Initial commit for the automatic Grafana dashboard creation function.
Changes also include updates to the simulated OLT to generate the
initial PMs that are planned for the next few phases to simplify
testing. Several todos remain open and will be addressed in future

Amendment to add make the changes requested by the reviewers.

Change-Id: I8df4bb20953871b6fcbaeb37efcd0b0cdd8bfa4c
diff --git a/compose/docker-compose-dashd.yml b/compose/docker-compose-dashd.yml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6ce3b55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compose/docker-compose-dashd.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+version: '2'
+  #
+  # Dashboard daemon
+  #
+  dashd:
+    image: cord/dashd
+    command: [
+      "/dashd/dashd/",
+      "--kafka=@kafka",
+      "--consul=${DOCKER_HOST_IP}:8500",
+      "--grafana_url=http://admin:admin@${DOCKER_HOST_IP}:8882/api",
+      "--topic=voltha.kpis",
+      "--docker_host=${DOCKER_HOST_IP}"
+    ]
+    depends_on:
+    - consul
+    - kafka
+    - grafana
+    restart: unless-stopped
diff --git a/dashd/ b/dashd/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashd/
diff --git a/dashd/ b/dashd/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1fc28d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashd/
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from structlog import get_logger
+from twisted.internet.defer import DeferredList, inlineCallbacks
+import requests
+import sys
+# This file contains the dashboard template information. It gets pulled into
+# the dashd module and used to createt he dashboards. The other option would
+# be to put each of these in an individual text file and read them in when the
+# dashd process starts. There isn't much advantage to doing so at this time.
+# TODO: The creation of a template from Grafana is currently incomplete.
+log = get_logger()
+class DashTemplate(object):
+    def __init__(self, grafana_url):
+        self.grafana_url = grafana_url
+        self.rowSelector = '%port%' # Not currently used
+        self.rows = [
+            dict(
+                title = "%port% packet statistics"
+            )
+        ]
+        self.panels = [
+            dict(
+                title = "%port% Packet Receive Statistics",
+                rx_64 = \
+                ("alias(perSecond(voltha.%device%.%deviceId%.%port%.rx_64), "
+                 "'64b pkts/sec')"
+                ),
+                rx_65_127 = \
+                ("alias(perSecond("
+                 "voltha.%device%.%deviceId%.%port%.rx_65_127),"
+                 " '65-127b pkts/sec')"
+                ),
+                rx_128_255 = \
+                ("alias(perSecond("
+                 "voltha.%device%.%deviceId%.%port%.rx_128_255), "
+                 "'128-255b pkts/sec')"
+                ),
+                rx_256_511 = \
+                ("alias(perSecond"
+                 "(voltha.%device%.%deviceId%.%port%.rx_256_511), "
+                 "'256-511b pkts/sec')"
+                ),
+                rx_512_1023 = \
+                ("alias(perSecond("
+                 "voltha.%device%.%deviceId%.%port%.rx_512_1023), "
+                 "'512-1023b pkts/sec')"
+                ),
+                rx_1024_1518 = \
+                ("alias(perSecond("
+                 "voltha.%device%.%deviceId%.%port%.rx_1024_1518), "
+                 "'1024-1518b pkts/sec')"
+                ),
+                rx_1519_9k = \
+                ("alias(perSecond("
+                 "voltha.%device%.%deviceId%.%port%.rx_1519_9k), "
+                 "'1519b-9kb pkts/sec')"
+                )
+            ),
+            dict(
+                title = "%port% Packet Send Statistics",
+                tx_64 = \
+                ("alias(perSecond(voltha.%device%.%deviceId%.%port%.tx_64), "
+                 "'64b pkts/sec')"
+                ),
+                tx_65_127 = \
+                ("alias(perSecond("
+                 "voltha.%device%.%deviceId%.%port%.tx_65_127), "
+                 "'65-127b pkts/sec')"
+                ),
+                tx_128_255 = \
+                ("alias(perSecond("
+                 "voltha.%device%.%deviceId%.%port%.tx_128_255), "
+                 "'128-255b pkts/sec')"
+                ),
+                tx_256_511 = \
+                ("alias(perSecond("
+                 "voltha.%device%.%deviceId%.%port%.tx_256_511), "
+                 "'256-511b pkts/sec')"
+                ),
+                tx_512_1023 = \
+                ("alias(perSecond("
+                 "voltha.%device%.%deviceId%.%port%.tx_512_1023), "
+                 "'512-1023b pkts/sec')"
+                ),
+                tx_1024_1518 = \
+                ("alias(perSecond("
+                 "voltha.%device%.%deviceId%.%port%.tx_1024_1518), "
+                 "'1024-1518b pkts/sec')"
+                ),
+                tx_1519_9k = \
+                ("alias(perSecond("
+                 "voltha.%device%.%deviceId%.%port%.tx_1519_9k), "
+                 "'1519b-9kb pkts/sec')"
+                )
+            )
+        ]
+        self.dashRow = '''
+        {
+            "collapse": false,
+            "editable": true,
+            "height": "250px",
+            "title": "Row",
+            "panels": []
+        }
+        '''
+        self.dashTarget = '''
