check in hpc_wizard and analytics python source
diff --git a/planetstack/hpc_wizard/ b/planetstack/hpc_wizard/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d619f64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/planetstack/hpc_wizard/
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+import datetime
+import os
+import operator
+import socket
+import pytz
+import json
+import random
+import sys
+import time
+if os.path.exists("/home/smbaker/projects/vicci/plstackapi/planetstack"):
+    sys.path.append("/home/smbaker/projects/vicci/plstackapi/planetstack")
+    sys.path.append("/opt/planetstack")
+os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "planetstack.settings")
+from django import db
+from django.db import connection
+from core.models import Slice, Sliver, ServiceClass, Reservation, Tag, Network, User, Node, Image, Deployment, Site, NetworkTemplate, NetworkSlice, Service
+from hpc.models import HpcService, ServiceProvider, ContentProvider, OriginServer, CDNPrefix, HpcService
+# amount of time in milliseconds which will be queried for HPC statistics.
+# Constants used for computing 'hotness'
+#    BLUE_LOAD = MB/s which should be a "0" on the hotness scale
+#    RED_LOAD = MB/s which should be a "1" on the hotness scale
+def log(what, showdate=True):
+    try:
+        if showdate:
+            file("/tmp/scott-hpcwizard.log", "a").write(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ", time.gmtime()))
+        file("/tmp/scott-hpcwizard.log", "a").write("%s\n" % what)
+    except:
+        pass # uh oh
+def log_exc(what):
+    log(what)
+    log(traceback.format_exc(), showdate=False)
+def avg(x):
+    return float(sum(x))/len(x)
+def format_float(x):
+    try:
+        return "%10.5f" % x
+    except:
+        return str(x)
+class HpcWizard:
+    def __init__(self):
+        try:
+            self.hpcService = HpcService.objects.get()
+        except:
+            # currently has a Service object instantiated instead
+            # of a HpcService. Fallback for now.
+            self.hpcService = Service.objects.get(name="HPC Service")
+        self.hpcQueryThread = None
+    def get_hpc_slices(self):
+        try:
+            slices = self.hpcService.slices.all()
+        except:
+            # BUG in data model -- Slice.service has related name 'service' and
+            #                      it should be 'slices'
+            slices = self.hpcService.service.all()
+        return slices
+    def get_hpc_slivers(self):
+        slivers = []
+        for slice in self.get_hpc_slices():
+            for sliver in slice.slivers.all():
+                slivers.append(sliver)
+        return slivers
+    def fill_site_nodes(self, site, hpc_slivers=None):
+        if hpc_slivers is None:
+            hpc_slivers = self.get_hpc_slivers()
+        site.availNodes = []
+        site.hpcNodes = []
+        for node in site.nodes.all():
+            has_hpc = False
+            for sliver in node.slivers.all():
+                if sliver in hpc_slivers:
+                    has_hpc = True
+            if has_hpc:
+                site.hpcNodes.append(node)
+            else:
+                site.availNodes.append(node)
+    def merge_site_statistics_old(self, sites):
+        """ this does it based on the sumb of all bandwidth
+            The issue here is that we the computed load reacts immediately to
+            the addition or deletion of nodes. i.e. 5 nodes at 80% + 1 node at
+            0% = average load 66%.
