Fixing merge conflicts
diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
deleted file mode 100644
index b69b7fd..0000000
--- a/Dockerfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-FROM       ubuntu:14.04.3
-MAINTAINER Andy Bavier <>
-# XXX Workaround for docker bug:
-# Kernel 3.15 breaks docker, uss the line below as a workaround
-# until there is a fix
-RUN ln -s -f /bin/true /usr/bin/chfn
-# XXX End workaround
-# Install.
-RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
-    git \
-    postgresql \
-    python-psycopg2 \
-    graphviz \
-    graphviz-dev \
-    libxslt1.1 \
-    libxslt1-dev \
-    python-pip \
-    tar \
-    gcc \
-    python-httplib2 \
-    geoip-database \
-    libgeoip1 \
-    wget \
-    curl \
-    python-dev \
-    libyaml-dev \
-    pkg-config \
-    python-pycurl
-RUN pip install django==1.7
-RUN pip install djangorestframework==2.4.4
-RUN pip install markdown  # Markdown support for the browseable API.
-RUN pip install pyyaml    # YAML content-type support.
-RUN pip install django-filter  # Filtering support
-RUN pip install lxml  # XML manipulation library
-RUN pip install netaddr # IP Addr library
-RUN pip install pytz
-RUN pip install django-timezones
-RUN pip install requests
-RUN pip install django-crispy-forms
-RUN pip install django-geoposition
-RUN pip install django-extensions
-RUN pip install django-suit
-RUN pip install django-bitfield
-RUN pip install django-ipware
-RUN pip install django-encrypted-fields
-RUN pip install python-keyczar
-RUN pip install pygraphviz
-RUN pip install dnslib
-RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y python-keystoneclient
-RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y python-novaclient
-RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y python-neutronclient
-RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y python-glanceclient
-RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y python-ceilometerclient
-RUN pip install django_rest_swagger
-RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y python-setuptools
-RUN easy_install django_evolution
-RUN easy_install python_gflags
-RUN easy_install --upgrade httplib2
-RUN easy_install google_api_python_client
-RUN easy_install httplib2.ca_certs_locater
-# Install custom Ansible
-RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y python-crypto
-RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y python-yaml
-RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y openssh-client
-RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y python-paramiko
-RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y python-jinja2
-RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y python-httplib2
-RUN git clone -b release1.8.2 git:// /opt/ansible
-RUN git clone -b release1.8.2 git:// /opt/ansible/lib/ansible/modules/extras
-RUN git clone -b release1.8.2 git:// /opt/ansible/v2/ansible/modules/extras
-RUN git clone git:// /opt/ansible/lib/ansible/modules/core
-RUN git clone git:// /opt/ansible/v2/ansible/modules/core
-ADD ansible-hosts /etc/ansible/hosts
-ADD /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/suit/static/suit/js/
-# For Observer
-RUN git clone git:// /tmp/fofum
-RUN cd /tmp/fofum; python install
-RUN rm -rf /tmp/fofum
-RUN mkdir -p /usr/local/share /bin
-ADD /usr/local/share/
-RUN tar jxvf /usr/local/share/phantomjs-1.7.0-linux-x86_64.tar.bz2 -C /usr/local/share/
-RUN rm -f /usr/local/share/phantomjs-1.7.0-linux-x86_64.tar.bz2
-RUN ln -s /usr/local/share/phantomjs-1.7.0-linux-x86_64 /usr/local/share/phantomjs
-RUN ln -s /usr/local/share/phantomjs/bin/phantomjs /bin/phantomjs
-# Supervisor
-RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y supervisor
-ADD observer.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/
-# Get XOS
-ADD xos /opt/xos
-# Initscript is broken in Ubuntu
-#ADD observer-initscript /etc/init.d/xosobserver
-RUN chmod +x /opt/xos/scripts/opencloud
-RUN /opt/xos/scripts/opencloud genkeys
-# Workaround for AUFS issue
-RUN mkdir /etc/ssl/private-copy; mv /etc/ssl/private/* /etc/ssl/private-copy/; rm -r /etc/ssl/private; mv /etc/ssl/private-copy /etc/ssl/private; chmod -R 0700 /etc/ssl/private; chown -R postgres /etc/ssl/private
-# Set postgres password to match default value in
-RUN service postgresql start; sudo -u postgres psql -c "alter user postgres with password 'password';"
-# Turn DEBUG on so that devel server will serve static files
-#    (not necessary if --insecure is passed to ' runserver')
-# RUN sed -i 's/DEBUG = False/DEBUG = True/' /opt/xos/xos/
-# Cruft to workaround problems with migrations, should go away...
-RUN /opt/xos/scripts/opencloud remigrate
-# git clone uses cached copy, doesn't pick up latest
-RUN git -C /opt/ansible pull
-RUN git -C /opt/ansible/lib/ansible/modules/core pull
-RUN git -C /opt/ansible/v2/ansible/modules/core pull
-# install Tosca engine
-RUN apt-get install -y m4
-RUN pip install python-dateutil
-RUN bash /opt/xos/tosca/
-EXPOSE 8000
-# Set environment variables.
-ENV HOME /root
-# Define working directory.
-WORKDIR /root
-# Define default command.
-#CMD ["/bin/bash"]
-CMD /opt/xos/scripts/docker_start_xos
diff --git a/Dockerfile.cord b/Dockerfile.cord
deleted file mode 100644
index ee0879d..0000000
--- a/Dockerfile.cord
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-FROM       xos:latest
-MAINTAINER Andy Bavier <>
-ADD xos/observers/vcpe/supervisor/vcpe-observer.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/
-RUN sed -i 's/proxy_ssh=True/proxy_ssh=False/' /opt/xos/observers/vcpe/vcpe_observer_config
-ADD xos/observers/monitoring_channel/supervisor/monitoring_channel_observer.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/
