Tibit updates from testing.
Change-Id: I76746d8a6c94264657e20c43659a2947a15cd105
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/tibit_olt/tibit_olt.py b/voltha/adapters/tibit_olt/tibit_olt.py
index 850a0c9..3901885 100644
--- a/voltha/adapters/tibit_olt/tibit_olt.py
+++ b/voltha/adapters/tibit_olt/tibit_olt.py
@@ -32,9 +32,13 @@
from voltha.adapters.interface import IAdapterInterface
from voltha.extensions.eoam.EOAM import EOAMPayload, DPoEOpcode_SetRequest
from voltha.extensions.eoam.EOAM_TLV import DOLTObject, \
- PortIngressRuleClauseMatchLength02, PortIngressRuleResultForward, \
- PortIngressRuleResultSet, PortIngressRuleResultInsert, \
- PortIngressRuleTerminator, AddPortIngressRule, CablelabsOUI, PonPortObject
+ NetworkToNetworkPortObject, OLTUnicastLogicalLink, \
+ PortIngressRuleClauseMatchLength01, AddStaticMacAddress, \
+ PortIngressRuleClauseMatchLength02, PortIngressRuleResultForward, \
+ PortIngressRuleResultSet, PortIngressRuleResultInsert, \
+ PortIngressRuleResultCopy, PortIngressRuleResultReplace, \
+ PortIngressRuleResultDelete, PortIngressRuleResultOLTQueue, \
+ PortIngressRuleTerminator, AddPortIngressRule, CablelabsOUI, PonPortObject
from voltha.extensions.eoam.EOAM_TLV import PortIngressRuleHeader
from voltha.extensions.eoam.EOAM_TLV import ClauseSubtypeEnum
from voltha.extensions.eoam.EOAM_TLV import RuleOperatorEnum
@@ -48,8 +52,8 @@
from voltha.protos.health_pb2 import HealthStatus
from voltha.protos.logical_device_pb2 import LogicalDevice, LogicalPort
from voltha.protos.openflow_13_pb2 import ofp_desc, ofp_port, OFPPF_10GB_FD, \
- OFPPF_FIBER, OFPPS_LIVE, ofp_switch_features, OFPC_PORT_STATS, \
+ OFPPF_FIBER, OFPPS_LIVE, ofp_switch_features, OFPC_PORT_STATS, \
from voltha.registry import registry
log = structlog.get_logger()
@@ -86,6 +90,7 @@
bind_layers(Ether, TBJSON, type=0x9001)
class TibitOltAdapter(object):
@@ -277,29 +282,46 @@
jdev = json.loads(response.payload.payload.body.load)
- tibit_mac = ''
+ onu_mac = ''
for macid in jdev['results']:
if macid['macid'] is None:
log.info('MAC ID is NONE %s' % str(macid['macid']))
+ elif macid['macid'][:6].upper() == SUMITOMO_ELECTRIC_INDUSTRIES_OUI:
+ onu_mac = macid['macid']
+ log.info('SUMITOMO mac address %s' % str(macid['macid']))
+ log.info('activate-olt-for-onu-%s' % onu_mac)
+ # Convert from string to colon separated form
+ onu_mac = ':'.join(s.encode('hex') for s in onu_mac.decode('hex'))
+ vlan_id = self._olt_side_onu_activation(int(macid['macid'][-4:-2], 16))
+ self.adapter_agent.child_device_detected(
+ parent_device_id=device.id,
+ parent_port_no=1,
+ child_device_type='dpoe_onu',
+ mac_address = onu_mac,
+ proxy_address=Device.ProxyAddress(
+ device_id=device.id,
+ channel_id=vlan_id
+ ),
+ vlan=vlan_id
+ )
- tibit_mac = '000c' + macid.get('macid', 'e2000000')[4:]
- log.info('activate-olt-for-onu-%s' % tibit_mac)
- # Convert from string to colon separated form
- tibit_mac = ':'.join(s.encode('hex') for s in tibit_mac.decode('hex'))
- vlan_id = self._olt_side_onu_activation(int(macid['macid'][-4:-2], 16))
- self.adapter_agent.child_device_detected(
- parent_device_id=device.id,
- parent_port_no=1,
- child_device_type='tibit_onu',
- mac_address = tibit_mac,
