There are two set of test cases in Voltha:
- Unit Tests
- These tests exercise the smallest testable parts of the code. They are designed to be fully automated and can be executed by a build machine (e.g. Jenkins).
- Integration Tests
- These tests exercise a set of modules when combined together
This document focuses on running the unit tests only.
Running the utests
- Triggering all the utests as a batch run: Unit tests under voltha can be run as follows:
cd /cord/incubator/voltha/
. ./env.sh
make utest
- OFAgent utests: A set of unit tests that are executed against the VOLTHA-OFAgent Code base. Note that this test needs to run being inside ofagent directory.
cd /cord/incubator/voltha/
. ./env.sh
nosetests -s tests/utests/ofagent/