[CORD-1250] Rendering new ServiceInstance Models

Change-Id: Ic8fdb4775b119816b4b7aa085e6af699eaa13a67
diff --git a/src/app/service-graph/services/service-instance.graph.store.ts b/src/app/service-graph/services/service-instance.graph.store.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6ab41e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/service-graph/services/service-instance.graph.store.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+import * as _ from 'lodash';
+import {Observable, BehaviorSubject, Subscription} from 'rxjs';
+import {
+  IXosServiceGraph, IXosServiceInstanceGraphData, IXosServiceGraphNode
+} from '../interfaces';
+import {IXosDebouncer} from '../../core/services/helpers/debounce.helper';
+import {IXosModelStoreService} from '../../datasources/stores/model.store';
+import {IXosServiceGraphStore} from './service-graph.store';
+export interface IXosServiceInstanceGraphStore {
+  get(): Observable<IXosServiceGraph>;
+export class XosServiceInstanceGraphStore implements IXosServiceInstanceGraphStore {
+  static $inject = [
+    '$log',
+    'XosServiceGraphStore',
+    'XosModelStore',
+    'XosDebouncer'
+  ];
+  private CoarseGraphSubscription: Subscription;
+  private ServiceInstanceSubscription: Subscription;
+  private ServiceInstanceLinkSubscription: Subscription;
+  private NetworkSubscription: Subscription;
+  // debounced functions
+  private handleData;
+  // FIXME this is declared also in ServiceGraphStore
+  private emptyGraph: IXosServiceGraph = {
+    nodes: [],
+    links: []
+  };
+  // graph data store
+  private graphData: BehaviorSubject<IXosServiceInstanceGraphData> = new BehaviorSubject({
+    serviceGraph: this.emptyGraph,
+    serviceInstances: [],
+    serviceInstanceLinks: [],
+    networks: []
+  });
+  private d3ServiceInstanceGraph = new BehaviorSubject(this.emptyGraph);
+  private serviceGraph: IXosServiceGraph = this.emptyGraph;
+  private serviceInstances: any[] = [];
+  private serviceInstanceLinks: any[] = [];
+  private networks: any[] = [];
+  constructor (
+    private $log: ng.ILogService,
+    private XosServiceGraphStore: IXosServiceGraphStore,
+    private XosModelStore: IXosModelStoreService,
+    private XosDebouncer: IXosDebouncer
+  ) {
+    this.$log.info(`[XosServiceInstanceGraphStore] Setup`);
+    // we want to have a quiet period of 500ms from the last event before doing anything
+    this.handleData = this.XosDebouncer.debounce(this._handleData, 500, this, false);
+    this.CoarseGraphSubscription = this.XosServiceGraphStore.getCoarse()
+      .subscribe(
+        (graph: IXosServiceGraph) => {
+          this.combineData(graph, 'serviceGraph');
+        }
+      );
+    this.ServiceInstanceSubscription = this.XosModelStore.query('ServiceInstance', '/core/serviceinstances')
+      .subscribe(
+        (res) => {
+          this.combineData(res, 'serviceInstance');
+        },
+        (err) => {
+          this.$log.error(`[XosServiceInstanceGraphStore] Service Observable: `, err);
+        }
+      );
+    this.ServiceInstanceLinkSubscription = this.XosModelStore.query('ServiceInstanceLink', '/core/serviceinstancelinks')
+      .subscribe(
+        (res) => {
+          this.combineData(res, 'serviceInstanceLink');
+        },
+        (err) => {
+          this.$log.error(`[XosServiceInstanceGraphStore] Service Observable: `, err);
+        }
+      );
+    this.NetworkSubscription = this.XosModelStore.query('Network', '/core/networks')
+      .subscribe(
+        (res) => {
+          this.combineData(res, 'networks');
+        },
+        (err) => {
+          this.$log.error(`[XosServiceGraphStore] graphData Observable: `, err);
+        }
+      );
+    // observe graphData and build ServiceInstance graph
+    this.graphData
+      .subscribe(
+        (res: IXosServiceInstanceGraphData) => {
+          this.$log.debug(`[XosServiceInstanceGraphStore] New graph data received`, res);
+          this.graphDataToD3(res);
+        },
+        (err) => {
+          this.$log.error(`[XosServiceInstanceGraphStore] graphData Observable: `, err);
+        }
+      );
+  }
+  public get(): Observable<IXosServiceGraph> {
+    return this.d3ServiceInstanceGraph;
+  }
+  // called by all the observables, combine the data in a globla graph observable
