VOL-512: VOLTHA utests are run in non-deterministic order

Reverse sort utest directories to ensure any host runs the tests
in the same order.

Change-Id: I29aace2f0939d784b2043e6a1c59b01810d4fa2f
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 8f71967..dc06a23 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -256,12 +256,12 @@
 utest: venv protos
 	@ echo "Executing all unit tests"
 	. ${VENVDIR}/bin/activate && \
-	    for d in $$(find ./tests/utests -depth -type d); do echo $$d:; nosetests $$d; done
+	    for d in $$(find ./tests/utests -type d|sort -nr); do echo $$d:; nosetests $$d; done
 utest-with-coverage: venv protos
 	@ echo "Executing all unit tests and producing coverage results"
 	. ${VENVDIR}/bin/activate && \
-        for d in $$(find ./tests/utests -depth -type d); do echo $$d:; \
+        for d in $$(find ./tests/utests -type d|sort -nr); do echo $$d:; \
 	nosetests --with-xcoverage --with-xunit --cover-package=voltha,common,ofagent,chameleon $$d; done
 itest: venv run-as-root-tests