Refactor to /opt/planetstack, final tweaks to make sure planetstack can run in non-openstack mode, adjustments to GUI for model focus changes
diff --git a/planetstack/core/api/ b/planetstack/core/api/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6514e54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/planetstack/core/api/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+from types import StringTypes
+from openstack.client import OpenStackClient
+from openstack.driver import OpenStackDriver
+from core.api.auth import auth_check
+from core.models import Node
+def _get_nodes(filter):
+    if isinstance(filter, StringTypes) and filter.isdigit():
+        filter = int(filter)
+    if isinstance(filter, int):
+        nodes = Node.objects.filter(id=filter)
+    elif isinstance(filter, StringTypes):
+        nodes = Node.objects.filter(name=filter)
+    elif isinstance(filter, dict):
+        nodes = Node.objects.filter(**filter)
+    else:
+        nodes = []
+    return nodes
+def add_node(auth, fields={}):
+    """not implemented"""
+    return 
+def delete_node(auth, filter={}):
+    """not implemented"""
+    return 1
+def update_node(auth, id, fields={}):
+    return 
+def get_nodes(auth, filter={}):
+    auth_check(auth)   
+    nodes = _get_nodes(filter)
+    return nodes             