GUI starting point

Change-Id: Ic7d23bfce0307c4b7cfc9fad9fb5834286ee195c
diff --git a/typings/globals/es6-shim/index.d.ts b/typings/globals/es6-shim/index.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ad8ced
--- /dev/null
+++ b/typings/globals/es6-shim/index.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,666 @@
+// Generated by typings
+// Source:
+declare type PropertyKey = string | number | symbol;
+interface IteratorResult<T> {
+    done: boolean;
+    value?: T;
+interface IterableShim<T> {
+    /**
+      * Shim for an ES6 iterable. Not intended for direct use by user code.
+      */
+    "_es6-shim iterator_"(): Iterator<T>;
+interface Iterator<T> {
+    next(value?: any): IteratorResult<T>;
+    return?(value?: any): IteratorResult<T>;
+    throw?(e?: any): IteratorResult<T>;
+interface IterableIteratorShim<T> extends IterableShim<T>, Iterator<T> {
+    /**
+      * Shim for an ES6 iterable iterator. Not intended for direct use by user code.
+      */
+    "_es6-shim iterator_"(): IterableIteratorShim<T>;
+interface StringConstructor {
+    /**
+      * Return the String value whose elements are, in order, the elements in the List elements.
+      * If length is 0, the empty string is returned.
+      */
+    fromCodePoint(...codePoints: number[]): string;
+    /**
+      * String.raw is intended for use as a tag function of a Tagged Template String. When called
+      * as such the first argument will be a well formed template call site object and the rest
+      * parameter will contain the substitution values.
+      * @param template A well-formed template string call site representation.
+      * @param substitutions A set of substitution values.
+      */
+    raw(template: TemplateStringsArray, ...substitutions: any[]): string;
+interface String {
+    /**
+      * Returns a nonnegative integer Number less than 1114112 (0x110000) that is the code point
+      * value of the UTF-16 encoded code point starting at the string element at position pos in
+      * the String resulting from converting this object to a String.
+      * If there is no element at that position, the result is undefined.
+      * If a valid UTF-16 surrogate pair does not begin at pos, the result is the code unit at pos.
+      */
+    codePointAt(pos: number): number;
+    /**
+      * Returns true if searchString appears as a substring of the result of converting this
+      * object to a String, at one or more positions that are
+      * greater than or equal to position; otherwise, returns false.
+      * @param searchString search string
+      * @param position If position is undefined, 0 is assumed, so as to search all of the String.
+      */
+    includes(searchString: string, position?: number): boolean;
+    /**
+      * Returns true if the sequence of elements of searchString converted to a String is the
+      * same as the corresponding elements of this object (converted to a String) starting at
+      * endPosition – length(this). Otherwise returns false.
+      */
+    endsWith(searchString: string, endPosition?: number): boolean;
+    /**
+      * Returns a String value that is made from count copies appended together. If count is 0,
+      * T is the empty String is returned.
+      * @param count number of copies to append
+      */
+    repeat(count: number): string;
+    /**
+      * Returns true if the sequence of elements of searchString converted to a String is the
+      * same as the corresponding elements of this object (converted to a String) starting at
+      * position. Otherwise returns false.
+      */
+    startsWith(searchString: string, position?: number): boolean;
+    /**
+      * Returns an <a> HTML anchor element and sets the name attribute to the text value
+      * @param name
+      */
+    anchor(name: string): string;
+    /** Returns a <big> HTML element */
+    big(): string;
+    /** Returns a <blink> HTML element */
+    blink(): string;
+    /** Returns a <b> HTML element */
+    bold(): string;
+    /** Returns a <tt> HTML element */
+    fixed(): string
+    /** Returns a <font> HTML element and sets the color attribute value */
+    fontcolor(color: string): string
+    /** Returns a <font> HTML element and sets the size attribute value */
+    fontsize(size: number): string;
+    /** Returns a <font> HTML element and sets the size attribute value */
+    fontsize(size: string): string;
+    /** Returns an <i> HTML element */
+    italics(): string;
+    /** Returns an <a> HTML element and sets the href attribute value */
+    link(url: string): string;
+    /** Returns a <small> HTML element */
+    small(): string;
+    /** Returns a <strike> HTML element */
+    strike(): string;
+    /** Returns a <sub> HTML element */
+    sub(): string;
+    /** Returns a <sup> HTML element */
+    sup(): string;
+    /**
+      * Shim for an ES6 iterable. Not intended for direct use by user code.
+      */
+    "_es6-shim iterator_"(): IterableIteratorShim<string>;
+interface ArrayConstructor {
+    /**
+      * Creates an array from an array-like object.
+      * @param arrayLike An array-like object to convert to an array.
+      * @param mapfn A mapping function to call on every element of the array.
+      * @param thisArg Value of 'this' used to invoke the mapfn.
+      */
+    from<T, U>(arrayLike: ArrayLike<T>, mapfn: (v: T, k: number) => U, thisArg?: any): Array<U>;
+    /**
+      * Creates an array from an iterable object.
+      * @param iterable An iterable object to convert to an array.
+      * @param mapfn A mapping function to call on every element of the array.
+      * @param thisArg Value of 'this' used to invoke the mapfn.
+      */
+    from<T, U>(iterable: IterableShim<T>, mapfn: (v: T, k: number) => U, thisArg?: any): Array<U>;
+    /**
+      * Creates an array from an array-like object.
+      * @param arrayLike An array-like object to convert to an array.
+      */
+    from<T>(arrayLike: ArrayLike<T>): Array<T>;
+    /**
+      * Creates an array from an iterable object.
+      * @param iterable An iterable object to convert to an array.
+      */
+    from<T>(iterable: IterableShim<T>): Array<T>;
+    /**
+      * Returns a new array from a set of elements.
+      * @param items A set of elements to include in the new array object.
+      */
+    of<T>(...items: T[]): Array<T>;
+interface Array<T> {
+    /**
+      * Returns the value of the first element in the array where predicate is true, and undefined
+      * otherwise.
+      * @param predicate find calls predicate once for each element of the array, in ascending
+      * order, until it finds one where predicate returns true. If such an element is found, find
+      * immediately returns that element value. Otherwise, find returns undefined.
