Chameleon swagger support

Change-Id: I63b8dc7b31d5e87aa0e5153da302537d90ff733e
diff --git a/tests/utests/chameleon/protoc_plugins/ b/tests/utests/chameleon/protoc_plugins/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1344430
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/utests/chameleon/protoc_plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,1052 @@
+# Copyright 2016 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import json
+import os
+from unittest import TestCase
+from chameleon.protoc_plugins.descriptor_parser import DescriptorParser
+from chameleon.protoc_plugins.swagger_template \
+    import native_descriptors_to_swagger, DuplicateMethodAndPathError, \
+    ProtobufCompilationFailedError, InvalidPathArgumentError
+from tests.utests.chameleon.protoc_plugins.test_utils import unindent, \
+    json_rt, generate_plugin_request, load_file
+class SwaggerTemplateTests(TestCase):
+    maxDiff = 10000
+    def gen_swagger(self, proto):
+        request = generate_plugin_request(proto)
+        parser = DescriptorParser()
+        native_data = parser.parse_file_descriptors(request.proto_file,
+                                                    type_tag_name='_type',
+                                                    fold_comments=True)
+        swagger = native_descriptors_to_swagger(native_data)
+        return swagger
+    def test_empty_def(self):
+        proto = unindent("""
+            syntax = "proto3";
+            package test;
+        """)
+        expected_swagger = {
+            u'swagger': u'2.0',
+            u'info': {
+                u'title': u'test.proto',
+                u'version': u'version not set'
+            },
+            u'schemes': [u"http", u"https"],
+            u'consumes': [u"application/json"],
+            u'produces': [u"application/json"],
+            u'paths': {},
+            u'definitions': {}
+        }
+        swagger = self.gen_swagger(proto)
+        self.assertEqual(json_rt(swagger), expected_swagger)
+    def test_empty_message_with_service(self):
+        proto = unindent("""
+            syntax = "proto3";
+            package test;
+            import "google/api/annotations.proto";
+            message Null {}
+            service TestService {
+              rpc Get(Null) returns(Null) {
+                option (google.api.http) = {
+                  get: "/test"
+                };
+              }
+            }
+        """)
+        expected_swagger = {
+            u'swagger': u'2.0',
+            u'info': {
+                u'title': u'test.proto',
+                u'version': u"version not set"
+            },
+            u'schemes': [u"http", u"https"],
+            u'consumes': [u"application/json"],
+            u'produces': [u"application/json"],
+            u'paths': {
+                u'/test': {
+                    u'get': {
+                        u'operationId': u'Get',
+                        u'responses': {
+                            u'200': {
+                                u'description': u'',
+                                u'schema': {
+                                    u'$ref': u'#/definitions/test.Null'
+                                }
+                            }
+                        },
+                        u'tags': [u'TestService']
+                    }
+                }
+            },
+            u'definitions': {
+                u'test.Null': {
+                    u'type': u'object'
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        swagger = self.gen_swagger(proto)
+        self.assertEqual(json_rt(swagger), expected_swagger)
+    def test_simple_annotated_message_with_simple_annotated_service(self):
+        proto = unindent("""
+            syntax = "proto3";
+            package test;
+            import "google/api/annotations.proto";
+            // Simple Message
+            message Simple {
+                string str = 1; // a string attribute
+                int32 int = 2; // an int32 attribute
+            }
+            // Service to get things done
+            service TestService {
+              /* Get simple answer
+               *
+               * Returns the true answer to all of life's persistent questions.
+               */
+              rpc Get(Simple) returns(Simple) {
+                option (google.api.http) = {
+                  get: "/test"
+                };
+              }
+            }
+        """)
+        expected_swagger = {
+            u'swagger': u'2.0',
+            u'info': {
+                u'title': u'test.proto',
+                u'version': u"version not set"
+            },
+            u'schemes': [u"http", u"https"],
+            u'consumes': [u"application/json"],
+            u'produces': [u"application/json"],
+            u'paths': {
+                u'/test': {
+                    u'get': {
+                        u'summary': u'Get simple answer',
+                        u'description':
+                            u' Returns the true answer to all of life\'s '
+                            u'persistent questions.',
+                        u'operationId': u'Get',
+                        u'responses': {
+                            u'200': {
+                                u'description': u'',
+                                u'schema': {
+                                    u'$ref': u'#/definitions/test.Simple'
+                                }
+                            }
+                        },
+                        u'tags': [u'TestService']
+                    }
+                }
+            },
+            u'definitions': {
+                u'test.Simple': {
+                    u'description': u'Simple Message',
+                    u'type': u'object',
+                    u'properties': {
+                        u'int': {
+                            u'description': u'an int32 attribute',
+                            u'type': u'integer',
+                            u'format': u'int32'
+                        },
+                        u'str': {
+                            u'description': u'a string attribute',
+                            u'type': u'string',
+                            u'format': u'string'
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        swagger = self.gen_swagger(proto)
+        self.assertEqual(json_rt(swagger), expected_swagger)
+    def test_method_input_params_in_body(self):
+        proto = unindent("""
+            syntax = "proto3";
+            package test;
+            import "google/api/annotations.proto";
+            // Simple Message
+            message Simple {
+                string str = 1; // a string attribute
+                int32 int = 2; // an int32 attribute
+            }
+            // Service to get things done
+            service TestService {
+              /* Get simple answer
+               *
+               * Returns the true answer to all of life's persistent questions.
