Merge "adding Jenkinsfile"
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index c4855cc..865c255 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -73,8 +73,7 @@
 	@echo "utest        : Run all unit tests"
-build: protos docker-base
-#build: utest protos docker-base
+build: utest protos docker-base
 	docker build -t cord/voltha -f Dockerfile.voltha .
 	docker build -t cord/chameleon -f Dockerfile.chameleon .
@@ -132,7 +131,7 @@
 itest: venv
 	@ echo "Executing all integration tests"
 	. ${VENVDIR}/bin/activate && \
-	    nosetests tests/itests -s --exclude-dir=./tests/utests/
+	    nosetests tests/itests -s
 flake8: $(DIRS_FLAKE8)
diff --git a/tests/itests/docutests/ b/tests/itests/docutests/
index 562dc8e..b75da23 100644
--- a/tests/itests/docutests/
+++ b/tests/itests/docutests/
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
             out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
             self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
-            print "Test_03_make_Start:------------------ took {} secs \n\n"\
+            print "Test_03_make_Start:------------------ took {} secs \n\n" \
                 .format(time.time() - t0)
     def test_04_run_voltha_standalone_without_consul(self):
@@ -250,9 +250,9 @@
             print "Start consul ..."
-            # sleep until consul is ready
             print "Waiting for consul to be ready ..."
-            time.sleep(10)
+            rc = self._wait_for_consul_to_be_ready()
+            self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
             # Get the docker IP address and port number of the consul instance
             print "Get consul leader IP ..."
@@ -370,6 +370,12 @@
             out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
             self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
+            print "Waiting for all containers to be ready ..."
+            rc, not_found_list = self._wait_for_all_containers_to_ready()
+            if rc:
+                print "Not found patterns:{}".format(not_found_list)
+            self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
             # verify that all containers are running
             print "Verify all services are running using docker command ..."
             for service in docker_service_list:
@@ -437,7 +443,7 @@
             expected_pattern = ['voltha-heartbeat', 'Heartbeat message']
             cmd = command_defs['kafka_client_run_10_secs']
             kafka_client_output = run_long_running_command_with_timeout(cmd,
-                                                                        10)
+                                                                        20)
             # Verify the kafka client output
             # instance id
@@ -532,9 +538,12 @@
             print "Start all containers..."
-            # sleep until all containers are sync up and ready
-            print "Waiting for consul to be ready ..."
+            print "Waiting for all containers to be ready ..."
+            rc, not_found_list = self._wait_for_all_containers_to_ready()
+            if rc:
+                print "Not found patterns:{}".format(not_found_list)
+            self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
             # Get the IP address(es) for voltha's REST interface
             print "Get IP of Voltha REST interface..."
@@ -576,6 +585,13 @@
             print "Start all containers..."
+            print "Waiting for all containers to be ready ..."
+            time.sleep(10)
+            rc, not_found_list = self._wait_for_all_containers_to_ready()
+            if rc:
+                print "Not found patterns:{}".format(not_found_list)
+            self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
             # Scale voltha to 10 instances
             print "Scale voltha to 10 instances ..."
             cmd = command_defs['docker_compose_scale_voltha_to_10']
@@ -650,3 +666,118 @@
         env = os.environ.copy()
         return env
+    def _wait_for_consul_to_be_ready(self):
+        # Consul is ready when it's leader ip and port is set.  The maximum
+        # time to wait of 60 secs as consul should be ready by then
+        max_wait_time = 60
+        t0 = time.time()
+        while True:
+            # Get the docker IP address and port number of the consul instance
+            print "waiting for consul to be ready ..."
