            try:
+                download = Download.create(self, request, self._download_protocols)
+            except Exception:
+                request.additional_info = 'Download request creation failed due to exception'
+                raise
+            try:
+                self._downloads[download.name] = download
+                self._update_download_status(request, download)
+                done.callback('started')
+                return done
+            except Exception:
+                request.additional_info = 'Download request startup failed due to exception'
+                del self._downloads[download.name]
+                download.cancel_download(request)
+                raise
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('create', e=e)
+            request.reason = ImageDownload.UNKNOWN_ERROR
+            request.state = ImageDownload.DOWNLOAD_FAILED
+            if not request.additional_info:
+                request.additional_info = e.message
+            self.adapter_agent.update_image_download(request)
+            # restore admin state to enabled
+            device.admin_state = AdminState.ENABLED
+            self.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+            raise
+    def download_status(self, device, request, done):
+        """
+        This is called to inquire about a requested image download status based
+        on a NBI call.
+        The adapter is expected to update the DownloadImage DB object with the
+        query result
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+        :param request: A Voltha.ImageDownload object.
+        :param done: (Deferred) Deferred to fire when done
+        :return: (Deferred) Shall be fired to acknowledge
+        """
+        log.info('download_status', request=request)
+        download = self._downloads.get(request.name)
+        self._update_download_status(request, download)
+        if request.state != ImageDownload.DOWNLOAD_STARTED:
+            # restore admin state to enabled
+            device.admin_state = AdminState.ENABLED
+            self.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+        done.callback(request.state)
+        return done
+    def cancel_download(self, device, request, done):
+        """
+        This is called to cancel a requested image download based on a NBI
+        call.  The admin state of the device will not change after the
+        download.
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+        :param request: A Voltha.ImageDownload object.
+        :param done: (Deferred) Deferred to fire when done
+        :return: (Deferred) Shall be fired to acknowledge
+        """
+        log.info('cancel_download', request=request)
+        download = self._downloads.get(request.name)
+        if download is not None:
+            del self._downloads[request.name]
+            result = download.cancel_download(request)
+            self._update_download_status(request, download)
+            done.callback(result)
+        else:
+            self._update_download_status(request, download)
+            done.errback(KeyError('Download request not found'))
+        if device.admin_state == AdminState.DOWNLOADING_IMAGE:
+            device.admin_state = AdminState.ENABLED
+            self.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+        return done
+    def activate_image(self, device, request, done):
+        """
+        This is called to activate a downloaded image from a standby partition
+        into active partition.
+        Depending on the device implementation, this call may or may not
+        cause device reboot. If no reboot, then a reboot is required to make
+        the activated image running on device
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+        :param request: A Voltha.ImageDownload object.
+        :param done: (Deferred) Deferred to fire when done
+        :return: (Deferred) OperationResponse object.
+        """
+        log.info('activate_image', request=request)
+        download = self._downloads.get(request.name)
+        if download is not None:
+            del self._downloads[request.name]
+            result = download.activate_image()
+            self._update_download_status(request, download)
+            done.callback(result)
+        else:
+            self._update_download_status(request, download)
+            done.errback(KeyError('Download request not found'))
+        # restore admin state to enabled
+        device.admin_state = AdminState.ENABLED
+        self.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+        return done
+    def revert_image(self, device, request, done):
+        """
+        This is called to deactivate the specified image at active partition,
+        and revert to previous image at standby partition.
+        Depending on the device implementation, this call may or may not
+        cause device reboot. If no reboot, then a reboot is required to
+        make the previous image running on device
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+        :param request: A Voltha.ImageDownload object.
+        :param done: (Deferred) Deferred to fire when done
+        :return: (Deferred) OperationResponse object.
+        """
+        log.info('revert_image', request=request)
+        download = self._downloads.get(request.name)
+        if download is not None:
+            del self._downloads[request.name]
+            result = download.revert_image()
+            self._update_download_status(request, download)
+            done.callback(result)
+        else:
+            self._update_download_status(request, download)
+            done.errback(KeyError('Download request not found'))
+        # restore admin state to enabled
+        device.admin_state = AdminState.ENABLED
+        self.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+        return done
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/cig_olt_xpon.py b/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/cig_olt_xpon.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82fcbaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/cig_olt_xpon.py
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present CIG, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import structlog
+import json
+from enum import Enum
+from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_tcont_body_pb2 import TcontsConfigData
+from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_traffic_descriptor_profile_body_pb2 import TrafficDescriptorProfileData
+from voltha.protos.bbf_fiber_gemport_body_pb2 import GemportsConfigData
+from twisted.internet.defer import succeed, inlineCallbacks, returnValue
+from cig_olt_device import *
+log = structlog.get_logger()
+class TCont(object):
+    """
+    Class to wrap TCont capabilities
+    """
+    def __init__(self, alloc_id, traffic_descriptor, best_effort=None,
+                 name=None, ident=None, vont_ani=None):
+        self.alloc_id = alloc_id
+        self.traffic_descriptor = traffic_descriptor
+        self.best_effort = best_effort