+               */
+              rpc Get(Simple) returns(Simple) {
+                option (google.api.http) = {
+                  get: "/test"
+                };
+              }
+              /*
+               * Make up an answer (notice the leading blank line)
+               *
+               * Define the ultimate answer
+               */
+              rpc MakeUp(Simple) returns(Simple) {
+                option (google.api.http) = {
+                  post: "/test"
+                  body: "*"
+                };
+              }
+            }
+        """)
+        expected_swagger = {
+            u'swagger': u'2.0',
+            u'info': {
+                u'title': u'test.proto',
+                u'version': u"version not set"
+            },
+            u'schemes': [u"http", u"https"],
+            u'consumes': [u"application/json"],
+            u'produces': [u"application/json"],
+            u'paths': {
+                u'/test': {
+                    u'get': {
+                        u'summary': u'Get simple answer',
+                        u'description':
+                            u' Returns the true answer to all of life\'s '
+                            u'persistent questions.',
+                        u'operationId': u'Get',
+                        u'responses': {
+                            u'200': {
+                                u'description': u'',
+                                u'schema': {
+                                    u'$ref': u'#/definitions/test.Simple'
+                                }
+                            }
+                        },
+                        u'tags': [u'TestService']
+                    },
+                    u'post': {
+                        u'summary': u'Make up an answer (notice the leading '
+                                    u'blank line)',
+                        u'description': u' Define the ultimate answer',
+                        u'operationId': u'MakeUp',
+                        u'parameters': [{
+                            u'name': u'body',
+                            u'in': u'body',
+                            u'required': True,
+                            u'schema': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/test.Simple'}
+                        }],
+                        u'responses': {
+                            u'200': {
+                                u'description': u'',
+                                u'schema': {
+                                    u'$ref': u'#/definitions/test.Simple'
+                                }
+                            }
+                        },
+                        u'tags': [u'TestService']
+                    }
+                }
+            },
+            u'definitions': {
+                u'test.Simple': {
+                    u'description': u'Simple Message',
+                    u'type': u'object',
+                    u'properties': {
+                        u'int': {
+                            u'description': u'an int32 attribute',
+                            u'type': u'integer',
+                            u'format': u'int32'
+                        },
+                        u'str': {
+                            u'description': u'a string attribute',
+                            u'type': u'string',
+                            u'format': u'string'
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        swagger = self.gen_swagger(proto)
+        self.assertEqual(json_rt(swagger), expected_swagger)
+    def test_catch_repeating_verbs_for_same_path(self):
+        proto = unindent("""
+            syntax = "proto3";
+            package test;
+            import "google/api/annotations.proto";
+            message Null {}
+            service TestService {
+              rpc Get(Null) returns(Null) {
+                option (google.api.http) = {
+                  get: "/test"
+                };
+              }
+              rpc MakeUp(Null) returns(Null) {
+                option (google.api.http) = {
+                  get: "/test"
+                  body: "*"
+                };
+              }
+            }
+        """)
+        with self.assertRaises(DuplicateMethodAndPathError):
+            self.gen_swagger(proto)
+    def test_catch_unresolved_message_type_reference(self):
+        proto = unindent("""
+            syntax = "proto3";
+            package test;
+            import "google/api/annotations.proto";
+            message Null {}
+            service TestService {
+              rpc Get(Simple) returns(Simple) {
+                option (google.api.http) = {
+                  get: "/test"
+                };
+              }
+              rpc MakeUp(Simple) returns(Simple) {
+                option (google.api.http) = {
+                  get: "/test"
+                  body: "*"
+                };
+              }
+            }
+        """)
+        with self.assertRaises(ProtobufCompilationFailedError):
+            self.gen_swagger(proto)
+    def test_path_parameter_handling(self):
+        proto = unindent("""
+            syntax = "proto3";
+            package test;
+            import "google/api/annotations.proto";
+            message Simple {
+                string str = 1;
+                int32 int = 2;
+            }
+            service TestService {
+              rpc Get(Simple) returns(Simple) {
+                option (google.api.http) = {
+                  get: "/test/{str}/{int}"
+                };
+              }
+            }
+        """)
+        expected_swagger_path = {
+            u'/test/{str}/{int}': {
+                u'get': {
+                    u'operationId': u'Get',