+        """
+        site_dict = {}
+        for site in self.hpcQueryThread.site_rows:
+            site_dict[site["site"]] = site
+        for site in sites:
+            if in site_dict:
+                site.bytes_sent = site_dict[]["sum_bytes_sent"]
+                time_delta = site_dict[]["time_delta"]
+                computed_duration = (int(time_delta/30)+1)*30
+                if (computed_duration > 0):
+                    site.bandwidth = site.bytes_sent/computed_duration
+                if len(site.hpcNodes)>0:
+                    # figure out how many bytes_sent would be represented
+                    # by blue and red
+                    blue_load = len(site.hpcNodes) * BLUE_LOAD * computed_duration
+                    red_load = len(site.hpcNodes) * RED_LOAD * computed_duration
+                    max_load = len(site.hpcNodes) * MAX_LOAD * computed_duration
+                    site.hotness = (min(red_load, max(blue_load, float(site.bytes_sent))) - blue_load)/(red_load-blue_load)
+                    site.load = int(min(100, site.bytes_sent*100/max_load))
+                    file("/tmp/scott2.txt","a").write("%s %d %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f %d\n" % (, site.bytes_sent, blue_load, red_load, site.hotness, time_delta, computed_duration))
+    def merge_site_statistics(self, sites):
+        """ This does it based on max load
+            Advantage of this method is that since we're effectively reporting
+            the maximally loaded node, we don't get instantaneous reactions
+            to adding additional nodes. On the contrary, it will take a while
+            for the load to balance from the loaded node to the new less-loaded
+            node.
+        """
+        site_dict = {}
+        for site in self.hpcQueryThread.site_rows:
+            site_dict[site["site"]] = site
+        for site in sites:
+            if in site_dict:
+                site.max_avg_bandwidth = site_dict[]["max_avg_bandwidth"]
+                site.bytes_sent = site_dict[]["sum_bytes_sent"]
+                site.hotness = min(1.0, float(max(BLUE_LOAD, site.max_avg_bandwidth) - BLUE_LOAD) / RED_LOAD)
+                site.load = int(site.max_avg_bandwidth*100/MAX_LOAD)
+                # we still need site["bandwidth"] for the summary statistics
+                time_delta = site_dict[]["time_delta"]
+                computed_duration = (int(time_delta/30)+1)*30
+                if (computed_duration > 0):
+                    site.bandwidth = site.bytes_sent/computed_duration
+                else:
+                    site.bandwidth = 0
+                if len(site.hpcNodes)>0:
+                    file("/tmp/scott3.txt","a").write("%s %d %0.2f %d %0.2f\n" % (, site.bytes_sent, site.hotness, site.load, site.bandwidth))
+    def get_sites(self):
+        sites = list(Site.objects.all())
+        for site in sites:
+            self.fill_site_nodes(site, self.get_hpc_slivers())
+            site.load = 0
+            site.hotness = 0
+            site.bandwidth = 0
+            site.numNodes = len(site.hpcNodes) + len(site.availNodes)
+        if (self.hpcQueryThread is not None) and (self.hpcQueryThread.is_stalled()):
+            self.initialize_statistics()
+        # merge in the statistics data if it is available
+        if self.hpcQueryThread and self.hpcQueryThread.data_version>0:
+            self.merge_site_statistics(sites)
+        # django will leak extraordinary amounts of memory without this line
+        db.reset_queries()
+        return sites
+    def get_nodes_to_sites(self):
+        nodes_to_sites = {}
+        sites = list(Site.objects.all())
+        for site in sites:
+            for node in site.nodes.all():
+                nodes_to_sites[] =
+        return nodes_to_sites
+    def get_slice_sites(self, slice_name):
+        sites = list(Site.objects.all())
+        slivers = list(Slice.objects.get(name=slice_name).slivers.all())
+        for site in sites:
+            self.fill_site_nodes(site, slivers)
+        return sites
+    def get_sites_for_view(self):
+        sites = {}
+        for site in self.get_sites():
+            if in ["ON.Lab", "I2 Atlanta"]:
+                continue
+            d = {"lat": float(site.location.latitude),
+                 "long": float(site.location.longitude),
+                 "health": 0,
+                 "numNodes": site.numNodes,
+                 "numHPCSlivers": len(site.hpcNodes),