+      * @param thisArg If provided, it will be used as the this value for each invocation of
+      * predicate. If it is not provided, undefined is used instead.
+      */
+    find(predicate: (value: T, index: number, obj: Array<T>) => boolean, thisArg?: any): T;
+    /**
+      * Returns the index of the first element in the array where predicate is true, and undefined
+      * otherwise.
+      * @param predicate find calls predicate once for each element of the array, in ascending
+      * order, until it finds one where predicate returns true. If such an element is found, find
+      * immediately returns that element value. Otherwise, find returns undefined.
+      * @param thisArg If provided, it will be used as the this value for each invocation of
+      * predicate. If it is not provided, undefined is used instead.
+      */
+    findIndex(predicate: (value: T) => boolean, thisArg?: any): number;
+    /**
+      * Returns the this object after filling the section identified by start and end with value
+      * @param value value to fill array section with
+      * @param start index to start filling the array at. If start is negative, it is treated as
+      * length+start where length is the length of the array.
+      * @param end index to stop filling the array at. If end is negative, it is treated as
+      * length+end.
+      */
+    fill(value: T, start?: number, end?: number): T[];
+    /**
+      * Returns the this object after copying a section of the array identified by start and end
+      * to the same array starting at position target
+      * @param target If target is negative, it is treated as length+target where length is the
+      * length of the array.
+      * @param start If start is negative, it is treated as length+start. If end is negative, it
+      * is treated as length+end.
+      * @param end If not specified, length of the this object is used as its default value.
+      */
+    copyWithin(target: number, start: number, end?: number): T[];
+    /**
+      * Returns an array of key, value pairs for every entry in the array
+      */
+    entries(): IterableIteratorShim<[number, T]>;
+    /**
+      * Returns an list of keys in the array
+      */
+    keys(): IterableIteratorShim<number>;
+    /**
+      * Returns an list of values in the array
+      */
+    values(): IterableIteratorShim<T>;
+    /**
+      * Shim for an ES6 iterable. Not intended for direct use by user code.
+      */
+    "_es6-shim iterator_"(): IterableIteratorShim<T>;
+interface NumberConstructor {
+    /**
+      * The value of Number.EPSILON is the difference between 1 and the smallest value greater than 1
+      * that is representable as a Number value, which is approximately:
+      * 2.2204460492503130808472633361816 x 10‍−‍16.
+      */
+    EPSILON: number;
+    /**
+      * Returns true if passed value is finite.
+      * Unlike the global isFininte, Number.isFinite doesn't forcibly convert the parameter to a
+      * number. Only finite values of the type number, result in true.
+      * @param number A numeric value.
+      */
+    isFinite(number: number): boolean;
+    /**
+      * Returns true if the value passed is an integer, false otherwise.
+      * @param number A numeric value.
+      */
+    isInteger(number: number): boolean;
+    /**
+      * Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether a value is the reserved value NaN (not a
+      * number). Unlike the global isNaN(), Number.isNaN() doesn't forcefully convert the parameter
+      * to a number. Only values of the type number, that are also NaN, result in true.
+      * @param number A numeric value.
+      */
+    isNaN(number: number): boolean;
+    /**
+      * Returns true if the value passed is a safe integer.
+      * @param number A numeric value.
+      */
+    isSafeInteger(number: number): boolean;
+    /**
+      * The value of the largest integer n such that n and n + 1 are both exactly representable as
+      * a Number value.
+      * The value of Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER is 9007199254740991 2^53 − 1.
+      */
+    MAX_SAFE_INTEGER: number;
+    /**
+      * The value of the smallest integer n such that n and n − 1 are both exactly representable as
+      * a Number value.
+      * The value of Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER is −9007199254740991 (−(2^53 − 1)).
+      */
+    MIN_SAFE_INTEGER: number;
+    /**
+      * Converts a string to a floating-point number.
+      * @param string A string that contains a floating-point number.
+      */
+    parseFloat(string: string): number;
+    /**
+      * Converts A string to an integer.
+      * @param s A string to convert into a number.
+      * @param radix A value between 2 and 36 that specifies the base of the number in numString.
+      * If this argument is not supplied, strings with a prefix of '0x' are considered hexadecimal.
+      * All other strings are considered decimal.
+      */
+    parseInt(string: string, radix?: number): number;
+interface ObjectConstructor {
+    /**
+      * Copy the values of all of the enumerable own properties from one or more source objects to a
+      * target object. Returns the target object.
+      * @param target The target object to copy to.
+      * @param sources One or more source objects to copy properties from.
+      */
+    assign(target: any, ...sources: any[]): any;
+    /**
+      * Returns true if the values are the same value, false otherwise.
+      * @param value1 The first value.
+      * @param value2 The second value.
+      */
+    is(value1: any, value2: any): boolean;
+    /**
+      * Sets the prototype of a specified object o to  object proto or null. Returns the object o.
+      * @param o The object to change its prototype.
+      * @param proto The value of the new prototype or null.
+      * @remarks Requires `__proto__` support.
+      */
+    setPrototypeOf(o: any, proto: any): any;
+interface RegExp {
+    /**
+      * Returns a string indicating the flags of the regular expression in question. This field is read-only.
+      * The characters in this string are sequenced and concatenated in the following order:
+      *
+      *    - "g" for global
+      *    - "i" for ignoreCase
+      *    - "m" for multiline
+      *    - "u" for unicode
+      *    - "y" for sticky
+      *
+      * If no flags are set, the value is the empty string.
+      */
+    flags: string;
+interface Math {
+    /**
+      * Returns the number of leading zero bits in the 32-bit binary representation of a number.
+      * @param x A numeric expression.
+      */
+    clz32(x: number): number;
+    /**
+      * Returns the result of 32-bit multiplication of two numbers.
+      * @param x First number
+      * @param y Second number
+      */
+    imul(x: number, y: number): number;
+    /**
+      * Returns the sign of the x, indicating whether x is positive, negative or zero.
+      * @param x The numeric expression to test
+      */
+    sign(x: number): number;
+    /**
+      * Returns the base 10 logarithm of a number.
+      * @param x A numeric expression.
+      */
+    log10(x: number): number;
+    /**
+      * Returns the base 2 logarithm of a number.
