This commit consists of:
1) Dockerizing the netconf server
2) Update proto2yang to support module imports
3) Provide a set of yang modules derived from the proto files in voltha.
   These files as well as the slight mmodifications to the proto files are
   provided in the experiments/netconf/proto2yang directory
4) Code to automatically pull proto files from voltha into the netconf server,
   compiles them and produce the yang equivalent files.
5) Add a getvoltha netconf API to provide voltha state information (basic at
   this time).  There is potential to make this generic once we experiment
   with additional APIs

Change-Id: I94f3a1f871b8025ad675d5f9b9b626d1be8b8d36
diff --git a/experiments/netconf/proto2yang/device_orig.proto b/experiments/netconf/proto2yang/device_orig.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a1e9b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments/netconf/proto2yang/device_orig.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+syntax = "proto3";
+package voltha;
+import "meta.proto";
+import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
+import "common.proto";
+import "openflow_13.proto";
+// A Device Type
+message DeviceType {
+    // Unique name for the device type
+    string id = 1;
+    // Name of the adapter that handles device type
+    string adapter = 2;
+    // Capabilitities
+    bool accepts_bulk_flow_update = 3;
+    bool accepts_add_remove_flow_updates = 4;
+// A plurality of device types
+message DeviceTypes {
+    repeated DeviceType items = 1;
+message Port {
+    enum PortType {
+        UNKNOWN = 0;
+        ETHERNET_NNI = 1;
+        ETHERNET_UNI = 2;
+        PON_OLT = 3;
+        PON_ONU = 4;
+    }
+    uint32 port_no = 1;  // Device-unique port number
+    string label = 2;  // Arbitrary port label
+    PortType type = 3;  //  Type of port
+    AdminState.AdminState admin_state = 5;
+    OperStatus.OperStatus oper_status = 6;
+    string device_id = 7;  // Unique .id of device that owns this port
+    message PeerPort {
+        string device_id = 1;
+        uint32 port_no = 2;
+    }
+    repeated PeerPort peers = 8;
+message Ports {
+    repeated Port items = 1;
+// A Physical Device instance
+message Device {
+    // Voltha's device identifier
+    string id = 1 [(access) = READ_ONLY];
+    // Device type, refers to one of the registered device types
+    string type = 2 [(access) = READ_ONLY];
+    // Is this device a root device. Each logical switch has one root
+    // device that is associated with the logical flow switch.
+    bool root = 3 [(access) = READ_ONLY];
+    // Parent device id, in the device tree (for a root device, the parent_id
+    // is the
+    string parent_id = 4 [(access) = READ_ONLY];
+    uint32 parent_port_no = 20 [(access) = READ_ONLY];
+    // Vendor, version, serial number, etc.
+    string vendor = 5 [(access) = READ_ONLY];
+    string model = 6 [(access) = READ_ONLY];
+    string hardware_version = 7 [(access) = READ_ONLY];
+    string firmware_version = 8 [(access) = READ_ONLY];
+    string software_version = 9 [(access) = READ_ONLY];
+    string serial_number = 10 [(access) = READ_ONLY];
+    // Addapter that takes care of device
+    string adapter = 11 [(access) = READ_ONLY];
+    // Device contact on vlan (if 0, no vlan)
+    uint32 vlan = 12;
+    message ProxyAddress {
+        string device_id = 1;  // Which device to use as proxy to this device
+        uint32 channel_id = 2;  // Sub-address within proxy device
+    };
+    oneof address {
+        // Device contact MAC address (format: "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx")
+        string mac_address = 13;
+        // Device contact IPv4 address (format: "a.b.c.d" or can use hostname too)
+        string ipv4_address = 14;
+        // Device contact IPv6 address using the canonical string form
+        // ("xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx")
+        string ipv6_address = 15;
+        ProxyAddress proxy_device = 19;
+    };
+    AdminState.AdminState admin_state = 16;
+    OperStatus.OperStatus oper_status = 17 [(access) = READ_ONLY];
+    ConnectStatus.ConnectStatus connect_status = 18 [(access) = READ_ONLY];
+    // TODO additional common attribute here
+    // Device type specific attributes
+    google.protobuf.Any custom = 64;
+    repeated Port ports = 128  [(child_node) = {key: "port_no"}];
+    openflow_13.Flows flows = 129 [(child_node) = {}];
+    openflow_13.FlowGroups flow_groups = 130 [(child_node) = {}];
+message Devices {
+    repeated Device items = 1;