VOL-1058: Test Case: Authentication (RADIUS)

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diff --git a/tests/atests/common/authentication.py b/tests/atests/common/authentication.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bbc669
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/atests/common/authentication.py
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+vOLT-HA Authentication Test Case module
+import time
+import os
+import subprocess
+import commands
+import testCaseUtils
+import logging
+import signal
+class Authentication(object):
+    """
+    This class implements voltha authentication test case
+    """
+    AUTHENTICATE_FILENAME = 'voltha_authenticate.log'
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.dirs = {}
+        self.dirs ['log'] = None
+        self.dirs ['root'] = None
+        self.dirs ['voltha'] = None
+        self.__rgName = None
+        self.__radiusName = None
+        self.__radiusIp = None
+    def aSetLogDirs(self, rootDir, volthaDir, logDir):
+        testCaseUtils.configDirs(self, logDir, rootDir, volthaDir)
+    def discover_rg_pod_name(self):
+        self.__rgName = testCaseUtils.extractPodName('rg-').strip()
+    def discover_freeradius_pod_name(self):
+        self.__radiusName = testCaseUtils.extractPodName('freeradius').strip()
+        logging.info ('freeradius Name = %s' % self.__radiusName)
+    def discover_freeradius_ip_addr(self):
+        ipAddr = testCaseUtils.extractRadiusIpAddr(self.__radiusName)
+        assert ipAddr, 'No IP address listed for freeradius'
+        self.__radiusIp = ipAddr.strip()
+        logging.info('freeradius IP = %s' % self.__radiusIp)
+    def set_current_freeradius_ip_in_aaa_json(self):
+        status = testCaseUtils.modifyRadiusIpInJsonUsingSed(self, self.__radiusIp)
+        assertFalse = 'Setting Radius Ip in Json File did not return Success'
+    def alter_aaa_application_configuration_in_onos_using_aaa_json(self):
+        logging.info ('Altering the Onos NetCfg AAA apps with Freeradius IP address')
+        logging.debug ('curl --user karaf:karaf -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" '
+            'http://localhost:30120/onos/v1/network/configuration/apps/ -d @%s/tests/atests/build/aaa_json'
+            % testCaseUtils.getDir(self, 'voltha'))
+        os.system('curl --user karaf:karaf -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" '
+            'http://localhost:30120/onos/v1/network/configuration/apps/ -d @%s/tests/atests/build/aaa_json'
+            % testCaseUtils.getDir(self, 'voltha'))
+    def execute_authenticatication_on_rg(self):
+        logging.info ('Running Radius Authentication from RG')
+        process_output = open('%s/%s' % (testCaseUtils.getDir(self, 'log'), self.AUTHENTICATE_FILENAME), 'w')
+        proc1 = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/bin/kubectl', 'exec', '-n', 'voltha', self.__rgName, '--', 'bash', '-c', \
+                                  '/sbin/wpa_supplicant -Dwired -ieth0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf'],
+                                 stdout=process_output,
+                                 stderr=process_output)
+        time.sleep(15)
+        procPidSupplicant1 = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/bin/kubectl', 'exec', '-n', 'voltha', self.__rgName, '--', 'ps', '-ef'],
+                             stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                             stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+        procPidSupplicant2 = subprocess.Popen(['grep', '-e', '/sbin/wpa_supplicant'], stdin=procPidSupplicant1.stdout,
+                             stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                             stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+        procPidSupplicant3 = subprocess.Popen(['awk', "{print $2}"], stdin=procPidSupplicant2.stdout,
+                             stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                             stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+        procPidSupplicant1.stdout.close()
+        procPidSupplicant2.stdout.close()
+        out, err = procPidSupplicant3.communicate()
+        supplicantPid = out.strip()
+        procKillSupplicant1 = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/bin/kubectl', 'exec', '-n', 'voltha', self.__rgName, '--', 'kill', supplicantPid],
+                             stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                             stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+        out, err = procKillSupplicant1.communicate()
+        procPidBash1 = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/bin/kubectl', 'exec', '-n', 'voltha', self.__rgName, '--', 'ps', '-ef'],
+                             stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                             stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+        procPidBash2 = subprocess.Popen(['grep', '-e', '/bin/bash'], stdin=procPidBash1.stdout,
+                             stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                             stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+        procPidBash3 = subprocess.Popen(['awk', "{print $2}"], stdin=procPidBash2.stdout,
+                             stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                             stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+        procPidBash1.stdout.close()
+        procPidBash2.stdout.close()
+        out, err = procPidBash3.communicate()
+        bashPid = out.strip()
+        procKillBash1 = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/bin/kubectl', 'exec', '-n', 'voltha', self.__rgName, '--', 'kill', '-9', bashPid],