+  private combineData(data: any, type: 'serviceGraph' | 'serviceInstance' | 'serviceInstanceLink' | 'serviceInterface' | 'networks') {
+    switch (type) {
+      case 'serviceGraph':
+        this.serviceGraph = angular.copy(data);
+        break;
+      case 'serviceInstance':
+        this.serviceInstances = data;
+        break;
+      case 'serviceInstanceLink':
+        this.serviceInstanceLinks = data;
+        break;
+      case 'networks':
+        this.networks = data;
+        break;
+    }
+    this.handleData();
+  }
+  private _handleData() {
+    this.graphData.next({
+      serviceGraph: this.serviceGraph,
+      serviceInstances: this.serviceInstances,
+      serviceInstanceLinks: this.serviceInstanceLinks,
+      networks: this.networks
+    });
+  }
+  private getNodeType(n: any) {
+    return n.class_names.split(',')[0].toLowerCase();
+  }
+  private getNodeLabel(n: any) {
+    if (this.getNodeType(n) === 'serviceinstance') {
+      return n.name ? n.name : n.id;
+    }
+    return n.humanReadableName ? n.humanReadableName : n.name;
+  }
+  private d3Id(type: string, id: number) {
+    return `${type.toLowerCase()}~${id}`;
+  }
+  private toD3Node(n: any): IXosServiceGraphNode {
+    return {
+      id: this.d3Id(this.getNodeType(n), n.id),
+      label: this.getNodeLabel(n),
+      model: n,
+      type: this.getNodeType(n)
+    };
+  }
+  private getServiceInstanceIndexById(l: any, nodes: any[], where: 'source' | 'target'): string {
+    if (where === 'source') {
+      return _.find(nodes, {id: `serviceinstance~${l.provider_service_instance_id}`});
+    }
+    else {
+      if (l.subscriber_service_id) {
+        return _.find(nodes, {id: `service~${l.subscriber_service_id}`});
+      }
+      else if (l.subscriber_network_id) {
+        return _.find(nodes, {id: `network~${l.subscriber_network_id}`});
+      }
+      else if (l.subscriber_service_instance_id) {
+        return _.find(nodes, {id: `serviceinstance~${l.subscriber_service_instance_id}`});
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  private getOwnerById(id: number, nodes: any[]): any {
+    return _.find(nodes, {id: `service~${id}`});
+  }
+  private graphDataToD3(data: IXosServiceInstanceGraphData) {
+    try {
+      // get all the nodes
+      let nodes = _.chain(data.serviceGraph.nodes)
+        .map(n => {
+          // HACK we are receiving node as d3 models
+          return n.model;
+        })
+        .map(n => {
+          return this.toD3Node(n);
+        })
+        .value();
+      data.serviceInstances = _.chain(data.serviceInstances)
+        .map(n => {
+          return this.toD3Node(n);
+        })
+        .value();
+      nodes = nodes.concat(data.serviceInstances);
+      data.networks = _.chain(data.networks)
+        .filter(n => {
+          const subscriber = _.findIndex(data.serviceInstanceLinks, {subscriber_network_id: n.id});
+          return subscriber > -1;
+        })
+        .map(n => {
+          return this.toD3Node(n);
+        })
+        .value();
+      nodes = nodes.concat(data.networks);
+      let links = data.serviceGraph.links;
+      // create the links starting from the coarse ones
+      links = _.reduce(data.serviceInstanceLinks, (links, l) => {
+        let link =  {
+          id: `service_instance_link~${l.id}`,
+          source: this.getServiceInstanceIndexById(l, nodes, 'source'),
+          target: this.getServiceInstanceIndexById(l, nodes, 'target'),
+          model: l,
+          d3Class: 'service-instance'
+        };
+        links.push(link);
+        return links;
+      }, data.serviceGraph.links);
+      const linksToService = _.reduce(data.serviceInstances, (links, n) => {
+        if (angular.isDefined(n.model.owner_id)) {
+          let link =  {
+            id: `owner~${n.id}`,
+            source: n,
+            target: this.getOwnerById(n.model.owner_id, nodes),
+            model: n,
+            d3Class: 'owner'
+          };
+          links.push(link);
+        }
+        return links;
+      }, []);
+      links = links.concat(linksToService);
+      let graph: IXosServiceGraph = {
+        nodes,
+        links
+      };
+      this.d3ServiceInstanceGraph.next(graph);
+    } catch (e) {
+      this.d3ServiceInstanceGraph.error(e);
+    }
+  }