+        self.name = name
+        self.pon_id = None
+        self.onu_id = None
+        self.id = ident
+        self.vont_ani = vont_ani        # (string) reference
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "TCont: {}, alloc-id: {}".format(self.name, self.alloc_id)
+    @staticmethod
+    def create(data, td):
+        assert isinstance(data, TcontsConfigData)
+        assert isinstance(td, TrafficDescriptor)
+        return TCont(data.alloc_id, td, best_effort=td.best_effort,
+                     name=data.name, ident=data.id, vont_ani=data.interface_reference)
+    def _get_onu(self, olt):
+        onu = None
+        log.info('tcont _get_onu.')
+        try:
+            vont_ani = olt.v_ont_anis.get(self.vont_ani)
+            ch_pair = olt.channel_pairs.get(vont_ani['preferred-channel-pair'])
+            ch_term = next((term for term in olt.channel_terminations.itervalues()
+                            if term['channel-pair'] == ch_pair['name']), None)
+            log.info('tcont _get_onu pon.')
+            pon = olt.pon(ch_term['xgs-ponid'])
+            log.info('tcont _get_onu pon.', pon._name)
+            onu = pon.onu(vont_ani['onu-id'])
+            log.info('tcont _get_onu onu.', onu._name)
+        except Exception:
+            pass
+        return onu
+    def xpon_create(self, olt):
+        # Look up any associated ONU. May be None if pre-provisioning
+        onu = self._get_onu(olt)
+        if onu is not None:
+            onu.add_tcont(self)
+        #pass
+    def xpon_update(self, olt):
+        # Look up any associated ONU. May be None if pre-provisioning
+        onu = self._get_onu(olt)
+        if onu is not None:
+            pass            # TODO: Not yet supported
+        #pass
+    def xpon_delete(self, olt):
+        # Look up any associated ONU. May be None if pre-provisioning
+        onu = self._get_onu(olt)
+        if onu is not None:
+            onu.remove_tcont(self.alloc_id)
+        #pass
+class TrafficDescriptor(object):
+    """
+    Class to wrap the uplink traffic descriptor.
+    """
+    class AdditionalBwEligibility(Enum):
+        NONE = 0
+        NON_ASSURED_SHARING = 2             # Should match xpon.py values
+        DEFAULT = NONE
+        @staticmethod
+        def to_string(value):
+            return {
+                TrafficDescriptor.AdditionalBwEligibility.NON_ASSURED_SHARING: "non-assured-sharing",
+                TrafficDescriptor.AdditionalBwEligibility.BEST_EFFORT_SHARING: "best-effort-sharing",
+                TrafficDescriptor.AdditionalBwEligibility.NONE: "none"
+            }.get(value, "unknown")
+        @staticmethod
+        def from_value(value):
+            """
+            Matches both Adtran and xPON values
+            :param value:
+            :return:
+            """
+            return {
+                0: TrafficDescriptor.AdditionalBwEligibility.NONE,
+                1: TrafficDescriptor.AdditionalBwEligibility.BEST_EFFORT_SHARING,
+                2: TrafficDescriptor.AdditionalBwEligibility.NON_ASSURED_SHARING,
+            }.get(value, TrafficDescriptor.AdditionalBwEligibility.DEFAULT)
+    def __init__(self, fixed, assured, maximum,
+                 additional=AdditionalBwEligibility.DEFAULT,
+                 best_effort=None,
+                 name=None,
+                 ident=None):
+        self.name = name
+        self.id = ident
+        self.fixed_bandwidth = fixed       # bps
+        self.assured_bandwidth = assured   # bps
+        self.maximum_bandwidth = maximum   # bps
+        self.additional_bandwidth_eligibility = additional
+        self.best_effort = best_effort\
+            if additional == TrafficDescriptor.AdditionalBwEligibility.BEST_EFFORT_SHARING\
+            else None
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "TrafficDescriptor: {}, {}/{}/{}".format(self.name,
+                                                        self.fixed_bandwidth,
+                                                        self.assured_bandwidth,
+                                                        self.maximum_bandwidth)
+    @staticmethod
+    def create(data):
+        assert isinstance(data, TrafficDescriptorProfileData)
+        additional = TrafficDescriptor.AdditionalBwEligibility.from_value(
+            data.additional_bw_eligibility_indicator)
+        if additional == TrafficDescriptor.AdditionalBwEligibility.BEST_EFFORT_SHARING:
+            best_effort = BestEffort(data.maximum_bandwidth,
+                                     data.priority,
+                                     data.weight)
+        else:
+            best_effort = None
+        return TrafficDescriptor(data.fixed_bandwidth, data.assured_bandwidth,
+                                 data.maximum_bandwidth,
+                                 name=data.name,
+                                 ident=data.id,
+                                 best_effort=best_effort,
+                                 additional=additional)
+    def to_dict(self):
+        val = {
+            'fixed-bandwidth': self.fixed_bandwidth,
+            'assured-bandwidth': self.assured_bandwidth,
+            'maximum-bandwidth': self.maximum_bandwidth,
+            'additional-bandwidth-eligibility':
+                TrafficDescriptor.AdditionalBwEligibility.to_string(
+                    self.additional_bandwidth_eligibility)
+        }
+        return val
+    def xpon_create(self, olt, tcont):
+        # Look up any associated ONU. May be None if pre-provisioning
+        pass                    # TODO
+    def xpon_update(self, olt, tcont):
+        # Look up any associated ONU. May be None if pre-provisioning
+        pass            # TODO: Not yet supported
+class BestEffort(object):
+    def __init__(self, bandwidth, priority, weight):
+        self.bandwidth = bandwidth   # bps
+        self.priority = priority     # 0.255
+        self.weight = weight         # 0..100
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "BestEffort: {}/p-{}/w-{}".format(self.bandwidth,
+                                                 self.priority,
+                                                 self.weight)
+    def to_dict(self):
+        val = {
+            'bandwidth': self.bandwidth,
+            'priority': self.priority,
+            'weight': self.weight
+        }
+        return val
+class Gemport(object):
+    """
+    Class to wrap TCont capabilities
+    """
+    def __init__(self, gem_id, traffic_class, name=None, uni_name=None, aes_indicator=None, tcont_name=None):
+        log.info('gemport init.')
+        self.gem_id = gem_id
+        self.traffic_class = traffic_class
+        self.name = name
+        self.uni_name = uni_name
+        self.aes_indicator = aes_indicator
+        self.tcont_name = tcont_name
+        self.pon_id = None
+        self.onu_id = None
+        self.tcont_id = None
+        self.tcont = None
+        self.pon = None
+        self.onu = None
+        strlist = uni_name.split('.')
+        self.cvlan = int(strlist[len(strlist)-1])
