CORD-1762 delete instance when last vsg tenant is deleted

Change-Id: Idcdf63f7b3523eab4c6b6167f01db9fb530daf65
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/model_policies/ b/xos/synchronizer/model_policies/
index b65defc..33b8877 100644
--- a/xos/synchronizer/model_policies/
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/model_policies/
@@ -28,7 +28,18 @@
         if (tenant.link_deleted_count>0) and (not tenant.provided_links.exists()):
             # if the last provided_link has just gone away, then self-destruct
   "The last provided link has been deleted -- self-destructing.");
-            tenant.delete()
+            # TODO: We shouldn't have to call handle_delete ourselves. The model policy framework should handle this
+            #       for us, but it isn't. I think that's happening is that tenant.delete() isn't setting a new
+            #       updated timestamp, since there's no way to pass `always_update_timestamp`, and therefore the
+            #       policy framework doesn't know that the object has changed and needs new policies. For now, the
+            #       workaround is to just call handle_delete ourselves.
+            self.handle_delete(tenant)
+            # Note that if we deleted the Instance in handle_delete, then django may have cascade-deleted the tenant
+            # by now. Thus we have to guard our delete, to check that the tenant still exists.
+            if VSGTenant.objects.filter(
+                tenant.delete()
+            else:
+      "Tenant %s is already deleted" % tenant)
@@ -36,8 +47,14 @@
     def handle_delete(self, tenant):
-        if tenant.address_service_instance:
-            tenant.address_service_instance.delete()
+        if tenant.instance and (not tenant.instance.deleted):
+            all_tenants_this_instance = VSGTenant.objects.filter(
+            other_tenants_this_instance = [x for x in all_tenants_this_instance if !=]
+            if (not other_tenants_this_instance):
+      "VSG Instance %s is now unused -- deleting" % tenant.instance)
+                self.delete_instance(tenant, tenant.instance)
+            else:
+      "VSG Instance %s has %d other service instances attached" % (tenant.instance, len(other_tenants_this_instance)))
     def manage_address_service_instance(self, tenant):
         if tenant.deleted:
@@ -154,6 +171,27 @@
             p = NetworkParameter(parameter=pt, content_type=port.self_content_type_id,, value=str(value))
+    def delete_instance(self, tenant, instance):
+        # delete the `s_tag` tags
+        tags = Tag.objects.filter(, content_type=instance.self_content_type_id,
+                        , name="s_tag")
+        for tag in tags:
+            tag.delete()
+        tags = Tag.objects.filter(content_type=instance.self_content_type_id,,
+                                  name="vm_vrouter_tenant")
+        for tag in tags:
+            address_manager_instances = list(ServiceInstance.objects.filter(id=tag.value))
+            tag.delete()
+            # TODO: Potential partial failure
+            for address_manager_instance in address_manager_instances:
+      "Deleting address_manager_instance %s" % address_manager_instance)
+                address_manager_instance.delete()
+        instance.delete()
     def save_instance(self, tenant, instance):
         instance.volumes = "/etc/dnsmasq.d,/etc/ufw"
         instance.no_sync = True   # prevent instance from being synced until we're done with it
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/model_policies/ b/xos/synchronizer/model_policies/
index 4951ee8..4fb4542 100644
--- a/xos/synchronizer/model_policies/
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/model_policies/
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 import unittest
-from mock import patch
+from mock import patch, call
 import mock
 import os, sys
@@ -31,7 +31,13 @@
 from model_policy_vsgtenant import VSGTenantPolicy
