Clone this repo:
  1. 24f0b60 Adding Code of Conduct by Matteo Scandolo · 5 years ago master
  2. 435a88d Adding gitreview file by Matteo Scandolo · 7 years ago
  3. 469cea4 [CORD-2188] Updated build to accomodate multi-stage build by Matteo Scandolo · 7 years ago cord-5.0
  4. 00cf6d4 fix typos in README by Max Chu · 7 years ago
  5. 438cdd7 xos-sample-gui-extension cleanup and update with new documentation by Max Chu · 8 years ago


Installation with platform-install

To install an extension, add the following to the profile manifest .yml file intended to be deployed inbuild/platform-install/ , and deploy with ansible-playbook -i inventory/{PROFILE_NAME} deploy-xos-playbook.yml

  - name: sample
    path: orchestration/xos-sample-gui-extension

NOTE: the name field must match the subdirectory specified in conf/app/gulp.conf.js (eg: dist/extensions/sample)

Creating an XOS GUI Extension

Starting Development

To begin development, we recommend copying over this sample extension over to the appropriate area in your file system:

  • If creating a GUI extension to used with a service, create the folder gui in the service's xos folder as follows: orchestration/xos_services/service_name/xos/gui/
  • If creating an independent GUI extension, you can create the folder xos-gui-extension-name in the cord/orchestration folder.

Including Extra Files

Additional necessary files (such as stylesheets or config files) can be added to the profile manifest as follows, with xos-sample-extension/src/ as the root.

  - name: sample
    path: orchestration/xos-sample-gui-extension
      -  app/style/style.css

Generating config files

During development, you may find it necessary to create separate config files in order to include other files used in your extension (such as images). The path to your extension may vary depending on whether you are running it locally (./xos/extensions/extension-name) vs. on a container in production (./extensions/extension-name).

You can create separate customconfig.local.js and customconfig.production.js files in the conf/ folder, and then edit the following portion of the appropriate webpack.conf.js file as follows:

new CopyWebpackPlugin([
      { from: `./conf/app/app.config.${env}.js`, to: `app.config.js` },
      { from: `./conf/app/style.config.${brand}.js`, to: `style.config.js` },
      // add your file here
      { from: `./conf/app/customconfig.local.js`, to: `customconfig.js`}

webpack.conf.js will be used in a local development environment, such as when running npm start

webpack-dist.conf.js will be used in a production container after deploying a profile.

Handy XOS Components and Services


Used to create custom navigation links in the left navigation panel.


Provides easy access to model ngResources provided by an XOS service. Can be used as follows:

import {Subscription} from 'rxjs/Subscription';
export class ExampleComponent {
    static $inject = ['XosModelStore'];
    public resource;
    private modelSubscription : Subscription;
      private XosModelStore: any,
    $onInit() {
        this.modelSubscription = this.XosModelStore.query('SampleModel', '/sampleservice/SampleModels').subscribe(
          res => {
            this.resource = res;
export const exampleComponent : angular.IComponentOptions = {
  template: require('./example.component.html'),
  controllerAs: 'vm',
  controller: ExampleComponent


Allows for the creation of custom user keyboard shortcuts. See the provided components/demo.ts as an example.


Allows for the injection of components into the XOS GUI by specifying a target element ID. Useful IDs include:

  • #dashboard-component-container: the dashboard as seen on the XOS home
  • #side-panel-container: a side panel that can slide out from the right. However, there is also a XosSidePanel service that can make development easier.


Makes the injection of a custom side panel somewhat easier (no need to specify a target)


Allows for the creation of confirmation modal dialogs to confirm whether or not to execute a selected action.