+        log.info('gemport init self.cvlan.', self.cvlan)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "GemPort: {}, Tcont: {}, gem-id: {}".format(self.name,
+                                                              self.tcont_name,
+                                                              self.gem_id)
+    @staticmethod
+    def create(data):
+        log.info('gemport create.')
+        assert isinstance(data, GemportsConfigData)
+        return Gemport(data.gemport_id, data.traffic_class, data.name, data.itf_ref, data.aes_indicator, data.tcont_ref)
+    def _get_onu(self, olt):
+        onu = None
+        log.info('gemport _get_onu.')
+        tcont = olt._tconts.get(self.tcont_name)
+        log.info('self.tcont_name.',self.tcont_name)
+        if tcont is None:
+            log.info('tcont is None.')
+            return None
+        self.tcont = tcont
+        vont_ani = olt.v_ont_anis.get(tcont.vont_ani)
+        if vont_ani is None:
+            log.info('vont_ani is None.')
+            return None
+        ch_pair = olt.channel_pairs.get(vont_ani['preferred-channel-pair'])
+        if ch_pair is None:
+            log.info('ch_pair is None.')
+            return None
+        ch_term = next((term for term in olt.channel_terminations.itervalues()
+                        if term['channel-pair'] == ch_pair['name']), None)
+        if ch_term is None:
+            log.info('ch_term is None.')
+            return None
+        self.pon_id = ch_term['xgs-ponid']
+        self.onu_id = vont_ani['onu-id']
+        self.tcont_id = tcont.alloc_id
+        log.info('gemport _get_onu.', self.pon_id)
+        pon = olt.pon(ch_term['xgs-ponid'])
+        log.info('gemport _get_onu pon.', pon._name)
+        self.pon = pon
+        onu = pon.onu(vont_ani['onu-id'])
+        log.info('gemport _get_onu onu.', onu._name)
+        self.onu = onu
+        return onu
+    def xpon_create(self, olt):
+        # Look up any associated ONU. May be None if pre-provisioning
+        log.info('gemport xpon_create.')
+        onu = self._get_onu(olt)
+        if onu is not None:
+            onu.add_gemport(self)
+    def xpon_update(self, olt):
+        # Look up any associated ONU. May be None if pre-provisioning
+        log.info('gemport xpon_update.')
+        if self.onu is not None:
+            pass            # TODO: Not yet supported
+        #pass
+    def xpon_delete(self, olt):
+        # Look up any associated ONU. May be None if pre-provisioning
+        log.info('gemport xpon_delete.')
+        if self.onu is not None:
+            self.onu.remove_gemport(self.gem_id)
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/cig_olt_zmq.py b/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/cig_olt_zmq.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74b400c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/cig_olt_zmq.py
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present CIG, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import binascii
+import struct
+import zmq
+import sys
+import thread
+import time
+import structlog
+from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue, DeferredQueue
+log = structlog.get_logger()
+zmq_context = zmq.Context()
+class CigZmqClientPollMetrics(object):
+    """
+    poll metrics ipc.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, ip_address, rx_incoming_queue):
+        raise NotImplementedError(self)
+    def poll_metrics_send(self, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError(self)
+class CigZmqClientSync(object):
+    """
+    Sync ipc.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, ip_address, rx_incoming_queue):
+        self.external_conn = "tcp://{}:{}".format(ip_address, _OLTD_ZEROMQ_SYNC_PORT)
+        self.socket = zmq_context.socket(zmq.REQ)
+        self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO,3000)
+        self.socket.connect(self.external_conn)
+        self.rx_incoming_queue = rx_incoming_queue
+        self.response = None
+    def sync_send(self, data, flag=0):
+        try:
+            if flag == 1:
+                self.socket.send(data, flags=zmq.SNDMORE)
+            else:
+                self.socket.send(data)
+            if flag != 1:
+                #try:
+                thread.start_new_thread(self.sync_receive,())
+                #except:
+                #    log.exception(e.message)
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception(e.message)
+    def sync_receive(self):
+        try:
+            self.response = self.socket.recv_multipart()
+            self.rx_incoming_queue.put(self.response)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.rx_incoming_queue.put("RecvTimeoutErr.")
+            log.exception(e.message)
+    def sync_reconnect(self):
+        self.socket.close()
+        self.socket = zmq_context.socket(zmq.REQ)
+        self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO,3000)
+        self.socket.connect(self.external_conn)
+    def sync_shutdown(self):
+        self.socket.close()
+class CigZmqClientOmci(object):
+    """
+    Omci ipc.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, ip_address, rx_incoming_queue):
+        self.external_conn_tx = "tcp://{}:{}".format(ip_address, _OLTD_ZEROMQ_OMCI_PORT)
+        self.socket_tx = zmq_context.socket(zmq.DEALER)
+        self.socket_tx.connect(self.external_conn_tx)
+        self.external_conn_rx = "tcp://{}:{}".format(ip_address, _OLTD_ZEROMQ_PUB_OMCI_PORT)
+        self.socket_rx = zmq_context.socket(zmq.SUB)
+        self.socket_rx.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE,'')
+        self.socket_rx.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO,1000)
+        self.socket_rx.connect(self.external_conn_rx)
+        #self.rx_callback = rx_callback
+        self.rx_incoming_queue = rx_incoming_queue
+        self.killflag = 0
+        try:
+            thread.start_new_thread(self.omci_receive,())
+        except:
+            log.exception(e.message)
+    def omci_send(self, data, flag=0):
+        try:
+            if flag == 1:
+                self.socket_tx.send(data, flags=zmq.SNDMORE)
+            else:
+                self.socket_tx.send(data)
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception(e.message)
+    def omci_receive(self):
+        while True:
+            #time.sleep(0.5)
+            try:
+                self.response = self.socket_rx.recv_multipart()
+                #self.rx_callback(self.response)
+                #log.info('omci_receive', self.response)
+                self.rx_incoming_queue.put(self.response)
+            except Exception as e:
+                if self.killflag == 1:
+                    thread.exit ()
+                #log.exception('Exception during omci_receive processing', e=e)
+    def omci_shutdown(self):
+        self.killflag = 1
+        time.sleep(1)
+        self.socket_tx.close()
+        self.socket_rx.close()
+class CigZmqClientAsync(object):
+    """
+    Async ipc.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, ip_address, rx_callback):
+        self.external_conn = "tcp://{}:{}".format(ip_address, _OLTD_ZEROMQ_ASYNC_PORT)
