blob: e5ca413a1d07125e761ca65d2629f32440a09392 [file] [log] [blame]
if (! window.XOSLIB_LOADED ) {
SLIVER_API = "/plstackapi/slivers/";
SLICE_API = "/plstackapi/slices/";
SLICEROLE_API = "/plstackapi/slice_roles/";
NODE_API = "/plstackapi/nodes/";
SITE_API = "/plstackapi/sites/";
USER_API = "/plstackapi/users/";
USERDEPLOYMENT_API = "/plstackapi/user_deployments/";
DEPLOYMENT_API = "/plstackapi/deployments/";
IMAGE_API = "/plstackapi/images/";
NETWORKTEMPLATE_API = "/plstackapi/networktemplates/";
NETWORK_API = "/plstackapi/networks/";
NETWORKSLIVER_API = "/plstackapi/networkslivers/";
SERVICE_API = "/plstackapi/services/";
SLICEPRIVILEGE_API = "/plstackapi/slice_privileges/";
NETWORKDEPLOYMENT_API = "/plstackapi/networkdeployments/";
/* changed as a side effect of the big rename
SLICEDEPLOYMENT_API = "/plstackapi/slice_deployments/";
USERDEPLOYMENT_API = "/plstackapi/user_deployments/";
SLICEDEPLOYMENT_API = "/plstackapi/slicedeployments/";
USERDEPLOYMENT_API = "/plstackapi/userdeployments/";
SLICEPLUS_API = "/xoslib/slicesplus/";
XOSModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
/* from backbone-tastypie.js */
//idAttribute: 'resource_uri',
/* from backbone-tastypie.js */
url: function() {
var url = this.attributes.resource_uri;
if (!url) {
if ( {
url = this.urlRoot +;
} else {
// this happens when creating a new model.
url = this.urlRoot;
if (!url) {
// XXX I'm not sure this does anything useful
url = ( _.isFunction( this.collection.url ) ? this.collection.url() : this.collection.url );
url = url || this.urlRoot;
// remove any existing query parameters
url && ( url.indexOf("?") > -1 ) && ( url = url.split("?")[0] );
url && ( url += ( url.length > 0 && url.charAt( url.length - 1 ) === '/' ) ? '' : '/' );
url && ( url += "?no_hyperlinks=1" );
return url;
listMethods: function() {
var res = [];
for(var m in this) {
if(typeof this[m] == "function") {
return res;
/* If a 'validate' method is supplied, then it will be called
automatically on save. Unfortunately, save calls neither the
'error' nor the 'success' callback if the validator fails.
For now, we're calling our validator 'xosValidate' so this
autoamtic validation doesn't occur.
xosValidate: function(attrs, options) {
errors = {};
foundErrors = false;
_.each(this.validators, function(validatorList, fieldName) {
_.each(validatorList, function(validator) {
if (fieldName in attrs) {
validatorResult = validateField(validator, attrs[fieldName], this)
if (validatorResult != true) {
errors[fieldName] = validatorResult;
foundErrors = true;
if (foundErrors) {
return errors;
// backbone.js semantics -- on successful validate, return nothing
/* uncommenting this would make validate() call xosValidate()
validate: function(attrs, options) {
r = this.xosValidate(attrs, options);
return r;
}, */
XOSCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
objects: function() {
return { return element.attributes; });
initialize: function(){
this.isLoaded = false;
this.failedLoad = false;
this.startedLoad = false;
this.sortVar = 'name';
this.sortOrder = 'asc';
this.on( "sort", this.sorted );
relatedCollections: [],
foreignCollections: [],
sorted: function() {
//console.log("sorted " + this.modelName);
simpleComparator: function( model ){
result = model.get(parts[0]);
for (index=1; index<parts.length; ++index) {
return result;
comparator: function (left, right) {
var l = this.simpleComparator(left);
var r = this.simpleComparator(right);
if (l === void 0) return -1;
if (r === void 0) return 1;
if (this.sortOrder=="desc") {
return l < r ? 1 : l > r ? -1 : 0;
} else {
return l < r ? -1 : l > r ? 1 : 0;
fetchSuccess: function(collection, response, options) {
//console.log("fetch succeeded " + collection.modelName);
this.failedLoad = false;
this.fetching = false;
if (!this.isLoaded) {
this.isLoaded = true;