-RUN sed -i 's/proxy_ssh=True/proxy_ssh=False/' /opt/xos/observers/monitoring_channel/monitoring_channel_observer_config
diff --git a/README.Docker b/README.Docker
deleted file mode 100644
index 0076bca..0000000
--- a/README.Docker
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-The Dockerfile in this directory will build a Docker image for running
-XOS using the Django development server.  It copies whatever files are 
-in the local repository into the image. Here's how to do it:
-1. A minimal initial_data.json is provided. The login credentials
-   for this initial_data.json are, 
-   password=letmein.
-   This initial_data.json doesn't contain any nodes and is suitable
-   for fresh installations. To obtain an initial_data.json (for demo
-   purposes) that contains an interesting set of Nodes and Slices,
-   a dump can be made on
-   1) log in to portal, and run:
-         $ sudo /opt/xos/scripts/opencloud dumpdata
-   2) replace the initial_data.json file with the dumpdata
-      file produced above.
-2. $ docker build -t xos .
-3. $ docker run -t -i -p 8000:8000 xos
-4. Now you will have a bash prompt as root inside the XOS container.
-   Start up XOS:
-   # /opt/xos/scripts/opencloud runserver
-You can access the XOS login at http:<server>:8000, where <server> is
-the name of the server running Docker.
-5. From another terminal window, you can run following command to find
-the running container id
-   $ docker ps
-    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
-    a3b668454d21        xos:latest          "/bin/bash"         3 hours ago         Up 3 hours>8000/tcp   romantic_bohr
-and then you can have another bash prompt (in a different TTY) as root inside the XOS container.
-   $ docker exec -it a3b668454d21 bash
-and start observer
-    # python /opt/xos/
-* Test Observer
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index 20ba51a..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-set -x
-# This script assumes that it is being run on the ctl node of the OpenStack
-# profile on CloudLab.
-# Create public key if none present
-[ -e ~/.ssh/id_rsa ] || cat /dev/zero | ssh-keygen -q -N ""
-# Install Docker
-which docker > /dev/null || wget -qO- | sh
-sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami)
-sudo apt-get -y install httpie
-if [ "$CORD" -ne 0 ]
-    cp ~/.ssh/ xos/observers/vcpe/vcpe_public_key
-    cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa     xos/observers/vcpe/vcpe_private_key
-    cp ~/.ssh/ xos/observers/monitoring_channel/monitoring_channel_public_key
-    cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa     xos/observers/monitoring_channel/monitoring_channel_private_key
-cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa     xos/observers/helloworldservice/helloworldservice_private_key
-sudo docker build -t xos .
-if [ "$CORD" -ne 0 ]
-    sudo docker build -t cord -f Dockerfile.cord .
-    IMAGE="cord"
-# OpenStack is using port 8000...
-MYIP=$( hostname -i )
-MYFLATLANIF=$( sudo bash -c "netstat -i" |grep flat|awk '{print $1}' )
-MYFLATLANIP=$( ifconfig $MYFLATLANIF | grep "inet addr" | awk -F: '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}' )
-sudo docker run -d --add-host="ctl:$MYIP" -p 9999:8000 $IMAGE
-echo "Waiting for XOS to come up"
-until http $XOS &> /dev/null
-    sleep 1
-# Copy public key
-# BUG: Shouldn't have to set the 'enacted' field...
-PUBKEY=$( cat ~/.ssh/ )
-http --auth $AUTH PATCH $XOS/xos/users/1/ public_key="$PUBKEY" enacted=$( date "+%Y-%m-%dT%T")
-# Set up controller
-sudo cp /root/setup/ /tmp
-sudo chmod a+r /tmp/
-#sudo sed -i 's/:5000/:35357/' /tmp/
-source /tmp/
-if [ "$CORD" -ne 1 ]
-     http --auth $AUTH POST $XOS/xos/controllers/ name=CloudLab deployment=$XOS/xos/deployments/1/ backend_type=OpenStack version=Kilo auth_url=$OS_AUTH_URL admin_user=$OS_USERNAME admin_tenant=$OS_TENANT_NAME admin_password=$OS_PASSWORD domain=Default
-     sudo cp /root/setup/settings /tmp
-     sudo chmod a+r /tmp/settings
-     source /tmp/settings
-     source /tmp/
-     http --auth $AUTH POST $XOS/xos/controllers/ name=CloudLab deployment=$XOS/xos/deployments/1/ backend_type=OpenStack version=Kilo auth_url=$OS_AUTH_URL admin_user=$OS_USERNAME admin_tenant=$OS_TENANT_NAME admin_password=$OS_PASSWORD domain=Default rabbit_host=$MYFLATLANIP rabbit_user=$RABBIT_USER rabbit_password=$RABBIT_PASS
-# Add controller to site
-http --auth $AUTH PATCH $XOS/xos/sitedeployments/1/ controller=$XOS/xos/controllers/1/
-# Add image
-http --auth $AUTH POST $XOS/xos/images/ name=trusty-server-multi-nic disk_format=QCOW2 container_format=BARE
-# Activate image
-http --auth $AUTH POST $XOS/xos/imagedeploymentses/ deployment=$XOS/xos/deployments/1/ image=$XOS/xos/images/1/
-# Add node
-NODES=$( sudo bash -c "source /root/setup/ ; nova hypervisor-list" |grep cloudlab|awk '{print $4}' )
-for NODE in $NODES
-    http --auth $AUTH POST $XOS/xos/nodes/ name=$NODE site_deployment=$XOS/xos/sitedeployments/1/
-# Modify networktemplate/2
-# BUG: Shouldn't have to set the controller_kind field, it's invalid in the initial fixture
-FLATNET=$( sudo bash -c "source /root/setup/ ; neutron net-list" |grep flat|awk '{print $4}' )
-http --auth $AUTH PATCH $XOS/xos/networktemplates/2/ shared_network_name=$FLATNET controller_kind=""
-if [ "$CORD" -ne 0 ]
-    DOCKER=$( sudo docker ps|grep $IMAGE|awk '{print $NF}' )
-    sudo docker exec $DOCKER bash -c "cd /opt/xos/tosca; python samples/cord-cloudlab.yaml; python samples/ceilometer.yaml"
diff --git a/containers/README b/containers/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9891efe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/containers/README