+      * @param x A numeric expression.
+      */
+    log2(x: number): number;
+    /**
+      * Returns the natural logarithm of 1 + x.
+      * @param x A numeric expression.
+      */
+    log1p(x: number): number;
+    /**
+      * Returns the result of (e^x - 1) of x (e raised to the power of x, where e is the base of
+      * the natural logarithms).
+      * @param x A numeric expression.
+      */
+    expm1(x: number): number;
+    /**
+      * Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a number.
+      * @param x A numeric expression that contains an angle measured in radians.
+      */
+    cosh(x: number): number;
+    /**
+      * Returns the hyperbolic sine of a number.
+      * @param x A numeric expression that contains an angle measured in radians.
+      */
+    sinh(x: number): number;
+    /**
+      * Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a number.
+      * @param x A numeric expression that contains an angle measured in radians.
+      */
+    tanh(x: number): number;
+    /**
+      * Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number.
+      * @param x A numeric expression that contains an angle measured in radians.
+      */
+    acosh(x: number): number;
+    /**
+      * Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number.
+      * @param x A numeric expression that contains an angle measured in radians.
+      */
+    asinh(x: number): number;
+    /**
+      * Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number.
+      * @param x A numeric expression that contains an angle measured in radians.
+      */
+    atanh(x: number): number;
+    /**
+      * Returns the square root of the sum of squares of its arguments.
+      * @param values Values to compute the square root for.
+      *     If no arguments are passed, the result is +0.
+      *     If there is only one argument, the result is the absolute value.
+      *     If any argument is +Infinity or -Infinity, the result is +Infinity.
+      *     If any argument is NaN, the result is NaN.
+      *     If all arguments are either +0 or −0, the result is +0.
+      */
+    hypot(...values: number[]): number;
+    /**
+      * Returns the integral part of the a numeric expression, x, removing any fractional digits.
+      * If x is already an integer, the result is x.
+      * @param x A numeric expression.
+      */
+    trunc(x: number): number;
+    /**
+      * Returns the nearest single precision float representation of a number.
+      * @param x A numeric expression.
+      */
+    fround(x: number): number;
+    /**
+      * Returns an implementation-dependent approximation to the cube root of number.
+      * @param x A numeric expression.
+      */
+    cbrt(x: number): number;
+interface PromiseLike<T> {
+    /**
+    * Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
+    * @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
+    * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
+    * @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
+    */
+    then<TResult>(onfulfilled?: (value: T) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>, onrejected?: (reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>): PromiseLike<TResult>;
+    then<TResult>(onfulfilled?: (value: T) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>, onrejected?: (reason: any) => void): PromiseLike<TResult>;
+ * Represents the completion of an asynchronous operation
+ */
+interface Promise<T> {
+    /**
+    * Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
+    * @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
+    * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
+    * @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
+    */
+    then<TResult>(onfulfilled?: (value: T) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>, onrejected?: (reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>): Promise<TResult>;
+    then<TResult>(onfulfilled?: (value: T) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>, onrejected?: (reason: any) => void): Promise<TResult>;
+    /**
+     * Attaches a callback for only the rejection of the Promise.
+     * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
+     * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
+     */
+    catch(onrejected?: (reason: any) => T | PromiseLike<T>): Promise<T>;
+    catch(onrejected?: (reason: any) => void): Promise<T>;
+interface PromiseConstructor {
+    /**
+      * A reference to the prototype.
+      */
+    prototype: Promise<any>;
+    /**
+     * Creates a new Promise.
+     * @param executor A callback used to initialize the promise. This callback is passed two arguments:
+     * a resolve callback used resolve the promise with a value or the result of another promise,
+     * and a reject callback used to reject the promise with a provided reason or error.
+     */
+    new <T>(executor: (resolve: (value?: T | PromiseLike<T>) => void, reject: (reason?: any) => void) => void): Promise<T>;
+    /**
+     * Creates a Promise that is resolved with an array of results when all of the provided Promises
+     * resolve, or rejected when any Promise is rejected.
+     * @param values An array of Promises.
+     * @returns A new Promise.
+     */
+    all<T>(values: IterableShim<T | PromiseLike<T>>): Promise<T[]>;
+    /**
+     * Creates a Promise that is resolved or rejected when any of the provided Promises are resolved
+     * or rejected.
+     * @param values An array of Promises.
+     * @returns A new Promise.
+     */
+    race<T>(values: IterableShim<T | PromiseLike<T>>): Promise<T>;
+    /**
+     * Creates a new rejected promise for the provided reason.
+     * @param reason The reason the promise was rejected.
+     * @returns A new rejected Promise.
+     */
+    reject(reason: any): Promise<void>;
+    /**
+     * Creates a new rejected promise for the provided reason.
+     * @param reason The reason the promise was rejected.
+     * @returns A new rejected Promise.
+     */
+    reject<T>(reason: any): Promise<T>;
+    /**
+      * Creates a new resolved promise for the provided value.
+      * @param value A promise.
+      * @returns A promise whose internal state matches the provided promise.
+      */
+    resolve<T>(value: T | PromiseLike<T>): Promise<T>;
+    /**
+     * Creates a new resolved promise .
+     * @returns A resolved promise.