+        self.socket = zmq_context.socket(zmq.DEALER)
+        self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO,1000)
+        self.socket.connect(self.external_conn)
+        self.rx_callback = rx_callback
+        #self.rx_incoming_queue = rx_incoming_queue
+        self.killflag = 0
+        try:
+            thread.start_new_thread(self.async_receive,())
+        except:
+            log.exception(e.message)
+    def async_send(self, data, flag=0):
+        try:
+            if flag == 1:
+                self.socket.send(data, flags=zmq.SNDMORE)
+            else:
+                self.socket.send(data)
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception(e.message)
+    def async_receive(self):
+        while True:
+            try:
+                self.response = self.socket.recv_multipart()
+                #self.rx_incoming_queue.put(self.response)
+                self.rx_callback(self.response)
+                #log.info('async_receive', self.response)
+            except Exception as e:
+                if self.killflag == 1:
+                    thread.exit ()
+                #log.exception('Exception during sync_receive processing', e=e)
+    def async_shutdown(self):
+        self.killflag = 1
+        time.sleep(1)
+        self.socket.close()
+class CigZmqClientSub(object):
+    """
+    Publish ipc.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, ip_address, rx_incoming_queue):
+        self.external_conn = "tcp://{}:{}".format(ip_address, _OLTD_ZEROMQ_PUB_OTHER_PORT)
+        self.socket = zmq_context.socket(zmq.SUB)
+        self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE,'')
+        self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.RCVHWM,10000)
+        self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO,1000)
+        self.socket.connect(self.external_conn)
+        self.rx_incoming_queue = rx_incoming_queue
+        self.killflag = 0
+        log.info('CigZmqClientSub zmq.RCVHWM', self.socket.getsockopt(zmq.RCVHWM))
+        try:
+            thread.start_new_thread(self.sub_receive,())
+        except:
+            log.exception(e.message)
+    def sub_receive(self):
+        while True:
+            try:
+                self.response = self.socket.recv_multipart()
+                #log.info('sub_receive', self.response)
+                self.rx_incoming_queue.put(self.response)
+            except Exception as e:
+                if self.killflag == 1:
+                    thread.exit ()
+                #log.exception('Exception during sub_receive processing', e=e)
+    def sub_shutdown(self):
+        self.killflag = 1
+        time.sleep(1)
+        self.socket.close()
+class CigZmqClientPacketInOut(object):
+    """
+    packet in/out ipc.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, ip_address, rx_incoming_queue):
+        self.external_conn_tx = "tcp://{}:{}".format(ip_address, _OLTD_ZEROMQ_PACKET_OUT_PORT)
+        self.socket_tx = zmq_context.socket(zmq.DEALER)
+        self.socket_tx.connect(self.external_conn_tx)
+        self.external_conn_rx = "tcp://{}:{}".format(ip_address, _OLTD_ZEROMQ_PUB_PACKET_IN_PORT)
+        self.socket_rx = zmq_context.socket(zmq.SUB)
+        self.socket_rx.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE,'')
+        self.socket_rx.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO,1000)
+        self.socket_rx.connect(self.external_conn_rx)
+        #self.rx_callback = rx_callback
+        self.rx_incoming_queue = rx_incoming_queue
+        self.killflag = 0
+        try:
+            thread.start_new_thread(self.packet_receive,())
+        except:
+            log.exception(e.message)
+    def packet_send(self, data, flag=0):
+        try:
+            if flag == 1:
+                self.socket_tx.send(data, flags=zmq.SNDMORE)
+            else:
+                self.socket_tx.send(data)
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception(e.message)
+    def packet_receive(self):
+        while True:
+            #time.sleep(0.5)
+            try:
+                self.response = self.socket_rx.recv_multipart()
+                #self.rx_callback(self.response)
+                #log.info('packet_receive', self.response)
+                self.rx_incoming_queue.put(self.response)
+            except Exception as e:
+                if self.killflag == 1:
+                    thread.exit ()
+                #log.exception('Exception during omci_receive processing', e=e)
+    def packet_shutdown(self):
+        self.killflag = 1
+        time.sleep(1)
+        self.socket_rx.close()
+        self.socket_tx.close()
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/download.py b/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/download.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61ee34c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/download.py
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present CIG, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import os
+import structlog
+import xmltodict
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.internet.defer import returnValue, inlineCallbacks
+from voltha.protos.device_pb2 import ImageDownload
+from voltha.protos.common_pb2 import AdminState
+from cig_olt_zmq import *
+#from voltha.adapters.cig_olt.protos.olt_common_pb2 import *
+#from voltha.adapters.cig_olt.protos.olt_d_pb2 import *
+from voltha.protos.olt_common_pb2 import *
+from voltha.protos.olt_d_pb2 import *
+log = structlog.get_logger()
+class Download(object):
+    """Class to wrap an image download"""
+    def __init__(self, handler, request, protocols):
+        self._olt = handler
+        self._deferred = None
+        self.device_id = request.id
+        self._name = request.name
+        self._url = request.url
+        self._crc = request.crc
+        self._version = request.image_version
+        self._local = request.local_dir
+        self._save_config = request.save_config
+        self._supported_protocols = protocols
+        self._download_state = ImageDownload.DOWNLOAD_UNKNOWN
+        self._failure_reason = ImageDownload.UNKNOWN_ERROR
+        self._image_state = ImageDownload.IMAGE_UNKNOWN
+        self._additional_info = ''
+        self._downloaded_octets = 0
+        # Server profile info
+        self._server_profile_name = None
+        self._scheme = None
+        self._host = ''
+        self._port = None
+        self._path = ''
+        self._auth = None
+        # Download job info
+        self._download_job_name = None
+        self._chech_deferred =None
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "ImageDownload: {}".format(self.name)
+    @staticmethod
+    def create(handler, request, supported_protocols):
+        """
+        Create and start a new image download
+        :param handler: (AdtranDeviceHandler) Device download is for
+        :param done_deferred: (Deferred) deferred to fire on completion
+        :param request: (ImageDownload) Request
+        """
+        download = Download(handler, request, supported_protocols)
