[CORD-1044] Migrating vTR Dashboard to the new GUI using gui-extensions
Change-Id: I33847766b790ffba2b9a9e9cfab9a7060734ce91
diff --git a/xos/gui/tslint.json b/xos/gui/tslint.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04d33e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/gui/tslint.json
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ "rules": {
+ "ban": [true,
+ ["_", "extend"],
+ ["_", "isNull"],
+ ["_", "isDefined"]
+ ],
+ "class-name": true,
+ "comment-format": [true,
+ "check-space"
+ ],
+ "curly": true,
+ "eofline": true,
+ "forin": true,
+ "indent": [true, "spaces"],
+ "interface-name": true,
+ "jsdoc-format": true,
+ "label-position": true,
+ "label-undefined": true,
+ "max-line-length": [false, 140],
+ "member-ordering": [true,
+ "public-before-private",
+ "static-before-instance",
+ "variables-before-functions"
+ ],
+ "no-arg": true,
+ "no-bitwise": true,
+ "no-console": [true,
+ "debug",
+ "info",
+ "time",
+ "timeEnd",
+ "trace",
+ "log",
+ "error"
+ ],
+ "no-construct": true,
+ "no-constructor-vars": false,
+ "no-debugger": true,
+ "no-duplicate-key": true,
+ "no-duplicate-variable": true,
+ "no-empty": true,
+ "no-eval": true,
+ "no-string-literal": false,
+ "no-switch-case-fall-through": true,
+ "trailing-comma": true,
+ "no-trailing-whitespace": true,
+ "no-unused-expression": true,
+ "no-unused-variable": true,
+ "no-unreachable": true,
+ "no-use-before-declare": true,
+ "no-var-requires": true,
+ "one-line": [true,
+ "check-open-brace",
+ "check-catch",
+ "check-whitespace"
+ ],
+ "quotemark": [true, "single"],
+ "radix": true,
+ "semicolon": true,
+ "triple-equals": [true, "allow-null-check"],
+ "typedef": [true,
+ "callSignature",
+ "indexSignature",
+ "parameter",
+ "propertySignature",
+ "variableDeclarator"
+ ],
+ "typedef-whitespace": [true,
+ ["callSignature", "noSpace"],
+ ["catchClause", "noSpace"],
+ ["indexSignature", "space"]
+ ],
+ "use-strict": false,
+ "variable-name": false,
+ "whitespace": [true,
+ "check-branch",
+ "check-decl",
+ "check-operator",
+ "check-separator",
+ "check-type"
+ ]
+ }