VOL-1102 Remove functions reintroduced by refactor

Change-Id: Ieb3dcf0b8c534503e8b74a9e5add984bd03c05bb
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/openolt/openolt_device.py b/voltha/adapters/openolt/openolt_device.py
index 4fb8057..596004d 100644
--- a/voltha/adapters/openolt/openolt_device.py
+++ b/voltha/adapters/openolt/openolt_device.py
@@ -620,114 +620,6 @@
         self.adapter_agent.send_packet_in(packet=str(pkt), **kw)
-    def port_statistics_indication(self, port_stats):
-        self.log.info('port-stats-collected', stats=port_stats)
-        self.ports_statistics_kpis(port_stats)
-        # FIXME : only the first uplink is a logical port
-        if port_stats.intf_id == 128:
-            # ONOS update
-            self.update_logical_port_stats(port_stats)
-        # FIXME: Discard other uplinks, they do not exist as an object
-        if port_stats.intf_id in [129, 130, 131]:
-            self.log.debug('those uplinks are not created')
-            return
-        # update port object stats
-        port = self.adapter_agent.get_port(self.device_id,
-                                           port_no=port_stats.intf_id)
-        if port is None:
-            self.log.warn('port associated with this stats does not exist')
-            return
-        port.rx_packets = port_stats.rx_packets
-        port.rx_bytes = port_stats.rx_bytes
-        port.rx_errors = port_stats.rx_error_packets
-        port.tx_packets = port_stats.tx_packets
-        port.tx_bytes = port_stats.tx_bytes
-        port.tx_errors = port_stats.tx_error_packets
-        # Add port does an update if port exists
-        self.adapter_agent.add_port(self.device_id, port)
-    def flow_statistics_indication(self, flow_stats):
-        self.log.info('flow-stats-collected', stats=flow_stats)
-        # TODO: send to kafka ?
-        # UNTESTED : the openolt driver does not yet provide flow stats
-        self.adapter_agent.update_flow_stats(
-            self.logical_device_id,
-            flow_id=flow_stats.flow_id,
-            packet_count=flow_stats.tx_packets,
-            byte_count=flow_stats.tx_bytes)
-    def ports_statistics_kpis(self, port_stats):
-        pm_data = {}
-        pm_data["rx_bytes"] = port_stats.rx_bytes
-        pm_data["rx_packets"] = port_stats.rx_packets
-        pm_data["rx_ucast_packets"] = port_stats.rx_ucast_packets
-        pm_data["rx_mcast_packets"] = port_stats.rx_mcast_packets
-        pm_data["rx_bcast_packets"] = port_stats.rx_bcast_packets
-        pm_data["rx_error_packets"] = port_stats.rx_error_packets
-        pm_data["tx_bytes"] = port_stats.tx_bytes
-        pm_data["tx_packets"] = port_stats.tx_packets
-        pm_data["tx_ucast_packets"] = port_stats.tx_ucast_packets
-        pm_data["tx_mcast_packets"] = port_stats.tx_mcast_packets
-        pm_data["tx_bcast_packets"] = port_stats.tx_bcast_packets
-        pm_data["tx_error_packets"] = port_stats.tx_error_packets
-        pm_data["rx_crc_errors"] = port_stats.rx_crc_errors
-        pm_data["bip_errors"] = port_stats.bip_errors
-        prefix = 'voltha.openolt.{}'.format(self.device_id)
-        # FIXME
-        if port_stats.intf_id < 132:
-            prefixes = {
-                prefix + '{}.nni'.format(port_stats.intf_id): MetricValuePairs(
-                    metrics=pm_data)
-            }
-        else:
-            prefixes = {
-                prefix + '.pon.{}'.format(platform.intf_id_from_pon_port_no(
-                    port_stats.intf_id)): MetricValuePairs(
-                    metrics=pm_data)
-            }
-        kpi_event = KpiEvent(
-            type=KpiEventType.slice,
-            ts=port_stats.timestamp,
-            prefixes=prefixes)
-        self.adapter_agent.submit_kpis(kpi_event)
-    def update_logical_port_stats(self, port_stats):
-        # FIXME
-        label = 'nni-{}'.format(port_stats.intf_id)
-        try:
-            logical_port = self.adapter_agent.get_logical_port(
-                self.logical_device_id, label)
-        except KeyError as e:
-            self.log.warn('logical port was not found, it may not have been '
-                          'created yet', exception=e)
-            logical_port = None
-        if logical_port is None:
-            self.log.error('logical-port-is-None',
-                           logical_device_id=self.logical_device_id,
-                           label=label,
-                           port_stats=port_stats)
-            return
-        self.log.debug('before', port=logical_port)
-        logical_port.ofp_port_stats.rx_packets = port_stats.rx_packets
-        logical_port.ofp_port_stats.rx_bytes = port_stats.rx_bytes
-        logical_port.ofp_port_stats.tx_packets = port_stats.tx_packets
-        logical_port.ofp_port_stats.tx_bytes = port_stats.tx_bytes
-        logical_port.ofp_port_stats.rx_errors = port_stats.rx_error_packets
-        logical_port.ofp_port_stats.tx_errors = port_stats.tx_error_packets
-        logical_port.ofp_port_stats.rx_crc_err = port_stats.rx_crc_errors
-        self.log.debug('after', port=logical_port)
-        self.adapter_agent.update_logical_port(self.logical_device_id,
-                                               logical_port)
     def packet_out(self, egress_port, msg):
         pkt = Ether(msg)