 from synchronizers.new_base.model_policies.model_policy_tenantwithcontainer import LeastLoadedNodeScheduler
-MockObjectStores = {}
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Begin Model Policy Testing Framework
+#    TODO: Autogenerate this using xproto
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# A list of all mock object stores that have been created
+AllMockObjectStores = []
 class MockObjectList:
     item_list = None
@@ -87,12 +93,16 @@
 class MockObject(object):
     objects = None
     id = None
+    deleted = False
     def __init__(self, **kwargs):
         for (k,v) in kwargs.items():
     def self_content_type_id(self):
         return self.__class__.__name__
+    @property
+    def leaf_model(self):
+        return self
     def save(self):
         if self.objects:
@@ -100,7 +110,10 @@
 def get_MockObjectStore(x):
-    return globals()["Mock%sObjects" % x]()
+    store = globals()["Mock%sObjects" % x]()
+    if not store in AllMockObjectStores:
+        AllMockObjectStores.append(store)
+    return store
 class MockFlavorObjects(MockObjectStore): pass
 class MockFlavor(MockObject):
@@ -176,6 +189,20 @@
     def set_parameter(self, name, value):
+class MockServiceInstanceObjects(MockObjectStore): pass
+class MockServiceInstance(MockObject):
+    objects = get_MockObjectStore("ServiceInstance")
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        super(MockServiceInstance, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+class MockServiceInstanceLinkObjects(MockObjectStore): pass
+class MockServiceInstanceLink(MockObject):
+    objects = get_MockObjectStore("ServiceInstanceLink")
+    provider_service_instance = None
+    subscriber_service_instance = None
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        super(MockServiceInstanceLink, self).__init__(**kwargs)
 class MockAddressManagerServiceInstanceObjects(MockObjectStore): pass
 class MockAddressManagerServiceInstance(MockObject):
     objects = get_MockObjectStore("AddressManagerServiceInstance")
@@ -208,13 +235,23 @@
     instance = None
     creator = None
     volt = None
+    link_deleted_count = 0
     service_specific_attribute = {}
     def get_image(self):
         return None
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# End Model Policy Testing Framework
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 class TestModelPolicyVsgTenant(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
+        # Some of the functions we call have side-effects. For example, creating a VSGTenant may lead to creation of
+        # tags. Ideally, this wouldn't happen, but it does. So make sure we reset the world.
+        for store in AllMockObjectStores:
+            store.items = []
         self.policy = VSGTenantPolicy()
         self.tenant = MockVSGTenant()
         self.user = MockUser(email="")
@@ -237,10 +274,15 @@
         model_policy_vsgtenant.Flavor = MockFlavor
         model_policy_vsgtenant.Tag = MockTag
         model_policy_vsgtenant.VSGService = MockVSGService
+        model_policy_vsgtenant.VSGTenant = MockVSGTenant
         model_policy_vsgtenant.Node = MockNode
         model_policy_vsgtenant.Port = MockPort
         model_policy_vsgtenant.NetworkParameterType = MockNetworkParameterType
         model_policy_vsgtenant.NetworkParameter = MockNetworkParameter
+        model_policy_vsgtenant.ServiceInstance = MockServiceInstance
+        model_policy_vsgtenant.AddressManagerServiceInstance = MockAddressManagerServiceInstance
+        MockTag.objects.item_list = []
     @patch.object(VSGTenantPolicy, "manage_container")
     @patch.object(VSGTenantPolicy, "manage_address_service_instance")
@@ -265,7 +307,9 @@
         vrtenant = MockAddressManagerServiceInstance()
         self.tenant.address_service_instance = vrtenant
-        amsi_delete.assert_called()
+        # The delete model_policy no longer deletes the AddressManagerServiceInstance. It's now handled by logic in
+        # ServiceInstanceLink, together with model_policies in the target object.
