[CORD-1305] PPPoE Client
Change-Id: Id5ae5ba0ce0cbb89d434fb34d4c42796c61c059e
diff --git a/extensions/pppoe/scripts/vsg_vcpe_monitor.sh b/extensions/pppoe/scripts/vsg_vcpe_monitor.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9a33e70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/pppoe/scripts/vsg_vcpe_monitor.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+#** File: vsg_vcpe_monitor.sh */
+#** Contents: Contains shell script to periodically */
+#** (every 30s) check VCPE status. If vcpe is */
+#** up , install packages and report the */
+#** status via NETCFG consolidator to ONOS. */
+#** Note: This scripts runs inside VSG */
+echo "vsg_vcpe_monitor.sh Script Execution: Begin"
+function is_vcpe_active() {
+ echo "Checking vCPE status of docker instance : $1"
+ vcpe=0
+ ping=0
+ active=0
+ if sudo docker ps -a|grep $1|grep Up >/dev/null ; then
+ active=1
+ fi
+ if [[ $active -eq 0 ]]; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ # check if ping is ok
+ if sudo docker exec -t $1 ping -c 3 > /dev/null; then
+ return 1
+ else
+ return 0
+ fi
+# Read the temp_id.txt file and fill the array named "array"
+getArray() {
+ array=() # Create array
+ while IFS= read -r line # Read a line
+ do
+ array+=("$line") # Append line to the array
+ done < "$1"
+function check_vcpe_status_and_setup_vcpeproxy() {
+ echo "Checking for new vcpe..."
+ temp_vcpe_file="${HOME_DIR}/temp_vcpe.txt"
+ active_vcpe_file="${HOME_DIR}/$file_vcpe_names"
+ sudo docker ps -a |grep vcpe-|grep Up|awk '{print $NF}' > $temp_vcpe_file
+ getArray $temp_vcpe_file
+ for name in "${array[@]}"
+ do
+ # if vcpename does not exist, add it if vCPE is Up
+ if ! grep -q $name "$active_vcpe_file" > /dev/null; then
+ echo "Found new VCPE"
+ echo "VCPE NAME=$name"
+ is_vcpe_active $name
+ is_active=$?
+ if [[ $is_active -eq 1 ]]; then
+ echo "VCPE: $name is active"
+ # add vcpe name to the file
+ echo "$name" >> $active_vcpe_file
+ vcpe_id=`cat $active_vcpe_file|wc -l`
+ echo "Set up vcpe docker $name as VCPE APP proxy: [name=$name] [vsgId=$vsg_id] [vcpe_id=$vcpe_id]"
+ source $vsg_home_dir/$vsg_vcpe_proxy_setup_script $name $vsg_id $vcpe_id
+ else
+ echo "No new activei vcpe is found"
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+if [ -z $VSG_ENV_FILE ]; then
+ echo "WARNING:******VSG_ENV_FILE is not set ..."
+if [ -z $HOME_DIR ]; then
+ echo "HOME_DIR is not set...."
+ HOME_DIR=`pwd`;export HOME_DIR
+if [ -z $vsg_id ]; then
+ echo "WARNING:******* vsg_id is not set..."
+ vsg_id=1
+VSG_ID=$vsg_id; export VSG_ID
+while true
+ echo "Periodically checking for new VCPE Docker instance"
+ check_vcpe_status_and_setup_vcpeproxy
+ date
+ printf "\n"
+ sleep 30
+echo "vsg_vpce_monitor.sh Execution : End"