+                             stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                             stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+        out, err = procKillBash1.communicate()
+        process_output.close()       
+        testCaseUtils.printLogFile(self, self.AUTHENTICATE_FILENAME)
+    def verify_authentication_should_have_started(self):
+        statusLines = testCaseUtils.get_fields_from_grep_command(self, 'CTRL-EVENT-EAP-STARTED', self.AUTHENTICATE_FILENAME)
+        assert statusLines, 'Authentication was not started'
+    def verify_authentication_should_have_completed(self):
+        statusLines = testCaseUtils.get_fields_from_grep_command(self, 'CTRL-EVENT-EAP-SUCCESS', self.AUTHENTICATE_FILENAME)
+        assert statusLines, 'Authentication was not completed successfully'
+    def verify_authentication_should_have_disconnected(self):
+        statusLines = testCaseUtils.get_fields_from_grep_command(self, 'CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED', self.AUTHENTICATE_FILENAME)
+        assert statusLines, 'Authentication was not disconnected'
+    def verify_authentication_should_have_terminated(self):
+        statusLines = testCaseUtils.get_fields_from_grep_command(self, 'CTRL-EVENT-TERMINATING', self.AUTHENTICATE_FILENAME)
+        assert statusLines, 'Authentication was not terminated'
+def runTest(rootDir, volthaDir, logDir):
+    auth = Authentication()
+    auth.aSetLogDirs(rootDir, volthaDir, logDir)
+    auth.discover_rg_pod_name()
+    auth.discover_freeradius_pod_name()
+    auth.discover_freeradius_ip_addr()
+    auth.set_current_freeradius_ip_in_aaa_json()
+    auth.alter_aaa_application_configuration_in_onos_using_aaa_json()
+    auth.execute_authenticatication_on_rg()
+    auth.verify_authentication_should_have_started()
+    auth.verify_authentication_should_have_completed()
+    auth.verify_authentication_should_have_disconnected()
+    auth.verify_authentication_should_have_terminated()
diff --git a/tests/atests/common/auto_test.py b/tests/atests/common/auto_test.py
index e6d21db..2721923 100755
--- a/tests/atests/common/auto_test.py
+++ b/tests/atests/common/auto_test.py
@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@
 import volthaMngr
 import preprovisioning
 import discovery
+import authentication
 import logging
 DEFAULT_LOG_DIR = '/tmp/voltha_test_results'
-def dirInit(logDir=DEFAULT_LOG_DIR,
-         volthaDir=os.environ['VOLTHA_BASE']):
+def dir_init(logDir=DEFAULT_LOG_DIR, volthaDir=os.environ['VOLTHA_BASE']):
     Init automated testing environment and return three directories: root dir,
@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@
     # In future in order to keep the history of jobs, the run time should be
     # added to the log directory name
     # logDir += '_' + currentTime
     os.system('mkdir -p ' + logDir + ' > /dev/null 2>&1')
     os.system('rm -rf %s/*' % logDir)
-    logging.info('Start Provisioning Test at: %s\nRoot Directory: %s\n'
+    logging.info('Starting Voltha Test Case Suite at: %s\nRoot Directory: %s\n'
           'VOLTHA Directory: %s\nLog Directory: %s' %
           (currentTime, rootDir, volthaDir, logDir))
@@ -68,12 +68,14 @@
                         help='log directory (default: %s).' % DEFAULT_LOG_DIR)
     args = parser.parse_args()
-    ROOT_DIR, VOLTHA_DIR, LOG_DIR = dirInit(args.logDir)
+    ROOT_DIR, VOLTHA_DIR, LOG_DIR = dir_init(args.logDir)
     volthaMngr.voltha_Initialize(ROOT_DIR, VOLTHA_DIR, LOG_DIR)
     preprovisioning.runTest('olt.voltha.svc', 50060, 'ponsim_olt', 'ponsim_onu', LOG_DIR)
     discovery.runTest('ponsim_olt', 'ponsim_onu', LOG_DIR)
+    authentication.runTest(ROOT_DIR, VOLTHA_DIR, LOG_DIR)
diff --git a/tests/atests/common/testCaseUtils.py b/tests/atests/common/testCaseUtils.py
index ead244d..fe76687 100755
--- a/tests/atests/common/testCaseUtils.py
+++ b/tests/atests/common/testCaseUtils.py
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
         for line in lines:
             sys.stdout.write (line)
-def extractIpAddr(podName):
+def extractPodIpAddr(podName):
     proc1 = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/bin/kubectl', 'get', 'svc', '--all-namespaces'],
@@ -121,6 +121,22 @@
     out, err = proc3.communicate()
     return out
+def extractRadiusIpAddr(podName):
+    proc1 = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/bin/kubectl', 'describe', 'pod', '-n', 'voltha', podName],
+                             stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                             stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+    proc2 = subprocess.Popen(['grep', '^IP:'], stdin=proc1.stdout,
+                             stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                             stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+    proc3 = subprocess.Popen(['awk', "{print $2}"], stdin=proc2.stdout,
+                             stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                             stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+    proc1.stdout.close
+    proc2.stdout.close
+    out, err = proc3.communicate()
+    return out
 def extractPodName(shortPodName):
     proc1 = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/bin/kubectl', 'get', 'pods', '--all-namespaces'],
@@ -137,4 +153,9 @@
     out, err = proc3.communicate()
     return out
+def modifyRadiusIpInJsonUsingSed(self, newIpAddr):
+    sedCommand ="sed -i '/radiusIp/c\  \"radiusIp\":\"'%s'\",' %s/tests/atests/build/aaa_json" % (newIpAddr, getDir(self, 'voltha'))
+    status = commands.getstatusoutput(sedCommand)[0]
+    return status