This commit consists of:
1) Dockerizing the netconf server
2) Update proto2yang to support module imports
3) Provide a set of yang modules derived from the proto files in voltha.
These files as well as the slight mmodifications to the proto files are
provided in the experiments/netconf/proto2yang directory
4) Code to automatically pull proto files from voltha into the netconf server,
compiles them and produce the yang equivalent files.
5) Add a getvoltha netconf API to provide voltha state information (basic at
this time). There is potential to make this generic once we experiment
with additional APIs
Change-Id: I94f3a1f871b8025ad675d5f9b9b626d1be8b8d36
diff --git a/netconf/protoc_plugins/ b/netconf/protoc_plugins/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6a2a3e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netconf/protoc_plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,601 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2016 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""protoc plugin to convert a protobuf schema to a yang schema
+ - basic support for message, fields. enumeration, service, method
+ - yang semantic rules needs to be implemented
+ - to run this plugin :
+ $ python -m -I.
+ --plugin=protoc-gen-custom=./ --custom_out=. <proto file>.proto
+ - the above will produce a ietf-<proto file>.yang file formatted for yang
+ - two examples of proto that can be used in the same directory are
+ yang.proto and addressbook.proto
+import sys
+from jinja2 import Template
+from google.protobuf.compiler import plugin_pb2 as plugin
+from descriptor_parser import DescriptorParser
+from google.protobuf.descriptor import FieldDescriptor
+template_yang = Template("""
+module ietf-{{ }} {
+ {% macro set_module_prefix(type) %}
+ {% for t in module.data_types %}
+ {% if t.type == type %}
+ {% if t.module != %} {{ t.module }}:{{ type }};
+ {% else %} {{ type }};
+ {% endif %}
+ {% set found=True %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if loop.last %}
+ {% if not found %} {{ type }}; {% endif %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endmacro %}
+ namespace "urn:opencord:params:xml:ns:voltha:ietf-{{ }}";
+ prefix {{ }};
+ {% for imp in module.imports %}
+ import ietf-{{ }} { prefix {{ }} ; }
+ {% endfor %}
+ organization "CORD";
+ contact
+ " Any name";
+ description
+ "{{ module.description }}";
+ revision "2016-11-15" {
+ description "Initial revision.";
+ reference "reference";
+ }
+ {% for enum in module.enums %}
+ typedef {{ }} {
+ type enumeration {
+ {% for v in enum.value %}
+ enum {{ }} {
+ description "{{ v.description }}";
+ }
+ {% endfor %}
+ }
+ description
+ "{{ enum.description }}";
+ }
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% for message in module.messages recursive %}
+ {% if in module.referred_messages %}
+ grouping {{ }} {
+ {% else %}
+ container {{ }} {
+ {% endif %}
+ description
+ "{{ message.description }}";
+ {% for field in message.fields %}
+ {% if field.type_ref %}
+ {% for dict_item in module.referred_messages_with_keys %}
+ {% if == field.type %}
+ {% if not field.repeated %}
+ container {{ }} {
+ {% else %}
+ list {{ }} {
+ key "{{ dict_item.key }}";
+ {% if not field.repeated %}
+ max-elements 1;
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endif %}
+ uses {{ set_module_prefix(field.type) }}
+ description
+ "{{ field.description }}";
+ }
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% elif field.repeated %}
+ list {{ }} {
+ key "{{ }}";
+ leaf {{ }} {
+ {% if field.type == "decimal64" %}
+ type {{ field.type }} {
+ fraction-digits 5;
+ }
+ {% else %}
+ type {{ set_module_prefix(field.type) }}
+ {% endif %}
+ description
+ "{{ field.description }}";
+ }
+ description
+ "{{ field.description }}";
+ }
+ {% else %}
+ leaf {{ }} {
+ {% if field.type == "decimal64" %}
+ type {{ field.type }} {
+ fraction-digits 5;
+ }
+ {% else %}
+ type {{ set_module_prefix(field.type) }}
+ {% endif %}
+ description
+ "{{ field.description }}";
+ }
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% for enum_type in message.enums %}
+ typedef {{ }} {
+ type enumeration {
+ {% for v in enum_type.value %}
+ enum {{ }} {
+ description "{{ v.description }}";
+ }
+ {% endfor %}
+ }
+ description
+ "{{ enum_type.description }}";
+ }
