cleanup, WIP
diff --git a/planetstack/core/dashboard/views/ b/planetstack/core/dashboard/views/
index c276cca..a4713e5 100644
--- a/planetstack/core/dashboard/views/
+++ b/planetstack/core/dashboard/views/
@@ -1,4 +1,89 @@
 from view_common import *
+from planetstack_analytics import DoPlanetStackAnalytics, PlanetStackAnalytics, RED_LOAD, BLUE_LOAD
+def getCDNContentProviderData():
+    cps = []
+    for dm_cp in ContentProvider.objects.all():
+        cp = {"name":,
+              "account": dm_cp.account}
+        cps.append(cp)
+    return cps
+def getCDNOperatorData(randomizeData = False, wait=True):
+    HPC_SLICE_NAME = "HyperCache"
+    bq = PlanetStackAnalytics()
+    rows = bq.get_cached_query_results(bq.compose_cached_query(), wait)
+    # wait=False on the first time the Dashboard is opened. This means we might
+    # not have any rows yet. The dashboard code polls every 30 seconds, so it
+    # will eventually pick them up.
+    if rows:
+        rows = bq.postprocess_results(rows, filter={"event": "hpc_heartbeat"}, maxi=["cpu"], count=["hostname"], computed=["bytes_sent/elapsed"], groupBy=["Time","site"], maxDeltaTime=80)
+        # dictionaryize the statistics rows by site name
+        stats_rows = {}
+        for row in rows:
+            stats_rows[row["site"]] = row
+    else:
+        stats_rows = {}
+    slice = Slice.objects.filter(name=HPC_SLICE_NAME)
+    if slice:
+        slice_slivers = list(slice[0].slivers.all())
+    else:
+        slice_slivers = []
+    new_rows = {}
+    for site in Site.objects.all():
+        # compute number of slivers allocated in the data model
+        allocated_slivers = 0
+        for sliver in slice_slivers:
+            if == site:
+                allocated_slivers = allocated_slivers + 1
+        stats_row = stats_rows.get(,{})
+        max_cpu = stats_row.get("max_avg_cpu", stats_row.get("max_cpu",0))
+        cpu=float(max_cpu)/100.0
+        hotness = max(0.0, ((cpu*RED_LOAD) - BLUE_LOAD)/(RED_LOAD-BLUE_LOAD))
+        try:
+           lat=float(site.location.latitude)
+           long=float(site.location.longitude)
+        except:
+           lat=0
+           long=0
+        # format it to what that CDN Operations View is expecting
+        new_row = {"lat": lat,
+               "long": long,
+               "health": 0,
+               #"numNodes": int(site.nodes.count()),
+               "activeHPCSlivers": int(stats_row.get("count_hostname", 0)),     # measured number of slivers, from bigquery statistics
+               "numHPCSlivers": allocated_slivers,                              # allocated number of slivers, from data model
+               "siteUrl": str(site.site_url),
+               "bandwidth": stats_row.get("sum_computed_bytes_sent_div_elapsed",0),
+               "load": max_cpu,
+               "hot": float(hotness)}
+        new_rows[str(] = new_row
+    # get rid of sites with 0 slivers that overlap other sites with >0 slivers
+    for (k,v) in new_rows.items():
+        bad=False
+        if v["numHPCSlivers"]==0:
+            for v2 in new_rows.values():
+                if (v!=v2) and (v2["numHPCSlivers"]>=0):
+                    d = haversine(v["lat"],v["long"],v2["lat"],v2["long"])
+                    if d<100:
+                         bad=True
+            if bad:
+                del new_rows[k]
+    return new_rows
 class DashboardSummaryAjaxView(View):
     def get(self, request, **kwargs):