- proxy_address=Device.ProxyAddress(
- device_id=device.id,
- channel_id=vlan_id
- ),
- vlan=vlan_id
- )
+ onu_mac = '000c' + macid.get('macid', 'e2000000')[4:]
+ log.info('activate-olt-for-onu-%s' % onu_mac)
+ # Convert from string to colon separated form
+ onu_mac = ':'.join(s.encode('hex') for s in onu_mac.decode('hex'))
+ vlan_id = self._olt_side_onu_activation(int(macid['macid'][-4:-2], 16))
+ self.adapter_agent.child_device_detected(
+ parent_device_id=device.id,
+ parent_port_no=1,
+ child_device_type='tibit_onu',
+ mac_address = onu_mac,
+ proxy_address=Device.ProxyAddress(
+ device_id=device.id,
+ channel_id=vlan_id
+ ),
+ vlan=vlan_id
+ )
# also record the vlan_id -> (device_id, logical_device_id) for
# later use
@@ -403,7 +425,6 @@
log.info('bulk-flow-update', device_id=device.id,
flows=flows, groups=groups)
assert len(groups.items) == 0, "Cannot yet deal with groups"
Clause = {v: k for k, v in ClauseSubtypeEnum.iteritems()}
@@ -417,7 +438,7 @@
if in_port == 2:
log.info('#### Downstream Rule ####')
- dn_req = PonPortObject()
+ dn_req = NetworkToNetworkPortObject()
dn_req /= PortIngressRuleHeader(precedence=precedence)
for field in get_ofb_fields(flow):
@@ -437,31 +458,34 @@
elif field.type == IN_PORT:
_port = field.port
- log.info('#### field.type == IN_PORT ####')
+ log.info('#### field.type == IN_PORT ####', port=_port)
pass # construct in_port based condition here
elif field.type == VLAN_VID:
- _vlan_vid = field.vlan_vid
- log.info('#### field.type == VLAN_VID ####')
- pass # construct VLAN ID based filter condition here
+ _vlan_vid = field.vlan_vid & 0xfff
+ log.info('#### field.type == VLAN_VID ####', vlan=_vlan_vid)
+ dn_req /= PortIngressRuleClauseMatchLength02(fieldcode=Clause['C-VLAN Tag'], fieldinstance=0,
+ operator=Operator['=='], match=_vlan_vid)
+ if (_vlan_vid != 140):
+ dn_req /= PortIngressRuleClauseMatchLength02(fieldcode=Clause['C-VLAN Tag'], fieldinstance=1,
+ operator=Operator['=='], match=0x00f1)
elif field.type == VLAN_PCP:
_vlan_pcp = field.vlan_pcp
- log.info('#### field.type == VLAN_PCP ####')
+ log.info('#### field.type == VLAN_PCP ####', pcp=_vlan_pcp)
pass # construct VLAN PCP based filter condition here
- elif field.type == UDP_SRC:
- _udp_src = field.udp_src
- log.info('#### field.type == UDP_SRC ####')
- pass # construct UDP SRC based filter here
elif field.type == UDP_DST:
_udp_dst = field.udp_dst
log.info('#### field.type == UDP_DST ####')
- pass # construct UDP DST based filter here
+ pass # construct UDP SDT based filter here
- elif field.type == METADATA:
- pass # safe to ignore
+ elif field.type == IPV4_DST:
+ _udp_dst = field.ipv4_dst
+ log.info('#### field.type == IPV4_DST ####')
+ import pdb
+ pdb.set_trace()
+ pass # construct UDP SDT based filter here
raise NotImplementedError('field.type={}'.format(
@@ -470,18 +494,24 @@
for action in get_actions(flow):
if action.type == OUTPUT:
+ log.info('#### action.type == OUTPUT ####')
dn_req /= PortIngressRuleResultForward()
+ dn_req /= PortIngressRuleResultOLTQueue(unicastvssn="TBIT", unicastlink=0xe2222900)
elif action.type == POP_VLAN:
+ log.info('#### action.type == POP_VLAN ####')
+ dn_req /= PortIngressRuleResultDelete(fieldcode=Clause['S-VLAN Tag'])