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% if message.messages %}
+ {{ loop (message.messages)|indent(4, false) }}
+ {% endif %}
+ }
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% for service in %}
+ {% if service.description %}
+ /* {{ service.description }}" */
+ {% endif %}
+ {% for method in service.methods %}
+ rpc {{ service.service }}-{{ method.method }} {
+ description
+ "{{ method.description }}";
+ {% if method.input %}
+ input {
+ {% if method.input_ref %}
+ uses {{ set_module_prefix(method.input) }}
+ {% else %}
+ leaf {{ method.input }} {
+ type {{ set_module_prefix(method.input) }}
+ }
+ {% endif %}
+ }
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if method.output %}
+ output {
+ {% if method.output_ref %}
+ uses {{ set_module_prefix(method.output) }}
+ {% else %}
+ leaf {{ method.output }} {
+ type {{ set_module_prefix(method.output) }}
+ }
+ {% endif %}
+ }
+ {% endif %}
+ }
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endfor %}
+""", trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True)
+def traverse_dependencies(descriptor):
+ dependencies = []
+ proto_imports = descriptor.get('dependency', [])
+ for proto_import in proto_imports:
+ # If the import file has a directory path to it remove it as it is not
+ # allowed in Yang. The proto extension should be removed as well
+ dependencies.append (
+ {
+ 'name' : proto_import.split('/')[-1][:-len('.proto')]
+ }
+ )
+ return dependencies
+def traverse_messages(message_types, prefix, referenced_messages):
+ messages = []
+ for message_type in message_types:
+ assert message_type['_type'] == 'google.protobuf.DescriptorProto'
+ # full_name = prefix + '-' + message_type['name']
+ full_name = message_type['name']
+ # parse the fields
+ fields = traverse_fields(message_type.get('field', []), full_name,
+ referenced_messages)
+ # parse the enums
+ enums = traverse_enums(message_type.get('enum_type', []), full_name)
+ # parse nested messages
+ nested = message_type.get('nested_type', [])
+ nested_messages = traverse_messages(nested, full_name,
+ referenced_messages)
+ messages.append(
+ {
+ 'name': full_name,
+ 'fields': fields,
+ 'enums': enums,
+ # 'extensions': extensions,
+ 'messages': nested_messages,
+ 'description': remove_unsupported_characters(
+ message_type.get('_description', '')),
+ # 'extension_ranges': extension_ranges,
+ # 'oneof': oneof
+ }
+ )
+ return messages
+def traverse_fields(fields_desc, prefix, referenced_messages):
+ fields = []
+ for field in fields_desc:
+ assert field['_type'] == 'google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto'
+ yang_base_type = is_base_type(field['type'])
+ _type = get_yang_type(field)
+ if not yang_base_type:
+ referenced_messages.append(_type)
+ fields.append(
+ {
+ # 'name': prefix + '-' + field.get('name', ''),
+ 'name': field.get('name', ''),
+ 'label': field.get('label', ''),
+ 'repeated': field['label'] == FieldDescriptor.LABEL_REPEATED,
+ 'number': field.get('number', ''),
+ 'options': field.get('options', ''),
+ 'type_name': field.get('type_name', ''),
+ 'type': _type,
+ 'type_ref': not yang_base_type,
+ 'description': remove_unsupported_characters(field.get(
+ '_description', ''))
+ }
+ )
+ return fields
+def traverse_enums(enums_desc, prefix):
+ enums = []
+ for enum in enums_desc:
+ assert enum['_type'] == 'google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto'
+ # full_name = prefix + '-' + enum.get('name', '')
+ full_name = enum.get('name', '')
+ enums.append(
+ {
+ 'name': full_name,
+ 'value': enum.get('value', ''),
+ 'description': remove_unsupported_characters(enum.get(
+ '_description', ''))
+ }
+ )
+ return enums
+def traverse_services(service_desc, referenced_messages):
+ services = []
+ for service in service_desc:
+ methods = []
+ for method in service.get('method', []):
+ assert method['_type'] == 'google.protobuf.MethodDescriptorProto'
+ input_name = method.get('input_type')
+ input_ref = False
+ if not is_base_type(input_name):
+ input_name = remove_first_character_if_match(input_name, '.')
+ # input_name = input_name.replace(".", "-")
+ input_name = input_name.split('.')[-1]
+ referenced_messages.append(input_name)
+ input_ref = True
+ output_name = method.get('output_type')
+ output_ref = False
+ if not is_base_type(output_name):
+ output_name = remove_first_character_if_match(output_name, '.')
