Formatting data to a flat list
diff --git a/xos-apps/auto-scale/gui/src/js/autoscaling.service.js b/xos-apps/auto-scale/gui/src/js/autoscaling.service.js
index 4146f19..15b9118 100644
--- a/xos-apps/auto-scale/gui/src/js/autoscaling.service.js
+++ b/xos-apps/auto-scale/gui/src/js/autoscaling.service.js
@@ -1,17 +1,43 @@
 'use strict';
-.service('Autoscaling', function($http, $interval, $rootScope){
+.service('Autoscaling', function($http, $interval, $rootScope, lodash){
-  const pollingFrequency = 1;
+  const pollingFrequency = 10;
   var pollinginterval;
+  /**
+  * Convert data to a flat array of resources
+  */
+  this.formatData = (data) => {
+    const list = [];
+    // cicle trough all slices
+, (item) => {
+      // cicle trough every resource
+      item.resources = lodash.forEach(
+        Object.keys(item.resources),
+        (resource) => {
+          const tmp = item.resources[resource];
+          tmp.service = item.service;
+          tmp.slice = item.slice;
+          tmp.project_id = item.project_id;
+          tmp.instance_name = tmp.xos_instance_info.instance_name;
+          delete tmp.xos_instance_info;
+          list.push(tmp);
+        }
+      )
+    });
+    return list;
+  };
   this.getAutoscalingData = () => {
-    pollinginterval = $interval(() => {
-      $http.get('/autoscaledata')
-      .then((res) => {
-        $rootScope.$emit('autoscaling.update',;
+    // pollinginterval = $interval(() => {
+      // $http.get('/autoscaledata')
+      $http.get('../mocks/mock.json')
+      .success((res) => {
+        $rootScope.$emit('autoscaling.update', this.formatData(res));
-    }, pollingFrequency * 1000)
+    // }, pollingFrequency * 1000)
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