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+1. Introduction
+  XOS is comprised of 3 core services:
+  * A database backend (postgres)
+  * A webserver front end (django)
+  * A synchronizer daemon that interacts with the openstack backend.
+  We have created separate dockerfiles for each of these services, making it easier to
+  build the services independently and also deploy and run them in isolated environments. 
+2. Database Container
+  To build and run the database container:
+  $ cd postgres; make build && make run;
+3. XOS container
+  To build and run the xos webserver container:
+  $ cd xos; make build && make run;
+  You should now be able to access the login page by visiting http://localhost:80 and
+  log in using the default paadmin account. It may be helpful to bootstrap xos with 
+  some sample data; deployment, controllers, sites, slices, etc. You can get started by
+  loading tosca configuration for the opencloud demo dataset:
+  $ cd xos; make runtosca;
+  Or you can create you own tosca configuraton file and customize the dataset however you
+  want. You can all load your own tosca configuration by setting the TOSCA_CONFIG_PATH 
+  environment variable before executing the make command:
+  $ cd xos; TOSCA_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/tosca/config.yaml make runtosca
+4. Synchronizer container
+  The syncornonizer shares many of the same dependencies as the xos container. The synchronizer 
+  container takes advantage of this by building itself on top of the xos image. This means
+  you must build the xos image before building the synchronizer image. The XOS and 
+  synchronizer containers can run on separate hosts, but you must build the xos image
+  on the host that you plan to run the synchronizer container. Assuming you have already 
+  built the xos container, executing the following will build and run the synchronizer container:
+  $ cd synchronizer; make build && make run
diff --git a/containers/observer/Makefile b/containers/observer/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index e7fedf5..0000000
--- a/containers/observer/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-.PHONY: build
-build: ; docker build --rm -t observer .
-.PHONY: run
-run: ; docker run -d --name ${CONTAINER_NAME} observer
-.PHONY: stop
-stop: ; docker stop ${CONTAINER_NAME}
-.PHONY: rm
-rm: ; docker rm ${CONTAINER_NAME}
diff --git a/containers/observer/Dockerfile b/containers/synchronizer/Dockerfile
similarity index 87%
rename from containers/observer/Dockerfile
rename to containers/synchronizer/Dockerfile
index 7ec6592..44b058e 100644
--- a/containers/observer/Dockerfile
+++ b/containers/synchronizer/Dockerfile
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 # For Observer
 RUN mkdir -p /usr/local/share /bin /etc/ansible
-RUN cp /tmp/xos/containers/observer/conf/ansible-hosts /etc/ansible/hosts
+RUN cp /tmp/xos/containers/synchronizer/conf/ansible-hosts /etc/ansible/hosts
 ADD /usr/local/share/
@@ -39,6 +39,6 @@
 # Supervisor
-RUN cp /tmp/xos/containers/observer/conf/observer.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/
+RUN cp /tmp/xos/containers/synchronizer/conf/synchronizer.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/
-CMD /usr/bin/supervisord -c /etc/supervisor/conf.d/observer.conf
+CMD /usr/bin/supervisord -c /etc/supervisor/conf.d/synchronizer.conf
diff --git a/containers/synchronizer/Makefile b/containers/synchronizer/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14520d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/containers/synchronizer/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+.PHONY: build
+build: ; docker build --rm -t synchronizer .
+.PHONY: run
+run: ; docker run -d --name ${CONTAINER_NAME} synchronizer
+.PHONY: stop
+stop: ; docker stop ${CONTAINER_NAME}
+.PHONY: rm
+rm: ; docker rm ${CONTAINER_NAME}
diff --git a/containers/observer/conf/ansible-hosts b/containers/synchronizer/conf/ansible-hosts
similarity index 100%
rename from containers/observer/conf/ansible-hosts
rename to containers/synchronizer/conf/ansible-hosts
diff --git a/containers/observer/conf/observer.conf b/containers/synchronizer/conf/synchronizer.conf
similarity index 62%
rename from containers/observer/conf/observer.conf
rename to containers/synchronizer/conf/synchronizer.conf
index 48f61dd..cda6716 100644
--- a/containers/observer/conf/observer.conf
+++ b/containers/synchronizer/conf/synchronizer.conf
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 pidfile=/var/run/ ; (supervisord pidfile;default
 command=python /opt/xos/
diff --git a/xos/ceilometer/ b/xos/ceilometer/
index 987877c..3ed70b2 100644
--- a/xos/ceilometer/
+++ b/xos/ceilometer/
@@ -81,6 +81,18 @@
     form = MonitoringChannelForm
     suit_form_tabs = (('general','Details'),)
+    actions=['delete_selected_objects']
+    def get_actions(self, request):
+        actions = super(MonitoringChannelAdmin, self).get_actions(request)
+        if 'delete_selected' in actions:
+            del actions['delete_selected']
+        return actions
+    def delete_selected_objects(self, request, queryset):
+        for obj in queryset:
+            obj.delete()
+    delete_selected_objects.short_description = "Delete Selected MonitoringChannel Objects"
     def queryset(self, request):
         return MonitoringChannel.get_tenant_objects_by_user(request.user)
diff --git a/xos/ceilometer/ b/xos/ceilometer/
index a838c4e..3da29dd 100644
--- a/xos/ceilometer/
+++ b/xos/ceilometer/
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
     sync_attributes = ("private_ip", "private_mac",
                        "ceilometer_ip", "ceilometer_mac",
-                       "nat_ip", "nat_mac",)
