use setting from planetstack config file
diff --git a/plstackapi/planetstack/ b/plstackapi/planetstack/
index a477452..9af30d9 100644
--- a/plstackapi/planetstack/
+++ b/plstackapi/planetstack/
@@ -9,14 +9,16 @@
+from plstackapi.planetstack.config import Config
+config = Config()
     'default': {
         'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2', # Add 'postgresql_psycopg2', 'mysql', 'sqlite3' or 'oracle'.
-        'NAME': 'planetstack',                      # Or path to database file if using sqlite3.
+        'NAME': config.db_name,                      # Or path to database file if using sqlite3.
         # The following settings are not used with sqlite3:
-        'USER': 'postgres',
-        'PASSWORD': 'password',
-        'HOST': 'localhost',                      # Empty for localhost through domain sockets or '' for localhost through TCP.
+        'USER': config.db_user,
+        'PASSWORD': config.db_password,
+        'HOST': config.db_host,                      # Empty for localhost through domain sockets or '' for localhost through TCP.
         'PORT': '',                      # Set to empty string for default.