+        download._deferred = reactor.callLater(0, download.start_download)
+        return download
+    @property
+    def name(self):
+        return self._name
+    @property
+    def download_state(self):
+        return self._download_state
+    @property
+    def failure_reason(self):
+        return self._failure_reason
+    @property
+    def image_state(self):
+        return self._image_state
+    @property
+    def additional_info(self):
+        return self._additional_info
+    @property
+    def downloaded_bytes(self):
+        return self._downloaded_octets
+    @property
+    def profile_name(self):
+        return self._server_profile_name
+    def _cancel_deferred(self):
+        d, self._deferred = self._deferred, None
+        try:
+            if d is not None and not d.called:
+                d.cancel()
+        except Exception as e:
+            pass
+    def check_download_status(self):
+        log.info('*** check download status ***')
+        self._download_state = ImageDownload.DOWNLOAD_SUCCEEDED
+        self._failure_reason = ImageDownload.NO_ERROR 
+        self._download_complete()
+    #@inlineCallbacks
+    def start_download(self):
+        import uuid
+        log.info('download-start', name=self.name)
+        if not self.parse_url():
+            self._download_failed()
+            log.info('failed url parsing', name=self.name)
+            return
+            #returnValue('failed url parsing')
+        self._download_state = ImageDownload.DOWNLOAD_STARTED
+        self._failure_reason = ImageDownload.NO_ERROR
+        #send msg to oltd to start download
+        self.image_cfg_msg_send(IMAGE_CMD_DOWNLOAD)
+        log.info('start download *************', name=self.name)
+        self._chech_deferred = reactor.callLater(120, self.check_download_status)
+        return self._chech_deferred
+    def parse_url(self):
+        from urllib3 import util, exceptions
+        try:
+            results = util.parse_url(self._url)
+            # Server info
+            self._scheme = results.scheme.lower()
+            #if self._scheme not in self._supported_protocols:
+                #self._failure_reason = ImageDownload.INVALID_URL
+                #self._additional_info = "Unsupported file transfer protocol: {}".format(results.scheme)
+                #return False
+            self._host = results.host
+            self._port = results.port
+            self._path = results.path
+            self._auth = results.auth
+            return True
+        except exceptions.LocationValueError as e:
+            self._failure_reason = ImageDownload.INVALID_URL
+            self._additional_info = e.message
+            return False
+        except Exception as e:
+            self._failure_reason = ImageDownload.UNKNOWN_ERROR
+            self._additional_info = e.message
+            return False
+    def _download_failed(self):
+        log.info('download-failed', name=self.name)
+        self._cancel_deferred()
+        self._download_state = ImageDownload.DOWNLOAD_FAILED
+        # Cleanup NETCONF
+        #reactor.callLater(0, self._cleanup_download_job, 20)
+        #reactor.callLater(0, self._cleanup_server_profile, 20)
+        # TODO: Do we signal any completion due to failure?
+    def _download_complete(self):
+        log.info('download-completed', name=self.name)
+        self._cancel_deferred()
+        self._download_state = ImageDownload.DOWNLOAD_SUCCEEDED
+        self._downloaded_octets = 123456
+        self._failure_reason = ImageDownload.NO_ERROR
+        #reactor.callLater(0, self._cleanup_download_job, 20)
+        #reactor.callLater(0, self._cleanup_server_profile, 20)
+        # TODO: How do we signal completion?
+        device = self._olt.adapter_agent.get_device(self.device_id)
+        if device is not None:
+            # restore admin state to enabled
+            device.admin_state = AdminState.ENABLED
+            self._olt.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+    #@inlineCallbacks
+    def cancel_download(self, request):
+        log.info('cancel-sw-download', name=self.name)
+        self._cancel_deferred()
+        try:
+            # initiate cancelling software download to device at success
+            # delete image download record
+            self._olt.adapter_agent.delete_image_download(request)
+            device = self._olt.adapter_agent.get_device(self.device_id)
+            if device is not None:
+                # restore admin state to enabled
+                device.admin_state = AdminState.ENABLED
+                self._olt.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+            #send msg to oltd to cancel download
+            self.image_cfg_msg_send(IMAGE_CMD_CANCEL)
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception(e.message)
+        #reactor.callLater(0, self._cleanup_download_job, 20)
+        #reactor.callLater(0, self._cleanup_server_profile, 20)
+    #@inlineCallbacks
+    def activate_image(self):
+        log.info('download-activate', name=self.name)
+        if self._download_state == ImageDownload.DOWNLOAD_SUCCEEDED:
+            pass   # TODO: Implement
+            self._image_state = ImageDownload.IMAGE_ACTIVE
+        #send msg to oltd to activate image
+        self.image_cfg_msg_send(IMAGE_CMD_ACTIVETE)
+        #returnValue('TODO: Implement this')
+    #@inlineCallbacks
+    def revert_image(self):
+        log.info('download-revert', name=self.name)
+        if self._download_state == ImageDownload.DOWNLOAD_SUCCEEDED:
+            pass   # TODO: Implement
+            self._image_state = ImageDownload.IMAGE_INACTIVE
+        #send msg to oltd to revert image
+        self.image_cfg_msg_send(IMAGE_CMD_REVERT)
+        #returnValue('TODO: Implement this')
+    def monitor_state_to_download_state(self, state):
+        if ':' in state:
+            state = state.split(':')[-1]
+        result = {
+            'downloading-software': ImageDownload.DOWNLOAD_STARTED,       # currently downloading software
+            'storing-software': ImageDownload.DOWNLOAD_STARTED,           # successfully downloaded the required software and is storing it to memory
+            'software-stored': ImageDownload.DOWNLOAD_SUCCEEDED,          # successfully downloaded the required software and has stored it successfully to memory
+            'software-download-failed': ImageDownload.DOWNLOAD_FAILED,    # unsuccessfully attemptedto download the required software
+            'invalid-software': ImageDownload.DOWNLOAD_FAILED,            # successfully downloaded the required software but the software was determined to be invalid
+            'software-storage-failed': ImageDownload.INSUFFICIENT_SPACE,  # successfully downloaded the required software but was unable to successfully stored it to memory
+        }.get(state.lower(), None)
+        log.info('download-state', result=result, state=state, name=self.name)
+        assert result is not None, 'Invalid state'
+        return result
+    def monitor_state_to_activate_state(self, state):
+        if ':' in state:
+            state = state.split(':')[-1]