+                    u'parameters': [{
+                        u'name': u'str',
+                        u'in': u'path',
+                        u'type': u'string',
+                        u'format': u'string',
+                        u'required': True
+                    }, {
+                        u'name': u'int',
+                        u'in': u'path',
+                        u'type': u'integer',
+                        u'format': u'int32',
+                        u'required': True
+                    }],
+                    u'responses': {
+                        u'200': {
+                            u'description': u'',
+                            u'schema': {
+                                u'$ref': u'#/definitions/test.Simple'
+                            }
+                        }
+                    },
+                    u'tags': [u'TestService']
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        swagger = self.gen_swagger(proto)
+        self.assertEqual(json_rt(swagger['paths']), expected_swagger_path)
+    def test_path_parameter_error_handling(self):
+        proto = unindent("""
+            syntax = "proto3";
+            package test;
+            import "google/api/annotations.proto";
+            message Simple {
+                string str = 1;
+                int32 int = 2;
+            }
+            service TestService {
+              rpc Get(Simple) returns(Simple) {
+                option (google.api.http) = {
+                  get: "/test/{str}/{xxxxx}/{int}"
+                };
+              }
+            }
+        """)
+        with self.assertRaises(InvalidPathArgumentError):
+            self.gen_swagger(proto)
+    def test_alternative_bindings(self):
+        proto = unindent("""
+            syntax = "proto3";
+            package test;
+            import "google/api/annotations.proto";
+            message Simple {
+                string str = 1;
+                int32 int = 2;
+            }
+            service TestService {
+              rpc Get(Simple) returns(Simple) {
+                option (google.api.http) = {
+                  get: "/v1/test/{str}/{int}"
+                  additional_bindings {
+                    post: "/v2/test"
+                    body: "*"
+                  }
+                  additional_bindings {
+                    get: "/v2/test/{int}/{str}"
+                  }
+                };
+              }
+            }
+        """)
+        expected_swagger_path = {
+            u'/v1/test/{str}/{int}': {
+                u'get': {
+                    u'operationId': u'Get',
+                    u'parameters': [{
+                        u'name': u'str',
+                        u'in': u'path',
+                        u'type': u'string',
+                        u'format': u'string',
+                        u'required': True
+                    }, {
+                        u'name': u'int',
+                        u'in': u'path',
+                        u'type': u'integer',
+                        u'format': u'int32',
+                        u'required': True
+                    }],
+                    u'responses': {
+                        u'200': {
+                            u'description': u'',
+                            u'schema': {
+                                u'$ref': u'#/definitions/test.Simple'
+                            }
+                        }
+                    },
+                    u'tags': [u'TestService']
+                }
+            },
+            u'/v2/test': {
+                u'post': {
+                    u'operationId': u'Get',
+                    u'parameters': [{
+                        u'in': u'body',
+                        u'name': u'body',
+                        u'required': True,
+                        u'schema': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/test.Simple'}
+                    }],
+                    u'responses': {
+                        u'200': {
+                            u'description': u'',
+                            u'schema': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/test.Simple'}
+                        }
+                    },
+                    u'tags': [u'TestService']
+                }
+            },
+            u'/v2/test/{int}/{str}': {
+                u'get': {
+                    u'operationId': u'Get',
+                    u'parameters': [{
+                        u'format': u'int32',
+                        u'in': u'path',
+                        u'name': u'int',
+                        u'required': True,
+                        u'type': u'integer'
+                    }, {
+                        u'format': u'string',
+                        u'in': u'path',
+                        u'name': u'str',
+                        u'required': True,
+                        u'type': u'string'
+                    }],
+                    u'responses': {
+                        u'200': {
+                            u'description': u'',
+                            u'schema': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/test.Simple'}
+                        }
+                    },
+                    u'tags': [u'TestService']
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        swagger = self.gen_swagger(proto)
+        self.assertEqual(json_rt(swagger['paths']), expected_swagger_path)
+    def test_google_null(self):
+        proto = unindent("""
+            syntax = "proto3";
+            package test;
+            import "google/api/annotations.proto";
+            import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
