Code changes includes:
1.Added ner file to communicate with kafka server.
2.Added code to accept xos_ip and kafka_ip ad arguments :
3.Replace hardcoaded ip with the ip retrived from the step 2(xos_ip).

Change-Id: I1254ecc5560b2ef781035aa86a778fac94d524a8
diff --git a/auto-scale/ b/auto-scale/
index 848ccc0..9ec0103 100644
--- a/auto-scale/
+++ b/auto-scale/
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import sys, getopt
 import socket
 import requests
 import urllib2
@@ -15,11 +16,25 @@
 xos_tenant_info_map = {}
 xos_instances_info_map = {}
+#gethostname() -- return the current hostname
+#gethostbyname() -- map a hostname to its IP number
+hostname = None
+xos_ip = None
+kafka_ip = xos_ip
+xos_port = 9000
+print "----------------------------------------------------------------------"
+print "xos_ip:",xos_ip
+print "kfka_ip:",kafka_ip
+print "----------------------------------------------------------------------"
 use_kafka = True
 if use_kafka:
    import kafka
-   from kafka import TopicPartition
+   import kafka_broker
+   from oslo_utils import netutils
+   #from kafka import TopicPartition
    UDP_IP = ""
    UDP_PORT = 12346
@@ -31,30 +46,32 @@
     return response
 def acquire_xos_monitoring_channel():
-    url = "http://ctl:9999/xoslib/monitoringchannel/"
+    global xos_ip
+    url = "http://" + xos_ip + ":" + str(xos_port) +"/api/tenant/monitoring/monitoringchannel/"
+    print url
     admin_auth=("", "letmein")   # use your XOS username and password
     monitoring_channels = requests.get(url, auth=admin_auth).json()
     ceilometer_url = None
     if not monitoring_channels:
-        print 'SRIKANTH: No monitoring channels for this user...'
+        print 'No monitoring channels for this user...'
         return None
         monitoring_channel = monitoring_channels[0]
     while not monitoring_channel['ceilometer_url']:
-         print 'SRIKANTH: Waiting for monitoring channel create'
+         print 'Waiting for monitoring channel create'
          monitoring_channel = requests.get(url, auth=admin_auth).json()[0]
-    #TODO: Wait until URL is completely UP
     while True:
-        print 'SRIKANTH: Waiting for ceilometer proxy URL %s is available' % monitoring_channel['ceilometer_url']
+        print 'Waiting for ceilometer proxy URL %s is available' % monitoring_channel['ceilometer_url']
             response = urllib2.urlopen(monitoring_channel['ceilometer_url'],timeout=1)
         except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
-            print 'SRIKANTH: HTTP error %s' % e.reason
+            print 'HTTP error %s' % e.reason
         except urllib2.URLError, e:
-            print 'SRIKANTH: URL error %s' % e.reason
+            print 'URL error %s' % e.reason
     return monitoring_channel
@@ -84,8 +101,10 @@
 SCALE_DOWN_ALARM = 'scale_down'
 def loadAllXosTenantInfo():
-    print "SRIKANTH: Loading all XOS tenant info"
-    url = "http://ctl:9999/xos/controllerslices/"
+    global xos_ip
+    print "Loading all XOS tenant info"
+    url = "http://" + xos_ip + ":" + str(xos_port) +"/xos/controllerslices/"
     admin_auth=("", "letmein")   # use your XOS username and password
     controller_slices = requests.get(url, auth=admin_auth).json()
     for cslice in controller_slices:
@@ -100,8 +119,10 @@
          print "SRIKANTH: Project: %s Service:%s Slice:%s" % (cslice['tenant_id'],service_name,slice_name)
 def loadAllXosInstanceInfo():
-    print "SRIKANTH: Loading all XOS instance info"
-    url = "http://ctl:9999/xos/instances/"
+    global xos_ip
+    print "Loading all XOS instance info"
+    url = "http://" + xos_ip + ":" + str(xos_port) +"/xos/instances/"
     admin_auth=("", "letmein")   # use your XOS username and password
     xos_instances = requests.get(url, auth=admin_auth).json()
     for instance in xos_instances:
@@ -115,7 +136,7 @@
         xos_tenant_info = xos_tenant_info_map.get(project, None)
         if not xos_tenant_info:
-            print "SRIKANTH: Project %s has no associated XOS slice" % project
+            print "Project %s has no associated XOS slice" % project
         return xos_tenant_info
 def getXosInstanceInfo(resource):
@@ -126,29 +147,31 @@
         xos_instance_info = xos_instances_info_map.get(resource, None)
         if not xos_instance_info:
-            print "SRIKANTH: Resource %s has no associated XOS instance" % project
+            print "Resource %s has no associated XOS instance" % project
         return xos_instance_info
 def handle_adjust_scale(project, adjust):
+    global xos_ip
     if (adjust != 'up') and (adjust != 'down'):
         print "SRIKANTH: Invalid adjust value %s " % adjust
     current_instances = len(projects_map[project]['resources'].keys())
     if (current_instances <=1 and adjust == 'down'):
-        print "SRIKANTH: %s is running with already minimum instances and can not scale down further " % project
+        print "%s is running with already minimum instances and can not scale down further " % project
     if (current_instances >=2 and adjust == 'up'):
-        print "SRIKANTH: %s is running with already maximum instances and can not scale up further " % project
+        print "%s is running with already maximum instances and can not scale up further " % project
     #xos_tenant = getXosTenantInfo(project)
     xos_service = projects_map[project]['service']
     xos_slice = projects_map[project]['slice']
     if not xos_service or not xos_slice: 
-        print "SRIKANTH: Can not handle adjust_scale for Project %s because not associated with any service or slice" % project
+        print "Can not handle adjust_scale for Project %s because not associated with any service or slice" % project
-    print "SRIKANTH: SCALE %s for Project %s, Slice=%s, Service=%s from current=%d to new=%d" % (adjust, project, xos_slice, xos_service, current_instances, current_instances+1 if (adjust=='up') else current_instances-1)
+    print "SCALE %s for Project %s, Slice=%s, Service=%s from current=%d to new=%d" % (adjust, project, xos_slice, xos_service, current_instances, current_instances+1 if (adjust=='up') else current_instances-1)
     query_params = {'service':xos_service, 'slice_hint':xos_slice, 'scale':current_instances+1 if (adjust=='up') else current_instances-1}
-    url = "http://ctl:9999/xoslib/serviceadjustscale/"
+    url = "http://" + xos_ip + ":" + str(xos_port) + "/xoslib/serviceadjustscale/"
     admin_auth=("", "letmein")   # use your XOS username and password
     response = requests.get(url, params=query_params, auth=admin_auth).json()
     print "SRIKANTH: XOS adjust_scale response: %s" % response
@@ -204,20 +227,34 @@
                   projects_map[project]['alarm'] = INITIAL_STATE
      threading.Timer(20, periodic_cpu_threshold_evaluator).start()
+def read_notification_from_ceilometer_over_kafka(parse_target):
+    print("Kafka target:",parse_target)
+    try :
+        kafka_publisher=kafka_broker.KafkaBrokerPublisher(parse_target)
+        for message in kafka_publisher.kafka_consumer:
+            #print message.value
+  "%s",message.value)
+            process_notification_from_ceilometer(json.loads(message.value))
+            #print status
+    except Exception as e:
+        print "AUTO_SCALE Exception:",e
 def read_notification_from_ceilometer_over_kafka(host,port,topic):
     print "Kafka target" , host, port, topic
     try :
         consumer=kafka.KafkaConsumer(bootstrap_servers=["%s:%s" % (host,port)])
-        consumer.assign([TopicPartition(topic,0)])
+        #consumer.assign([TopicPartition(topic,0)])
+        consumer.set_topic_partitions(topic)    
         for message in consumer:
-            #print message.value