+            cmd = command_defs['consul_get_leader_ip_port']
+            out, err, rc = run_command_to_completion_with_raw_stdout(cmd)
+            out = out.strip()
+            if rc != 0:
+                # Something is wrong, return
+                return -1  # error
+            elif out is not None and out != '':
+                return 0  # found something
+            elif time.time() - t0 > max_wait_time:
+                return -1  # consul should have come up by this time
+            else:
+                time.sleep(2)  # constant sleep for testing
+    def _wait_for_all_containers_to_ready(self):
+        # After the containers have been started using docker-compose, look
+        # at the logs for the following patterns to decide if the containers
+        # are up and in sync:
+        #
+        # For registrator, look for
+        #       "(.*)registrator_1(.*)Listening for Docker events"
+        #
+        # For voltha, zookeeper and kafka look for these patterns
+        #       "(.*)voltha_1(.*)main.heartbeat {status: up, uptime:"
+        #       "(.*)voltha_1(.*)kafka_proxy.send_message {event: Successfully sent message Heartbeat message"
+        #
+        # For fluentd, look for
+        #       "(.*)fluentd_1(.*)listening fluent socket on"
+        #
+        # For chameleon, look for
+        #       "(.*)chameleon_1(.*)main.startup_components {event:
+        #       started-internal-services, instance_id: compose_chameleon_1}"
+        #
+        # For consul, look for
+        #       "(.*)consul_1(.*)agent: Synced service(.*)consul(.*)8500"
+        #       "(.*)consul_1(.*)agent: Synced service(.*)consul(.*)8600:udp"
+        #       "(.*)consul_1(.*)agent: Synced service(.*)fluentd"
+        #       "(.*)consul_1(.*)agent: Synced service(.*)voltha"
+        #       "(.*)consul_1(.*)agent: Synced service(.*)voltha(.*):8880"
+        #       "(.*)consul_1(.*)agent: Synced service(.*)chameleon(.*):8881"
+        #       "(.*)consul_1(.*)agent: Synced service(.*)zookeeper(.*):2181"
+        #       "(.*)consul_1(.*)agent: Synced service(.*)kafka(.*):9092"
+        #
+        expected_output = [
+            "(.*)registrator_1(.*)Listening for Docker events",
+            "(.*)voltha_1(.*)main.heartbeat {status: up, uptime:",
+            "(.*)voltha_1(.*)kafka_proxy.send_message {event: Successfully "
+            "sent message Heartbeat message",
+            "(.*)fluentd_1(.*)listening fluent socket on",
+            "(.*)chameleon_1(.*)main.startup_components {event: "
+            "started-internal-services, instance_id: compose_chameleon_1}",
+            "(.*)consul_1(.*)agent: Synced service(.*)consul(.*)8500",
+            "(.*)consul_1(.*)agent: Synced service(.*)consul(.*)8600:udp",
+            "(.*)consul_1(.*)agent: Synced service(.*)fluentd",
+            "(.*)consul_1(.*)agent: Synced service(.*)voltha(.*):(?!8880)",
+            "(.*)consul_1(.*)agent: Synced service(.*)voltha(.*):8880",
+            "(.*)consul_1(.*)agent: Synced service(.*)chameleon(.*):8881",
+            "(.*)consul_1(.*)agent: Synced service(.*)zookeeper(.*):2181",
+            "(.*)consul_1(.*)agent: Synced service(.*)kafka(.*):9092"
+        ]
+        pattern_found = []
+        max_wait_time = 120  # wait 2 mins as a maximum
+        def _stop_process(proc):
+            try:
+                proc.terminate()
+                proc.wait()
+                # In principle this 'reset' should not be required.
+                # However, without it, the terminal is left in a funny
+                # state and required
+                subprocess.Popen(['reset']).wait()
+            except Exception as e:
+                print "Received exception {} when killing process " \
+                    .format(repr(e), )
+        try:
+            t0 = time.time()
+            env = os.environ.copy()
+            proc = subprocess.Popen(
+                command_defs['docker_compose_logs'],
+                env=env,
+                shell=True,
+                stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+                bufsize=1
+            )
+            for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''):
+                ansi_escape = re.compile(r'\x1b[^m]*m')
+                line = ansi_escape.sub('', line)
+                for pattern in expected_output:
+                    if re.match(pattern, line, re.I):
+                        if pattern not in pattern_found:
+                            pattern_found.append(pattern)
+                        break
+                        # Check if we found all patterns yet
+                if len(pattern_found) == len(expected_output):
+                    _stop_process(proc)
+                    return 0, []  # success
+                elif time.time() - t0 > max_wait_time:
+                    _stop_process(proc)
+                    not_found = [p for p in expected_output if p not in
+                                 pattern_found]
+                    return -1, not_found  # failure
+        except Exception as e:
+            print 'Exception {} '.format(repr(e))
+            return -1, []