+                       "nat_ip", "nat_mac", "ceilometer_port",)
     default_attributes = {}
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
         if ceilometer_services:
             self._meta.get_field("provider_service").default = ceilometer_services[0].id
         super(MonitoringChannel, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.set_attribute("use_same_instance_for_multiple_tenants", True)
     def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
         if not self.creator:
@@ -62,7 +63,7 @@
     def addresses(self):
-        if not self.instance:
+        if (not or (not self.instance):
             return {}
         addresses = {}
@@ -132,10 +133,17 @@
         return ", ".join(self.tenant_list)
+    def ceilometer_port(self):
+        # TODO: Find a better logic to choose unique ceilometer port number for each instance 
+        if not
+            return None
+        return
+    @property
     def ceilometer_url(self):
         if not self.ceilometer_ip:
             return None
-        return "http://" + self.private_ip + ":8888/"
+        return "http://" + self.private_ip + ":" + str(self.ceilometer_port) + "/"
 def model_policy_monitoring_channel(pk):
     # TODO: this should be made in to a real model_policy
diff --git a/xos/configurations/common/fixtures.yaml b/xos/configurations/common/fixtures.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d77ca2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/configurations/common/fixtures.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0
+description: Some basic fixtures
+   - custom_types/xos.yaml
+  node_templates:
+    s_tag:
+      type: tosca.nodes.NetworkParameterType
+    c_tag:
+      type: tosca.nodes.NetworkParameterType
+    next_hop:
+      type: tosca.nodes.NetworkParameterType
+    device:
+      type: tosca.nodes.NetworkParameterType
diff --git a/xos/configurations/cord/Makefile.inside b/xos/configurations/cord/Makefile.inside
index c412f25..b8e23f8 100644
--- a/xos/configurations/cord/Makefile.inside
+++ b/xos/configurations/cord/Makefile.inside
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 	bash /opt/xos/scripts/docker_setup_xos
+	python /opt/xos/tosca/ /opt/xos/configurations/common/fixtures.yaml
 	python /opt/xos/tosca/ /opt/xos/configurations/common/cloudlab.yaml
 	python /opt/xos/tosca/ /opt/xos/configurations/common/cloudlab-nodes.yaml
 	python /opt/xos/tosca/ /opt/xos/configurations/cord/cord.yaml
diff --git a/xos/configurations/cord/cord.yaml b/xos/configurations/cord/cord.yaml
index 8945eea..46acde9 100644
--- a/xos/configurations/cord/cord.yaml
+++ b/xos/configurations/cord/cord.yaml
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
     # CORD Services
       type: tosca.nodes.Service
@@ -29,6 +28,7 @@
           view_url: /admin/cord/vcpeservice/$id$/
           backend_network_label: hpc_client
           public_key: { get_artifact: [ SELF, pubkey, LOCAL_FILE] }
+          private_key_fn: /opt/xos/observers/vcpe/vcpe_private_key
           pubkey: /opt/xos/observers/vcpe/vcpe_public_key
@@ -127,14 +127,15 @@
               node: service_volt
               relationship: tosca.relationships.UsedByService
-          dependencies: org.onosproject.olt
+          dependencies: org.onosproject.openflow, org.onosproject.olt
           config_network-cfg.json: >
               "devices" : {
                 "of:0000000000000001" : {
                   "accessDevice" : {
                     "uplink" : "2",
-                    "vlan"   : "400"
+                    "vlan"   : "222",
+                    "defaultVlan" : "1"
                   "basic" : {
                     "driver" : "default"
@@ -402,6 +403,15 @@
                 node: mysite_clients
                 relationship: tosca.relationships.MemberOfSlice
+    # docker image for vcpe containers
+    andybavier/docker-vcpe:
+      # TODO: need to attach this to mydeployment
+      type: tosca.nodes.Image
+      properties:
+        kind: container
+        container_format: na
+        disk_format: na
     # A subscriber
     My House:
        type: tosca.nodes.CORDSubscriber
diff --git a/xos/configurations/cord/dataplane/dataplane.yaml b/xos/configurations/cord/dataplane/dataplane.yaml
index 4799515..026ec89 100644
--- a/xos/configurations/cord/dataplane/dataplane.yaml
+++ b/xos/configurations/cord/dataplane/dataplane.yaml
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
     controller_ip: "{{ hostvars['onos_volt']['ansible_ssh_host'] }}"
     controller_port: 6653
+    vcpe_lan_ip: "{{ hostvars['vcpe']['lan_ip'] }}"
   - volt
@@ -73,6 +74,7 @@
     - git
     - python-netifaces
+    - openvswitch-switch
   - name: Checkout the Mininet repo
     git: repo=
@@ -87,14 +89,151 @@
     script: scripts/ {{ subscriber_ip }}
     register: subscriber_net
-  - name: Find lan_network interface
-    script: scripts/ {{ lan_ip }}
-    register: lan_net
+  - name: Create bridge br-sub
+    openvswitch_bridge:
+      bridge=br-sub
+      state=present
+  - name: Add subscriber_net to br-sub
+    openvswitch_port:
+      bridge=br-sub
+      port={{ subscriber_net.stdout }}
+      state=present
+  # The CPqD switch is expecting that packets coming from the client have
+  # VLAN tag 1.  However Neutron's OvS configuration eats VLAN-tagged packets.
+  # So tag them with VLAN 1 here before sending to CPqD.
+  #
+  # Note that the VLAN tag is 0 in the real-world setup, but the CPqD switch
+  # seems to have a problem with these packets.
+  # Using OvS to tag packets with VLAN ID 1 is not quite working for some reason.
+  # The packets from the client get tagged OK, but only the first packet from the
