tree: 0986905e478491542fcbf94bc34ce160a19d75d6 [path history] [tgz]
  1. .bowerrc
  2. .eslintrc
  3. .gitignore
  5. bower.json
  6. bs-config.js
  7. env/
  8. mocks/
  9. package.json
  10. src/

Subscriber Portal

This is a demonstrative implementation of a subscriber portal. Note that this is intended to demonstrate a possible implementation, but it is not the only way.

This demo is developed with AngularJs, but your subscriber portal could be developed using whichever framework in whichever language as it should only integrate XOS api with your services (eg: Authentication, CRM, Bug Tracker...)

Getting started

All commands in this section refers to xos-external-app-examples/mCordPortal

Note that NodeJs and Bower are required to run this demo

To open this demo:

  • open env/default.js and replace host with the URL of your XOS installation.
  • from the portal root execute npm start

This should open the demo in the browser.

A different environment can be specified in the env folder. To do that create a new file myEnv.js with the same content of default.js and start the project using NODE_ENV=myEnv npm start

If you prefer to contact the Apiary Mock Backend start the application with MOCK=true npm start


Please report any bug or question trough github issues.