pass # construct vlan pop command here
elif action.type == PUSH_VLAN:
+ log.info('#### action.type == PUSH_VLAN ####')
if action.push.ethertype != 0x8100:
- log.error('unhandled-ether-type',
+ log.error('unhandled-tpid',
dn_req /= PortIngressRuleResultInsert(fieldcode=Clause['C-VLAN Tag'])
elif action.type == SET_FIELD:
+ log.info('#### action.type == SET_FIELD ####')
assert (action.set_field.field.oxm_class ==
field = action.set_field.field.ofb_field
@@ -492,65 +522,93 @@
- log.error('unsupported-action-type',
- # dn_req /= PortIngressRuleTerminator()
- # dn_req /= AddPortIngressRule()
+ dn_req /= PortIngressRuleTerminator()
+ dn_req /= AddPortIngressRule()
- # msg = (
- # Ether(dst=device.mac_address) /
- # EOAMPayload(
- # body=CablelabsOUI() / DPoEOpcode_SetRequest() / dn_req)
- # )
+ msg = (
+ Ether(dst=device.mac_address) /
+ EOAMPayload(
+ body=CablelabsOUI() / DPoEOpcode_SetRequest() / dn_req)
+ )
- # self.io_port.send(str(msg))
+ self.io_port.send(str(msg))
elif in_port == 1:
# Upstream rule
log.info('#### Upstream Rule ####')
- up_req = PonPortObject()
- up_req /= PortIngressRuleHeader(precedence=precedence)
+ field_match_vlan_upstream_with_link = False
+ up_req_link = PortIngressRuleHeader(precedence=precedence)
+ up_req_pon = PonPortObject()
+ up_req_pon /= PortIngressRuleHeader(precedence=precedence)
for field in get_ofb_fields(flow):
if field.type == ETH_TYPE:
_type = field.eth_type
- up_req /= PortIngressRuleClauseMatchLength02(
+ log.info('#### field.type == ETH_TYPE ####', in_port=in_port,
+ match=_type)
+ up_req_pon /= PortIngressRuleClauseMatchLength02(
fieldcode=Clause['L2 Type/Len'],
- operator=1,
+ operator=Operator['=='],
+ match=_type)
+ up_req_link /= PortIngressRuleClauseMatchLength02(
+ fieldcode=Clause['L2 Type/Len'],
+ operator=Operator['=='],
elif field.type == IP_PROTO:
_proto = field.ip_proto
- log.info('#### field.type == IP_PROTO ####')
- pass # construct ip_proto based condition here
+ log.info('#### field.type == IP_PROTO ####', in_port=in_port,
+ ip_proto=ip_proto)
+ up_req_pon /= PortIngressRuleClauseMatchLength01(
+ fieldcode=Clause['IPv4/IPv6 Protocol Type'],
+ operator=Operator['=='], match=_proto)
+ up_req_link /= PortIngressRuleClauseMatchLength01(
+ fieldcode=Clause['IPv4/IPv6 Protocol Type'],
+ operator=Operator['=='], match=_proto)
elif field.type == IN_PORT:
_port = field.port
log.info('#### field.type == IN_PORT ####')
- pass # construct in_port based condition here
elif field.type == VLAN_VID:
- _vlan_vid = field.vlan_vid
+ _vlan_vid = field.vlan_vid & 0xfff
log.info('#### field.type == VLAN_VID ####')
- pass # construct VLAN ID based filter condition here
+ up_req_pon /= PortIngressRuleClauseMatchLength02(
+ fieldcode=Clause['C-VLAN Tag'], fieldinstance=0,
+ operator=Operator['=='], match=_vlan_vid)
+ serial = _vlan_vid - 200
+ #link = (0xe222 << 16) | (serial << 8)
+ #up_req_link /= OLTUnicastLogicalLink(unicastvssn='TBIT', unicastlink=link)
+ up_req_link /=UnicastLogicalLink(unicastlink=link)
+ up_req_link /= PortIngressRuleClauseMatchLength02(
+ fieldcode=Clause['C-VLAN Tag'], fieldinstance=0,
+ operator=Operator['=='], match=_vlan_vid)
+ field_match_vlan_upstream_with_link = True
elif field.type == VLAN_PCP:
_vlan_pcp = field.vlan_pcp
log.info('#### field.type == VLAN_PCP ####')
- pass # construct VLAN PCP based filter condition here
- elif field.type == UDP_SRC:
- _udp_src = field.udp_src
- log.info('#### field.type == UDP_SRC ####')
- pass # construct UDP SRC based filter here
elif field.type == UDP_DST:
_udp_dst = field.udp_dst
log.info('#### field.type == UDP_DST ####')
- pass # construct UDP DST based filter here
+ up_req_pon /= (PortIngressRuleClauseMatchLength02(fieldcode=Clause['TCP/UDP source port'],
+ operator=Operator['=='], match=0x0044)/
+ PortIngressRuleClauseMatchLength02(fieldcode=Clause['TCP/UDP destination port'],
+ operator=Operator['=='], match=0x0043))
raise NotImplementedError('field.type={}'.format(
@@ -559,32 +617,53 @@
for action in get_actions(flow):
if action.type == OUTPUT:
- up_req /= PortIngressRuleResultForward()
+ log.info('#### action.type == OUTPUT ####')
+ up_req_pon /= PortIngressRuleResultForward()
+ up_req_link /= PortIngressRuleResultForward()
elif action.type == POP_VLAN:
- pass # construct vlan pop command here
+ log.info('#### action.type == POP_VLAN ####')
elif action.type == PUSH_VLAN:
+ log.info('#### action.type == PUSH_VLAN ####')
if action.push.ethertype != 0x8100:
- up_req /= PortIngressRuleResultInsert(fieldcode=Clause['C-VLAN Tag'])
+ if field_match_vlan_upstream_with_link == True:
+ up_req_link /= PortIngressRuleResultInsert(fieldcode=Clause['C-VLAN Tag'],
+ fieldinstance=1)
+ else:
+ up_req_pon /= PortIngressRuleResultInsert(fieldcode=Clause['C-VLAN Tag'],
+ fieldinstance=0)
elif action.type == SET_FIELD:
+ log.info('#### action.type == SET_FIELD ####')
assert (action.set_field.field.oxm_class ==
field = action.set_field.field.ofb_field
if field.type == VLAN_VID:
- up_req /= PortIngressRuleResultSet(
+ if field_match_vlan_upstream_with_link == True:
+ up_req_link /=(PortIngressRuleResultCopy(fieldcode=Clause['C-VLAN Tag'])/
+ PortIngressRuleResultReplace(fieldcode=Clause['C-VLAN Tag']))
+ up_req_pon /= PortIngressRuleResultSet(
+ fieldcode=Clause['C-VLAN Tag'], value=field.vlan_vid & 0xfff)
+ up_req_link /= PortIngressRuleResultSet(
fieldcode=Clause['C-VLAN Tag'], value=field.vlan_vid & 0xfff)
- log.error('unsupported-action-type',
+ if (field_match_vlan_upstream_with_link == True):
+ up_req = up_req_link
+ up_req.show()
+ else:
+ up_req = up_req_pon
up_req /= PortIngressRuleTerminator()
up_req /= AddPortIngressRule()
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/tibit_onu/tibit_onu.py b/voltha/adapters/tibit_onu/tibit_onu.py
index 7180553..424a1f9 100644
--- a/voltha/adapters/tibit_onu/tibit_onu.py
+++ b/voltha/adapters/tibit_onu/tibit_onu.py
@@ -54,6 +54,9 @@
from voltha.extensions.eoam.EOAM_TLV import AddStaticMacAddress, DeleteStaticMacAddress
from voltha.extensions.eoam.EOAM_TLV import ClearStaticMacTable
from voltha.extensions.eoam.EOAM_TLV import DeviceId
+from voltha.extensions.eoam.EOAM_TLV import ClauseSubtypeEnum
+from voltha.extensions.eoam.EOAM_TLV import RuleOperatorEnum
from voltha.extensions.eoam.EOAM import EOAMPayload, CablelabsOUI
from voltha.extensions.eoam.EOAM import DPoEOpcode_GetRequest, DPoEOpcode_SetRequest
@@ -118,7 +121,7 @@
device.vendor = 'Tibit Communications, Inc.'
