XOS-GUI Config

Note that the configurations defined in this folder are for development only, they are most likely to be overrided by a volume mount defined in service-profile

App Config

This configuration will specifiy the rest API base url and the Websocket address. Here is it's structure:

  .constant('AppConfig', {
    apiEndpoint: '/spa/api',
    websocketClient: '/'

Style Config

This configuration will contain branding information, such as title, logo and navigation items. Here is it's structure:

  .constant('StyleConfig', {
    projectName: 'CORD',
    favicon: 'cord-favicon.png',
    background: 'cord-bg.jpg',
    payoff: 'Your VNF orchestrator',
    logo: 'cord-logo.png',
    routes: [
            label: 'Slices',
            state: 'xos.core.slices'
            label: 'Instances',
            state: 'xos.core.instances'
            label: 'Nodes',
            state: 'xos.core.nodes'