+        {
+            "refId": "",
+            "target": ""
+        }
+        '''
+        self.dashPanel =  '''
+        {
+                  "aliasColors": {},
+                  "bars": false,
+                  "datasource": "Voltha Stats",
+                  "editable": true,
+                  "error": false,
+                  "fill": 0,
+                  "grid": {
+                    "threshold1": null,
+                    "threshold1Color": "rgba(216, 200, 27, 0.27)",
+                    "threshold2": null,
+                    "threshold2Color": "rgba(234, 112, 112, 0.22)"
+                  },
+                  "id": 1,
+                  "isNew": true,
+                  "legend": {
+                    "avg": false,
+                    "current": false,
+                    "max": false,
+                    "min": false,
+                    "show": true,
+                    "total": false,
+                    "values": false
+                  },
+                  "lines": true,
+                  "linewidth": 1,
+                  "links": [],
+                  "nullPointMode": "connected",
+                  "percentage": false,
+                  "pointradius": 5,
+                  "points": false,
+                  "renderer": "flot",
+                  "seriesOverrides": [],
+                  "span": 6,
+                  "stack": false,
+                  "steppedLine": false,
+                  "targets": [
+                  ],
+                  "timeFrom": null,
+                  "timeShift": null,
+                  "title": "",
+                  "tooltip": {
+                    "msResolution": true,
+                    "shared": true,
+                    "value_type": "cumulative"
+                  },
+                  "type": "graph",
+                  "xaxis": {
+                    "show": true
+                  },
+                  "yaxes": [
+                    {
+                      "format": "short",
+                      "label": null,
+                      "logBase": 1,
+                      "max": null,
+                      "min": null,
+                      "show": true
+                    },
+                    {
+                      "format": "short",
+                      "label": null,
+                      "logBase": 1,
+                      "max": null,
+                      "min": null,
+                      "show": true
+                    }
+                  ]
+                }
+        '''
+        self.dashBoard = '''
+        {
+            "dashboard":{
+              "annotations": {
+                "list": []
+              },
+                  "refresh": "1m",
+              "editable": true,
+              "hideControls": false,
+              "id": null,
+              "overwrite": true,
+              "links": [],
+              "rows": [
+              ],
+              "schemaVersion": 12,
+              "sharedCrosshair": false,
+              "style": "dark",
+              "tags": [],
+              "templating": {
+                "list": []
+              },
+              "time": {
+                "from": "now-30m",
+                "to": "now"
+              },
+              "timepicker": {
+                "refresh_intervals": [
+                  "5s",
+                  "10s",
+                  "30s",
+                  "1m",
+                  "5m",
+                  "15m",
+                  "30m",
+                  "1h",
+                  "2h",
+                  "1d"
+                ],
+                "time_options": [
+                  "5m",
+                  "15m",
+                  "1h",
+                  "6h",
+                  "12h",
+                  "24h",
+                  "2d",
+                  "7d",
+                  "30d"
+                ]
+              },
+              "timezone": "browser",
+              "title": "",
+              "version": 0
+            }
+        }
+        '''
+    #TODO This functionality is a work in progress and needs to be completed.
+    def apply_template(self, tplt_info):
+        # The tplt_info is the record returned by Grafana as a result of a
+        # search request. This includes the id, title, uri, and other fields
+        # of no interest to us. The URI provides the key to access the
+        # dashboard definition from which we'll create a template.
+        try:
+            r = requests.get(self.grafana_url + "/dashboards/" + \
+                             tplt_info['uri'])
+            db = r.json()
+            # We don't need all the meta-data so just keep the dashboard
+            # definition
+            db = db['dashboard']
+            # We need to null out the id to create new dashboards with the
+            # template.
+            db['id'] = None
+            # Extract the rows and empty them from the template
+            rows = db['rows']
+            db['rows']=[]
+            # Determine if the rows are wildcarded or fixed, if wildcarded they
+            # need to map to the port which will create one row per port if
+            # they're not wildcarded then the title will be used as the port id
+            # and the same fixed number of rows will be used for every
+            # dashboard.
+            # Wildcarding implies a single row so check that first.
