tree: c20ff0757b5ce48290f9832c7af4b7b5fbd00c55 [path history] [tgz]
  1. .bowerrc
  2. .eslintrc
  3. .gitignore
  5. api/
  6. apiTemplates/
  7. apigen/
  8. bower.json
  9. generator-xos/
  10. gulp/
  11. gulpfile.js
  12. karma.conf.js
  13. package.json
  14. xos-resource-generator.js
  15. xos-swagger-def.js
  16. xosHelpers/


This is a collection of helpers to develop views as Angular SPA.


This tools are designed to help you developing UI for XOS. As they born for this purpose if often necessary that a XOS instance is running on your sistem and responding at: localhost:9999. The xos/configurations/frontend is normally enough.


Usage: npm run apigen

This tool will automatically generate an angular resource file for each endpoint available in Swagger.

You can generate api related documentation with: npm run apidoc. The output is locate in api/docs. You can have a list of available method also trough Swagger at http://localhost:9999/docs/


Xos comes with a preset of common libraries, as listed in bower.json:

  • angular
  • angular-route
  • angular-resource
  • angular-cookie
  • ng-lodash

This libraries are server through Django, so they will not be included in your minified vendor file. To add a library and generate a new file (that will override the old one), you should:

  • enter ngXosLib folder
  • run bower install [myPackage] --save
  • rebuild the file with gulp vendor

NOTE before adding libraries please discuss it to avoid this file to became huge


XOS comes with an helper library that is automatically loaded in the Django template.

To use it, add xos.helpers to your required modules:

angular.module('xos.myView', [

It will automatically ad a token to all your request, eventually you can take advantage of some other services:

  • NoHyperlinks Interceptor: will add a ?no_hyperlinks=1 to your request, to tell Django to return ids instead of links.
  • XosApi wrapper for /xos endpoints.
  • XoslibApi wrapper for /xoslib endpoints.
  • HpcApi wrapper for /hpcapi endpoints.

NOTE: for the API related service, check documentation in Apigen section.

When some changes are applied to this common library it should be rebuilt with: npm run build

Yo Xos

We have created a yeoman generator to help you scaffolding views.

As it is in an early stage of development you should manually link it to your system, to do this enter xos/core/xoslib/ngXosLib/generator-xos and run npm link.

To generate a new view

From xos/core/xoslib run yo xos. This command will create a new folder with the provided name in: xos/core/xoslib/ngXosViews that contain your application.

If you left empty the view name it should be xos/core/xoslib/ngXosViews/sampleView

Run a development server

In your view folder and run npm start.

This will install required dependencies and start a local server with BrowserSync

Publish your view

Once your view is done, from your view root folder, run: npm run build.

This will build your application and copy files in the appropriate locations to be used by django.

At this point you can enter: http://localhost:9999/admin/core/dashboardview/add/ and add your custom view.

NOTE url field should be template:xosSampleView

Install dependencies in your app

To install a local dependency use bower with --save. Common modules are saved in devDependencies as they already loaded in the Django template.

The npm start command is watching your dependencies and will automatically inject it in your index.html.


A styleguide is enforced trough EsLint and is checked during the build process. We highly suggest to install the linter in your editor to have realtime hint.


The generator set up a test environment with a default test. To run it execute: npm test


  • Use Angular $resource instead of $http
  • Use ngDoc instead of jsDoc
  • Define styleguide (both visual and js) and if needed define some UI components