+  # VCPE gets its tag stripped off.  Very weird.  That's why we are using veth
+  # devices instead.
+  #- name: Add tag 1 to br-sub port
+  #  shell: ovs-vsctl set port {{ subscriber_net.stdout }} tag=1
+  - name: Create a pair of veth devices
+    shell: ifconfig veth0 >> /dev/null || ip link add veth0 type veth peer name veth1
+  - name: Create veth0.1
+    shell: ifconfig veth0.1 >> /dev/null || ip link add link veth0 name veth0.1 type vlan id 1
+  - name: Bring the interfaces up
+    shell: ip link set {{ item }} up
+    with_items:
+    - veth0
+    - veth1
+    - veth0.1
+  - name: Add veth0.1 to br-sub
+    openvswitch_port:
+      bridge=br-sub
+      port=veth0.1
+      state=present
+  - name: Create bridge br-lan
+    openvswitch_bridge:
+      bridge=br-lan
+      state=present
+  - name: Create tunnel port on br-lan
+    openvswitch_port:
+      bridge=br-lan
+      port=gre0
+      state=present
+  - name: Set up GRE tunnel to vCPE
+    shell: ovs-vsctl set Interface gre0 type=gre options:remote_ip={{ vcpe_lan_ip }}
+  - name: Check if br-lan has an IPv6 address
+    shell: ip addr show br-lan|grep inet6|awk '{print $2}'
+    register: ipv6
+  - name: Remove br-lan IPv6 address if present
+    shell: ifconfig br-lan inet6 del {{ ipv6.stdout }}
+    when: ipv6.stdout != ""
   - name: Run the datapath
-    command: /usr/local/bin/ofdatapath -i {{ subscriber_net.stdout_lines[0] }},{{ lan_net.stdout_lines[0] }} punix:/tmp/s1 -d 000000000001 --no-slicing -D -P
+    command: /usr/local/bin/ofdatapath -i veth1,br-lan punix:/tmp/s1 -d 000000000001 --no-slicing -D -P
   - name: Run the control program
     command: /usr/local/bin/ofprotocol unix:/tmp/s1 tcp:{{ controller_ip }}:{{ controller_port }} --fail=closed --listen=punix:/tmp/s1.listen -D -P
+- hosts: client
+  sudo: yes
+  tags:
+  - client
+  tasks:
+  - name: Fix /etc/hosts
+    lineinfile:
+      dest=/etc/hosts
+      regexp=" localhost"
+      line=" localhost {{ ansible_hostname }}"
+  - name: Install packages
+    apt: name={{ item }}
+      state=latest
+      update_cache=yes
+    with_items:
+    - openvswitch-switch
+    - python-netifaces
+  - name: Create br-sub
+    openvswitch_bridge:
+      bridge=br-sub
+      state=present
+  - name: Find subscriber_network interface
+    script: scripts/ {{ subscriber_ip }}
+    register: client_net
+  - name: Hook up subscriber-network to OvS
+    openvswitch_port:
+      bridge=br-sub
+      port={{ client_net.stdout }}
+      state=present
+  # Run dhclient on br-sub internal interface to issue DHCP request to vCPE
+# This play is just for testing.  The vCPE configuration below will be
+# integrated with the vCPE Synchronizer.
+# Need to change the data model to store both s-tag and c-tag
+- hosts: vcpe
+  sudo: yes
+  vars:
+    volt_lan_ip: "{{ hostvars['switch_volt']['lan_ip'] }}"
+  tags:
+  - vcpe
+  tasks:
+  - name: Install packages
+    apt: name={{ item }}
+      state=latest
+      update_cache=yes
+    with_items:
+    - openvswitch-switch
+  - name: Create br-lan
+    openvswitch_bridge:
+      bridge=br-lan
+      state=present
+  - name: Create tunnel port
+    openvswitch_port:
+      bridge=br-lan
+      port=gre0
+      state=present
+  - name: Configure GRE tunnel to vOLT switch
+    shell: ovs-vsctl set Interface gre0 type=gre options:remote_ip={{ volt_lan_ip }}
+  - name: Restart vCPEs
+    script: scripts/
diff --git a/xos/configurations/cord/dataplane/scripts/ b/xos/configurations/cord/dataplane/scripts/
index be1da48..28524fe 100644
--- a/xos/configurations/cord/dataplane/scripts/
+++ b/xos/configurations/cord/dataplane/scripts/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
     for iface in netifaces.interfaces():
         addrs = netifaces.ifaddresses(iface)
         if 2 in addrs and addrs[2][0]['addr'] == addr:
-            print iface
+            sys.stdout.write(iface)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/xos/configurations/cord/dataplane/scripts/ b/xos/configurations/cord/dataplane/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1c9fce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/configurations/cord/dataplane/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+for VCPE in $( docker ps|grep vcpe|awk '{print $NF}' )
+  service $VCPE stop
+  sleep 1
+  service $VCPE start
diff --git a/xos/configurations/cord/ b/xos/configurations/cord/
index 50a4132..1992e80 100755
--- a/xos/configurations/cord/
+++ b/xos/configurations/cord/
@@ -11,6 +11,6 @@
 echo "Copying the ceilometer vcpe notification agent files /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ceilometer"
 tar -xzf ceilometer_vcpe_notification_agent.tar.gz
 sudo mv ceilometer/network/ext_services /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ceilometer/network/
-sudo mv ceilometer-2015.1.1.egg-info/entry_points.txt /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ceilometer-2015.1.1.egg-info/
+sudo mv ceilometer-2015.1.1.egg-info/entry_points.txt /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ceilometer-*egg-info/
 echo "Restarting ceilometer-agent-notification"
 sudo service ceilometer-agent-notification restart
diff --git a/xos/cord/ b/xos/cord/
index 981f275..686d8ae 100644
--- a/xos/cord/
+++ b/xos/cord/
@@ -162,7 +162,6 @@
     bbs_account = forms.CharField(required=False)
     creator = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=User.objects.all())
     instance = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=Instance.objects.all(),required=False)
-    use_cobm = forms.BooleanField(required=False)
     last_ansible_hash = forms.CharField(required=False)
     def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):