+            if len(rows) == 1:
+                # We might have wildcarding, search for it in the row titile
+                match ='%port%',rows[0]['title'])
+                if match:
+                    # Yes there is a wildcard, flag it
+          "Wildcard found in template row") #debug
+                else:
+          "No wildcard found in template row") #debug
+            else:
+                # We don't have wildcarding
+      "No wildcard possible in multi-row template") #debug
+        except:
+            e = sys.exc_info()
+            print("ERROR: ", e)
diff --git a/dashd/dashd.yml b/dashd/dashd.yml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2ed6e15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashd/dashd.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+    version: 1
+    formatters:
+      brief:
+        format: '%(message)s'
+      default:
+        format: '%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)-8s %(module)s.%(funcName)s %(message)s'
+        datefmt: '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S'
+      fluent_fmt:
+        '()': fluent.handler.FluentRecordFormatter
+        format:
+          level: '%(levelname)s'
+          hostname: '%(hostname)s'
+          where: '%(module)s.%(funcName)s'
+    handlers:
+        console:
+            class : logging.StreamHandler
+            level: DEBUG
+            formatter: default
+            stream: ext://sys.stdout
+        fluent:
+            class: fluent.handler.FluentHandler
+            host: localhost
+            port: 24224
+            tag: voltha.logging
+            formatter: fluent_fmt
+            level: DEBUG
+        null:
+            class: logging.NullHandler
+    loggers:
+        amqp:
+            handlers: [null]
+            propagate: False
+        conf:
+            handlers: [null]
+            propagate: False
+        '': # root logger
+            handlers: [console, fluent]
+            level: INFO # this can be bumped up/down by -q and -v command line
+                        # options
+            propagate: False
diff --git a/dashd/ b/dashd/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2be471a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashd/
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# This is a very simple implementation of a dashboard creation service that
+# listens to the Kafka bus on the voltha.kpis toic looking for performance
+# monitoring metrics for olts. If a new olt appears on the bus the service will
+# create a dashboard for it for both packet and byte stats creating one row per
+# port/stream and in each row one panel for packet stats and one for byte
+# stats.
+# TODO: Capture all of the metadata for existing dashboards from Grafana. We're
+# only capturing the device and device id from the title which is good enough
+# for now.
+# TODO: Leverage Grafana to act as a template builder simplifying the
+# specification of a template without having to resort to a separate API for
+# the dashd service. The basic premise is a dashboard with any name except
+# voltha.template is created for any device. Once happy with the dashboard it's
+# renamed voltha.template and this will automatically trigger the creation of a
+# new template to use for all dashboards. All existing dashboards are
+# immediately deleted and new ones are created using the template. The template
+# is renamed and can be deleted at this point. This has
+# been started.
+# Metadata format.
+# The metadata for each device from which relevant metrics are recieved are
+# stored in a dash_meta dictionary structure as follows.
+# {<device_id1>: {
+#     device:<device_type>,
+#     slug:<grafana_slug>,
+#     timer: <timer_val>
+#     created: <creation_status>
+#     ports: {
+#       <port_id>:[
+#            <metric1>,
+#            <metric2>,
+#            ...,
+#            <metricN>
+#       ]
+#     }
+#  },
+#  ...
+#  <device_idN>: {
+#  }
+# }
+from structlog import get_logger
+from argparse import ArgumentParser
+from afkak.client import KafkaClient
+from afkak.common import (
+    KafkaUnavailableError,
+from afkak.consumer import Consumer
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.internet.defer import DeferredList, inlineCallbacks
+from twisted.python.failure import Failure
+from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall
+from common.utils.consulhelpers import get_endpoint_from_consul
+import requests
+import json
+import re
+import sys
+from dashd.dash_template import DashTemplate
+log = get_logger()
+class DashDaemon(object):
+    def __init__(self, consul_endpoint, grafana_url, topic="voltha.heartbeat"):
+        #logging.basicConfig(
+        # format='%(asctime)s:%(name)s:' +
+        #        '%(levelname)s:%(process)d:%(message)s',
+        # level=logging.INFO
+        #)
+        self.dash_meta = {}
+        self.timer_resolution = 10
+        self.timer_duration = 600
+        self.topic = topic
+        self.dash_template = DashTemplate(grafana_url)
+        self.grafana_url = grafana_url
+        self.kafka_endpoint = get_endpoint_from_consul(consul_endpoint,
+                                                       'kafka')
+        # print('kafka endpoint: ', self.kafka_endpoint)
+        self.on_start_callback = None
+        self._client = KafkaClient(self.kafka_endpoint)
+        self._consumer_list = []  # List of consumers
+        # List of deferred returned from consumers' start() methods
+        self._consumer_d_list = []
+    def set_on_start_callback(self, on_start_callback):
+        # This function is currently unused, future requirements.
+        self.on_start_callback = on_start_callback
+        return self
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def start(self):
+        partitions = []
+        try:
+            while not partitions:
+                yield self._client.load_metadata_for_topics(self.topic)
+                e = self._client.metadata_error_for_topic(self.topic)
+                if e:
+                    log.warning('no-metadata-for-topic', error=e,
+                                topic=self.topic)
+                else:
+                    partitions = self._client.topic_partitions[self.topic]
+        except KafkaUnavailableError:
+            log.error("unable-to-communicate-with-Kafka-brokers")
+            self.stop()
+        def _note_consumer_stopped(result, consumer):
+  'consumer-stopped', consumer=consumer,
+                     result=result)
+        for partition in partitions:
+            c = Consumer(self._client, self.topic, partition,
+                         self.msg_processor)
+            self._consumer_list.append(c)
+  'consumer-started', topic=self.topic, partition=partition)
+            d = c.start(OFFSET_LATEST)
+            d.addBoth(_note_consumer_stopped, c)
+            self._consumer_d_list.append(d)
+        # Now read the list of existing dashboards from Grafana and create the
+        # dictionary of dashboard timers. If we've crashed there will be
+        # dashboards there. Just add them and if they're no longer valid
+        # they'll be deleted. If they are valid then they'll persist.
