tree: 449d3d90135838f0d88bf14ed2133275fbb24a94 [path history] [tgz]
  1. .dockerignore
  2. .gitattributes
  3. .gitignore
  4. Dockerfile
  6. conf/
  7. gulp_tasks/
  8. gulpfile.js
  9. nginx.conf
  10. package.json
  11. src/
  12. tsconfig.json
  13. tslint.json
  14. typings.json


Experimental Feature

This UI is currently hidden behind a flag and at the current state it is guaranteed as working only from the frontend config.

Setup the correct environment:

  • Clone opencord using repo
repo init -u
repo sync
  • Download XOS patch to enable Redis notifications (waiting for the release to merge it)
cd orchestration/xos
git review -d 1852

Start the system

A vagrant VM is provided to make your life easier, so:

cd orchestration/service-profile/frontend
vagrant up frontend
vagrant ssh frontend # password is vagrant
cd service-profile/frontend
make local_containers
make experimental-ui

The new UI is now accessible at http://<your-ip> on port 80

If you want to create some slices to have some data:

make slices


This application can be executed on your system as long as you have NodeJs version 4 or higher.

To start de development environment use: npm start


There are two configuration file available in the application, and they depend on the environment. You can find the various possibilities in conf/app, and they regard application constants, such as apiEndpoint, or branding elements, such as projectName.

To load a different configration file you can use two environment variables:

  • NODE_ENV: to configure the app constants (eg: dev, production)
  • BRAND: to configure style constants (eg: cord, opencloud)


To commands come with the project:

  • npm run test:auto to watch source files and run test anytime they change, useful for development
  • npm test to run test once, this is the command triggered by Jenkins

Emulate a Synchronizer notification

redis-cli -h
# In progress
PUBLISH Slice "{\"pk\": 19, \"object\": {\"id\": 19,\"name\": \"mysite_test_redis\", \"backend_status\": \"0 - In Progress\"}, \"changed_fields\": [\"updated\", \"backend_status\"]}"
# Succes
PUBLISH Slice "{\"pk\": 19, \"object\": {\"id\": 19,\"name\": \"mysite_test_redis\", \"backend_status\": \"1 - Success\"}, \"changed_fields\": [\"updated\", \"backend_status\"]}"
# Error
PUBLISH Slice "{\"pk\": 19, \"object\": {\"id\": 19,\"name\": \"mysite_test_redis\", \"backend_status\": \"2 - Error\"}, \"changed_fields\": [\"updated\", \"backend_status\"]}"