+ # output_name = output_name.replace(".", "-")
+ output_name = output_name.split('.')[-1]
+ referenced_messages.append(output_name)
+ output_ref = True
+ methods.append(
+ {
+ 'method': method.get('name', ''),
+ 'input': input_name,
+ 'input_ref': input_ref,
+ 'output': output_name,
+ 'output_ref': output_ref,
+ 'description': remove_unsupported_characters(method.get(
+ '_description', '')),
+ 'server_streaming': method.get('server_streaming',
+ False) == True
+ }
+ )
+ services.append(
+ {
+ 'service': service.get('name', ''),
+ 'methods': methods,
+ 'description': remove_unsupported_characters(service.get(
+ '_description', '')),
+ }
+ )
+ return services
+def rchop(thestring, ending):
+ if thestring.endswith(ending):
+ return thestring[:-len(ending)]
+ return thestring
+def traverse_desc(descriptor):
+ referenced_messages = []
+ name = rchop(descriptor.get('name', ''), '.proto')
+ package = descriptor.get('package', '')
+ description = descriptor.get('_description', '')
+ # imports=traverse_dependencies(descriptor)
+ messages = traverse_messages(descriptor.get('message_type', []),
+ package, referenced_messages)
+ enums = traverse_enums(descriptor.get('enum_type', []), package)
+ services = traverse_services(descriptor.get('service', []),
+ referenced_messages)
+ # extensions = _traverse_extensions(descriptors)
+ # options = _traverse_options(descriptors)
+ # set_messages_keys(messages)
+ # unique_referred_messages_with_keys = []
+ # for message_name in list(set(referenced_messages)):
+ # unique_referred_messages_with_keys.append(
+ # {
+ # 'name': message_name,
+ # 'key': get_message_key(message_name, messages)
+ # }
+ # )
+ # Get a list of type definitions (messages, enums) defined in this
+ # descriptor
+ defined_types = [m['name'].split('/')[-1] for m in messages] + \
+ [e['name'].split('/')[-1] for e in enums]
+ data = {
+ 'name': name.split('/')[-1],
+ 'package': package,
+ 'description': description,
+ # 'imports' : imports,
+ 'messages': messages,
+ 'enums': enums,
+ 'services': services,
+ 'defined_types' : defined_types,
+ 'referenced_messages': list(set(referenced_messages)),
+ # TODO: simplify for easier jinja2 template use
+ # 'referred_messages_with_keys': unique_referred_messages_with_keys,
+ # 'extensions': extensions,
+ # 'options': options
+ }
+ return data
+def set_messages_keys(messages):
+ for message in messages:
+ message['key'] = _get_message_key(message, messages)
+ if message['messages']:
+ set_messages_keys(message['messages'])
+def _get_message_key(message, messages):
+ # assume key is first yang base type field
+ for field in message['fields']:
+ if not field['type_ref']:
+ return field['name']
+ else:
+ # if the field name is a message then loop for the key in that
+ # message
+ ref_message = _get_message(field['type'], messages)
+ if ref_message:
+ return _get_message_key(ref_message, messages)
+ # no key yet - search nested messaged
+ for m in message['messages']:
+ key = _get_message_key(m, messages)
+ if key is not None:
+ return key
+ else:
+ return None
+def _get_message(name, messages):
+ for m in messages:
+ if m['name'] == name:
+ return m
+ return None
+def get_message_key(message_name, messages):
+ for message in messages:
+ if message_name == message['name']:
+ return message['key']
+ if message['messages']:
+ return get_message_key(message_name, message['messages'])
+ return None
+def update_module_imports(module):
+ used_imports = []
+ for ref_msg in module['referenced_messages']:
+ for type_dict in module['data_types']:
+ if ref_msg == type_dict['type']:
+ if module['name'] != type_dict['module']:
+ print '{}++++{}'.format(module['name'], type_dict[
+ 'module'])
+ used_imports.append(
+ {
+ 'name' : type_dict['module']
+ }
+ )
+ break
+ module['imports'] = used_imports
+def generate_code(request, response):
+ assert isinstance(request, plugin.CodeGeneratorRequest)
+ parser = DescriptorParser()
+ # First process the proto file with the imports