+        #print("Starting main loop")
+        try:
+            r = requests.get(self.grafana_url + "/search?")
+            j = r.json()
+            for i in j:
+                # Look for dashboards that have a title of *olt.[[:hexidgit:]].
+                # These will be the ones of interest. Others should just be left
+                # alone.
+                #print(i['title'])
+                match ='(.*olt)\.([0-9a-zA-Z]+)',i['title'])
+                if match and match.lastindex > 0:
+                    #print(,
+                    self.dash_meta[] = {}
+                    self.dash_meta[]['timer'] = self.timer_duration # 10 min
+                    self.dash_meta[]['device'] =
+                    self.dash_meta[]['created'] = False
+                    self.dash_meta[]['ports'] = {}
+                    # TODO: We should really capture all of the chart data
+                    # including the rows, panels, and data points being logged.
+                    # This is good enough for now though to determine if
+                    # there's already a dashboard for a given device.
+            def countdown_processor():
+                # Called every X (timer_resolution) seconds to count down each of the
+                # dash timers. If a timer reaches 0 the corresponding
+                # dashboard is removed.
+      "Counting down.")
+                try:
+                    for dashboard in self.dash_meta.keys():
+                        #print("Counting down %s." %dashboard)
+                        # Issue a log if the counter decrement is somewhat relevant
+                        if(self.dash_meta[dashboard]['timer'] % 100 == 0 and \
+                           self.dash_meta[dashboard]['timer'] != self.timer_duration):
+                  "counting-down",dashboard=dashboard,
+                                     timer=self.dash_meta[dashboard]['timer'])
+                        self.dash_meta[dashboard]['timer'] -= self.timer_resolution
+                        if self.dash_meta[dashboard]['timer'] <= 0:
+                            # Delete the dashboard here
+                  "FIXME:-Should-delete-the-dashboard-here",
+                                     dashboard=dashboard)
+                            pass
+                except:
+                    e = sys.exc_info()
+                    log.error("error", error=e)
+            # Start the dashboard countdown processor
+  "starting-countdown-processor")
+            lc = LoopingCall(countdown_processor)
+            lc.start(self.timer_resolution)
+            @inlineCallbacks
+            def template_checker():
+                try:
+                    # Called every so often (timer_resolution seconds because it's
+                    # convenient) to check if a template dashboard has been defined
+                    # in Grafana. If it has been, replace the built in template
+                    # with the one provided
+                    r = requests.get(self.grafana_url + "/search?query=template")
+                    db = r.json()
+                    if len(db) == 1:
+                        # Apply the template
+                        yield self.dash_template.apply_template(db[0])
+                    elif len(db) != 0:
+                        # This is an error, log it.
+                        log.warning("More-than-one-template-provided-ignoring")
+                except:
+                    e = sys.exc_info()
+                    log.error("error", error=e)
+  "starting-template-checker")
+            lc = LoopingCall(template_checker)
+            lc.start(self.timer_resolution)
+        except:
+            e = sys.exc_info()
+            log.error("error", error=e)
+    def stop(self):
+        # Ask each of our consumers to stop. When a consumer fully stops, it
+        # fires the deferred returned from its start() method. We saved all
+        # those deferreds away (above, in start()) in self._consumer_d_list,
+        # so now we'll use a DeferredList to wait for all of them...
+        for consumer in self._consumer_list:
+            consumer.stop()
+        dl = DeferredList(self._consumer_d_list)
+        # Once the consumers are all stopped, then close our client
+        def _stop_client(result):
+            if isinstance(result, Failure):
+                log.error('error', result=result)
+            else:
+      'all-consumers-stopped', client=self._client)
+            self._client.close()
+            return result
+        dl.addBoth(_stop_client)
+        # And once the client is shutdown, stop the reactor
+        def _stop_reactor(result):
+            reactor.stop()
+            return result
+        dl.addBoth(_stop_reactor)
+    def check_for_dashboard(self, msg):
+        need_dash = {}
+        done = {}
+        # Extract the ids for all olt(s) in the message and do one of 2
+        # things. If it exists, reset the meta_data timer for the dashboard and
+        # if it doesn't exist add it to the array of needed dashboards.
+        metrics = json.loads(getattr(msg.message,'value'))['prefixes']
+        for key in metrics.keys():
+            match ='voltha\.(.*olt)\.([0-9a-zA-Z]+)\.(.*)',key)
+            if match and match.lastindex > 1:
+                if in self.dash_meta and not in done:
+                    # Update the delete countdown timer
+                    self.dash_meta[]['timer'] = self.timer_duration
+                    done[] = True
+                    # Issue a log if the reset if somewhat relevant.
+                    if self.dash_meta[]['timer'] < \
+                    self.timer_duration - self.timer_resolution:
+              "reset-timer",
+                    #print("reset timer for: %s"
+                else:
+                    # No dahsboard exists,
+                    need_dash[key] = metrics[key]
+        return need_dash
+    def create_dashboards(self, createList):
+        dataIds = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP"
+        for dash in createList:
+  "creating a dashboard for: %s" % self.dash_meta[dash])
+            # Create one row per "interface"
+            # Create one panel per metric type for the time being it's one
+            # panel for byte stats and one panel for packet stats.