+     */
+    resolve(): Promise<void>;
+declare var Promise: PromiseConstructor;
+interface Map<K, V> {
+    clear(): void;
+    delete(key: K): boolean;
+    forEach(callbackfn: (value: V, index: K, map: Map<K, V>) => void, thisArg?: any): void;
+    get(key: K): V;
+    has(key: K): boolean;
+    set(key: K, value?: V): Map<K, V>;
+    size: number;
+    entries(): IterableIteratorShim<[K, V]>;
+    keys(): IterableIteratorShim<K>;
+    values(): IterableIteratorShim<V>;
+interface MapConstructor {
+    new <K, V>(): Map<K, V>;
+    new <K, V>(iterable: IterableShim<[K, V]>): Map<K, V>;
+    prototype: Map<any, any>;
+declare var Map: MapConstructor;
+interface Set<T> {
+    add(value: T): Set<T>;
+    clear(): void;
+    delete(value: T): boolean;
+    forEach(callbackfn: (value: T, index: T, set: Set<T>) => void, thisArg?: any): void;
+    has(value: T): boolean;
+    size: number;
+    entries(): IterableIteratorShim<[T, T]>;
+    keys(): IterableIteratorShim<T>;
+    values(): IterableIteratorShim<T>;
+    '_es6-shim iterator_'(): IterableIteratorShim<T>;
+interface SetConstructor {
+    new <T>(): Set<T>;
+    new <T>(iterable: IterableShim<T>): Set<T>;
+    prototype: Set<any>;
+declare var Set: SetConstructor;
+interface WeakMap<K, V> {
+    delete(key: K): boolean;
+    get(key: K): V;
+    has(key: K): boolean;
+    set(key: K, value?: V): WeakMap<K, V>;
+interface WeakMapConstructor {
+    new <K, V>(): WeakMap<K, V>;
+    new <K, V>(iterable: IterableShim<[K, V]>): WeakMap<K, V>;
+    prototype: WeakMap<any, any>;
+declare var WeakMap: WeakMapConstructor;
+interface WeakSet<T> {
+    add(value: T): WeakSet<T>;
+    delete(value: T): boolean;
+    has(value: T): boolean;
+interface WeakSetConstructor {
+    new <T>(): WeakSet<T>;
+    new <T>(iterable: IterableShim<T>): WeakSet<T>;
+    prototype: WeakSet<any>;
+declare var WeakSet: WeakSetConstructor;
+declare namespace Reflect {
+    function apply(target: Function, thisArgument: any, argumentsList: ArrayLike<any>): any;
+    function construct(target: Function, argumentsList: ArrayLike<any>): any;
+    function defineProperty(target: any, propertyKey: PropertyKey, attributes: PropertyDescriptor): boolean;
+    function deleteProperty(target: any, propertyKey: PropertyKey): boolean;
+    function enumerate(target: any): IterableIteratorShim<any>;
+    function get(target: any, propertyKey: PropertyKey, receiver?: any): any;
+    function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target: any, propertyKey: PropertyKey): PropertyDescriptor;
+    function getPrototypeOf(target: any): any;
+    function has(target: any, propertyKey: PropertyKey): boolean;
+    function isExtensible(target: any): boolean;
+    function ownKeys(target: any): Array<PropertyKey>;
+    function preventExtensions(target: any): boolean;
+    function set(target: any, propertyKey: PropertyKey, value: any, receiver?: any): boolean;
+    function setPrototypeOf(target: any, proto: any): boolean;
+declare module "es6-shim" {
+    var String: StringConstructor;
+    var Array: ArrayConstructor;
+    var Number: NumberConstructor;
+    var Math: Math;
+    var Object: ObjectConstructor;
+    var Map: MapConstructor;
+    var Set: SetConstructor;
+    var WeakMap: WeakMapConstructor;
+    var WeakSet: WeakSetConstructor;
+    var Promise: PromiseConstructor;
+    namespace Reflect {
+        function apply(target: Function, thisArgument: any, argumentsList: ArrayLike<any>): any;
+        function construct(target: Function, argumentsList: ArrayLike<any>): any;
+        function defineProperty(target: any, propertyKey: PropertyKey, attributes: PropertyDescriptor): boolean;
+        function deleteProperty(target: any, propertyKey: PropertyKey): boolean;
+        function enumerate(target: any): Iterator<any>;
+        function get(target: any, propertyKey: PropertyKey, receiver?: any): any;
+        function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target: any, propertyKey: PropertyKey): PropertyDescriptor;
+        function getPrototypeOf(target: any): any;
+        function has(target: any, propertyKey: PropertyKey): boolean;
+        function isExtensible(target: any): boolean;
+        function ownKeys(target: any): Array<PropertyKey>;
+        function preventExtensions(target: any): boolean;
+        function set(target: any, propertyKey: PropertyKey, value: any, receiver?: any): boolean;
+        function setPrototypeOf(target: any, proto: any): boolean;
+    }
diff --git a/typings/globals/es6-shim/typings.json b/typings/globals/es6-shim/typings.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a84847
--- /dev/null
+++ b/typings/globals/es6-shim/typings.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+  "resolution": "main",
+  "tree": {
+    "src": "",
+    "raw": "registry:dt/es6-shim#0.31.2+20160602141504",
+    "typings": ""
+  }
diff --git a/typings/globals/jasmine/index.d.ts b/typings/globals/jasmine/index.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e63179
--- /dev/null
+++ b/typings/globals/jasmine/index.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+// Generated by typings
+// Source:
+declare function describe(description: string, specDefinitions: () => void): void;
+declare function fdescribe(description: string, specDefinitions: () => void): void;
+declare function xdescribe(description: string, specDefinitions: () => void): void;
+declare function it(expectation: string, assertion?: () => void, timeout?: number): void;
+declare function it(expectation: string, assertion?: (done: () => void) => void, timeout?: number): void;
+declare function fit(expectation: string, assertion?: () => void, timeout?: number): void;
+declare function fit(expectation: string, assertion?: (done: () => void) => void, timeout?: number): void;
+declare function xit(expectation: string, assertion?: () => void, timeout?: number): void;
+declare function xit(expectation: string, assertion?: (done: () => void) => void, timeout?: number): void;
+/** If you call the function pending anywhere in the spec body, no matter the expectations, the spec will be marked pending. */
+declare function pending(reason?: string): void;
+declare function beforeEach(action: () => void, timeout?: number): void;
+declare function beforeEach(action: (done: () => void) => void, timeout?: number): void;
+declare function afterEach(action: () => void, timeout?: number): void;