@@ -174,7 +173,6 @@
             self.fields['bbs_account'].initial = self.instance.bbs_account

             self.fields['creator'].initial = self.instance.creator

             self.fields['instance'].initial = self.instance.instance

-            self.fields['use_cobm'].initial = self.instance.use_cobm

             self.fields['last_ansible_hash'].initial = self.instance.last_ansible_hash

         if (not self.instance) or (not

             # default fields for an 'add' form

@@ -182,13 +180,11 @@
             self.fields['creator'].initial = get_request().user

             if VCPEService.get_service_objects().exists():

                self.fields["provider_service"].initial = VCPEService.get_service_objects().all()[0]

-            self.fields['use_cobm'].initial = False


     def save(self, commit=True):

         self.instance.creator = self.cleaned_data.get("creator")

         self.instance.instance = self.cleaned_data.get("instance")

         self.instance.last_ansible_hash = self.cleaned_data.get("last_ansible_hash")

-        self.instance.use_cobm = self.cleaned_data.get("use_cobm")

         return super(VCPETenantForm, self).save(commit=commit)


     class Meta:

@@ -198,7 +194,7 @@
     list_display = ('backend_status_icon', 'id', 'subscriber_tenant' )
     list_display_links = ('backend_status_icon', 'id')
     fieldsets = [ (None, {'fields': ['backend_status_text', 'kind', 'provider_service', 'subscriber_tenant', 'service_specific_id', # 'service_specific_attribute',
-                                     'bbs_account', 'creator', 'use_cobm', 'instance', 'last_ansible_hash'],
+                                     'bbs_account', 'creator', 'instance', 'last_ansible_hash'],
                           'classes':['suit-tab suit-tab-general']})]
     readonly_fields = ('backend_status_text', 'service_specific_attribute', 'bbs_account')
     form = VCPETenantForm
diff --git a/xos/cord/ b/xos/cord/
index afbe3ef..a4e7501 100644
--- a/xos/cord/
+++ b/xos/cord/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 from django.db import models
-from core.models import Service, PlCoreBase, Slice, Instance, Tenant, TenantWithContainer, Node, Image, User, Flavor, Subscriber
+from core.models import Service, PlCoreBase, Slice, Instance, Tenant, TenantWithContainer, Node, Image, User, Flavor, Subscriber, NetworkParameter, NetworkParameterType, Port
 from core.models.plcorebase import StrippedCharField
 import os
 from django.db import models, transaction
@@ -351,7 +351,6 @@
             vcpe = VCPETenant(provider_service = vcpeServices[0],
                               subscriber_tenant = self)
             vcpe.caller = self.creator
-            # vcpe.use_cobm = True # XXX XXX XXX remove before checking XXX XXX XXX
     def manage_subscriber(self):
@@ -679,6 +678,36 @@
                 self.bbs_account = None
                 super(VCPETenant, self).save()
+    def find_or_make_port(self, instance, network, **kwargs):
+        port = Port.objects.filter(instance=instance, network=network)
+        if port:
+            port = port[0]
+        else:
+            port = Port(instance=instance, network=network, **kwargs)
+        return port
+    def save_instance(self, instance):
+        with transaction.atomic():
+            instance.volumes = "/etc/dnsmasq.d"
+            super(VCPETenant, self).save_instance(instance)
+            if instance.isolation in ["container", "container_vm"]:
+                lan_networks = [x for x in instance.slice.networks.all() if "lan" in]
+                if not lan_networks:
+                    raise XOSProgrammingError("No lan_network")
+                port = self.find_or_make_port(instance, lan_networks[0], ip="", port_id="unmanaged")
+                port.set_parameter("c_tag", self.volt.c_tag)
+                port.set_parameter("s_tag", self.volt.s_tag)
+                port.set_parameter("device", "eth1")
+                wan_networks = [x for x in instance.slice.networks.all() if "wan" in]
+                if not wan_networks:
+                    raise XOSProgrammingError("No wan_network")
+                port = self.find_or_make_port(instance, wan_networks[0])
+                port.set_parameter("next_hop", value="")   # FIX ME
+                port.set_parameter("device", "eth0")
     def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
         if not self.creator:
             if not getattr(self, "caller", None):
diff --git a/xos/core/ b/xos/core/
index ce7759c..26c6dba 100644
--- a/xos/core/
+++ b/xos/core/
@@ -880,7 +880,7 @@
 class ServiceAdmin(XOSBaseAdmin):
     list_display = ("backend_status_icon","name","kind","versionNumber","enabled","published")
     list_display_links = ('backend_status_icon', 'name', )
-    fieldList = ["backend_status_text","name","kind","description","versionNumber","enabled","published","view_url","icon_url","public_key","service_specific_attribute","service_specific_id"]
+    fieldList = ["backend_status_text","name","kind","description","versionNumber","enabled","published","view_url","icon_url","public_key","private_key_fn","service_specific_attribute","service_specific_id"]
     fieldsets = [(None, {'fields': fieldList, 'classes':['suit-tab suit-tab-general']})]
     inlines = [ServiceAttrAsTabInline,SliceInline,ProviderTenantInline,SubscriberTenantInline,ServicePrivilegeInline]
     readonly_fields = ('backend_status_text', )
@@ -1051,7 +1051,7 @@
 class SliceAdmin(XOSBaseAdmin):
     form = SliceForm
-    fieldList = ['backend_status_text', 'site', 'name', 'serviceClass', 'enabled','description', 'service', 'slice_url', 'max_instances']
