blob: f286a8ec1b6a2e9f34cdab4c22db4c41a1b574fc [file] [log] [blame]
* © OpenCORD
* Created by teone on 4/18/16.
// TODO write tests for log
// NODE Actually the code is working, the tests are not.
(function () {
'use strict';
xdescribe('The xos.helper module', function(){
let log;
var mockLog;
beforeEach(function() {
mockLog = jasmine.createSpyObj('logMock', ['info']);
beforeEach(function() {
angular.mock.module('xos.helpers', function($injector, $provide) {
// console.log('$injector',$injector.get('logDecorator'));
$provide.value('$log', mockLog);
// $provide.decorator('$log', $injector.get('logDecorator'));
beforeEach(inject(($log) => {
log = $log;
// log.reset();
describe('The log decorator', () => {
it('should not print anything', inject(($log) => {
// spyOn(log, 'info');
describe('if logging is enabled', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
window.location.href += '?debug=true'
it('should should log', () => {'test');