+        result = {
+            'enabling-software': ImageDownload.IMAGE_ACTIVATE,         # currently enabling the software
+            'software-enabled': ImageDownload.IMAGE_ACTIVE,            # successfully enabled the required software
+            'enable-software-failed': ImageDownload.IMAGE_INACTIVE,    # unsuccessfully attempted to enable the required software revision
+            'activating-software': ImageDownload.IMAGE_ACTIVATE,       # currently activating the software
+            'software-activated': ImageDownload.IMAGE_ACTIVE,          # successfully activated the required software. The job terminated successfully
+            'activate-software-failed': ImageDownload.IMAGE_INACTIVE,  # unsuccessfully attempted to activate the required software revision
+            'committing-software': ImageDownload.IMAGE_ACTIVATE,       # currently committing the software
+            'software-committed': ImageDownload.IMAGE_ACTIVATE,        # successfully committed the required software. The job terminated successfully
+            'commit-software-failed': ImageDownload.IMAGE_INACTIVE,    # unsuccessfully attempted to commit the required software revision
+        }.get(state.lower(), None)
+        log.info('download-state', result=result, state=state, name=self.name)
+        assert result is not None, 'Invalid state'
+        return result
+    def image_cfg_msg_send(self, cmd_type):
+        try:
+            mgr_hdr = OltMsgCommonHdr(
+                type=OLT_D_IMAGE_CFG,
+                src_appId=OLT_APPID_VOLTHA,
+                sync=0
+            )
+            data=mgr_hdr.SerializeToString()
+            self._olt.zmq_client_async.async_send(data, 1)
+            if cmd_type == IMAGE_CMD_DOWNLOAD:
+                image_cfg = OltDImageCfg(
+                    name = self._name,
+                    cmd = cmd_type,
+                    url = self._url,
+                    crc = self._crc,
+                    version = self._version
+                )
+            else:
+                image_cfg = OltDImageCfg(
+                    name = self._name,
+                    cmd = cmd_type
+                )
+            data=image_cfg.SerializeToString()
+            self._olt.zmq_client_async.async_send(data, 0)
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception('Exception during image cfg processing', e=e)
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/protos/Makefile b/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/protos/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62eacc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/protos/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Makefile to build all protobuf and gRPC related artifacts
+ifeq ($(VOLTHA_BASE)_set,_set)
+  $(error To get started, please source the env.sh file from Voltha top level directory)
+default: build
+PROTO_FILES := $(wildcard *.proto) $(wildcard $(VOLTHA_BASE)/voltha/protos/third_party/google/api/*proto)
+PROTO_PB2_FILES := $(foreach f,$(PROTO_FILES),$(subst .proto,_pb2.py,$(f)))
+PROTO_DESC_FILES := $(foreach f,$(PROTO_FILES),$(subst .proto,.desc,$(f)))
+PROTOC_PREFIX := /usr/local
+PROTOC := $(PROTOC_PREFIX)/bin/protoc
+PROTOC_VERSION := "3.3.0"
+PROTOC_DOWNLOAD_PREFIX := "https://github.com/google/protobuf/releases/download"
+PROTOC_TARBALL := protobuf-python-$(PROTOC_VERSION).tar.gz
+PROTOC_BUILD_TMP_DIR := "/tmp/protobuf-build-$(shell uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"
+build: $(PROTOC) protos
+protos: $(PROTO_PB2_FILES)
+%_pb2.py: %.proto Makefile
+	@echo "Building protocol buffer artifacts from $<"
+	env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(PROTOC_LIBDIR) python -m grpc.tools.protoc \
+	    -I. \
+	    -I$(VOLTHA_BASE)/voltha/protos/third_party \
+	    --python_out=. \
+	    --grpc_python_out=. \
+	    --descriptor_set_out=$(basename $<).desc \
+	    --include_imports \
+	    --include_source_info \
+	    $<
+	@echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
+	@echo "It looks like you don't have protocol buffer tools installed."
+	@echo "To install the protocol buffer toolchain, you can run:"
+	@echo "    make install-protoc"
+	@echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
+install-protoc: $(PROTOC)
+	@echo "Downloading and installing protocol buffer support."
+	@echo "Installation will require sodo priviledges"
+	@echo "This will take a few minutes."
+	mkdir -p $(PROTOC_BUILD_TMP_DIR)
+	@echo "We ask for sudo credentials now so we can install at the end"; \
+	sudo echo "Thanks"; \
+	    cd $(PROTOC_BUILD_TMP_DIR); \
+	    wget $(PROTOC_DOWNLOAD_URI); \
+	    tar xzvf $(PROTOC_TARBALL); \
+	    cd $(PROTOC_DIR); \
+	    ./configure --prefix=$(PROTOC_PREFIX); \
+	    make; \
+	    sudo make install
+	    sudo make uninstall
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/protos/Makefile.protos b/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/protos/Makefile.protos
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..031af65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/protos/Makefile.protos
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Makefile to build all protobuf and gRPC related artifacts
+default: build
+PROTO_FILES := $(wildcard *.proto)
+PROTO_PB2_FILES := $(foreach f,$(PROTO_FILES),$(subst .proto,_pb2.py,$(f)))
+PROTO_PB2_GOOGLE_API := $(foreach f,$(PROTO_GOOGLE_API),$(subst .proto,_pb2.py,$(f)))
+PROTO_All_PB2_C_FILES := $(foreach f,$(PROTO_ALL_FILES),$(subst .proto,_pb2.pyc,$(f)))
+PROTO_ALL_PB2_GPRC_FILES := $(foreach f,$(PROTO_ALL_FILES),$(subst .proto,_pb2_grpc.py,$(f)))
+PROTO_ALL_DESC_FILES := $(foreach f,$(PROTO_ALL_FILES),$(subst .proto,.desc,$(f)))
+# Google API needs to be built from within the third party directory
+	python -m grpc.tools.protoc \
+	    -I. \
+            --python_out=. \
+            --grpc_python_out=. \
+            --descriptor_set_out=google/api/annotations.desc \
+            --include_imports \
+            --include_source_info \
+        google/api/annotations.proto google/api/http.proto
+build: $(PROTO_PB2_FILES)
+%_pb2.py: %.proto
+	python -m grpc.tools.protoc \
+                -I. \
+                -I/protos \
+                -I/protos/voltha \
+                --python_out=. \
+                --grpc_python_out=. \
+                --descriptor_set_out=$(basename $<).desc \
+                --include_imports \
+                --include_source_info \
+                $<
+	rm -f $(PROTO_PB2_FILES) \
+		$(PROTO_All_PB2_C_FILES) \
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/protos/__init__.py b/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/protos/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0fb0b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/protos/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/protos/olt_common.proto b/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/protos/olt_common.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e3346e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/protos/olt_common.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+syntax = "proto3";