+            service TestService {
+              rpc Get(google.protobuf.Empty) returns(google.protobuf.Empty) {
+                option (google.api.http) = {
+                  get: "/echo"
+                };
+              }
+            }
+        """)
+        expected_swagger = {
+            u'swagger': u'2.0',
+            u'info': {
+                u'title': u'test.proto',
+                u'version': u"version not set"
+            },
+            u'schemes': [u"http", u"https"],
+            u'consumes': [u"application/json"],
+            u'produces': [u"application/json"],
+            u'paths': {
+                u'/echo': {
+                    u'get': {
+                        u'operationId': u'Get',
+                        u'responses': {
+                            u'200': {
+                                u'description': u'',
+                                u'schema': {
+                                    u'$ref':
+                                        u'#/definitions/google.protobuf.Empty'
+                                }
+                            }
+                        },
+                        u'tags': [u'TestService']
+                    }
+                }
+            },
+            u'definitions': {
+                u'google.protobuf.Empty': {
+                    u'description': u'A generic empty message that you can '
+                                    u're-use to avoid defining duplicated\n '
+                                    u'empty messages in your APIs. A typical '
+                                    u'example is to use it as the request\n '
+                                    u'or the response type of an API method. '
+                                    u'For instance:\n\n     service Foo {\n  '
+                                    u'     rpc Bar(google.protobuf.Empty) '
+                                    u'returns (google.protobuf.Empty);\n     '
+                                    u'}\n\n The JSON representation for '
+                                    u'`Empty` is empty JSON object `{}`.',
+                    u'type': u'object'
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        swagger = self.gen_swagger(proto)
+        self.assertEqual(json_rt(swagger), expected_swagger)
+    def test_nested_type_definitions(self):
+        proto = unindent("""
+            syntax = "proto3";
+            package test;
+            import "google/api/annotations.proto";
+            import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
+            message Null {}
+            message Outer {
+              message Inner {
+                message Innermost {
+                  bool healthy = 1;
+                  string illness = 2;
+                }
+                Innermost innermost = 1;
+                string other = 2;
+              }
+              string name = 1;
+              Inner inner = 2;
+            }
+            service TestService {
+              rpc Get(Null) returns(Outer) {
+                option (google.api.http) = {
+                  get: "/test"
+                };
+              }
+            }
+        """)
+        expected_swagger_definitions = {
+            u'test.Null': {u'type': u'object'},
+            u'test.Outer': {
+                u'type': u'object',
+                u'properties': {
+                    u'inner': {
+                        u'$ref': u'#/definitions/test.Outer.Inner'
+                    },
+                    u'name': {
+                        u'type': u'string',
+                        u'format': u'string'
+                    }
+                }
+            },
+            u'test.Outer.Inner': {
+                u'type': u'object',
+                u'properties': {
+                    u'innermost': {
+                        u'$ref': u'#/definitions/test.Outer.Inner.Innermost'
+                    },
+                    u'other': {
+                        u'type': u'string',
+                        u'format': u'string'
+                    }
+                }
+            },
+            u'test.Outer.Inner.Innermost': {
+                u'type': u'object',
+                u'properties': {
+                    u'healthy': {
+                        u'type': u'boolean',
+                        u'format': u'boolean'
+                    },
+                    u'illness': {
+                        u'type': u'string',
+                        u'format': u'string'
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        swagger = self.gen_swagger(proto)
+        self.assertEqual(json_rt(swagger['definitions']),
+                         expected_swagger_definitions)
+    def test_enum(self):
+        proto = unindent("""
+            syntax = "proto3";
+            package test;
+            import "google/api/annotations.proto";
+            message Null {};
+            // Detailed weather state
+            enum WeatherState {
+              GOOD = 0;  // Weather is good
+              BAD = 1;  // Weather is bad
+            }
+            message Forecast {
+              WeatherState forecast = 1;
+            }
+            service ForecastService {
+              rpc GetForecast(Null) returns(Forecast) {
+                option (google.api.http) = {
+                  get: "/forecast"
+                };
+              }
+            }
+        """)
+        expected_swagger_definitions = {
+            u'test.Null': {u'type': u'object'},
+            u'test.WeatherState': {
+                u'default': u'GOOD',
+                u'description': u'Detailed weather state\n'
+                                u'Valid values:\n'
+                                u' - GOOD: Weather is good\n'