Backbone.trigger("xoslib:collectionLoadChange", this);
if (options["orig_success"]) {
options["orig_success"](collection, response, options);
fetchFailure: function(collection, response, options) {
//console.log("fetch failed " + collection.modelName);
this.fetching = false;
if ((!this.isLoaded) && (!this.failedLoad)) {
Backbone.trigger("xoslib:collectionLoadChange", this);
if (options["orig_failure"]) {
options["orig_failure"](collection, response, options);
fetch: function(options) {
var self=this;
//console.log("fetch " + this.modelName);
if (!this.startedLoad) {
Backbone.trigger("xoslib:collectionLoadChange", this);
if (options == undefined) {
options = {};
options["orig_success"] = options["success"];
options["orig_failure"] = options["failure"];
options["success"] = function(collection, response, options) {, collection, response, options); };
options["failure"] = this.fetchFailure;, options);
startPolling: function() {
if (!this._polling) {
var collection=this;
setInterval(function() { collection.fetch(); }, 10000);
refresh: function(refreshRelated) {
if (!this.fetching) {
if (refreshRelated) {
for (related in this.relatedCollections) {
related = xos[related];
if (!related.fetching) {
maybeFetch: function(options){
// Helper function to fetch only if this collection has not been fetched before.
// If this has already been fetched, call the success, if it exists
options.success && options.success();
// when the original success function completes mark this collection as fetched
var self = this,
successWrapper = function(success){
return function(){
self._fetched = true;
success && success.apply(this, arguments);
options.success = successWrapper(options.success);
console.log("call fetch");
getOrFetch: function(id, options){
// Helper function to use this collection as a cache for models on the server
var model = this.get(id);
options.success && options.success(model);
model = new this.model({
resource_uri: id
filterBy: function(fieldName, value) {
filtered = this.filter(function(obj) {
return obj.get(fieldName) == value;
return new this.constructor(filtered);
/* from backbone-tastypie.js */
url: function( models ) {
var url = this.urlRoot || ( models && models.length && models[0].urlRoot );
url && ( url += ( url.length > 0 && url.charAt( url.length - 1 ) === '/' ) ? '' : '/' );
// Build a url to retrieve a set of models. This assume the last part of each model's idAttribute
// (set to 'resource_uri') contains the model's id.
if ( models && models.length ) {
var ids = models, function( model ) {
var parts = _.compact('/') );
return parts[ parts.length - 1 ];
url += 'set/' + ids.join(';') + '/';
url && ( url += "?no_hyperlinks=1" );
return url;
listMethods: function() {
var res = [];
for(var m in this) {
if(typeof this[m] == "function") {
return res;
function define_model(lib, attrs) {
modelName = attrs.modelName;
modelClassName = modelName;
collectionClassName = modelName + "Collection";
if (!attrs.collectionName) {
attrs.collectionName = modelName + "s";
collectionName = attrs.collectionName;
modelAttrs = {}
collectionAttrs = {}
for (key in attrs) {
value = attrs[key];
if ($.inArray(key, ["urlRoot", "modelName", "collectionName", "validate"])>=0) {
modelAttrs[key] = value;
if ($.inArray(key, ["urlRoot", "modelName", "collectionName", "relatedCollections", "foreignCollections"])>=0) {
collectionAttrs[key] = value;
if (xosdefaults && xosdefaults[modelName]) {
modelAttrs["defaults"] = xosdefaults[modelName];
if (xosvalidators && xosvalidators[modelName]) {
modelAttrs["validators"] = xosvalidators[modelName];
lib[modelName] = XOSModel.extend(modelAttrs);
collectionAttrs["model"] = lib[modelName];
lib[collectionClassName] = XOSCollection.extend(collectionAttrs);
lib[collectionName] = new lib[collectionClassName]();
function xoslib() {
this.allCollectionNames = [];
this.allCollections = [];