+package cig_olt;



+enum OltAppId










+message OltMsgCommonHdr


+	  uint32 type = 1;

+	  OltAppId src_appId = 2;

+	  uint32 sync = 3;  //0:aync, 1:sync



+//olt common msg type from 1 to 999

+enum OltCommonMsgType











+ * Identify to the area of the system impacted by the alarm

+ */

+enum OltAlarmEventType 




+    EQUIPMENT = 2;

+    SERVICE = 3;

+    PROCESSING = 4;

+    SECURITY = 5;




+ * Identify to the functional category originating the alarm

+ */

+enum OltAlarmEventCategory 


+    PON = 0;

+    ETH = 1;

+    MISC = 2;




+ * Active state of the alarm

+ */

+enum OltAlarmEventState 


+    RAISED = 0;

+    CLEARED = 1;




+ * Identify the overall impact of the alarm on the system

+ */

+enum OltAlarmEventSeverity 



+    WARNING = 1;

+    MINOR = 2;

+    MAJOR = 3;

+    CRITICAL = 4;






























+ */

+message OltCommonAlarmEvent 


+    // Unique ID for this alarm.

+    string id = 1;


+    // Refers to the area of the system impacted by the alarm

+    OltAlarmEventType type = 2;


+    // Refers to functional category of the alarm

+    OltAlarmEventCategory category = 3;


+    // Current active state of the alarm

+    OltAlarmEventState state = 4;


+    // Overall impact of the alarm on the system

+    OltAlarmEventSeverity severity = 5;


+    // Timestamp at which the alarm was first raised

+    float raised_ts = 6;


+    // Timestamp at which the alarm was reported

+    float reported_ts = 7;


+    // Timestamp at which the alarm has changed since it was raised

+    float changed_ts = 8;


+    // Identifier of the originating resource of the alarm

+    string resource_id = 9;


+    // Textual explanation of the alarm

+    string description = 10;


+    // Key/Value storage for extra information that may give context to the alarm

+    //map<string, string> context = 11;



+message PacketCounter 


+    string name = 1;

+    int64 value = 2;



+message PortMetrics 


+    string port_name = 1;

+    repeated PacketCounter packets = 2;



+message OltCommonPmMetrics 


+    repeated PortMetrics metrics = 1;



+enum OltLogLevel 



+    LOG_LEVEL_INFO = 1;







+message OltCommonHeartBeat {

+    uint32 seq_no = 1;

+    bool is_active = 2;     //1: ACTIVE 0:INACTIVE


diff --git a/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/protos/olt_d.proto b/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/protos/olt_d.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f74b779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/protos/olt_d.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@

+syntax = "proto3";


+package cig_olt;


+//import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";

+import "bbf_fiber_types.proto";


+//oltD msg type from 1001 to 1999

+enum OltDMsgType



+    OLT_D_ACTIVATE_OLT = 1001;


+    OLT_D_REBOOT_OLT = 1003;

+    OLT_D_GET_OLT_INFO_REQ = 1004;

+    OLT_D_GET_OLT_INFO_ACK = 1005;

+    OLT_D_ADD_ONU = 1006;

+    OLT_D_UPDATE_ONU = 1007;

+    OLT_D_DELETE_ONU = 1008;

+    OLT_D_PACKET_IN = 1009;

+    OLT_D_PACKET_OUT = 1010;

+    OLT_D_IMAGE_CFG = 1011;



+    OLT_D_IMAGE_EVENT = 1014;



+enum OltPonPortType {

+    OLT_PON_PORT_TYPE_GPON = 0;              //1.25-2.5

+    OLT_PON_PORT_TYPE_XGPON = 1;             //2.5-10

+    OLT_PON_PORT_TYPE_XGSPON = 2;            //10-10

+    OLT_PON_PORT_TYPE_NGPON2 = 3;            //40-40



+enum OltNniPortType {

+    OLT_NNI_PORT_TYPE_10G = 0;

+    OLT_NNI_PORT_TYPE_25G = 1;

+    OLT_NNI_PORT_TYPE_40G = 2;

+    OLT_NNI_PORT_TYPE_100G = 3;



+message PonPortInfo {

+    int32 port_no = 1;  //value: 1,2,3...

+    OltPonPortType port_type = 2;


+message NniPortInfo {

+    int32 port_no = 1;    //value: 1,2,3...

+    OltNniPortType port_type = 2;

+    string mac_address = 3;



+enum OltState




+      OLT_STATE_ACTIVE = 2;


+enum OltWorkMode


+      OLT_MODE_CONFIG = 0;

+      OLT_MODE_AUTO = 1;



+// Describes instance of software image on the device

+message OltImage {

+    string name = 1;                // software patch name

+    string version = 2;             // version of software

+    string hash = 3;                // md5 hash

+    string install_datetime = 4;    // combined date and time expressed in UTC.

+                                    // use ISO 8601 format for date and time


+    // The active software image is one that is currently loaded and executing

+    // in the ONU or circuit pack. Under normal operation, one software image

+    // is always active while the other is inactive. Under no circumstances are

+    // both software images allowed to be active at the same time

+    bool is_active = 5;             // True if the image is active


+    // The committed software image is loaded and executed upon reboot of the

+    // ONU and/or circuit pack. During normal operation, one software image is

+    // always committed, while the other is uncommitted.

+    bool is_committed = 6;          // True if the image is committed


+    // A software image is valid if it has been verified to be an executable

+    // code image. The verification mechanism is not subject to standardization;

+    // however, it should include at least a data integrity (e.g., CRC) check of

+    // the entire code image.

+    bool is_valid = 7;              // True if the image is valid



+// List of software on the device

+message OltImages {

+    repeated OltImage image = 1;




+message OltDGetOltInfoAck {

+    OltState olt_state = 1;

+    string vendor = 2;

+    string model = 3;

+    string hardware_version = 4;

+    string firmware_version = 5;

+    string software_version = 6;

+    string serial_number = 7;

+    OltImages images = 8;


+    // Device contact MAC address (format: "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx")

+    string mac_address = 9;


+    // Device contact IPv4 address (format: "a.b.c.d" or can use hostname too)

+    string ipv4_address = 10;


+    // Device contact IPv6 address using the canonical string form

+    // ("xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx")

+    string ipv6_address = 11;

+    OltWorkMode work_mode = 12;


+    repeated NniPortInfo nni_port = 13;

+    repeated PonPortInfo pon_port = 14;



+message OltDAddOnu {

+    uint32 pon_port = 1; // 1~24

+	  uint32 onu_id = 2; // 0~255

+	  string sn = 3;

+	  string registration_id = 4;

+	  bool fec_upstream = 5;

+	  bbf_fiber_types.AuthMethodType authentication_method = 6; 



+message OltDUpdateOnu {

+    uint32 pon_port = 1; // 1~24

+	  uint32 onu_id = 2; // 0~255

+	  string sn = 3;

+	  string registration_id = 4;

+	  bool fec_upstream = 5;

+	  bbf_fiber_types.AuthMethodType authentication_method = 6; 



+message OltDEthPacket


+	uint32 pkt_len = 1;

+	bytes pkt_buf = 2;



+message OltDDeleteOnu {

+    uint32 pon_port = 1; // 1~24

+	  uint32 onu_id = 2; // 0~255

+	  string sn = 3;


+enum OltImageCfgCmd {








+enum OltImageDownloadState {








+enum OltImageActivateState {




+    IMAGE_ACTIVE = 3;

+    IMAGE_REVERT = 4;