+ all_defined_types = []
+ all_proto_data = []
+ all_referred_messages = []
+ all_messages = []
+ for proto_file in request.proto_file:
+ native_data = parser.parse_file_descriptor(proto_file,
+ type_tag_name='_type',
+ fold_comments=True)
+ # Consolidate the defined types across imports
+ yang_data = traverse_desc(native_data)
+ for type in yang_data['defined_types']:
+ all_defined_types.append(
+ {
+ 'type' : type,
+ 'module' : yang_data['name']
+ }
+ )
+ all_proto_data.append(
+ {
+ 'file_name': '{}-{}'.format('ietf',
+ '/')[-1].replace('.proto','.yang')),
+ 'module': yang_data
+ }
+ )
+ # Consolidate referred messages across imports
+ all_referred_messages = all_referred_messages + yang_data['referenced_messages']
+ # consolidate all messages
+ all_messages = all_messages + yang_data['messages']
+ # Set the message keys - required for List definitions (repeated label)
+ set_messages_keys(all_messages)
+ unique_referred_messages_with_keys = []
+ for m in all_messages:
+ unique_referred_messages_with_keys.append(
+ {
+ 'name': m['name'],
+ 'key': m['key']
+ }
+ )
+ # Create the files
+ for proto_data in all_proto_data:
+ f = response.file.add()
+ = proto_data['file_name']
+ proto_data['module']['data_types'] = all_defined_types
+ proto_data['module']['referred_messages'] = all_referred_messages
+ proto_data['module']['referred_messages_with_keys'] = unique_referred_messages_with_keys
+ update_module_imports(proto_data['module'])
+ f.content = template_yang.render(module=proto_data['module'])
+def get_yang_type(field):
+ type = field['type']
+ if type in YANG_TYPE_MAP.keys():
+ _type, _ = YANG_TYPE_MAP[type]
+ if _type in ['enumeration', 'message', 'group']:
+ return field['type_name'].split('.')[-1]
+ # return remove_first_character_if_match(field['type_name'],
+ # '.').replace('.', '-')
+ else:
+ return _type
+ else:
+ return type
+def is_base_type(type):
+ # check numeric value of the type first
+ if type in YANG_TYPE_MAP.keys():
+ _type, _ = YANG_TYPE_MAP[type]
+ return _type not in ['message', 'group']
+ else:
+ # proto name of the type
+ result = [_format for (_, _format) in YANG_TYPE_MAP.values() if
+ _format == type and _format not in ['message', 'group']]
+ return len(result) > 0
+def remove_unsupported_characters(text):
+ unsupported_characters = ["{", "}", "[", "]", "\"", "\\", "*", "/"]
+ return ''.join([i if i not in unsupported_characters else ' ' for i in
+ text])
+def remove_first_character_if_match(str, char):
+ if str.startswith(char):
+ return str[1:]
+ return str
+ FieldDescriptor.TYPE_BOOL: ('boolean', 'boolean'),
+ FieldDescriptor.TYPE_BYTES: ('binary', 'byte'),
+ FieldDescriptor.TYPE_DOUBLE: ('decimal64', 'double'),
+ FieldDescriptor.TYPE_ENUM: ('enumeration', 'enum'),
+ FieldDescriptor.TYPE_FIXED32: ('int32', 'int64'),
+ FieldDescriptor.TYPE_FIXED64: ('int64', 'uint64'),
+ FieldDescriptor.TYPE_FLOAT: ('decimal64', 'float'),
+ FieldDescriptor.TYPE_INT32: ('int32', 'int32'),
+ FieldDescriptor.TYPE_INT64: ('int64', 'int64'),
+ FieldDescriptor.TYPE_SFIXED32: ('int32', 'int32'),
+ FieldDescriptor.TYPE_SFIXED64: ('int64', 'int64'),
+ FieldDescriptor.TYPE_STRING: ('string', 'string'),
+ FieldDescriptor.TYPE_SINT32: ('int32', 'int32'),
+ FieldDescriptor.TYPE_SINT64: ('int64', 'int64'),
+ FieldDescriptor.TYPE_UINT32: ('uint32', 'int64'),
+ FieldDescriptor.TYPE_UINT64: ('uint64', 'uint64'),
+ FieldDescriptor.TYPE_MESSAGE: ('message', 'message'),
+ FieldDescriptor.TYPE_GROUP: ('group', 'group')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # Read request message from stdin
+ data =
+ # Parse request
+ request = plugin.CodeGeneratorRequest()
+ request.ParseFromString(data)
+ # Create response
+ response = plugin.CodeGeneratorResponse()
+ # Generate code
+ generate_code(request, response)
+ # Serialise response message
+ output = response.SerializeToString()
+ # Write to stdout
+ sys.stdout.write(output)
+ # print is_base_type(9)