+            newDash = json.loads(self.dash_template.dashBoard)
+            newDash['dashboard']['title'] = self.dash_meta[dash]['device'] + \
+                    '.' + dash
+            # The port is the main grouping attribute
+            for port in self.dash_meta[dash]['ports']:
+                # Add in the rows for the port specified by the template
+                for row in self.dash_template.rows:
+                    r = json.loads(self.dash_template.dashRow)
+                    r['title'] = re.sub(r'%port%',port, row['title'])
+                    p = {}
+                    # Add the panels to the row per the template
+                    panelId = 1
+                    for panel in self.dash_template.panels:
+                        p = json.loads(self.dash_template.dashPanel)
+                        p['id'] = panelId
+                        panelId += 1
+                        p['title'] = re.sub(r'%port%', port.upper(), panel['title'])
+                        t = {}
+                        dataId = 0
+                        # Add the targets to the panel
+                        for dpoint in sorted(self.dash_meta[dash]['ports'][port]):
+                            if dpoint in panel:
+                                t['refId'] = dataIds[dataId]
+                                db = re.sub(r'%port%',port,panel[dpoint])
+                                db = re.sub(r'%device%',
+                                            self.dash_meta[dash]['device'],db)
+                                db = re.sub(r'%deviceId%', dash,db)
+                                t['target'] = db
+                                p['targets'].append(t.copy())
+                                dataId += 1
+                        r['panels'].append(p.copy())
+                    newDash['dashboard']['rows'].append(r.copy())
+            #print("NEW DASHBOARD: ",json.dumps(newDash))
+            #print(r.json())
+            r = \
+   + "/dashboards/db",
+                          json=newDash)
+            self.dash_meta[dash]['slug'] = r.json()['slug']
+            self.dash_meta[dash]['created'] = True
+  "created-dashboard", slug=self.dash_meta[dash]['slug'])
+    def msg_processor(self, consumer, msglist):
+        try:
+            createList = []
+            for msg in msglist:
+                # Reset the timer for existing dashboards and get back a dict
+                # of of dashboards to create if any.
+                need_dash = self.check_for_dashboard(msg)
+                # Now populate the meta data for all missing dashboards
+                for key in need_dash.keys():
+                    match ='voltha\.(.*olt)\.([0-9a-zA-Z]+)\.(.*)',key)
+                    if match and match.lastindex > 2:
+                        if in self.dash_meta:
+                            # The entry will have been created when the first
+                            # port in the record was encountered so just
+                            # populate the metrics and port info.
+                            # TODO: The keys below are the names of the metrics
+                            # that are in the Kafka record. This auto-discovery
+                            # is fine if all that's needed are raw metrics. If
+                            # metrics are "cooked" by a downstream process and
+                            # subsequently fed to graphite/carbon without being
+                            # re-posted to Kafka, discovery becomes impossible.
+                            # In those cases and in cases where finer grain
+                            # control of what's displayed is required, a config
+                            # file would be necessary.
+                            self.dash_meta[]['ports'][] = \
+                            need_dash[key]['metrics'].keys()
+                        else:
+                            # Not there, create a meta-data record for the
+                            # device and add this port.
+                            #print("Adding meta data for",,
+                            #
+                            createList.append(
+                            self.dash_meta[] = {}
+                            self.dash_meta[]['timer'] = 600
+                            self.dash_meta[]['device'] =
+                            self.dash_meta[]['created'] = False
+                            self.dash_meta[]['ports'] = {}
+                            #print("Adding port",, "to",,
+                            #
+                            self.dash_meta[]['ports'][] = \
+                            need_dash[key]['metrics'].keys()
+            # Now go ahead and create the dashboards using the meta data that
+            # wwas just populated for them.
+            if len(createList) != 0: # Create any missing dashboards.