+enum OltImageDownloadFailureReason {

+    NO_ERROR = 0;

+    INVALID_URL = 1;

+    DEVICE_BUSY = 2;






+message OltDImageCfg {

+    string name = 1;

+    OltImageCfgCmd cmd = 2;	//1: download 2:cancel 3:activate 4:revert

+    string url = 3; 

+    uint32 crc = 4;

+    string version = 5;




+message OltDImageEvent {

+    string name = 1;

+    uint32 type = 2;	//1: download 2:cancel 3:activate 4:revert

+    // Download state

+    OltImageDownloadState state = 3;

+    // Download failure reason

+    OltImageDownloadFailureReason reason= 4;

+    // Image activation state

+    OltImageActivateState image_state = 5;

+    // Additional info

+    string additional_info = 6;






+message OltDImageStatusReq {

+    string name = 1;




+message OltDImageStatusAck {

+    string name = 1;

+    // Download state

+    OltImageDownloadState state = 2;

+    // Bytes downloaded

+    uint32 downloaded_bytes = 3;

+    // Download failure reason

+    OltImageDownloadFailureReason reason= 4;

+    // Image activation state

+    OltImageActivateState image_state = 5;

+    // Additional info

+    string additional_info = 6;




diff --git a/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/protos/olt_pon.proto b/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/protos/olt_pon.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8e8db2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/protos/olt_pon.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+syntax = "proto3";


+import "bbf_fiber_types.proto";


+//olt pon msg type from 2001 to 2999

+enum OltPonMsgType





































+message OltPonPort


+	  uint32 pon_port = 1;




+message OltPonConfigurePon


+	uint32 pon_port = 1; // 0~3

+    uint32 pon_id = 2; // 32-bit

+    string pon_tag = 3; // 8-byte

+    uint32 closest_ont_distance = 4; // km

+    uint32 differential_fiber_distance = 5; // km

+    bool fec_downstream = 6;

+    bool aes_downstream = 7;

+    bool aes_upstream = 8;

+    uint32 pon_profile = 9; // 0/1/2/3. (0: 256 x 32, 1: 128 x 64, 2: 64 x 128, 3: 32 x 256)

+    uint32 bwmap_cycle = 10; // 8/16/32 (default 8)

+    uint32 discover_period = 11; // default: 10s




+message OltPonAddTcont


+	  uint32 pon_port = 1; // 0~3

+	  uint32 onu_id = 2; // 0~255

+	  uint32 alloc_id = 3; 

+	  uint32 fixed_bandwidth = 4; // kbps

+	  uint32 assured_bandwidth = 5; // kbps

+	  uint32 maximum_bandwidth = 6; // kbps




+message OltPonUpdateTcont


+	  uint32 pon_port = 1; // 0~3

+	  uint32 alloc_id = 2; 

+	  uint32 fixed_bandwidth = 3; // kbps

+	  uint32 assured_bandwidth = 4; // kbps

+	  uint32 maximum_bandwidth = 5; // kbps




+message OltPonDeleteTcont


+	  uint32 pon_port = 1; // 0~3

+	  uint32 alloc_id = 2; 




+message OltPonConfigureService


+	  uint32 pon_port = 1; // 0~3

+	  uint32 onu_id = 2; // 0~255

+	  uint32 direction = 3; // 0: downstream, 1: upstream

+	  uint32 gem_port = 4;

+	  uint32 flow_id = 5;

+	  uint32 priority = 6;

+	  uint32 action = 7;




+message OltPonActivateOnu


+	  uint32 pon_port = 1; // 0~3

+	  uint32 onu_id = 2; // 0~255

+	  string sn = 3;

+	  string registration_id = 4;

+	  bool fec_upstream = 5;

+	  bbf_fiber_types.AuthMethodType authentication_method = 6;




+message OltPonDeactivateOnu


+	  uint32 pon_port = 1; // 0~3

+	  uint32 onu_id = 2; // 0~255

+	  string sn = 3;




+message OltPonEnableOnu


+	  uint32 pon_port = 1; // 0~3

+	  string sn = 2;




+message OltPonSendOmci


+    uint32 pon_slot = 1;

+	  uint32 pon_port = 2; // 0~3

+	  uint32 onu_id = 3; // 0~255

+	  string omci_content = 4;




+message OltPonOnuRangingEvent


+    uint32 pon_slot = 1;

+	  uint32 pon_port = 2; // 0~3

+	  uint32 onu_id = 3; // 0~255

+	  string sn = 4;

+    uint32 ranging_state = 5; // 0: ranging down; 1: ranging up

+	  uint32 eqd = 6;

+	  uint32 distance = 7;



+message OltPonOnuActivateComplete {

+    uint32 pon_port = 1; // 1~24

+    uint32 pon_slot = 2;

+	uint32 onu_id = 3; // 0~255

+	uint32 result = 4; //0~1




+message OltPonXGemPMReq


+    uint32 pon_slot = 1; 

+    uint32 pon_port = 2;




+message OltPonXGemPMAck 


+    uint32 pon_slot = 1; 

+    uint32 pon_port = 2;

+    uint64 tx_gem_frames = 3; 

+    uint64 rx_gem_frames = 4; 

+    uint64 tx_nolfbit_count = 5;

+    uint64 hec_err_count = 6;

+    uint64 frame_lost_count = 7;

+    uint64 key_err_count = 8;



+message OltPonGemport


+	uint32 uni_logic_port = 1;

+	uint32 vlan = 2; //pit+vlanId

+	uint32 gemport_id = 3;

+	uint32 onu_id = 4;

+	uint32 pon_port = 5;

\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/protos/olt_switch.proto b/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/protos/olt_switch.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b546ffc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/voltha/adapters/cig_olt/protos/olt_switch.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+syntax = "proto3";


+//import "voltha/openflow_13.proto";

+import "openflow_13.proto";


+//olt swtich msg type from 3001 to 3999

+enum OltSwitchMsgType











+message OltSwitchFlowTable 


+    repeated openflow_13.ofp_flow_stats flows = 1;




+message OltSwitchConfigurePort 


+    openflow_13.ofp_port_mod port = 1; //Modify behavior of the physical port




+message OltSwitchPortStatusEvent 


+    openflow_13.ofp_port_status port_status = 1; 




+message OltSwitchGetPortPmReq 


+    openflow_13.ofp_port_stats_request port_no = 1; 




+message OltSwitchGetPortPmAck 


+    openflow_13.ofp_port_stats port_stats = 1; 