+declare function afterEach(action: (done: () => void) => void, timeout?: number): void;
+declare function beforeAll(action: () => void, timeout?: number): void;
+declare function beforeAll(action: (done: () => void) => void, timeout?: number): void;
+declare function afterAll(action: () => void, timeout?: number): void;
+declare function afterAll(action: (done: () => void) => void, timeout?: number): void;
+declare function expect(spy: Function): jasmine.Matchers;
+declare function expect(actual: any): jasmine.Matchers;
+declare function fail(e?: any): void;
+declare function spyOn(object: any, method: string): jasmine.Spy;
+declare function runs(asyncMethod: Function): void;
+declare function waitsFor(latchMethod: () => boolean, failureMessage?: string, timeout?: number): void;
+declare function waits(timeout?: number): void;
+declare module jasmine {
+    var clock: () => Clock;
+    function any(aclass: any): Any;
+    function anything(): Any;
+    function arrayContaining(sample: any[]): ArrayContaining;
+    function objectContaining(sample: any): ObjectContaining;
+    function createSpy(name: string, originalFn?: Function): Spy;
+    function createSpyObj(baseName: string, methodNames: any[]): any;
+    function createSpyObj<T>(baseName: string, methodNames: any[]): T;
+    function pp(value: any): string;
+    function getEnv(): Env;
+    function addCustomEqualityTester(equalityTester: CustomEqualityTester): void;
+    function addMatchers(matchers: CustomMatcherFactories): void;
+    function stringMatching(str: string): Any;
+    function stringMatching(str: RegExp): Any;
+    interface Any {
+        new (expectedClass: any): any;
+        jasmineMatches(other: any): boolean;
+        jasmineToString(): string;
+    }
+    // taken from TypeScript lib.core.es6.d.ts, applicable to CustomMatchers.contains()
+    interface ArrayLike<T> {
+        length: number;
+        [n: number]: T;
+    }
+    interface ArrayContaining {
+        new (sample: any[]): any;
+        asymmetricMatch(other: any): boolean;
+        jasmineToString(): string;
+    }
+    interface ObjectContaining {
+        new (sample: any): any;
+        jasmineMatches(other: any, mismatchKeys: any[], mismatchValues: any[]): boolean;
+        jasmineToString(): string;
+    }
+    interface Block {
+        new (env: Env, func: SpecFunction, spec: Spec): any;
+        execute(onComplete: () => void): void;
+    }
+    interface WaitsBlock extends Block {
+        new (env: Env, timeout: number, spec: Spec): any;
+    }
+    interface WaitsForBlock extends Block {
+        new (env: Env, timeout: number, latchFunction: SpecFunction, message: string, spec: Spec): any;
+    }
+    interface Clock {
+        install(): void;
+        uninstall(): void;
+        /** Calls to any registered callback are triggered when the clock is ticked forward via the jasmine.clock().tick function, which takes a number of milliseconds. */
+        tick(ms: number): void;
+        mockDate(date?: Date): void;
+    }
+    interface CustomEqualityTester {
+        (first: any, second: any): boolean;
+    }
+    interface CustomMatcher {
+        compare<T>(actual: T, expected: T): CustomMatcherResult;
+        compare(actual: any, expected: any): CustomMatcherResult;
+    }
+    interface CustomMatcherFactory {
+        (util: MatchersUtil, customEqualityTesters: Array<CustomEqualityTester>): CustomMatcher;
+    }
+    interface CustomMatcherFactories {
+        [index: string]: CustomMatcherFactory;
+    }
+    interface CustomMatcherResult {
+        pass: boolean;
+        message?: string;
+    }
+    interface MatchersUtil {
+        equals(a: any, b: any, customTesters?: Array<CustomEqualityTester>): boolean;
+        contains<T>(haystack: ArrayLike<T> | string, needle: any, customTesters?: Array<CustomEqualityTester>): boolean;
+        buildFailureMessage(matcherName: string, isNot: boolean, actual: any, ...expected: Array<any>): string;
+    }
+    interface Env {
+        setTimeout: any;
+        clearTimeout: void;
+        setInterval: any;
+        clearInterval: void;
+        updateInterval: number;
+        currentSpec: Spec;
+        matchersClass: Matchers;
+        version(): any;
+        versionString(): string;
+        nextSpecId(): number;
+        addReporter(reporter: Reporter): void;
+        execute(): void;
+        describe(description: string, specDefinitions: () => void): Suite;
+        // ddescribe(description: string, specDefinitions: () => void): Suite; Not a part of jasmine. Angular team adds these
+        beforeEach(beforeEachFunction: () => void): void;
+        beforeAll(beforeAllFunction: () => void): void;
+        currentRunner(): Runner;
+        afterEach(afterEachFunction: () => void): void;
+        afterAll(afterAllFunction: () => void): void;
+        xdescribe(desc: string, specDefinitions: () => void): XSuite;
+        it(description: string, func: () => void): Spec;
+        // iit(description: string, func: () => void): Spec; Not a part of jasmine. Angular team adds these
+        xit(desc: string, func: () => void): XSpec;
+        compareRegExps_(a: RegExp, b: RegExp, mismatchKeys: string[], mismatchValues: string[]): boolean;
+        compareObjects_(a: any, b: any, mismatchKeys: string[], mismatchValues: string[]): boolean;
+        equals_(a: any, b: any, mismatchKeys: string[], mismatchValues: string[]): boolean;
+        contains_(haystack: any, needle: any): boolean;
+        addCustomEqualityTester(equalityTester: CustomEqualityTester): void;
+        addMatchers(matchers: CustomMatcherFactories): void;
+        specFilter(spec: Spec): boolean;
+    }
+    interface FakeTimer {
+        new (): any;
+        reset(): void;
+        tick(millis: number): void;
+        runFunctionsWithinRange(oldMillis: number, nowMillis: number): void;
+        scheduleFunction(timeoutKey: any, funcToCall: () => void, millis: number, recurring: boolean): void;
+    }
+    interface HtmlReporter {
+        new (): any;
+    }
+    interface HtmlSpecFilter {
+        new (): any;
+    }
+    interface Result {
+        type: string;
+    }
+    interface NestedResults extends Result {
+        description: string;
+        totalCount: number;
+        passedCount: number;
+        failedCount: number;
+        skipped: boolean;
+        rollupCounts(result: NestedResults): void;
+        log(values: any): void;
+        getItems(): Result[];