+                   self.create_dashboards(createList)
+        except:
+            e = sys.exc_info()
+            log.error("error", error=e)
+def parse_options():
+    parser = ArgumentParser("Manage Grafana Dashboards")
+    parser.add_argument("-c", "--consul",
+                        help="consul ip and port",
+                        default='')
+    parser.add_argument("-t", "--topic",
+                        help="topic to listen from",
+                        default="voltha.kpis")
+    parser.add_argument("-g", "--grafana_url",
+                        help="graphana api url",
+                        default= "http://admin:admin@localhost:8882/api")
+    parser.add_argument("-k", "--kafka",
+                        help="kafka bus",
+                        default=None)
+    parser.add_argument("-s", "--host",
+                        help="docker host ip",
+                        default=None)
+    return parser.parse_args()
+def main():
+    logging.basicConfig(
+        format='%(asctime)s:%(name)s:' +
+               '%(levelname)s:%(process)d:%(message)s',
+        level=logging.INFO
+    )
+    args = parse_options()
+    dashd = DashDaemon(args.consul, args.grafana_url, args.topic)
+    reactor.callWhenRunning(dashd.start)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/dashd/ b/dashd/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..578958f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashd/
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import argparse
+import os
+import sys
+import yaml
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks
+base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
+#sys.path.append(os.path.join(base_dir, '/netconf/protos/third_party'))
+from common.structlog_setup import setup_logging
+from common.utils.dockerhelpers import get_my_containers_name
+from common.utils.nethelpers import get_my_primary_local_ipv4
+#from netconf.grpc_client.grpc_client import GrpcClient
+#from netconf.nc_server import NCServer
+from dashd.dashd_impl import DashDaemon
+defs = dict(
+    config=os.environ.get('CONFIG', './dashd.yml'),
+    consul=os.environ.get('CONSUL', 'localhost:8500'),
+    external_host_address=os.environ.get('EXTERNAL_HOST_ADDRESS',
+                                         get_my_primary_local_ipv4()),
+    grafana_url=os.environ.get('GRAFANA_URL', 
+                                        'http://admin:admin@localhost:8882/api'),
+    kafka=os.environ.get('KAFKA', None),
+    topic=os.environ.get('KAFKA_TOPIC', 'voltha.kpis'),
+    docker_host=os.environ.get('DOCKER_HOST', None),
+    fluentd=os.environ.get('FLUENTD', None),
+    instance_id=os.environ.get('INSTANCE_ID', os.environ.get('HOSTNAME', '1')),
+    internal_host_address=os.environ.get('INTERNAL_HOST_ADDRESS',
+                                         get_my_primary_local_ipv4()),
+def parse_args():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Manage Grafana dashboards")
+    _help = ('Path to dashd.yml config file (default: %s). '
+             'If relative, it is relative to of dashd.'
+             % defs['config'])
+    parser.add_argument('-c', '--config',
+                        dest='config',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['config'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = '<hostname>:<port> to consul agent (default: %s)' % defs['consul']
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '-C', '--consul', dest='consul', action='store',
+        default=defs['consul'],
+        help=_help)
+    _help = '<hostname>:<port> to the kafka bus (default: %s)' % defs['kafka']
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '-k', '--kafka', dest='kafka', action='store',
+        default=defs['kafka'],
+        help=_help)
+    _help = 'The kafka topic to listen to (default: %s)' % defs['topic']
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '-t', '--topic', dest='topic', action='store',
+        default=defs['topic'],
+        help=_help)
+    _help = 'The URL of the Grafana server (default: %s)' % \
+            defs['grafana_url']
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '-g', '--grafana_url', dest='grafana_url', action='store',
+        default=defs['grafana_url'],
+        help=_help)
+    _help = 'The docker host ip (default %s)' % \
+            defs['docker_host']
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '-d', '--docker_host', dest='docker_host', action='store',
+        default=defs['docker_host'],
+        help=_help)
+    _help = ('<hostname>:<port> to fluentd server (default: %s). (If not '
+             'specified (None), the address from the config file is used'
+             % defs['fluentd'])
+    parser.add_argument('-F', '--fluentd',
+                        dest='fluentd',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['fluentd'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = ('unique string id of this netconf server instance (default: %s)'
+             % defs['instance_id'])
+    parser.add_argument('-i', '--instance-id',
+                        dest='instance_id',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['instance_id'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'omit startup banner log lines'
+    parser.add_argument('-n', '--no-banner',
+                        dest='no_banner',
+                        action='store_true',
+                        default=False,
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = "suppress debug and info logs"
+    parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet',
+                        dest='quiet',
+                        action='count',
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'enable verbose logging'