define_model(this, {urlRoot: SLIVER_API,
relatedCollections: {"networkSlivers": "sliver"},
foreignCollections: ["slices", "deployments", "images", "nodes", "users"],
modelName: "sliver"});
define_model(this, {urlRoot: SLICE_API,
relatedCollections: {"slivers": "slice", "sliceDeployments": "slice", "slicePrivileges": "slice", "networks": "owner"},
foreignCollections: ["services", "sites"],
modelName: "slice",
validate: function(attrs, options) {
errors = XOSModel.prototype.validate(this, attrs, options);
// validate that starts with site.login_base
site = ||;
if ((site!=undefined) && (!=undefined)) {
site = xos.sites.get(site);
if ("_") != 0) {
errors = errors || {};
errors["name"] = "must start with " + site.attributes.login_base + "_";
return errors;
define_model(this, {urlRoot: SLICEDEPLOYMENT_API,
foreignCollections: ["slices", "deployments"],
modelName: "sliceDeployment"});
define_model(this, {urlRoot: SLICEPRIVILEGE_API,
foreignCollections: ["slices", "users", "sliceRoles"],
modelName: "slicePrivilege"});
define_model(this, {urlRoot: SLICEROLE_API,
modelName: "sliceRole"});
define_model(this, {urlRoot: NODE_API,
foreignCollections: ["sites", "deployments"],
modelName: "node"});
define_model(this, {urlRoot: SITE_API,
relatedCollections: {"users": "site", "slices": "site", "nodes": "site"},
modelName: "site"});
define_model(this, {urlRoot: USER_API,
relatedCollections: {"slicePrivileges": "user", "slices": "owner", "userDeployments": "user"},
foreignCollections: ["sites"],
modelName: "user"});
define_model(this, {urlRoot: USERDEPLOYMENT_API,
foreignCollections: ["users","deployments"],
modelName: "userDeployment"});
define_model(this, { urlRoot: DEPLOYMENT_API,
relatedCollections: {"nodes": "deployment", "slivers": "deploymentNetwork", "networkDeployments": "deployment", "userDeployments": "deployment"},
modelName: "deployment"});
define_model(this, {urlRoot: IMAGE_API,
model: this.image,
modelName: "image"});
define_model(this, {urlRoot: NETWORKTEMPLATE_API,
modelName: "networkTemplate"});
define_model(this, {urlRoot: NETWORK_API,
relatedCollections: {"networkDeployments": "network", "networkSlivers": "network"},
foreignCollections: ["slices", "networkTemplates"],
modelName: "network"});
define_model(this, {urlRoot: NETWORKSLIVER_API,
modelName: "networkSliver"});
define_model(this, {urlRoot: NETWORKDEPLOYMENT_API,
modelName: "networkDeployment"});
define_model(this, {urlRoot: SERVICE_API,
modelName: "service"});
// enhanced REST
define_model(this, {urlRoot: SLICEPLUS_API,
relatedCollections: {'slivers': "slice"},
modelName: "slicePlus",
collectionName: "slicesPlus"});
this.listObjects = function() { return this.allCollectionNames; };
this.getCollectionStatus = function() {
stats = {isLoaded: 0, failedLoad: 0, startedLoad: 0};
for (index in this.allCollections) {
collection = this.allCollections[index];
if (collection.isLoaded) {
stats["isLoaded"] = stats["isLoaded"] + 1;
if (collection.failedLoad) {
stats["failedLoad"] = stats["failedLoad"] + 1;
if (collection.startedLoad) {
stats["startedLoad"] = stats["startedLoad"] + 1;
stats["completedLoad"] = stats["failedLoad"] + stats["isLoaded"];
return stats;
xos = new xoslib();
function getCookie(name) {
var cookieValue = null;
if (document.cookie && document.cookie != '') {
var cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
var cookie = jQuery.trim(cookies[i]);
// Does this cookie string begin with the name we want?
if (cookie.substring(0, name.length + 1) == (name + '=')) {
cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(name.length + 1));
return cookieValue;
(function() {
var _sync = Backbone.sync;
Backbone.sync = function(method, model, options){
options.beforeSend = function(xhr){
var token = getCookie("csrftoken");
xhr.setRequestHeader('X-CSRFToken', token);
return _sync(method, model, options);