Adding app_label to xproto

Change-Id: I0cdc66cd80dfb3bd0ac75aa5dd20330aa3350663
(cherry picked from commit 39d789f9bde6aa4cadcba620f5ff8ea7ea0c5378)
1 file changed
tree: 8da2d512f61edd104356decbe0ce5986b69eb647
  1. .gitignore
  2. LICENSE.txt
  4. xos/

Virtual Truckroll Service

The vTR service is designed to perform a connectivity test in place of the subscriber. It will save you time and costs of sending a truck to the subscriber premises to perform the same kind of test.


To onboard this service in your system, you can execute the onboard-vtr.yaml playbook, using this command:

ansible-playbook -i /etc/maas/ansible/pod-inventory --extra-vars=@/opt/cord/build/genconfig/config.yml onboard-vtr-playbook.yaml