device.model = '10G GPON ONU'
device.hardware_version = 'fa161020'
- device.firmware_version = '16.10.01'
+ device.firmware_version = '16.12.02'
device.software_version = '1.0'
device.serial_number = uuid4().hex
device.connect_status = ConnectStatus.REACHABLE
@@ -195,116 +198,137 @@
raise NotImplementedError()
def update_flows_bulk(self, device, flows, groups):
- log.debug('bulk-flow-update', device_id=device.id,
- flows=flows, groups=groups)
- # sample code that analyzes the incoming flow table
+ log.info('########################################')
+ log.info('bulk-flow-update', device_id=device.id,
+ flows=flows, groups=groups)
assert len(groups.items) == 0, "Cannot yet deal with groups"
+ Clause = {v: k for k, v in ClauseSubtypeEnum.iteritems()}
+ Operator = {v: k for k, v in RuleOperatorEnum.iteritems()}
for flow in flows.items:
in_port = get_in_port(flow)
assert in_port is not None
+ precedence = 255 - min(flow.priority / 256, 255)
if in_port == 2:
- # Downstream rule
+ log.info('#### Downstream Rule ####')
+ dn_req = EOAMPayload(body=CablelabsOUI() /
+ DPoEOpcode_SetRequest())
for field in get_ofb_fields(flow):
if field.type == ETH_TYPE:
_type = field.eth_type
- pass # construct ether type based condition here
+ log.info('#### field.type == ETH_TYPE ####',field_type=_type)
elif field.type == IP_PROTO:
_proto = field.ip_proto
+ log.info('#### field.type == IP_PROTO ####')
pass # construct ip_proto based condition here
elif field.type == IN_PORT:
_port = field.port
+ log.info('#### field.type == IN_PORT ####', port=_port)
pass # construct in_port based condition here
elif field.type == VLAN_VID:
- _vlan_vid = field.vlan_vid
- pass # construct VLAN ID based filter condition here
+ _vlan_vid = field.vlan_vid & 0xfff
+ log.info('#### field.type == VLAN_VID ####', vlan=_vlan_vid)
elif field.type == VLAN_PCP:
_vlan_pcp = field.vlan_pcp
+ log.info('#### field.type == VLAN_PCP ####', pcp=_vlan_pcp)
pass # construct VLAN PCP based filter condition here
- # TODO
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError('field.type={}'.format(
- field.type))
- for action in get_actions(flow):
- if action.type == OUTPUT:
- pass # construct packet emit rule here
- elif action.type == PUSH_VLAN:
- if action.push.ethertype != 0x8100:
- log.error('unhandled-ether-type',
- ethertype=action.push.ethertype)
- pass # construct vlan push command here
- elif action.type == POP_VLAN:
- pass # construct vlan pop command here
- elif action.type == SET_FIELD:
- assert (action.set_field.field.oxm_class ==
- field = action.set_field.field.ofb_field
- if field.type == VLAN_VID:
- pass # construct vlan_id set command here
- else:
- log.error('unsupported-action-set-field-type',
- field_type=field.type)
- else:
- log.error('unsupported-action-type',
- action_type=action.type)
- # final assembly of low level device flow rule and pushing it
- # down to device
- pass
- elif in_port == 1:
- # Upstream rule
- for field in get_ofb_fields(flow):
- if field.type == ETH_TYPE:
- _type = field.eth_type
- pass # construct ether type based condition here
- elif field.type == IP_PROTO:
- _proto = field.ip_proto
- pass # construct ip_proto based condition here
- elif field.type == IN_PORT:
- _port = field.port
- pass # construct in_port based condition here