+            print message.value
             #status = process_ceilometer_message(json.loads(message.value),message.value)
             #print status
     except Exception as e:
         print "AUTO_SCALE Exception:",e
 def read_notification_from_ceilometer(host,port):
    udp = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # UDP
@@ -295,39 +332,68 @@
     else: ,port=webserver_port,debug=True, use_reloader=False)
+def parse_args(argv):
+   global xos_ip, kafka_ip
-def main():
+   try:
+      opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"k:x:",["kafka-ip=","xos-ip="])
+   except getopt.GetoptError:
+      print ' --xos-ip=<IP> --kafka-ip=<>'
+      sys.exit(2)
+   for opt, arg in opts:
+      if opt in ("--xos-ip"):
+         xos_ip = arg
+      elif opt in ("--kafka-ip"):
+         kafka_ip = arg
+   if not xos_ip or not kafka_ip:
+      print ' --xos-ip=<IP> --kafka-ip=<>'
+      sys.exit(2)
+def main(argv):
+   global xos_ip, kafka_ip
+   parse_args(argv)
    monitoring_channel = acquire_xos_monitoring_channel()
    if not monitoring_channel:
-        print 'SRIKANTH: XOS monitoring_channel is not created... Create it before using this app'
+        print 'XOS monitoring_channel is not created... Create it before using this app'
    ceilometer_url = monitoring_channel['ceilometer_url']
    if use_kafka:
-       thread.start_new(read_notification_from_ceilometer_over_kafka, ("","9092","auto-scale",))
-       subscribe_data = {"sub_info":"cpu_util","app_id":"xos_auto_scale","target":"kafka://"}
+       url = "kafka://" + kafka_ip + ":9092?topic=auto-scale"
+       parse_target=netutils.urlsplit(url) 
+       thread.start_new(read_notification_from_ceilometer_over_kafka, (parse_target,))
+       #thread.start_new(read_notification_from_ceilometer_over_kafka, (xos_ip,"9092","auto-scale",))
+       subscribe_data = {"sub_info":"cpu_util","app_id":"xos_auto_scale","target":"kafka://" + kafka_ip + ":9092?topic=auto-scale"}
-       subscribe_data = {"sub_info":"cpu_util","app_id":"xos_auto_scale","target":"udp://"}
+       subscribe_data = {"sub_info":"cpu_util","app_id":"xos_auto_scale","target":"udp://" + xos_ip + ":12346"}
    subscribe_url = ceilometer_url + 'v2/subscribe'
    response =, data=json.dumps(subscribe_data))
-   print 'SRIKANTH: Ceilometer meter "cpu_util" Subscription status:%s' % response.text
+   print 'Ceilometer meter "cpu_util" Subscription status:%s' % response.text
    #TODO: Fix the typo in 'sucess'
    if (not 'sucess' in response.text) and (not 'already exists' in response.text):
-       print 'SRIKANTH: Ceilometer meter "cpu_util" Subscription unsuccessful...Exiting'
+       print 'Ceilometer meter "cpu_util" Subscription unsuccessful...Exiting'
-   subscribe_data = {"sub_info":"instance","app_id":"xos_auto_scale2","target":"udp://"}
+   #TODO: Fix the need for different app_id for each subscription from the same application
+   if use_kafka:
+       subscribe_data = {"sub_info":"instance","app_id":"xos_auto_scale2","target":"kafka://" + kafka_ip + ":9092?topic=auto-scale"}
+   else:
+       subscribe_data = {"sub_info":"instance","app_id":"xos_auto_scale2","target":"udp://" + xos_ip + ":12346"}
    subscribe_url = ceilometer_url + 'v2/subscribe'
    response =, data=json.dumps(subscribe_data))
-   print 'SRIKANTH: Ceilometer meter "instance" Subscription status:%s' % response.text
+   print 'Ceilometer meter "instance" Subscription status:%s' % response.text
    #TODO: Fix the typo in 'sucess'
    if (not 'sucess' in response.text) and (not 'already exists' in response.text):
-       print 'SRIKANTH: Ceilometer meter "instance"Subscription unsuccessful...Exiting'
+       print 'Ceilometer meter "instance"Subscription unsuccessful...Exiting'
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-   main()
+   main(sys.argv[1:])