Added local dev server
diff --git a/views/ngXosViews/diagnostic/mocks/data/tenants.json b/views/ngXosViews/diagnostic/mocks/data/tenants.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f7574c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/views/ngXosViews/diagnostic/mocks/data/tenants.json
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+    {
+        "humanReadableName": "coarse-tenant-1", 
+        "id": 1, 
+        "created": "2016-02-17T19:36:04.259Z", 
+        "updated": "2016-02-17T19:36:04.259Z", 
+        "enacted": null, 
+        "policed": null, 
+        "backend_register": "{}", 
+        "backend_status": "0 - Provisioning in progress", 
+        "deleted": false, 
+        "write_protect": false, 
+        "lazy_blocked": false, 
+        "no_sync": false, 
+        "kind": "coarse", 
+        "provider_service": 1, 
+        "subscriber_service": 2, 
+        "subscriber_tenant": null, 
+        "subscriber_user": null, 
+        "subscriber_root": null, 
+        "service_specific_id": null, 
+        "service_specific_attribute": null, 
+        "connect_method": "na"
+    }, 
+    {
+        "humanReadableName": "coarse-tenant-2", 
+        "id": 2, 
+        "created": "2016-02-17T19:36:04.600Z", 
+        "updated": "2016-02-17T19:36:04.600Z", 
+        "enacted": null, 
+        "policed": null, 
+        "backend_register": "{}", 
+        "backend_status": "0 - Provisioning in progress", 
+        "deleted": false, 
+        "write_protect": false, 
+        "lazy_blocked": false, 
+        "no_sync": false, 
+        "kind": "coarse", 
+        "provider_service": 2, 
+        "subscriber_service": 3, 
+        "subscriber_tenant": null, 
+        "subscriber_user": null, 
+        "subscriber_root": null, 
+        "service_specific_id": null, 
+        "service_specific_attribute": null, 
+        "connect_method": "na"
+    }, 
+    {
+        "humanReadableName": "vCPE-tenant-4", 
+        "id": 4, 
+        "created": "2016-02-17T19:36:04.650Z", 
+        "updated": "2016-02-17T20:55:18.115Z", 
+        "enacted": null, 
+        "policed": null, 
+        "backend_register": "{\"next_run\": 1455771318.072057, \"last_failure\": 1455742518.072061, \"last_success\": 1455737797.006782, \"exponent\": 871, \"failures\": 871}", 
+        "backend_status": "2 - Exception('defer object vCPE-tenant-4 due to waiting on instance.instance_name',)", 
+        "deleted": false, 
+        "write_protect": false, 
+        "lazy_blocked": false, 
+        "no_sync": false, 
+        "kind": "vCPE", 
+        "provider_service": 2, 
+        "subscriber_service": null, 
+        "subscriber_tenant": "3", 
+        "subscriber_user": null, 
+        "subscriber_root": null, 
+        "service_specific_id": null, 
+        "service_specific_attribute": "{\"instance_id\": 1, \"creator_id\": 1}", 
+        "connect_method": "na"
+    }, 
+    {
+        "humanReadableName": "ceilometer-tenant-8", 
+        "id": 8, 
+        "created": "2016-02-17T19:36:09.370Z", 
+        "updated": "2016-02-17T20:55:19.823Z", 
+        "enacted": null, 
+        "policed": null, 
+        "backend_register": "{\"next_run\": 1455771319.823556, \"failures\": 874, \"last_success\": 1455737795.314296, \"exponent\": 874, \"last_failure\": 1455742519.823559}", 
+        "backend_status": "2 - Exception('defer object ceilometer-tenant-8 due to waiting on instance.instance_name',)", 
+        "deleted": false, 
+        "write_protect": false, 
+        "lazy_blocked": false, 
+        "no_sync": false, 
+        "kind": "ceilometer", 
+        "provider_service": 6, 
+        "subscriber_service": null, 
+        "subscriber_tenant": null, 
+        "subscriber_user": null, 
+        "subscriber_root": null, 
+        "service_specific_id": null, 
+        "service_specific_attribute": "{\"instance_id\": 7, \"creator_id\": 1, \"use_same_instance_for_multiple_tenants\": true}", 
+        "connect_method": "na"
+    }, 
+    {
+        "humanReadableName": "vBNG-tenant-5", 
+        "id": 5, 
+        "created": "2016-02-17T19:36:04.769Z", 
+        "updated": "2016-02-17T20:55:21.385Z", 
+        "enacted": null, 
+        "policed": null, 
+        "backend_register": "{\"next_run\": 1455771321.384039, \"last_failure\": 1455742521.384043, \"last_success\": 1455737796.18277, \"exponent\": 881, \"failures\": 881}", 
+        "backend_status": "2 - Exception('defer object vBNG-tenant-5 due to does not have a WAN IP yet',)", 
