add support for configuring ONOS Cluster to use specific IP addresses
diff --git a/xos/observers/onos/steps/ b/xos/observers/onos/steps/
index 0feb2e5..cfe1041 100644
--- a/xos/observers/onos/steps/
+++ b/xos/observers/onos/steps/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 import hashlib
 import os
 import socket
+import socket
 import sys
 import base64
 import time
@@ -73,6 +74,19 @@
         return os.path.join(step_dir, "..", "files", str(self.get_onos_service(o).id),
+    def get_cluster_configuration(self, o):
+        instance = self.get_instance(o)
+        if not instance:
+           raise "No instance for ONOS App"
+        node_ips = [socket.gethostbyname(]
+        ipPrefix = ".".join(node_ips[0].split(".")[:3]) + ".*"
+        result = '{ "nodes": ['
+        result = result + ",".join(['{ "ip": "%s"}' % ip for ip in node_ips])
+        result = result + '], "ipPrefix": "%s"}' % ipPrefix
+        return result
     def write_configs(self, o):
         o.config_fns = []
         o.rest_configs = []
@@ -86,7 +100,23 @@
         attrs = o.provider_service.serviceattribute_dict
-        for (name, value) in attrs.items():
+        ordered_attrs = attrs.keys()
+        o.early_rest_configs=[]
+        if ("cordvtn" in o.dependencies):
+            # For VTN, since it's running in a docker host container, we need
+            # to make sure it configures the cluster using the right ip addresses.
+            # NOTE: rest_onos/v1/cluster/configuration/ will reboot the cluster and
+            #   must go first.
+            name="rest_onos/v1/cluster/configuration/"
+            value= self.get_cluster_configuration(o)
+            fn = name[5:].replace("/","_")
+            endpoint = name[5:]
+            file(os.path.join(o.files_dir, fn),"w").write(" " +value)
+            o.early_rest_configs.append( {"endpoint": endpoint, "fn": fn} )
+        for name in attrs.keys():
+            value = attrs[name]
             if name.startswith("config_"):
                 fn = name[7:] # .replace("_json",".json")
@@ -114,6 +144,7 @@
         fields["nat_ip"] = instance.get_ssh_ip()
         fields["config_fns"] = o.config_fns
         fields["rest_configs"] = o.rest_configs
+        fields["early_rest_configs"] = o.early_rest_configs
         if o.dependencies:
             fields["dependencies"] = [x.strip() for x in o.dependencies.split(",")]
diff --git a/xos/observers/onos/steps/sync_onosapp.yaml b/xos/observers/onos/steps/sync_onosapp.yaml
index 496fad0..a03368b 100644
--- a/xos/observers/onos/steps/sync_onosapp.yaml
+++ b/xos/observers/onos/steps/sync_onosapp.yaml
@@ -14,6 +14,13 @@
          body: "{{ '{{' }} lookup('file', '{{ files_dir }}/{{ rest_config.fn }}') {{ '}}' }}"
 {% endfor %}
 {% endif %}
+{% if early_rest_configs %}
+    early_rest_configs:
+{% for early_rest_config in early_rest_configs %}
+       - endpoint: {{ early_rest_config.endpoint }}
+         body: "{{ '{{' }} lookup('file', '{{ files_dir }}/{{ early_rest_config.fn }}') {{ '}}' }}"
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
@@ -63,6 +70,22 @@
   - name: Wait for ONOS to install the apps
     wait_for: timeout=15
+{% if early_rest_configs %}
+  - name: Add ONOS early configuration values
+    uri:
+      url: http://{{ '{{' }} onosaddr.stdout {{ '}}' }}:8181/{{ '{{' }} item.endpoint {{ '}}' }}
+      body: "{{ '{{' }} item.body {{ '}}' }}"
+      body_format: raw
+      method: POST
+      user: karaf
+      password: karaf
+    with_items: "early_rest_configs"
+  # Don't know how to check for this condition, just wait
+  - name: Wait for ONOS to restart
+    wait_for: timeout=15
+{% endif %}
 {% if dependencies %}
   - name: Add dependencies to ONOS