+                                u' - BAD: Weather is bad',
+                u'type': u'string',
+                u'enum': [u'GOOD', u'BAD']
+            },
+            u'test.Forecast': {
+                u'type': u'object',
+                u'properties': {
+                    u'forecast': {u'$ref': u'#/definitions/test.WeatherState'}
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        swagger = self.gen_swagger(proto)
+        self.assertEqual(json_rt(swagger['definitions']),
+                         expected_swagger_definitions)
+    def test_nested_enum(self):
+        proto = unindent("""
+            syntax = "proto3";
+            package test;
+            import "google/api/annotations.proto";
+            message Null {};
+            message Forecast {
+              // Detailed weather state
+              enum WeatherState {
+                GOOD = 0;  // Weather is good
+                BAD = 1;  // Weather is bad
+              }
+              WeatherState forecast = 1;
+            }
+            service ForecastService {
+              rpc GetForecast(Null) returns(Forecast) {
+                option (google.api.http) = {
+                  get: "/forecast"
+                };
+              }
+            }
+        """)
+        expected_swagger_definitions = {
+            u'test.Null': {u'type': u'object'},
+            u'test.Forecast.WeatherState': {
+                u'default': u'GOOD',
+                u'description': u'Detailed weather state\n'
+                                u'Valid values:\n'
+                                u' - GOOD: Weather is good\n'
+                                u' - BAD: Weather is bad',
+                u'type': u'string',
+                u'enum': [u'GOOD', u'BAD']
+            },
+            u'test.Forecast': {
+                u'type': u'object',
+                u'properties': {
+                    u'forecast': {
+                        u'$ref': u'#/definitions/test.Forecast.WeatherState'}
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        swagger = self.gen_swagger(proto)
+        self.assertEqual(json_rt(swagger['definitions']),
+                         expected_swagger_definitions)
+    def test_array_of_simple_types(self):
+        proto = unindent("""
+            syntax = "proto3";
+            package test;
+            import "google/api/annotations.proto";
+            message Null {};
+            message Invitations {
+              string event = 1;
+              repeated string names = 2;
+              repeated int32 ages = 3;
+            }
+            service RsvpService {
+              rpc Get(Null) returns(Invitations) {
+                option (google.api.http) = {
+                  get: "/invitations"
+                };
+              }
+            }
+        """)
+        expected_swagger_definitions = {
+            u'test.Null': {u'type': u'object'},
+            u'test.Invitations': {
+                u'type': u'object',
+                u'properties': {
+                    u'event': {
+                        u'type': u'string',
+                        u'format': u'string'
+                    },
+                    u'names': {
+                        u'type': u'array',
+                        u'items': {
+                            u'type': u'string',
+                            u'format': u'string'
+                        }
+                    },
+                    u'ages': {
+                        u'type': u'array',
+                        u'items': {
+                            u'type': u'integer',
+                            u'format': u'int32'
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        swagger = self.gen_swagger(proto)
+        self.assertEqual(json_rt(swagger['definitions']),
+                         expected_swagger_definitions)
+    def test_array_of_object_type(self):
+        proto = unindent("""
+            syntax = "proto3";
+            package test;
+            import "google/api/annotations.proto";
+            message Null {};
+            message Invitations {
+              message Address {
+                string street = 1;
+                string city = 2;
+              }
+              string event = 1;
+              repeated Null nulles = 2;
+              repeated Address addresses = 3;
+            }
+            service RsvpService {
+              rpc Get(Null) returns(Invitations) {
+                option (google.api.http) = {
+                  get: "/invitations"
+                };
+              }
+            }
+        """)
+        expected_swagger_definitions = {
+            u'test.Null': {u'type': u'object'},
+            u'test.Invitations.Address': {
+                u'type': u'object',
+                u'properties': {
+                    u'street': {
+                        u'type': u'string',
+                        u'format': u'string'
+                    },
+                    u'city': {
+                        u'type': u'string',
+                        u'format': u'string'
+                    }
+                }
+            },
+            u'test.Invitations': {
+                u'type': u'object',
+                u'properties': {
+                    u'event': {
+                        u'type': u'string',
+                        u'format': u'string'
+                    },
+                    u'nulles': {
+                        u'type': u'array',
+                        u'items': {
+                            u'$ref': u'#/definitions/test.Null'
+                        }
+                    },
+                    u'addresses': {
+                        u'type': u'array',