+        "deleted": false, 
+        "write_protect": false, 
+        "lazy_blocked": false, 
+        "no_sync": false, 
+        "kind": "vBNG", 
+        "provider_service": 1, 
+        "subscriber_service": null, 
+        "subscriber_tenant": "4", 
+        "subscriber_user": null, 
+        "subscriber_root": null, 
+        "service_specific_id": null, 
+        "service_specific_attribute": null, 
+        "connect_method": "na"
+    }, 
+    {
+        "humanReadableName": "onos-tenant-6", 
+        "id": 6, 
+        "created": "2016-02-17T19:36:05.048Z", 
+        "updated": "2016-02-17T20:41:16.675Z", 
+        "enacted": "2016-02-17T20:41:16.729Z", 
+        "policed": null, 
+        "backend_register": "{\"next_run\": 0, \"last_success\": 1455741676.729897, \"exponent\": 0}", 
+        "backend_status": "1 - OK", 
+        "deleted": false, 
+        "write_protect": false, 
+        "lazy_blocked": false, 
+        "no_sync": false, 
+        "kind": "onos", 
+        "provider_service": 5, 
+        "subscriber_service": 1, 
+        "subscriber_tenant": null, 
+        "subscriber_user": null, 
+        "subscriber_root": null, 
+        "service_specific_id": null, 
+        "service_specific_attribute": "{\"creator_id\": 1, \"dependencies\": \"org.onosproject.proxyarp, org.onosproject.virtualbng, org.onosproject.openflow, org.onosproject.fwd\", \"name\": \"vBNG_ONOS_app\"}", 
+        "connect_method": "na"
+    }, 
+    {
+        "humanReadableName": "vOLT-tenant-3", 
+        "id": 3, 
+        "created": "2016-02-17T19:36:04.631Z", 
+        "updated": "2016-02-17T20:28:30.428Z", 
+        "enacted": null, 
+        "policed": null, 
+        "backend_register": "{}", 
+        "backend_status": "0 - Provisioning in progress", 
+        "deleted": false, 
+        "write_protect": false, 
+        "lazy_blocked": false, 
+        "no_sync": false, 
+        "kind": "vOLT", 
+        "provider_service": 3, 
+        "subscriber_service": null, 
+        "subscriber_tenant": null, 
+        "subscriber_user": null, 
+        "subscriber_root": "", 
+        "service_specific_id": "123", 
+        "service_specific_attribute": "{\"creator_id\": 1, \"c_tag\": \"432\", \"s_tag\": \"222\"}", 
+        "connect_method": "na"
+    }, 
+    {
+        "humanReadableName": "onos-tenant-7", 
+        "id": 7, 
+        "created": "2016-02-17T19:36:05.089Z", 
+        "updated": "2016-02-17T20:40:54.451Z", 
+        "enacted": "2016-02-17T20:40:54.468Z", 
+        "policed": null, 
+        "backend_register": "{\"next_run\": 0, \"last_success\": 1455741654.468755, \"exponent\": 0}", 
+        "backend_status": "1 - OK", 
+        "deleted": false, 
+        "write_protect": false, 
+        "lazy_blocked": false, 
+        "no_sync": false, 
+        "kind": "onos", 
+        "provider_service": 4, 
+        "subscriber_service": 3, 
+        "subscriber_tenant": null, 
+        "subscriber_user": null, 
+        "subscriber_root": null, 
+        "service_specific_id": null, 
+        "service_specific_attribute": "{\"creator_id\": 1, \"dependencies\": \"org.onosproject.openflow-base, org.onosproject.olt, org.ciena.onos.ext_notifier, org.ciena.onos.volt_event_publisher\", \"name\": \"vOLT_ONOS_app\", \"install_dependencies\": \"onos-ext-notifier-1.0-SNAPSHOT.oar, onos-ext-volt-event-publisher-1.0-SNAPSHOT.oar\"}", 
+        "connect_method": "na"
+    },
+    {
+        "humanReadableName": "vCPE-tenant-4", 
+        "id": 14, 
+        "created": "2016-02-17T19:36:04.650Z", 
+        "updated": "2016-02-17T20:55:18.115Z", 
+        "enacted": null, 
+        "policed": null, 
+        "backend_register": "{\"next_run\": 1455771318.072057, \"last_failure\": 1455742518.072061, \"last_success\": 1455737797.006782, \"exponent\": 871, \"failures\": 871}", 
+        "backend_status": "2 - Exception('defer object vCPE-tenant-4 due to waiting on instance.instance_name',)", 
+        "deleted": false, 
+        "write_protect": false, 
+        "lazy_blocked": false, 
+        "no_sync": false, 
+        "kind": "vCPE", 
+        "provider_service": 2, 
+        "subscriber_service": null, 
+        "subscriber_tenant": "3", 
+        "subscriber_user": null, 
+        "subscriber_root": null, 
+        "service_specific_id": null, 
+        "service_specific_attribute": "{\"instance_id\": 11, \"creator_id\": 1}", 
+        "connect_method": "na"
+    }
\ No newline at end of file