+        addResult(result: Result): void;
+        passed(): boolean;
+    }
+    interface MessageResult extends Result  {
+        values: any;
+        trace: Trace;
+    }
+    interface ExpectationResult extends Result  {
+        matcherName: string;
+        passed(): boolean;
+        expected: any;
+        actual: any;
+        message: string;
+        trace: Trace;
+    }
+    interface Trace {
+        name: string;
+        message: string;
+        stack: any;
+    }
+    interface PrettyPrinter {
+        new (): any;
+        format(value: any): void;
+        iterateObject(obj: any, fn: (property: string, isGetter: boolean) => void): void;
+        emitScalar(value: any): void;
+        emitString(value: string): void;
+        emitArray(array: any[]): void;
+        emitObject(obj: any): void;
+        append(value: any): void;
+    }
+    interface StringPrettyPrinter extends PrettyPrinter {
+    }
+    interface Queue {
+        new (env: any): any;
+        env: Env;
+        ensured: boolean[];
+        blocks: Block[];
+        running: boolean;
+        index: number;
+        offset: number;
+        abort: boolean;
+        addBefore(block: Block, ensure?: boolean): void;
+        add(block: any, ensure?: boolean): void;
+        insertNext(block: any, ensure?: boolean): void;
+        start(onComplete?: () => void): void;
+        isRunning(): boolean;
+        next_(): void;
+        results(): NestedResults;
+    }
+    interface Matchers {
+        new (env: Env, actual: any, spec: Env, isNot?: boolean): any;
+        env: Env;
+        actual: any;
+        spec: Env;
+        isNot?: boolean;
+        message(): any;
+        toBe(expected: any, expectationFailOutput?: any): boolean;
+        toEqual(expected: any, expectationFailOutput?: any): boolean;
+        toMatch(expected: string | RegExp, expectationFailOutput?: any): boolean;
+        toBeDefined(expectationFailOutput?: any): boolean;
+        toBeUndefined(expectationFailOutput?: any): boolean;
+        toBeNull(expectationFailOutput?: any): boolean;
+        toBeNaN(): boolean;
+        toBeTruthy(expectationFailOutput?: any): boolean;
+        toBeFalsy(expectationFailOutput?: any): boolean;
+        toHaveBeenCalled(): boolean;
+        toHaveBeenCalledWith(...params: any[]): boolean;
+        toContain(expected: any, expectationFailOutput?: any): boolean;
+        toBeLessThan(expected: number, expectationFailOutput?: any): boolean;
+        toBeGreaterThan(expected: number, expectationFailOutput?: any): boolean;
+        toBeCloseTo(expected: number, precision: any, expectationFailOutput?: any): boolean;
+        toThrow(expected?: any): boolean;
+        toThrowError(message?: string | RegExp): boolean;
+        toThrowError(expected?: Error, message?: string | RegExp): boolean;
+        not: Matchers;
+        Any: Any;
+    }
+    interface Reporter {
+        reportRunnerStarting(runner: Runner): void;
+        reportRunnerResults(runner: Runner): void;
+        reportSuiteResults(suite: Suite): void;
+        reportSpecStarting(spec: Spec): void;
+        reportSpecResults(spec: Spec): void;
+        log(str: string): void;
+    }
+    interface MultiReporter extends Reporter {
+        addReporter(reporter: Reporter): void;
+    }
+    interface Runner {
+        new (env: Env): any;
+        execute(): void;
+        beforeEach(beforeEachFunction: SpecFunction): void;
+        afterEach(afterEachFunction: SpecFunction): void;
+        beforeAll(beforeAllFunction: SpecFunction): void;
+        afterAll(afterAllFunction: SpecFunction): void;
+        finishCallback(): void;
+        addSuite(suite: Suite): void;
+        add(block: Block): void;
+        specs(): Spec[];
+        suites(): Suite[];
+        topLevelSuites(): Suite[];
+        results(): NestedResults;
+    }
+    interface SpecFunction {
+        (spec?: Spec): void;
+    }
+    interface SuiteOrSpec {
+        id: number;
+        env: Env;
+        description: string;
+        queue: Queue;
+    }
+    interface Spec extends SuiteOrSpec {
+        new (env: Env, suite: Suite, description: string): any;
+        suite: Suite;
+        afterCallbacks: SpecFunction[];
+        spies_: Spy[];
+        results_: NestedResults;
+        matchersClass: Matchers;
+        getFullName(): string;
+        results(): NestedResults;
+        log(arguments: any): any;
+        runs(func: SpecFunction): Spec;
+        addToQueue(block: Block): void;
+        addMatcherResult(result: Result): void;
+        expect(actual: any): any;
+        waits(timeout: number): Spec;
+        waitsFor(latchFunction: SpecFunction, timeoutMessage?: string, timeout?: number): Spec;
+        fail(e?: any): void;
+        getMatchersClass_(): Matchers;
+        addMatchers(matchersPrototype: CustomMatcherFactories): void;
+        finishCallback(): void;
+        finish(onComplete?: () => void): void;
+        after(doAfter: SpecFunction): void;
+        execute(onComplete?: () => void): any;
+        addBeforesAndAftersToQueue(): void;
+        explodes(): void;
+        spyOn(obj: any, methodName: string, ignoreMethodDoesntExist: boolean): Spy;
+        removeAllSpies(): void;
+    }
+    interface XSpec {
+        id: number;
+        runs(): void;
+    }
+    interface Suite extends SuiteOrSpec {
+        new (env: Env, description: string, specDefinitions: () => void, parentSuite: Suite): any;
+        parentSuite: Suite;
+        getFullName(): string;
+        finish(onComplete?: () => void): void;
+        beforeEach(beforeEachFunction: SpecFunction): void;
+        afterEach(afterEachFunction: SpecFunction): void;
+        beforeAll(beforeAllFunction: SpecFunction): void;
+        afterAll(afterAllFunction: SpecFunction): void;
+        results(): NestedResults;
+        add(suiteOrSpec: SuiteOrSpec): void;
+        specs(): Spec[];
+        suites(): Suite[];
+        children(): any[];
+        execute(onComplete?: () => void): void;
+    }
+    interface XSuite {
+        execute(): void;
+    }
+    interface Spy {
+        (...params: any[]): any;
+        identity: string;
+        and: SpyAnd;
+        calls: Calls;
+        mostRecentCall: { args: any[]; };
+        argsForCall: any[];
+        wasCalled: boolean;
+    }
+    interface SpyAnd {
+        /** By chaining the spy with and.callThrough, the spy will still track all calls to it but in addition it will delegate to the actual implementation. */