+                        u'items': {
+                            u'$ref': u'#/definitions/test.Invitations.Address'
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        swagger = self.gen_swagger(proto)
+        self.assertEqual(json_rt(swagger['definitions']),
+                         expected_swagger_definitions)
+    def test_recursively_nested_values(self):
+        proto = unindent("""
+            syntax = "proto3";
+            package test;
+            import "google/api/annotations.proto";
+            message Null {};
+            message TreeNode {
+              string name = 1;
+              repeated TreeNode children = 2;
+            }
+            service RsvpService {
+              rpc Get(Null) returns(TreeNode) {
+                option (google.api.http) = {
+                  get: "/invitations"
+                };
+              }
+            }
+        """)
+        expected_swagger_definitions = {
+            u'test.Null': {u'type': u'object'},
+            u'test.TreeNode': {
+                u'type': u'object',
+                u'properties': {
+                    u'name': {
+                        u'type': u'string',
+                        u'format': u'string'
+                    },
+                    u'children': {
+                        u'type': u'array',
+                        u'items': {
+                            u'$ref': u'#/definitions/test.TreeNode'
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        swagger = self.gen_swagger(proto)
+        self.assertEqual(json_rt(swagger['definitions']),
+                         expected_swagger_definitions)
+    def test_map_fields(self):
+        proto = unindent("""
+            syntax = "proto3";
+            package test;
+            import "google/api/annotations.proto";
+            message Null {};
+            message Maps {
+              map<string, string> string_map = 1;
+              map<string, int32> int32_map = 2;
+              map<string, Null> object_map = 3;
+            }
+            service RsvpService {
+              rpc Get(Null) returns(Maps) {
+                option (google.api.http) = {
+                  get: "/maps"
+                };
+              }
+            }
+        """)
+        expected_swagger_definitions = {
+            u'test.Null': {u'type': u'object'},
+            u'test.Maps': {
+                u'type': u'object',
+                u'properties': {
+                    u'string_map': {
+                        u'type': u'object',
+                        u'additionalProperties': {
+                            u'type': u'string',
+                            u'format': u'string'
+                        }
+                    },
+                    u'int32_map': {
+                        u'type': u'object',
+                        u'additionalProperties': {
+                            u'type': u'integer',
+                            u'format': u'int32'
+                        }
+                    },
+                    u'object_map': {
+                        u'type': u'object',
+                        u'additionalProperties': {
+                            u'$ref': u'#/definitions/test.Null',
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        swagger = self.gen_swagger(proto)
+        self.assertEqual(json_rt(swagger['definitions']),
+                         expected_swagger_definitions)
+    def test_array_and_map_of_enum(self):
+        proto = unindent("""
+            syntax = "proto3";
+            package test;
+            import "google/api/annotations.proto";
+            message Null {};
+            enum State {
+              GOOD = 0;
+              BAD = 1;
+            }
+            message Map {
+              map<string, State> enum_map = 1;
+              repeated State states = 2;
+            }
+            service RsvpService {
+              rpc Get(Null) returns(Map) {
+                option (google.api.http) = {
+                  get: "/maps"
+                };
+              }
+            }
+        """)
+        expected_swagger_definitions = {
+            u'test.Null': {u'type': u'object'},
+            u'test.State': {
+                u'default': u'GOOD',
+                u'description': u'State\n'
+                                u'Valid values:\n'
+                                u' - GOOD\n'
+                                u' - BAD',
+                u'type': u'string',
+                u'enum': [u'GOOD', u'BAD']
+            },
+            u'test.Map': {
+                u'type': u'object',
+                u'properties': {
+                    u'enum_map': {
+                        u'type': u'object',
+                        u'additionalProperties': {
+                            u'$ref': u'#/definitions/test.State',
+                        }
+                    },
+                    u'states': {
+                        u'type': u'array',
+                        u'items': {
+                            u'$ref': u'#/definitions/test.State'
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        swagger = self.gen_swagger(proto)
+        self.assertEqual(json_rt(swagger['definitions']),
+                         expected_swagger_definitions)
+    def test_kitchen_sink(self):
+        proto = load_file(
+            os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/a_bit_of_everything.proto')
+        swagger = self.gen_swagger(proto)
+        expected_swagger = json.loads(load_file(
+            os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/a_bit_of_everything.swagger.json')
+        )
+        self.maxDiff = 100000
+        self.assertEqual(json_rt(swagger), expected_swagger)