launch the modified UI container
diff --git a/xos/configurations/common/ b/xos/configurations/common/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1214dc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/configurations/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+display_usage() { 
+    echo -e "\nUsage:\n$0 [fn] \n" 
+if [  $# -lt 1 ] 
+    display_usage
+    exit 1
+echo "Waiting for XOS to create file $1"
+until find $1 &> /dev/null
+    sleep 1
+    RUNNING_CONTAINER=`sudo docker ps|grep "xos"|awk '{print $$NF}'`
+    if [[ $RUNNING_CONTAINER == "" ]]; then
+        echo Container may have failed. check with \"make showlogs\'
+        exit 1
+    fi
+echo "XOS is ready"
diff --git a/xos/configurations/frontend/Makefile b/xos/configurations/frontend/Makefile
index ab253c0..99f8ec0 100644
--- a/xos/configurations/frontend/Makefile
+++ b/xos/configurations/frontend/Makefile
@@ -1,13 +1,18 @@
 MYIP:=$(shell hostname -i)
 CONFIG_DIR:=$(shell pwd)
 frontend: bootstrap
-	sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose-bootstrap.yml run -e CONFIG_DIR=$(CONFIG_DIR) xos_bootstrap_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/ none /opt/xos/configurations/frontend/xos.yaml
+	sudo docker-compose -f $(BOOTSTRAP_YML) run -e CONFIG_DIR=$(CONFIG_DIR) xos_bootstrap_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/ none /opt/xos/configurations/frontend/xos.yaml
+	sudo rm -f onboarding-docker-compose/docker-compose.yml
+	bash ../common/ onboarding-docker-compose/docker-compose.yml
+	cp onboarding-docker-compose/docker-compose.yml .
+	sudo docker-compose up -d
 	bash ../common/ 9999
-	sudo docker-compose -f $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_YML) run xos_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/ none /opt/xos/configurations/common/fixtures.yaml
-	sudo docker-compose -f $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_YML) run xos_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/ none /opt/xos/configurations/common/mydeployment.yaml
-	sudo docker-compose -f $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_YML) run xos_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/ /opt/xos/configurations/frontend/sample.yaml
+	sudo docker-compose run xos_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/ none /opt/xos/configurations/common/fixtures.yaml
+	sudo docker-compose run xos_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/ none /opt/xos/configurations/common/mydeployment.yaml
+	sudo docker-compose run xos_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/ /opt/xos/configurations/frontend/sample.yaml
 	sudo make -f ../common/Makefile.prereqs
@@ -21,13 +26,13 @@
 	#cd ../../../containers/xos; make devel
-	sudo docker-compose stop
+	sudo docker-compose -f $(BOOTSTRAP_YML) stop
 	sudo docker-compose logs
 rm: stop
-	sudo docker-compose rm
+	sudo docker-compose -f $(BOOTSTRAP_YML) rm
 	sudo docker-compose ps
diff --git a/xos/configurations/frontend/xos.yaml b/xos/configurations/frontend/xos.yaml
index 1b2bf22..b88e4f3 100644
--- a/xos/configurations/frontend/xos.yaml
+++ b/xos/configurations/frontend/xos.yaml
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
         ui_port: 9999
         bootstrap_ui_port: 9998
+        container_base_name: frontend
       type: tosca.nodes.XOSVolume
diff --git a/xos/core/models/ b/xos/core/models/
index 5751446..b44c3cd 100644
--- a/xos/core/models/
+++ b/xos/core/models/
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
     ui_port = models.IntegerField(help_text="Port for XOS UI", default=80)
     bootstrap_ui_port = models.IntegerField(help_text="Port for XOS UI", default=81)
     db_container_name = StrippedCharField(max_length=200, help_text="name of XOS db container", default="xos_db")
+    container_base_name = StrippedCharField(max_length=200, help_text="base name for containers")
     def __unicode__(self):  return u'%s' % (
