Create a custom GUI Extension

The CORD GUI is designed to be extensible. There are two cases in which we envision an extension to be needed:

  • Provide a different view over data
  • Create custom interfaces for services

The development process for the two cases it's absolutely the same.

We suggest to get started by duplicating xos-sample-gui-extension


The development environment is the same as xos-gui so you can use the npm start command and augment it with the same sets fo environment variables. The dev server is going to proxy your requests to the appropriate backend and load the base application from it.

Add an extension to a profile

To deploy your GUI extension with a cord profile you'll need to reference it in platform-install.

Open the profile-manifest you're working on (eg: profile_manifests/frontend.yml) and locate enabled_gui_extensions. It may appear in two forms, depending whether or not there are others loaded extensions:

  - name: sample
    path: orchestration/xos-sample-gui-extension


enabled_gui_extensions: []

NOTE: if it is not there, just create it

To add your extension, just add it to the list:

  - name: sample
    path: orchestration/xos-sample-gui-extension
  - name: myextension
    path: orchestration/myextension

NOTE: if it was defined as an empty array you'll need to remove the square brackets ([])

The name field must match the directory in which the GUI Extension is built. You can update it in conf/gulp.conf.js, just locate:

exports.paths = {
  src: 'src',
  dist: 'dist/extensions/sample', // NOTE that 'sample' have to match the extension name provided in platform install
  appConfig: 'conf/app',
  tmp: '.tmp',
  e2e: 'e2e',
  tasks: 'gulp_tasks'

and replace sample with the appropriate name.

The path field identify the directory (starting from the repo root), in which your extension is stored. As now is not supported the loading from external sources.