+    fieldList = ['backend_status_text', 'site', 'name', 'serviceClass', 'enabled','description', 'service', 'slice_url', 'max_instances', "default_isolation"]
     fieldsets = [('Slice Details', {'fields': fieldList, 'classes':['suit-tab suit-tab-general']}),]
     readonly_fields = ('backend_status_text', )
     list_display = ('backend_status_icon', 'name', 'site','serviceClass', 'slice_url', 'max_instances')
@@ -1273,7 +1273,7 @@
     fields = ['backend_status_icon', 'network', 'instance', 'ip', 'mac']
     readonly_fields = ("backend_status_icon", "ip", "mac")
     model = Port
-    selflink_fieldname = "network"
+    #selflink_fieldname = "network"
     extra = 0
     verbose_name_plural = "Ports"
     verbose_name = "Port"
@@ -1282,7 +1282,7 @@
 class InstanceAdmin(XOSBaseAdmin):
     form = InstanceForm
     fieldsets = [
-        ('Instance Details', {'fields': ['backend_status_text', 'slice', 'deployment', 'isolation', 'flavor', 'image', 'node', 'all_ips_string', 'instance_id', 'instance_name', 'ssh_command', ], 'classes': ['suit-tab suit-tab-general'], }),
+        ('Instance Details', {'fields': ['backend_status_text', 'slice', 'deployment', 'isolation', 'flavor', 'image', 'node', 'parent', 'all_ips_string', 'instance_id', 'instance_name', 'ssh_command', ], 'classes': ['suit-tab suit-tab-general'], }),
         ('Container Settings', {'fields': ['volumes'], 'classes': ['suit-tab suit-tab-container'], }),
     readonly_fields = ('backend_status_text', 'ssh_command', 'all_ips_string')
@@ -1764,7 +1764,7 @@
     fields = ['backend_status_icon', 'network', 'instance', 'ip', 'mac']
     readonly_fields = ("backend_status_icon", "ip", "mac")
     model = Port
-    selflink_fieldname = "instance"
+    #selflink_fieldname = "instance"
     extra = 0
     verbose_name_plural = "Ports"
     verbose_name = "Port"
@@ -1843,10 +1843,25 @@
     list_display_links = ('backend_status_icon', 'name', )
     user_readonly_fields = ["name", "guaranteed_bandwidth", "visibility"]
     user_readonly_inlines = []
+    inlines = [NetworkParameterInline,]
     fieldsets = [
         (None, {'fields': ['name', 'description', 'guaranteed_bandwidth', 'visibility', 'translation', 'shared_network_name', 'shared_network_id', 'topology_kind', 'controller_kind'],
                 'classes':['suit-tab suit-tab-general']}),]
-    suit_form_tabs = (('general','Network Template Details'), )
+    suit_form_tabs = (('general','Network Template Details'), ('netparams', 'Parameters') )
+class PortAdmin(XOSBaseAdmin):
+    list_display = ("backend_status_icon", "name", "id", "ip")
+    list_display_links = ('backend_status_icon', 'id')
+    readonly_fields = ("subnet", )
+    inlines = [NetworkParameterInline]
+    fieldsets = [
+        (None, {'fields': ['backend_status_text', 'network', 'instance', 'ip', 'port_id', 'mac'],
+                'classes':['suit-tab suit-tab-general']}),
+                ]
+    readonly_fields = ('backend_status_text', )
+    suit_form_tabs = (('general', 'Port Details'), ('netparams', 'Parameters'))
 class FlavorAdmin(XOSBaseAdmin):
     list_display = ("backend_status_icon", "name", "flavor", "order", "default")
@@ -2035,6 +2050,7 @@, ServiceAdmin), ReservationAdmin), NetworkAdmin), PortAdmin), RouterAdmin), NetworkTemplateAdmin), ProgramAdmin)
diff --git a/xos/core/models/ b/xos/core/models/
deleted file mode 100644
index ae1d198..0000000
--- a/xos/core/models/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-import os
-from django.db import models
-from django.db.models import Q
-from django.core import exceptions
-from core.models import PlCoreBase,PlCoreBaseManager,PlCoreBaseDeletionManager
-from core.models.plcorebase import StrippedCharField
-from core.models import Image
-from core.models import Slice, SlicePrivilege
-from core.models import Node
-from core.models import Site
-from core.models import Deployment
-from core.models import Controller
-from core.models import User
-from core.models import Tag
-from core.models import Flavor
-from django.contrib.contenttypes import generic
-from xos.config import Config
-from monitor import driver as monitor
-from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied, ValidationError
-config = Config()
-# Create your models here.
-class Container(PlCoreBase):
-    name = StrippedCharField(max_length=200, help_text="Container name")
-    slice = models.ForeignKey(Slice, related_name='containers')
-    node = models.ForeignKey(Node, related_name='containers')
-    creator = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name='containers', blank=True, null=True)
-    docker_image = StrippedCharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=200, help_text="name of docker container to instantiate")
-    volumes = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True, help_text="Comma-separated list of volumes")
-    def __unicode__(self):
-        return u'container-%s' % str(
-    def save(self, *args, **kwds):
-        if not
-   =
-        if not self.creator and hasattr(self, 'caller'):
-            self.creator = self.caller
-        if not self.creator:
-            raise ValidationError('container has no creator')
-        if (self.slice.creator != self.creator):
-            # Check to make sure there's a slice_privilege for the user. If there
-            # isn't, then keystone will throw an exception inside the observer.
-            slice_privs = SlicePrivilege.objects.filter(slice=self.slice, user=self.creator)
-            if not slice_privs:
-                raise ValidationError('container creator has no privileges on slice')