+    parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose',
+                        dest='verbose',
+                        action='count',
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = ('use docker container name as netconf server instance id'
+             ' (overrides -i/--instance-id option)')
+    parser.add_argument('--instance-id-is-container-name',
+                        dest='instance_id_is_container_name',
+                        action='store_true',
+                        default=False,
+                        help=_help)
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    # post-processing
+    if args.instance_id_is_container_name:
+        args.instance_id = get_my_containers_name()
+    return args
+def load_config(args):
+    path = args.config
+    if path.startswith('.'):
+        dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+        path = os.path.join(dir, path)
+    path = os.path.abspath(path)
+    with open(path) as fd:
+        config = yaml.load(fd)
+    return config
+banner = r'''
+ __
+|  \  _ _  __ _         _
+||\ |/ ' |/ /| |__   __| |
+||/ | o  |\ \|  _ \ / _  |
+|__/ \_._|/_/|_| |_|\__._|
+def print_banner(log):
+    for line in banner.strip('\n').splitlines():
+'(to stop: press Ctrl-C)')
+class Main(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.args = args = parse_args()
+        self.config = load_config(args)
+        verbosity_adjust = (args.verbose or 0) - (args.quiet or 0)
+        self.log = setup_logging(self.config.get('logging', {}),
+                                 args.instance_id,
+                                 verbosity_adjust=verbosity_adjust,
+                                 fluentd=args.fluentd)
+        self.dashd_server = None
+        self.dashd_server_started = False
+        self.exiting = False
+        if not args.no_banner:
+            print_banner(self.log)
+        self.startup_components()
+    def start(self):
+        #pass
+        self.start_reactor()  # will not return except Keyboard interrupt
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def startup_components(self):
+        try:
+            args = self.args
+  'starting-dash-daemon', consul=args.consul,
+                                                 grafana_url=args.grafana_url,
+                                                 topic=args.topic)
+            self.dashd_server = yield \
+                    DashDaemon(args.consul, #'',
+                               args.grafana_url, #'http://admin:admin@localhost:8882/api',
+                               topic=args.topic )  #"voltha.kpis")
+            reactor.callWhenRunning(self.dashd_server.start)
+  'started')
+        except:
+            e = sys.exc_info()
+            print("ERROR: ", e)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def shutdown_components(self):
+        """Execute before the reactor is shut down"""
+        self.exiting = True
+    def start_reactor(self):
+        reactor.callWhenRunning(
+            lambda:'twisted-reactor-started'))
+        reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown',
+                                      self.shutdown_components)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    Main().start()
diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile.dashd b/docker/Dockerfile.dashd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..74ef2f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/Dockerfile.dashd
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2016 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+FROM cord/voltha-base
+MAINTAINER Sergio Slobodrian <>
+# Bundle app source
+RUN mkdir /dashd && touch /dashd/
+COPY common /dashd/common
+COPY dashd /dashd/dashd
+ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/dumb-init", "--"]
+# Exposing process and default entry point
+CMD ["python", "dashd/dashd/"]
diff --git a/voltha/adapters/simulated_olt/ b/voltha/adapters/simulated_olt/
index 3eedf9d..406e210 100644
--- a/voltha/adapters/simulated_olt/
+++ b/voltha/adapters/simulated_olt/
@@ -73,6 +73,48 @@
         self.control_endpoint = None
+        # Faked PM metrics for testing PM functionality
+        self.pon_tx_64 = 0
+        self.pon_tx_65_127 = 0
+        self.pon_tx_128_255 = 0
+        self.pon_tx_256_511 = 0
+        self.pon_tx_512_1023 = 0
+        self.pon_tx_1024_1518 = 0
+        self.pon_tx_1519_9k = 0
+        self.pon_rx_64 = 0
+        self.pon_rx_65_127 = 0
+        self.pon_rx_128_255 = 0
+        self.pon_rx_256_511 = 0
+        self.pon_rx_512_1023 = 0
+        self.pon_rx_1024_1518 = 0
+        self.pon_rx_1519_9k = 0
+        self.pon_tx_pkts = 0
+        self.pon_rx_pkts = 0
+        self.pon_tx_bytes = 0
+        self.pon_rx_bytes = 0
+        self.nni_tx_64 = 0
+        self.nni_tx_65_127 = 0
+        self.nni_tx_128_255 = 0
+        self.nni_tx_256_511 = 0
+        self.nni_tx_512_1023 = 0
+        self.nni_tx_1024_1518 = 0
+        self.nni_tx_1519_9k = 0
+        self.nni_rx_64 = 0
+        self.nni_rx_65_127 = 0
+        self.nni_rx_128_255 = 0
+        self.nni_rx_256_511 = 0
+        self.nni_rx_512_1023 = 0
+        self.nni_rx_1024_1518 = 0
+        self.nni_rx_1519_9k = 0
+        self.nni_tx_pkts = 0
+        self.nni_rx_pkts = 0
+        self.nni_tx_bytes = 0
+        self.nni_rx_bytes = 0
     def start(self):
@@ -535,18 +577,92 @@
                 # Step 1: gather metrics from device (pretend it here) - examples
+                # upgraded the metrics to include packet statistics for
+                # testing.
                 nni_port_metrics = yield dict(
-                    tx_pkts=random.randint(0, 100),
-                    rx_pkts=random.randint(0, 100),
-                    tx_bytes=random.randint(0, 100000),
