remove obsolete file
diff --git a/xos/synchronizers/vtr/steps/sync_vtrtenant_vtn.yaml b/xos/synchronizers/vtr/steps/sync_vtrtenant_vtn.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index d2e6ef7..0000000
--- a/xos/synchronizers/vtr/steps/sync_vtrtenant_vtn.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-- hosts: {{ instance_name }}
-  #gather_facts: False
-  connection: ssh
-  user: ubuntu
-  sudo: yes
-  vars:
-      container_name: {{ container_name }}
-      wan_container_ip: {{ wan_container_ip }}
-      wan_container_netbits: {{ wan_container_netbits }}
-      wan_container_mac: {{ wan_container_mac }}
-      wan_container_gateway_ip: {{ wan_container_gateway_ip }}
-      wan_vm_ip: {{ wan_vm_ip }}
-      wan_vm_mac: {{ wan_vm_mac }}
-      test: {{ test }}
-      argument: {{ argument }}
-      result_file: {{ result_fn }}
-  tasks:
-{% if test=="ping" %}
-  - name: Send the pings
-    shell: rm -f /tmp/{{ result_fn }}
-    shell: ping -c 10 {{ argument }} > /tmp/{{ result_fn }}
-  - name: Fetch the ping result
-    fetch: src=/tmp/{{ result_fn }} dest=/opt/xos/synchronizers/vtr/result/{{ result_fn }} flat=yes
-{% endif %}