[CORD-1518] Add /delete endpoint to remove models

Change-Id: I2bc586730183b5f9737951970a6eed481922f2fb
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 36fc749..2d6b101 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
 	@echo "tests: Run unit tests (if you're running local, you'll need to have virtual-env activated)"
 	@echo "tosca: Generate tosca definition from core.xproto"
-	@echo "test-call: Send a sample tosca recipe"
 	@echo "build: Build the docker image for xos-tosca"
 	@echo "start: Run an xos-tosca container"
 	@echo "clean: Remove the xos-tosca container (if any), and the image (if any)"
+	@echo "test-create: Send a sample tosca recipe"
+	@echo "test-delete: Delete a sample tosca recipe"
 tests: tosca
 	nosetests -s -v --with-id --with-coverage --cover-html --cover-erase --cover-xml --cover-package="grpc_client, tosca"
@@ -19,8 +20,11 @@
 	docker rm -f xos-tosca || true
 	docker rmi -f xosproject/xos-tosca || true
 	curl -H "xos-username: xosadmin@opencord.org" -H "xos-password: rk1UYDHZXbu6KVCMkhmV" -X POST --data-binary @test/tosca/test.yaml
+	curl -H "xos-username: xosadmin@opencord.org" -H "xos-password: rk1UYDHZXbu6KVCMkhmV" -X POST --data-binary @test/tosca/test.yaml
 	xosgenx --target=src/tosca/xtarget/tosca.xtarget --output=src/tosca/custom_types --write-to-file=model --dest-extension=yaml ../xos/xos/core/models/core.xproto
\ No newline at end of file