-                    rx_bytes=random.randint(0, 100000),
+                    tx_pkts=self.nni_tx_pkts+random.randint(90, 100),
+                    rx_pkts=self.nni_rx_pkts+random.randint(90, 100),
+                    tx_bytes=self.nni_tx_bytes+random.randint(90000, 100000),
+                    rx_bytes=self.nni_rx_bytes+random.randint(90000, 100000),
+                    tx_64 = self.nni_tx_64 + random.randint(50,55),
+                    tx_65_127 = self.nni_tx_65_127 + random.randint(55,60),
+                    tx_128_255 = self.nni_tx_128_255 + random.randint(60,65),
+                    tx_256_511 = self.nni_tx_256_511 + random.randint(85,90),
+                    tx_512_1023 = self.nni_tx_512_1023 + random.randint(90,95),
+                    tx_1024_1518 = self.nni_tx_1024_1518 + random.randint(60,65),
+                    tx_1519_9k = self.nni_tx_1519_9k + random.randint(50,55),
+                    rx_64 = self.nni_tx_64 + random.randint(50,55),
+                    rx_65_127 = self.nni_tx_65_127 + random.randint(55,60),
+                    rx_128_255 = self.nni_tx_128_255 + random.randint(60,65),
+                    rx_256_511 = self.nni_tx_256_511 + random.randint(85,90),
+                    rx_512_1023 = self.nni_tx_512_1023 + random.randint(90,95),
+                    rx_1024_1518 = self.nni_tx_1024_1518 + random.randint(60,65),
+                    rx_1519_9k = self.nni_tx_1519_9k + random.randint(50,55)
                 pon_port_metrics = yield dict(
-                    tx_pkts=nni_port_metrics['rx_pkts'],
-                    rx_pkts=nni_port_metrics['tx_pkts'],
-                    tx_bytes=nni_port_metrics['rx_bytes'],
-                    rx_bytes=nni_port_metrics['tx_bytes'],
+                    tx_pkts=self.pon_tx_pkts+random.randint(90, 100),
+                    rx_pkts=self.pon_rx_pkts+random.randint(90, 100),
+                    tx_bytes=self.pon_tx_bytes+random.randint(90000, 100000),
+                    rx_bytes=self.pon_rx_bytes+random.randint(90000, 100000),
+                    tx_64 = self.pon_tx_64 + random.randint(50,55),
+                    tx_65_127 = self.pon_tx_65_127 + random.randint(55,60),
+                    tx_128_255 = self.pon_tx_128_255 + random.randint(60,65),
+                    tx_256_511 = self.pon_tx_256_511 + random.randint(85,90),
+                    tx_512_1023 = self.pon_tx_512_1023 + random.randint(90,95),
+                    tx_1024_1518 = self.pon_tx_1024_1518 + random.randint(60,65),
+                    tx_1519_9k = self.pon_tx_1519_9k + random.randint(50,55),
+                    rx_64 = self.pon_tx_64 + random.randint(50,55),
+                    rx_65_127 = self.pon_tx_65_127 + random.randint(55,60),
+                    rx_128_255 = self.pon_tx_128_255 + random.randint(60,65),
+                    rx_256_511 = self.pon_tx_256_511 + random.randint(85,90),
+                    rx_512_1023 = self.pon_tx_512_1023 + random.randint(90,95),
+                    rx_1024_1518 = self.pon_tx_1024_1518 + random.randint(60,65),
+                    rx_1519_9k = self.pon_tx_1519_9k + random.randint(50,55)
+                self.pon_tx_pkts = pon_port_metrics['tx_pkts']
+                self.pon_rx_pkts = pon_port_metrics['rx_pkts']
+                self.pon_tx_bytes = pon_port_metrics['tx_bytes']
+                self.pon_rx_bytes = pon_port_metrics['rx_bytes']
+                self.pon_tx_64 = pon_port_metrics['tx_64']
+                self.pon_tx_65_127 = pon_port_metrics['tx_65_127']
+                self.pon_tx_128_255 = pon_port_metrics['tx_128_255']
+                self.pon_tx_256_511 = pon_port_metrics['tx_256_511']
+                self.pon_tx_512_1023 = pon_port_metrics['tx_512_1023']
+                self.pon_tx_1024_1518 = pon_port_metrics['tx_1024_1518']
+                self.pon_tx_1519_9k = pon_port_metrics['tx_1519_9k']
+                self.pon_rx_64 = pon_port_metrics['rx_64']
+                self.pon_rx_65_127 = pon_port_metrics['rx_65_127']
+                self.pon_rx_128_255 = pon_port_metrics['rx_128_255']
+                self.pon_rx_256_511 = pon_port_metrics['rx_256_511']
+                self.pon_rx_512_1023 = pon_port_metrics['rx_512_1023']
+                self.pon_rx_1024_1518 = pon_port_metrics['rx_1024_1518']
+                self.pon_rx_1519_9k = pon_port_metrics['rx_1519_9k']
+                self.nni_tx_pkts = nni_port_metrics['tx_pkts']
+                self.nni_rx_pkts = nni_port_metrics['rx_pkts']
+                self.nni_tx_bytes = nni_port_metrics['tx_bytes']
+                self.nni_rx_bytes = nni_port_metrics['rx_bytes']
+                self.nni_tx_64 = nni_port_metrics['tx_64']
+                self.nni_tx_65_127 = nni_port_metrics['tx_65_127']
+                self.nni_tx_128_255 = nni_port_metrics['tx_128_255']
+                self.nni_tx_256_511 = nni_port_metrics['tx_256_511']
+                self.nni_tx_512_1023 = nni_port_metrics['tx_512_1023']
+                self.nni_tx_1024_1518 = nni_port_metrics['tx_1024_1518']
+                self.nni_tx_1519_9k = nni_port_metrics['tx_1519_9k']
+                self.nni_rx_64 = nni_port_metrics['rx_64']
+                self.nni_rx_65_127 = nni_port_metrics['rx_65_127']
+                self.nni_rx_128_255 = nni_port_metrics['rx_128_255']
+                self.nni_rx_256_511 = nni_port_metrics['rx_256_511']
+                self.nni_rx_512_1023 = nni_port_metrics['rx_512_1023']
+                self.nni_rx_1024_1518 = nni_port_metrics['rx_1024_1518']
+                self.nni_rx_1519_9k = nni_port_metrics['rx_1519_9k']
                 olt_metrics = yield dict(
                     cpu_util=20 + 5 * random.random(),
                     buffer_util=10 + 10 * random.random()