+        callThrough(): Spy;
+        /** By chaining the spy with and.returnValue, all calls to the function will return a specific value. */
+        returnValue(val: any): void;
+        /** By chaining the spy with and.callFake, all calls to the spy will delegate to the supplied function. */
+        callFake(fn: Function): Spy;
+        /** By chaining the spy with and.throwError, all calls to the spy will throw the specified value. */
+        throwError(msg: string): void;
+        /** When a calling strategy is used for a spy, the original stubbing behavior can be returned at any time with and.stub. */
+        stub(): Spy;
+    }
+    interface Calls {
+        /** By chaining the spy with calls.any(), will return false if the spy has not been called at all, and then true once at least one call happens. **/
+        any(): boolean;
+        /** By chaining the spy with calls.count(), will return the number of times the spy was called **/
+        count(): number;
+        /** By chaining the spy with calls.argsFor(), will return the arguments passed to call number index **/
+        argsFor(index: number): any[];
+        /** By chaining the spy with calls.allArgs(), will return the arguments to all calls **/
+        allArgs(): any[];
+        /** By chaining the spy with calls.all(), will return the context (the this) and arguments passed all calls **/
+        all(): CallInfo[];
+        /** By chaining the spy with calls.mostRecent(), will return the context (the this) and arguments for the most recent call **/
+        mostRecent(): CallInfo;
+        /** By chaining the spy with calls.first(), will return the context (the this) and arguments for the first call **/
+        first(): CallInfo;
+        /** By chaining the spy with calls.reset(), will clears all tracking for a spy **/
+        reset(): void;
+    }
+    interface CallInfo {
+        /** The context (the this) for the call */
+        object: any;
+        /** All arguments passed to the call */
+        args: any[];
+    }
+    interface Util {
+        inherit(childClass: Function, parentClass: Function): any;
+        formatException(e: any): any;
+        htmlEscape(str: string): string;
+        argsToArray(args: any): any;
+        extend(destination: any, source: any): any;
+    }
+    interface JsApiReporter extends Reporter {
+        started: boolean;
+        finished: boolean;
+        result: any;
+        messages: any;
+        new (): any;
+        suites(): Suite[];
+        summarize_(suiteOrSpec: SuiteOrSpec): any;
+        results(): any;
+        resultsForSpec(specId: any): any;
+        log(str: any): any;
+        resultsForSpecs(specIds: any): any;
+        summarizeResult_(result: any): any;
+    }
+    interface Jasmine {
+        Spec: Spec;
+        clock: Clock;
+        util: Util;
+    }
+    export var HtmlReporter: HtmlReporter;
+    export var HtmlSpecFilter: HtmlSpecFilter;
+    export var DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL: number;
diff --git a/typings/globals/jasmine/typings.json b/typings/globals/jasmine/typings.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8e2a53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/typings/globals/jasmine/typings.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+  "resolution": "main",
+  "tree": {
+    "src": "",
+    "raw": "github:DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/jasmine/jasmine.d.ts#dc9dabe74a5be62613b17a3605309783a12ff28a",
+    "typings": ""
+  }
diff --git a/typings/globals/require/index.d.ts b/typings/globals/require/index.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca713f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/typings/globals/require/index.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+// Generated by typings
+// Source:
+declare module 'module' {
+	var mod: {
+		config: () => any;
+		id: string;
+		uri: string;
+	}
+	export = mod;
+interface RequireError extends Error {
+	/**
+	* The error ID that maps to an ID on a web page.
+	**/
+	requireType: string;
+	/**
+	* Required modules.
+	**/
+	requireModules: string[];
+	/**
+	* The original error, if there is one (might be null).
+	**/
+	originalError: Error;
+interface RequireShim {
+	/**
+	* List of dependencies.
+	**/
+	deps?: string[];
+	/**
+	* Name the module will be exported as.
+	**/
+	exports?: string;
+	/**
+	* Initialize function with all dependcies passed in,
+	* if the function returns a value then that value is used
+	* as the module export value instead of the object
+	* found via the 'exports' string.
+	* @param dependencies
+	* @return
+	**/
+	init?: (...dependencies: any[]) => any;
+interface RequireConfig {
+	// The root path to use for all module lookups.
+	baseUrl?: string;
+	// Path mappings for module names not found directly under
+	// baseUrl.
+	paths?: { [key: string]: any; };
+	// Dictionary of Shim's.
+	// does not cover case of key->string[]
+	shim?: { [key: string]: RequireShim; };
+	/**
+	* For the given module prefix, instead of loading the
+	* module with the given ID, substitude a different
+	* module ID.
+	*
+	* @example
+	* requirejs.config({
+	*	map: {
+	*		'some/newmodule': {
+	*			'foo': 'foo1.2'
+	*		},
+	*		'some/oldmodule': {
+	*			'foo': 'foo1.0'
+	*		}
+	*	}
+	* });
+	**/
+	map?: {
+		[id: string]: {
+			[id: string]: string;
+		};
+	};
+	/**
+	* Allows pointing multiple module IDs to a module ID that contains a bundle of modules.
+	*
+	* @example
+	* requirejs.config({
+	*	bundles: {
+	*		'primary': ['main', 'util', 'text', 'text!template.html'],
+	*		'secondary': ['text!secondary.html']
+	*	}
+	* });
+	**/
+	bundles?: { [key: string]: string[]; };
+	/**
+	* AMD configurations, use module.config() to access in
+	* define() functions
+	**/
+	config?: { [id: string]: {}; };
+	/**
+	* Configures loading modules from CommonJS packages.
+	**/
+	packages?: {};
+	/**
+	* The number of seconds to wait before giving up on loading
+	* a script.  The default is 7 seconds.
+	**/
+	waitSeconds?: number;
+	/**
+	* A name to give to a loading context.  This allows require.js
+	* to load multiple versions of modules in a page, as long as
+	* each top-level require call specifies a unique context string.
+	**/
+	context?: string;
+	/**
+	* An array of dependencies to load.
+	**/
+	deps?: string[];
+	/**
+	* A function to pass to require that should be require after
+	* deps have been loaded.