+        amsi_delete.assert_not_called()
     @patch.object(MockAddressManagerServiceInstance, "delete")
     def test_handle_delete_asi_noexist(self, amsi_delete):
@@ -273,14 +317,88 @@
+    @patch.object(MockVSGTenantObjects, "get_items")
+    @patch.object(MockInstanceObjects, "get_items")
+    @patch.object(MockInstance, "delete")
+    def test_handle_delete_cleanup_instance(self, instance_delete, instance_objects, vsgtenant_objects):
+        vsg_service = MockVSGService()
+        instance = MockInstance(id=1)
+        instance_objects.return_value = [instance]
+        self.tenant.address_service_instance = None
+        self.tenant.instance = instance
+        self.tenant.instance_id =
+        self.tenant.owner = vsg_service
+        vsgtenant_objects.return_value = [self.tenant]
+        self.policy.handle_delete(self.tenant)
+        instance_delete.assert_called()
+    @patch.object(MockVSGTenantObjects, "get_items")
+    @patch.object(MockInstanceObjects, "get_items")
+    @patch.object(MockInstance, "delete")
+    def test_handle_delete_cleanup_instance_live(self, instance_delete, instance_objects, vsgtenant_objects):
+        # Make sure if an Instance still has active VSG Tenants, that we don't clean it up
+        vsg_service = MockVSGService()
+        instance = MockInstance(id=1)
+        instance_objects.return_value = [instance]
+        self.tenant.address_service_instance = None
+        self.tenant.instance = instance
+        self.tenant.instance_id =
+        self.tenant.owner = vsg_service
+        other_tenant = MockVSGTenant()
+        other_tenant.address_service_instance = None
+        other_tenant.instance = instance
+        other_tenant.instance_id =
+        other_tenant.owner = vsg_service
+        vsgtenant_objects.return_value = [self.tenant, other_tenant]
+        self.policy.handle_delete(self.tenant)
+        instance_delete.assert_not_called()
+    @patch.object(MockServiceInstanceObjects, "get_items")
+    @patch.object(MockAddressManagerServiceInstanceObjects, "get_items")
+    @patch.object(MockTagObjects, "get_items")
+    @patch.object(MockVSGTenantObjects, "get_items")
+    @patch.object(MockInstanceObjects, "get_items")
+    @patch.object(MockAddressManagerServiceInstance, "delete")
+    @patch.object(MockTag, "delete")
+    @patch.object(MockInstance, "delete")
+    def test_handle_delete_cleanup_instance_and_tags_and_stuff(self, instance_delete, tag_delete, amsi_delete,
+                                                            instance_objects, vsgtenant_objects, tag_objects,
+                                                            amsi_objects, si_objects):
+        vsg_service = MockVSGService()
+        am_instance = MockAddressManagerServiceInstance()
+        amsi_objects.return_value = [am_instance]
+        si_objects.return_value = [am_instance]  # AddressManagerServiceInstance is a subclass of ServiceInstance
+        instance = MockInstance(id=1)
+        instance_objects.return_value = [instance]
+        self.tenant.address_service_instance = None
+        self.tenant.instance = instance
+        self.tenant.instance_id =
+        self.tenant.owner = vsg_service
+        vsgtenant_objects.return_value = [self.tenant]
+        stag_tag = MockTag(, content_type=instance.self_content_type_id,
+             , name="s_tag")
+        vrouter_tag = MockTag(, content_type=instance.self_content_type_id,
+             , name="vm_vrouter_tenant",
+        tag_objects.return_value = [stag_tag, vrouter_tag]
+        self.policy.handle_delete(self.tenant)
+        instance_delete.assert_called()
+        assert stag_tag.delete.called
+        assert vrouter_tag.delete.called
+        assert am_instance.delete.called
     @patch.object(MockAddressManagerServiceInstanceObjects, "get_items")
     @patch.object(MockAddressManagerServiceInstance, "delete")
     def test_cleanup_orphans(self, amsi_delete, amsi_objects):
         vrtenant = MockAddressManagerServiceInstance(id=1)
         self.tenant.address_service_instance = vrtenant
-        some_other_vrtenant = MockAddressManagerServiceInstance(id=2, subscriber_tenant_id =
-        amsi_objects.get_items = [some_other_vrtenant]
-        self.policy.handle_delete(self.tenant)
+        some_other_vrtenant = MockAddressManagerServiceInstance(id=2)
+        link = MockServiceInstanceLink(subscriber_service_instance=self.tenant, provider_service_instance=some_other_vrtenant)
+        self.tenant.subscribed_links = MockObjectList(initial=[link])
+        amsi_objects.return_value = [some_other_vrtenant]
+        self.policy.cleanup_orphans(self.tenant)
     @patch.object(MockTag, "objects")