[CORD-1305] PPPoE Client

Change-Id: Id5ae5ba0ce0cbb89d434fb34d4c42796c61c059e
diff --git a/extensions/pppoe/scripts/nova_pppoe_cleanup.sh b/extensions/pppoe/scripts/nova_pppoe_cleanup.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6532ecf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/pppoe/scripts/nova_pppoe_cleanup.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+#** File:         nova_pppoe_cleanup.sh                     */
+#** Contents:     Contains shell script to clean up         */
+#**               nova-compute VM                           */
+echo "nova_pppoe_cleanup.sh: Begin"
+HOME_DIR=`pwd`; export HOME_DIR
+# Read the temp_id.txt file and fill the array named "array"
+getArray() {
+    array=() # Create array
+    while IFS= read -r line # Read a line
+    do
+        array+=("$line") # Append line to the array
+    done < "$1"
+get_vsg_gwbr_ifaces() {
+    ifacesArray=() # Create array
+    while IFS= read -r line # Read a line
+    do
+        ifacesArray+=("$line") # Append line to the array
+    done < "$1"
+function cleanup_vsg_dockers() {
+    source ${HOME_DIR}/admin-openrc.sh
+    echo "Checking for active VSG..."
+    file_temp="${HOME_DIR}/temp_id.txt"
+    nova list --all-tenants|grep mysite_vsg|grep ACTIVE|awk '{print $2}' > $file_temp
+    getArray $file_temp
+    for id in "${array[@]}"
+    do
+        echo "VSG ID=$id"
+        vsgIp=$( nova interface-list $id|grep 172.27|awk '{print $8}' )
+        echo "Cleaning up VSG: vsgIp: $vsgIp"
+        scp $HOME_DIR/$vsg_cleanup_script "ubuntu@$vsgIp:/tmp"
+        scp $HOME_DIR/$vsg_env_file "ubuntu@$vsgIp:/tmp"
+        ssh ubuntu@$vsgIp "chmod +x /tmp/$vsg_cleanup_script"
+        ssh ubuntu@$vsgIp "/tmp/$vsg_cleanup_script $vsgIp $vsg_home_dir"
+        echo "VSG Instance $vsgIp cleanup is complete"
+    done
+function cleanup_vsg_gwbr() {
+    echo "Entering function_cleanup_vsg_gwbridge "
+    source ${HOME_DIR}/admin-openrc.sh
+    file_temp="${HOME_DIR}/vsg_id.txt"
+    file_ifaces="${HOME_DIR}/gwbr_ifaces.txt"
+    sudo virsh list|awk '{print $1}' > $file_temp
+    getArray $file_temp
+    for id in "${array[@]}"
+    do
+      len=${#id}
+      if [ $len -eq 0 ] || echo $id|grep [^0-9]; then
+        echo "Not a valid virsh ID: $id"
+      else
+        echo "Cleaning up VSG instance: $id"
+        sudo virsh domiflist $id|grep $vsg_gwbr_name|awk '{print $NF}' > $file_ifaces
+        get_vsg_gwbr_ifaces $file_ifaces
+        for mac in "${ifacesArray[@]}"
+        do
+           echo "Detaching interface $mac in VSG instance: $id"
+           sudo virsh detach-interface $id bridge $mac
+        done
+        echo "VSG Instance $id cleanup is complete"
+      fi 
+    done
+    if ifconfig -a |grep $vsg_gwbr_name; then
+       sudo ifconfig $vsg_gwbr_name down
+       sudo brctl delbr $vsg_gwbr_name 
+    fi
+function remove_temp_files () {
+    sudo rm -f $HOME_DIR/*.txt 
+function remove_apps() {
+    echo "Removing Apps"
+    sudo rm -rf /usr/local/pppoe/utils/
+    sudo rm -rf /usr/local/pppoe
+function stop_vsg_monitor() {
+    echo "Stopping pppoe_check_vsg_status.sh script"
+    pid=`ps -ef | grep $vsg_monitor_script| grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'` 
+    if [ -n $pid ]; then
+       sudo kill -9 $pid
+    fi
+    rm -rf $HOME_DIR/nova_vsg_monitor.log
+function stop_nova_consolidator() {
+    echo "Stopping nova consolidation app"
+    $HOME_DIR/nova_consolidator_stop.sh
+    sudo rm -f /usr/local/lib/node_modules/*.json
+echo "nova_pppoe_cleanup.sh: End"