OpenOLT Device Adapter

Enable OpenOLT

To preprovision and enable the OpenOLT use the below commands from the Voltha CLI.

    (voltha) preprovision_olt -t openolt -H YOUR_OLT_MGMT_IP:9191
    (voltha) enable

Additional Notes

  1. The bal_core_dist and openolt driver should be running on the OLT device, before enabling the device from VOLTHA CLI.
  2. 9191 is the TCP port that the OpenOLT driver uses for its gRPC channel
  3. In the commands above, you can either use the loopback IP address ( or substitute all its occurrences with the management IP of your OLT

Using Resource Manager with Open OLT adapter

Resource Manager is used to manage device PON resource pool and allocate PON resources from such pools. Resource Manager module currently manages assignment of ONU-ID, ALLOC-ID and GEM-PORT ID. The Resource Manager uses the KV store to back-up all the resource pool allocation data.

The OpenOLT adapter interacts with Resource Manager module for PON resource assignments. The openolt_resource_manager module is responsible for interfacing with the Resource Manager.

The Resource Manager optionally uses olt_vendor_type specific resource ranges to initialize the PON resource pools. In order to utilize this option, create an entry for olt_vendor_type specific PON resource ranges on the KV store. Please make sure to use the same KV store used by the VOLTHA core.

For example

To specify ASFvOLT16 OLT device specific resource ranges, first create a JSON file asfvolt16_resource_range.json with the following entry

    "onu_start_idx": 1,
    "onu_end_idx": 127,
    "alloc_id_start_idx": 1024,
    "alloc_id_end_idx": 65534,
    "gem_port_id_start_idx": 1024,
    "gem_port_id_end_idx": 16383,
    "num_of_pon_port": 16

This data should be put on the KV store location resource_manager/xgspon/resource_ranges/asfvolt16

The format of the KV store location is resource_manager/<technology>/resource_ranges/<olt_vendor_type>

In the below example the KV store is assumed to be Consul. However the same is applicable to be etcd or any other KV store. Please make sure to use the same KV store used by the VOLTHA core.

curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @./asfvolt16_resource_range.json 

The olt_vendor_type should be referred to during the preprovisiong step as shown below. The olt_vendor_type is an extra option and should be specified after --. The -o specifies the olt_vendor_type.

 (voltha) preprovision_olt -t openolt -H -- -o asfvolt16

Once the OLT device is enabled, any further PON Resource assignments will happen within the PON Resource ranges defined in asfvolt16_resource_range.json and placed on the KV store.

Additional Notes

If a default resource range profile should be used with all olt_vendor_types, then place such Resource Range profile at the below path on the KV store.