+	* @param modules
+	**/
+	callback?: (...modules: any[]) => void;
+	/**
+	* If set to true, an error will be thrown if a script loads
+	* that does not call define() or have shim exports string
+	* value that can be checked.
+	**/
+	enforceDefine?: boolean;
+	/**
+	* If set to true, document.createElementNS() will be used
+	* to create script elements.
+	**/
+	xhtml?: boolean;
+	/**
+	* Extra query string arguments appended to URLs that RequireJS
+	* uses to fetch resources.  Most useful to cache bust when
+	* the browser or server is not configured correctly.
+	*
+	* @example
+	* urlArgs: "bust= + (new Date()).getTime()
+	**/
+	urlArgs?: string;
+	/**
+	* Specify the value for the type="" attribute used for script
+	* tags inserted into the document by RequireJS.  Default is
+	* "text/javascript".  To use Firefox's JavasScript 1.8
+	* features, use "text/javascript;version=1.8".
+	**/
+	scriptType?: string;
+	/**
+	* If set to true, skips the data-main attribute scanning done
+	* to start module loading. Useful if RequireJS is embedded in
+	* a utility library that may interact with other RequireJS
+	* library on the page, and the embedded version should not do
+	* data-main loading.
+	**/
+	skipDataMain?: boolean;
+	/**
+	* Allow extending requirejs to support Subresource Integrity
+	* (SRI).
+	**/
+	onNodeCreated?: (node: HTMLScriptElement, config: RequireConfig, moduleName: string, url: string) => void;
+// todo: not sure what to do with this guy
+interface RequireModule {
+	/**
+	*
+	**/
+	config(): {};
+interface RequireMap {
+	/**
+	*
+	**/
+	prefix: string;
+	/**
+	*
+	**/
+	name: string;
+	/**
+	*
+	**/
+	parentMap: RequireMap;
+	/**
+	*
+	**/
+	url: string;
+	/**
+	*
+	**/
+	originalName: string;
+	/**
+	*
+	**/
+	fullName: string;
+interface Require {
+	/**
+	* Configure require.js
+	**/
+	config(config: RequireConfig): Require;
+	/**
+	* CommonJS require call
+	* @param module Module to load
+	* @return The loaded module
+	*/
+	(module: string): any;
+	/**
+	* Start the main app logic.
+	* Callback is optional.
+	* Can alternatively use deps and callback.
+	* @param modules Required modules to load.
+	**/
+	(modules: string[]): void;
+	/**
+	* @see Require()
+	* @param ready Called when required modules are ready.
+	**/
+	(modules: string[], ready: Function): void;
+	/**
+	* @see
+	* @param ready Called when required modules are ready.
+	**/
+	(modules: string[], ready: Function, errback: Function): void;
+	/**
+	* Generate URLs from require module
+	* @param module Module to URL
+	* @return URL string
+	**/
+	toUrl(module: string): string;
+	/**
+	* Returns true if the module has already been loaded and defined.
+	* @param module Module to check
+	**/
+	defined(module: string): boolean;
+	/**
+	* Returns true if the module has already been requested or is in the process of loading and should be available at some point.
+	* @param module Module to check
+	**/
+	specified(module: string): boolean;
+	/**
+	* On Error override
+	* @param err
+	**/
+	onError(err: RequireError, errback?: (err: RequireError) => void): void;
+	/**
+	* Undefine a module
+	* @param module Module to undefine.
+	**/
+	undef(module: string): void;
+	/**
+	* Semi-private function, overload in special instance of undef()
+	**/
+	onResourceLoad(context: Object, map: RequireMap, depArray: RequireMap[]): void;
+interface RequireDefine {
+	/**
+	* Define Simple Name/Value Pairs
+	* @param config Dictionary of Named/Value pairs for the config.
+	**/
+	(config: { [key: string]: any; }): void;
+	/**
+	* Define function.
+	* @param func: The function module.
+	**/
+	(func: () => any): void;
+	/**
+	* Define function with dependencies.
+	* @param deps List of dependencies module IDs.
+	* @param ready Callback function when the dependencies are loaded.
+	*	callback param deps module dependencies
+	*	callback return module definition
+	**/
+    	(deps: string[], ready: Function): void;
+	/**
+	*  Define module with simplified CommonJS wrapper.
+	* @param ready
+	*	callback require requirejs instance
+	*	callback exports exports object
+	*	callback module module
+	*	callback return module definition
+	**/
+	(ready: (require: Require, exports: { [key: string]: any; }, module: RequireModule) => any): void;
+	/**
+	* Define a module with a name and dependencies.
+	* @param name The name of the module.
+	* @param deps List of dependencies module IDs.
+	* @param ready Callback function when the dependencies are loaded.
+	*	callback deps module dependencies
+	*	callback return module definition
+	**/
+	(name: string, deps: string[], ready: Function): void;
+	/**
+	* Define a module with a name.
+	* @param name The name of the module.
+	* @param ready Callback function when the dependencies are loaded.
+	*	callback return module definition
+	**/
+	(name: string, ready: Function): void;
+	/**
+	* Used to allow a clear indicator that a global define function (as needed for script src browser loading) conforms
+	* to the AMD API, any global define function SHOULD have a property called "amd" whose value is an object.
+	* This helps avoid conflict with any other existing JavaScript code that could have defined a define() function
+	* that does not conform to the AMD API.
+	* define.amd.jQuery is specific to jQuery and indicates that the loader is able to account for multiple version
+	* of jQuery being loaded simultaneously.
+	*/
+	amd: Object;
+// Ambient declarations for 'require' and 'define'
+declare var requirejs: Require;
+declare var require: Require;
+declare var define: RequireDefine;
diff --git a/typings/globals/require/typings.json b/typings/globals/require/typings.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..446025f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/typings/globals/require/typings.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+  "resolution": "main",
+  "tree": {
+    "src": "",
+    "raw": "registry:dt/require#2.1.20+20160316155526",
+    "typings": ""
+  }
diff --git a/typings/index.d.ts b/typings/index.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2613c55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/typings/index.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+/// <reference path="globals/es6-shim/index.d.ts" />
+/// <reference path="globals/jasmine/index.d.ts" />
+/// <reference path="globals/require/index.d.ts" />