+                 "siteUrl": str(site.site_url),
+                 "hot": getattr(site,"hotness",0.0),
+                 "load": getattr(site,"load",0)}
+            sites[str(] = d
+        import pprint
+        f = file("/tmp/scott.txt","w")
+        pprint.pprint(sites, f)
+        f.close()
+        return sites
+    def get_summary_for_view(self):
+        total_slivers = 0
+        total_bandwidth = 0
+        average_cpu = 0
+        sites = [site for site in self.get_sites() if len(site.hpcNodes)>0]
+        total_slivers = sum( [len(site.hpcNodes) for site in sites] )
+        total_bandwidth = sum( [site.bandwidth for site in sites] )
+        average_cpu = int(avg( [site.load for site in sites] ))
+        return {"total_slivers": total_slivers,
+                "total_bandwidth": total_bandwidth,
+                "average_cpu": average_cpu}
+    def initialize_statistics(self):
+        from query import HpcQueryThread
+        if (self.hpcQueryThread is not None):
+            log("dropping old query thread")
+            self.hpcQueryThread.please_die = True
+            self.hpcQueryThread = None
+        log("launching new query thread")
+        nodes_to_sites = self.get_nodes_to_sites()
+        self.hpcQueryThread = HpcQueryThread(nodes_to_sites = nodes_to_sites, timeStart=-QUERY_TIME, slice="HyperCache")
+    def get_site(self, site_name):
+        site = Site.objects.get(name=site_name)
+        self.fill_site_nodes(site)
+        return site
+    def increase_slivers(self, site_name, count):
+        site = self.get_site(site_name)
+        hpc_slice = self.get_hpc_slices()[0]
+        while (len(site.availNodes) > 0) and (count > 0):
+            node = site.availNodes.pop()
+            hostname =
+            sliver = Sliver(,
+                            slice=hpc_slice,
+                            node=node,
+                            image = Image.objects.all()[0],
+                            creator = User.objects.get(email=""),
+                            deploymentNetwork=node.deployment,
+                            numberCores = 1,
+                            ip=socket.gethostbyname(hostname))
+            print "created sliver", sliver
+            site.hpcNodes.append(node)
+            count = count - 1
+    def decrease_slivers(self, site_name, count):
+        site = self.get_site(site_name)
+        hpc_slices = self.get_hpc_slices()
+        while (len(site.hpcNodes) > 0) and (count > 0):
+            node = site.hpcNodes.pop()
+            for sliver in node.slivers.all():
+                if sliver.slice in hpc_slices:
+                     print "deleting sliver", sliver
+                     sliver.delete()
+            site.availNodes.append(node)
+            count = count - 1
+    def dump(self):
+        print "slices:"
+        for slice in self.get_hpc_slices():
+            print "  ", slice
+        print "sites:"
+        print "%20s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s" % ("name", "avail", "hpc", "lat", "long", "sent", "hot")
+        for site in self.get_sites():
+            print "%20s %10d %10d %10s %10s %10d %10.2f" % (,
+                                                            len(site.availNodes),
+                                                            len(site.hpcNodes),
+                                                            format_float(site.location.latitude),
+                                                            format_float(site.location.longitude),
+                                                            getattr(site,"bytes_sent",0),
+                                                            getattr(site,"hotness",0.5))
+        #print "slivers:"
+        #for sliver in self.get_hpc_slivers():
+        #    print "  ", sliver
+glo_hpc_wizard = None
+def get_hpc_wizard():
+    global glo_hpc_wizard
+    if (glo_hpc_wizard is None):
+        glo_hpc_wizard = HpcWizard()
+        glo_hpc_wizard.initialize_statistics()
+    return glo_hpc_wizard
+def main():
+    x = HpcWizard()
+    # initialized the Statistics thread, and wait for some data to show up
+    x.initialize_statistics()
+    while x.hpcQueryThread.data_version==0:
+       time.sleep(1)
+    x.dump()
+    # quick test of the increase / decrease functions
+    x.increase_slivers("Princeton", 1)
+    x.decrease_slivers("Princeton", 1)
+if __name__=="__main__":
+    main()