- elif field.type == VLAN_VID:
- _vlan_vid = field.vlan_vid
- pass # construct VLAN ID based filter condition here
- elif field.type == VLAN_PCP:
- _vlan_pcp = field.vlan_pcp
- pass # construct VLAN PCP based filter condition here
- elif field.type == IPV4_DST:
- _ipv4_dst = field.ipv4_dst
- pass # construct IPv4 DST address based condition
- elif field.type == UDP_SRC:
- _udp_src = field.udp_src
- pass # construct UDP SRC based filter here
elif field.type == UDP_DST:
_udp_dst = field.udp_dst
- pass # construct UDP DST based filter here
+ log.info('#### field.type == UDP_DST ####')
+ pass # construct UDP SDT based filter here
- # TODO
+ elif field.type == IPV4_DST:
+ _ipv4_dst = field.ipv4_dst
+ import pdb
+ pdb.set_trace()
+ log.info('#### field.type == IPV4_DST ####')
+ pass
+ else:
+ log.info('#### field.type == NOT IMPLEMENTED!! ####')
+ raise NotImplementedError('field.type={}'.format(
+ field.type))
+ for action in get_actions(flow):
+ if action.type == OUTPUT:
+ log.info('#### action.type == OUTPUT ####')
+ elif action.type == POP_VLAN:
+ log.info('#### action.type == POP_VLAN ####')
+ pass # construct vlan pop command here
+ elif action.type == PUSH_VLAN:
+ log.info('#### action.type == PUSH_VLAN ####')
+ if action.push.ethertype != 0x8100:
+ log.error('unhandled-tpid',
+ ethertype=action.push.ethertype)
+ elif action.type == SET_FIELD:
+ log.info('#### action.type == SET_FIELD ####')
+ assert (action.set_field.field.oxm_class ==
+ field = action.set_field.field.ofb_field
+ if field.type == VLAN_VID:
+ pass
+ else:
+ log.error('unsupported-action-set-field-type',
+ field_type=field.type)
+ else:
+ action_type=action.type)
+ # send message
+ log.info('ONU-send-proxied-message')
+# self.adapter_agent.send_proxied_message(device.proxy_address, dn_req)
+ elif in_port == 1:
+ # Upstream rule
+ log.info('#### Upstream Rule ####')
+ #### Loop through fields again...
+ for field in get_ofb_fields(flow):
+ if field.type == ETH_TYPE:
+ _type = field.eth_type
+ log.info('#### field.type == ETH_TYPE ####', in_port=in_port,
+ match=_type)
+ elif field.type == IP_PROTO:
+ _proto = field.ip_proto
+ log.info('#### field.type == IP_PROTO ####', in_port=in_port,
+ ip_proto=ip_proto)
+ elif field.type == IN_PORT:
+ _port = field.port
+ log.info('#### field.type == IN_PORT ####')
+ pass # construct in_port based condition here
+ elif field.type == VLAN_VID:
+ _vlan_vid = field.vlan_vid & 0xfff
+ log.info('#### field.type == VLAN_VID ####')
+ elif field.type == VLAN_PCP:
+ _vlan_pcp = field.vlan_pcp
+ log.info('#### field.type == VLAN_PCP ####')
+ pass # construct VLAN PCP based filter condition here
+ elif field.type == UDP_DST:
+ _udp_dst = field.udp_dst
+ log.info('#### field.type == UDP_DST ####')
raise NotImplementedError('field.type={}'.format(
@@ -312,32 +336,33 @@
for action in get_actions(flow):
if action.type == OUTPUT:
- pass # construct packet emit rule here
+ log.info('#### action.type == OUTPUT ####')
+ elif action.type == POP_VLAN:
+ log.info('#### action.type == POP_VLAN ####')
+ pass # construct vlan pop command here
elif action.type == PUSH_VLAN:
+ log.info('#### action.type == PUSH_VLAN ####')
if action.push.ethertype != 0x8100:
- pass # construct vlan push command here
elif action.type == SET_FIELD:
