Re-committing the directory in hopes that it uploads correctly this

Change-Id: I3bb05404a47c3ef13bfb564366a7c9691c1fb79f
diff --git a/envoy/go/golang-builder/ b/envoy/go/golang-builder/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0137347
--- /dev/null
+++ b/envoy/go/golang-builder/
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+#!/bin/bash -e
+source /
+mkdir buildreport
+novendor_dirs=$(go list ./... | grep -v '/vendor/')
+echo "Using nonvendor dirs:"
+echo "$novendor_dirs"
+echo "--------------------------------------"
+echo "* Run tests with race detector"
+go test -race ${novendor_dirs}
+echo "--------------------------------------"
+echo "* Run vet + golint"
+for f in go_vet.txt golint.txt
+    touch buildreport/${f}
+for d in $novendor_dirs
+    go vet ${d} 2>> buildreport/go_vet.txt || true
+    golint ${d} >> buildreport/golint.txt || true
+echo "--------------------------------------"
+echo "* Run errcheck"
+errcheck ${novendor_dirs} > buildreport/errcheck.txt || true
+# Run test coverage on each subdirectories and merge the coverage profile.
+echo "--------------------------------------"
+echo "* Building coverage report"
+echo "mode: count" > buildreport/profile.cov
+for dir in $coverDirs
+    path="$GOPATH/src/$dir"
+    if ls $path/*.go &> /dev/null; then
+        go test -covermode=count -coverprofile=$path/profile.tmp $dir
+        if [ -f $path/profile.tmp ]
+        then
+            cat $path/profile.tmp | tail -n +2 >> buildreport/profile.cov
+            rm $path/profile.tmp
+        fi
+    fi
+go tool cover -html buildreport/profile.cov -o buildreport/cover.html
+echo "--------------------------------------"
+main_packages=$(go list ./... |grep -v vendor |grep cmd || true)
+main_packages+=( ${pkgName} )
+for pkg in ${main_packages[@]}
+    # Grab the last segment from the package name
+    name=${pkg##*/}
+    echo "* Building Go binary: $pkg"
+    flags=(-a -installsuffix cgo)
+    ldflags=('-s -X main.version='$BUILD_VERSION)
+    # Compile statically linked version of package
+    # see for all ldflags
+    CGO_ENABLED=${CGO_ENABLED:-0} go build \
+        "${flags[@]}" \
+        -ldflags "${ldflags[@]}" \
+        -o "$goPath/src/$pkg/$name" \
+        "$pkg"
+    if [[ $COMPRESS_BINARY == "true" ]];
+    then
+      goupx $name
+    fi
+    if [ -e "/var/run/docker.sock" ] && [ -e "$goPath/src/$pkg/Dockerfile" ];
+    then
+        # Default TAG_NAME to package name if not set explicitly
+        tagName=${tagName:-"$name":latest}
+        echo "--------------------------------------"
+        echo "* Building Docker image: $tagName"
+        # Build the image from the Dockerfile in the package directory
+        docker build --pull -t $tagName .
+    fi
\ No newline at end of file