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  22. test/
  23. test_requirements.txt
  25. xpon/

Adtran OLT Device Adapter

To preprovision an Adtran OLT, you will need to provide the IP Address and the NETCONF/REST credentials for the device. The NETCONF/REST credentials are an extension of the existing preprovision_olt command and these are placed after entering two dashes '--'. The full syntax to use is.

-u--nc_username''NETCONF Username
-p--nc_password''NETCONF Password
-t--nc_port830NETCONF TCP Port
-U--rc_username''REST Username
-P--rc_password''REST Password
-T--rc_port8081REST TCP Port
-z--zmq_port5656ZeroMQ OMCI Proxy Port
-M--multicast_vlan4000Multicast VLANs (comma-delimited)
-Z--pio_port5657PIO Service ZeroMQ Port
-o--resource_mgr_keyadtran_oltOLT Type to look up associated resource manager configuration

For example, if your Adtran OLT is address with the default TCP ports and NETCONF credentials of admin/admin and REST credentials of ADMIN/ADMIN, the command line would be:

    preprovision_olt -t adtran_olt -i -- -u admin -p admin -U ADMIN -P ADMIN


    preprovision_olt -t adtran_olt -i -- --nc_username admin --nc_password admin --rc_username ADMIN --rc_password ADMIN

In addition to specifying the Adtran OLT by a single IP address, the host & port provisioning option is also supported. This allows you to configure the address of the Adtran OLT with the same command line option as the OpenOLT device adapter. For the port number, just specify the netconf port (default 830) as in:

    preprovision_olt -t adtran_olt -H


    preprovision_olt -t adtran_olt --host_and_port

Resource Manager Provisioning Support

Starting in Fall of 2018, Resource Manager Support was added as the default provisioning mechanism for the Adtran OLT as the xPON provisioning support will be deprecated by the v2.0 release in late-2018/early-2019.

The Resource Manager is used to manage device PON resource pool and allocate PON resources from such pools. Resource Manager module currently manages assignment of ONU-ID, ALLOC-ID and GEM-PORT ID. The Resource Manager uses the KV store to back-up all the resource pool allocation data.

The Adtran OLT adapter interacts with Resource Manager module for PON resource assignments. The adtranolt_resource_manager module is responsible for interfacing with the Resource Manager.

The Resource Manager optionally uses olt_vendor_type specific resource ranges to initialize the PON resource pools. In order to utilize this option, create an entry for olt_vendor_type specific PON resource ranges on the KV store. Please make sure to use the same KV store used by the VOLTHA core.

For example

To specify ADTRAN OLT device specific resource ranges, first create a JSON file adtran_olt_resource_range.json with the following entry

{ "onu_start_idx": 0, "onu_end_idx": 127, "alloc_id_start_idx": 1024, "alloc_id_end_idx": 4222, "gem_port_id_start_idx": 2176, "gem_port_id_end_idx": 16383, "num_of_pon_port": 16 } This data should be put on the KV store location resource_manager/xgspon/resource_ranges/adtran_olt

The format of the KV store location is resource_manager//resource_ranges/<resource_mgr_key>

In the below example the KV store is assumed to be Consul. However the same is applicable to be etcd or any other KV store. Please make sure to use the same KV store used by the VOLTHA core.

curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ \
   -d @./adtran_olt_resource_range.json 

The olt_vendor_type should be referred to during the preprovisioning step as shown below. The olt_vendor_type is an extra option and should be specified after --. The -o specifies the resource_mgr_key.

(voltha) preprovision_olt -t adtran -H -- -o adtran_olt Once the OLT device is enabled, any further PON Resource assignments will happen within the PON Resource ranges defined in asfvolt16_resource_range.json and placed on the KV store.

Additional Notes If a default resource range profile should be used with all olt_vendor_types, then place such Resource Range profile at the below path on the KV store.


xPON Provisioning Support

Currently the Adtran Device Adapter supports xPON provisioning to enable PON ports, or activate ONUs, you must use the appropriate commands. In the VOLTHA v2.0 release (Q4 2018?), the xPON provisioning will be removed from VOLTHA and replaced with Technology Profiles. By default, this provisioning is now disabled and you should use the '-X' extra-arguments provisioning command switch if you wish to use it.

REST Based xPON Pre-Provisioning

In addition to CLI provisioning, the Adtran OLT Device Adapter can also be provisioned though the VOLTHA Northbound REST API. The following examples show curl commands when running with the Consul key-value store. Similar curl commands can be used when etcd is used as the key value store

REST_PORT=`curl -s http://localhost:8500/v1/catalog/service/voltha-envoy-8443 | jq -r '.[0].ServicePort'`
curl -k -s -X POST https://${VOLTHA_IP}:${REST_PORT}/api/v1/devices \
 --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' \
 -d "{\"type\": \"adtran_olt\",\"ipv4_address\": \"${OLT_IP}\",\"extra_args\": \"-u admin -p admin -U ADMIN -P ADMIN\"}" \
| jq '.' | tee /tmp/adtn-olt.json

This will not only pre-provision the OLT, but it will also return the created VOLTHA Device ID for use other commands. The output is also shown on the console as well:

curl -k -s -X POST https://${VOLTHA_IP}:${REST_PORT}/api/v1/devices \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  -d "{\"type\": \"adtran_olt\",\"ipv4_address\": \"${OLT_IP}\",\"extra_args\": \"-u admin -p admin -U ADMIN -P ADMIN\"}" \
| jq '.' | tee /tmp/adtn-olt.json
  "extra_args": "-u admin -p admin -U ADMIN -P ADMIN",
  "vendor": "",
  "channel_terminations": [],
  "parent_port_no": 0,
  "connect_status": "UNKNOWN",
  "root": false,
  "adapter": "adtran_olt",
  "vlan": 0,
  "hardware_version": "",
  "ports": [],
  "ipv4_address": "",
  "parent_id": "",
  "oper_status": "UNKNOWN",
  "admin_state": "PREPROVISIONED",
  "reason": "",
  "serial_number": "",
  "model": "",
  "type": "adtran_olt",
  "id": "00017cbb382b9260",
  "firmware_version": ""

Besides specifying the "ipv4_address" leaf, you can alternatively use the "host_and_port" leaf to provide the IP Host address and the NetCONF port as in ""

Enabling the Pre-Provisioned OLT

To enable the OLT, you need the retrieve the OLT Device ID and issue a POST request to the proper URL as in:

DEVICE_ID=$(jq .id /tmp/adtn-olt.json | sed 's/"//g')

curl -k -s -X POST https://${VOLTHA_IP}:${REST_PORT}/api/v1/local/devices/${DEVICE_ID}/enable


To list out any devices, you can use the following command:

curl -k -s  https://${VOLTHA_IP}:${REST_PORT}/api/v1/devices | json_pp

Other API endpoints (beyond the /v1/ field above) can be listed with the following command

curl -k -s https://${VOLTHA_IP}:${REST_PORT}/api/v1 | json_pp

Tested OLT Device Driver versions

The minimum version number of for the OLT software is: 11971320F1-ML-3309 or later