diff --git a/xos/synchronizers/onboarding/templates/docker-compose.yml.j2 b/xos/synchronizers/onboarding/templates/docker-compose.yml.j2
index ceb2531..c444427 100644
--- a/xos/synchronizers/onboarding/templates/docker-compose.yml.j2
+++ b/xos/synchronizers/onboarding/templates/docker-compose.yml.j2
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 {% for container_name, container in containers.iteritems() %}
 {{ container_name}}:
+#  container_name: {{ container.container_base_name }}_{{ container_name }}_1
   image: {{ container.image }}
 {%- if container.command %}
   command: {{ container.command }}
@@ -12,7 +13,7 @@
 {%- endfor %}
 {%- endif %}
 {%- if container.links %}
-  lines:
+  links:
 {%- for link in container.links %}
     - {{ link }}
 {%- endfor %}
diff --git a/xos/synchronizers/onboarding/ b/xos/synchronizers/onboarding/
index 75dcd8c..da2c6fd 100644
--- a/xos/synchronizers/onboarding/
+++ b/xos/synchronizers/onboarding/
@@ -173,16 +173,19 @@
          containers["xos_db"] = \
                             {"image": "xosproject/xos-postgres",
+                             "container_base_name": xos.container_base_name,
                              "expose": [5432]}
          containers["xos_ui"] = \
                             {"image": "xosproject/xos-ui",
+                             "container_base_name": xos.container_base_name,
                              "command": "python /opt/xos/ runserver --insecure --makemigrations" % xos.ui_port,
                              "ports": {"%d"%xos.ui_port : "%d"%xos.ui_port},
                              "links": ["xos_db"],
                              "volumes": volume_list}
          containers["xos_bootstrap_ui"] = {"image": "xosproject/xos-ui",
+                             "container_base_name": xos.container_base_name,
                              "command": "python /opt/xos/ runserver --insecure --makemigrations" % xos.bootstrap_ui_port,
                              "ports": {"%d"%xos.bootstrap_ui_port : "%d"%xos.bootstrap_ui_port},
                              "links": ["xos_db"],
@@ -191,6 +194,7 @@
          for c in ServiceController.objects.all():
              containers["xos_synchronizer_%s" %] = \
                             {"image": "xosproject/xos-synchronizer-%s" %,
+                             "container_base_name": xos.container_base_name,
                              "command": 'bash -c "sleep 120; bash /opt/xos/synchronizers/%s/"',
                              "links": ["xos_db"],
                              "volumes": volume_list}
diff --git a/xos/tosca/custom_types/xos.m4 b/xos/tosca/custom_types/xos.m4
index 5e852d8..ee21be7 100644
--- a/xos/tosca/custom_types/xos.m4
+++ b/xos/tosca/custom_types/xos.m4
@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@
                 type: integer
                 required: false
                 descrption: TCP port of bootstrap user interface
+            container_base_name:
+                type: string
+                required: false
+                description: Base name for containers
diff --git a/xos/tosca/custom_types/xos.yaml b/xos/tosca/custom_types/xos.yaml
index ef245b9..472382e 100644
--- a/xos/tosca/custom_types/xos.yaml
+++ b/xos/tosca/custom_types/xos.yaml
@@ -49,6 +49,10 @@
                 type: integer
                 required: false
                 descrption: TCP port of bootstrap user interface
+            container_base_name:
+                type: string
+                required: false
+                description: Base name for containers
diff --git a/xos/tosca/resources/ b/xos/tosca/resources/
index f7e3221..daba4f5 100644
--- a/xos/tosca/resources/
+++ b/xos/tosca/resources/
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 class XOSXOS(XOSResource):
     provides = "tosca.nodes.XOS"
     xos_model = XOS
-    copyin_props = ["ui_port", "bootstrap_ui_port"]
+    copyin_props = ["ui_port", "bootstrap_ui_port", "container_base_name"]
 class XOSVolume(XOSResource):
     provides = "tosca.nodes.XOSVolume"