+ log.info('#### action.type == SET_FIELD ####')
assert (action.set_field.field.oxm_class ==
field = action.set_field.field.ofb_field
if field.type == VLAN_VID:
- pass # construct vlan_id set command here
+ pass
- log.error('unsupported-action-type',
- # final assembly of low level device flow rule and pushing it
- # down to device
- pass
raise Exception('Port should be 1 or 2 by our convention')
@@ -372,10 +397,21 @@
self.adapter_agent.send_proxied_message(device.proxy_address, msg)
- log.info('ONU-log incoming messages BEFORE')
# wait till we detect incoming message
yield self.incoming_messages.get()
- log.info('ONU-log incoming messages AFTER')
+ # construct install of igmp query address
+ msg = EOAMPayload(body=CablelabsOUI() /
+ DPoEOpcode_SetRequest() /
+ AddStaticMacAddress(mac='01:00:5e:00:00:01')
+ )
+ # send message
+ log.info('ONU-send-proxied-message')
+ self.adapter_agent.send_proxied_message(device.proxy_address, msg)
+ # wait till we detect incoming message
+ yield self.incoming_messages.get()
# by returning we allow the device to be shown as active, which
# indirectly verified that message passing works
diff --git a/voltha/extensions/eoam/EOAM.py b/voltha/extensions/eoam/EOAM.py
index db081c1..9b2c023 100644
--- a/voltha/extensions/eoam/EOAM.py
+++ b/voltha/extensions/eoam/EOAM.py
@@ -132,6 +132,11 @@
bind_layers(Ether, EOAMPayload, type=0x9001)
+def mcastIp2McastMac(ip):
+ """ Convert a dot-notated IPv4 multicast address string into an multicast MAC address"""
+ digits = [int(d) for d in ip.split('.')]
+ return '01:00:5e:%02x:%02x:%02x' % (digits[1] & 0x7f, digits[2] & 0xff, digits[3] & 0xff)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-d', '--dst', dest='dst', action='store', default=EOAM_MULTICAST_ADDRESS,
@@ -217,12 +222,12 @@
if (args.test_add == True):
print 'SET Add Static MAC Address -- User Port Object'
- eoam.set_request(AddStaticMacAddress(mac=IGMP_MULTICAST_ADDRESS))
+ eoam.set_request(AddStaticMacAddress(mac=mcastIp2McastMac('')))
+ time.sleep(1)
+ eoam.set_request(AddStaticMacAddress(mac=mcastIp2McastMac('')))
- time.sleep(15)
- print 'SET Delete Static MAC Address -- User Port Object'
- eoam.set_request(DeleteStaticMacAddress(mac=IGMP_MULTICAST_ADDRESS))
+# print 'SET Delete Static MAC Address -- User Port Object'
+# eoam.set_request(DeleteStaticMacAddress(mac=IGMP_MULTICAST_ADDRESS))
if (args.test_eapol == True):
@@ -341,8 +346,7 @@
Operator = {v: k for k, v in RuleOperatorEnum.iteritems()}
print 'SET - Port Ingress Rule -- OLT Unicast Logical Link -- Upstream Traffic'
- eoam.set_request(OLTUnicastLogicalLink(unicastvssn="TBIT", unicastlink=0xe2222900)/
- PortIngressRuleHeader(precedence=13)/
+ eoam.set_request(PortIngressRuleHeader(precedence=13)/
PortIngressRuleClauseMatchLength02(fieldcode=Clause['C-VLAN Tag'], fieldinstance=0,
operator=Operator['=='], match=0x00f1)/
@@ -350,6 +354,7 @@
PortIngressRuleResultInsert(fieldcode=Clause['C-VLAN Tag'], fieldinstance=1)/
PortIngressRuleResultSet(fieldcode=Clause['C-VLAN Tag'], value=1000)/
PortIngressRuleResultReplace(fieldcode=Clause['C-VLAN Tag'])/
+ OLTUnicastLogicalLink(unicastvssn="TBIT", unicastlink=0xe2222900)/
@@ -390,7 +395,7 @@
- time.sleep(3)
+ time.sleep(15)
print 'DELETE - Port Ingress Rule -- NNI Port Object -- Downstream Traffic'