-# XXX smbaker - disabled for now, was causing fault in tenant view create slice
-#        if not self.controllerNetwork.test_acl(slice=self.slice):
-#            raise exceptions.ValidationError("Deployment %s's ACL does not allow any of this slice %s's users" % (,
-        super(Container, self).save(*args, **kwds)
-    def can_update(self, user):
-        return True
-    @staticmethod
-    def select_by_user(user):
-        if user.is_admin:
-            qs = Container.objects.all()
-        else:
-            slices = Slice.select_by_user(user)
-            qs = Container.objects.filter(slice__in=slices)
-        return qs
-    def get_public_keys(self):
-        slice_memberships = SlicePrivilege.objects.filter(slice=self.slice)
-        pubkeys = set([sm.user.public_key for sm in slice_memberships if sm.user.public_key])
-        if self.creator.public_key:
-            pubkeys.add(self.creator.public_key)
-        if self.slice.creator.public_key:
-            pubkeys.add(self.slice.creator.public_key)
-        if self.slice.service and self.slice.service.public_key:
-            pubkeys.add(self.slice.service.public_key)
-        return pubkeys
diff --git a/xos/core/models/ b/xos/core/models/
index 927c8e3..cd7dd26 100644
--- a/xos/core/models/
+++ b/xos/core/models/
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
 # Create your models here.
 class Instance(PlCoreBase):
-    ISOLATION_CHOICES = (('vm', 'Virtual Machine'), ('container', 'Container'), )
+    ISOLATION_CHOICES = (('vm', 'Virtual Machine'), ('container', 'Container'), ('container_vm', 'Container In VM'))
     objects = InstanceManager()
     deleted_objects = InstanceDeletionManager()
@@ -90,7 +90,6 @@
     instance_name = StrippedCharField(blank=True, null=True, max_length=200, help_text="OpenStack generated name")
     ip = models.GenericIPAddressField(help_text="Instance ip address", blank=True, null=True)
     image = models.ForeignKey(Image, related_name='instances')
-    #key = models.ForeignKey(Key, related_name='instances')
     creator = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name='instances', blank=True, null=True)
     slice = models.ForeignKey(Slice, related_name='instances')
     deployment = models.ForeignKey(Deployment, verbose_name='deployment', related_name='instance_deployment')
@@ -101,6 +100,7 @@
     userData = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True, help_text="user_data passed to instance during creation")
     isolation = models.CharField(null=False, blank=False, max_length=30, choices=ISOLATION_CHOICES, default="vm")
     volumes = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True, help_text="Comma-separated list of directories to expose to parent context")
+    parent = models.ForeignKey("Instance", null=True, blank=True, help_text="Parent Instance for containers nested inside of VMs")
     def __unicode__(self):
         if and Slice.objects.filter(id=self.slice_id) and ( !=
@@ -124,6 +124,19 @@
         if not self.creator:
             raise ValidationError('instance has no creator')
+        if (self.isolation == "container") or (self.isolation == "container_vm"):
+            if (self.image.kind != "container"):
+                raise ValidationError("Container instance must use container image")
+        elif (self.isolation == "vm"):
+            if (self.image.kind != "vm"):
+                raise ValidationError("VM instance must use VM image")
+        if (self.isolation == "container_vm") and (not self.parent):
+            raise ValidationError("Container-vm instance must have a parent")
+        if (self.parent) and (self.isolation != "container_vm"):
+            raise ValidationError("Parent field can only be set on Container-vm instances")
         if (self.slice.creator != self.creator):
             # Check to make sure there's a slice_privilege for the user. If there
             # isn't, then keystone will throw an exception inside the observer.
diff --git a/xos/core/models/ b/xos/core/models/
index b12068c..6894f9f 100644
--- a/xos/core/models/
+++ b/xos/core/models/
@@ -64,7 +64,38 @@
     except Exception,e:
         raise ValidationError(str(e))
-class NetworkTemplate(PlCoreBase):
+class ParameterMixin(object):
+    # helper classes for dealing with NetworkParameter
+    def get_parameters(self):
+        parameter_dict = {}
+        instance_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self)
+        for param in NetworkParameter.objects.filter(,
+            parameter_dict[] = param.value
+        return parameter_dict
+    def set_parameter(self, name, value):
+        instance_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self)
+        existing_params = NetworkParameter.objects.filter(parameter__name=name,,
+        if existing_params:
+            p=existing_params[0]
+            p.value = value
+        else:
+            pt = NetworkParameterType.objects.get(name=name)
+            p = NetworkParameter(parameter=pt, content_type=instance_type,, value=value)
+    def unset_parameter(self, name):
+        instance_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self)
+        existing_params = NetworkParameter.objects.filter(parameter__name=name,,
+        for p in existing_params:
+            p.delete()
+class NetworkTemplate(PlCoreBase, ParameterMixin):
     VISIBILITY_CHOICES = (('public', 'public'), ('private', 'private'))
     TRANSLATION_CHOICES = (('none', 'none'), ('NAT', 'NAT'))
     TOPOLOGY_CHOICES = (('bigswitch', 'BigSwitch'), ('physical', 'Physical'), ('custom', 'Custom'))
@@ -97,7 +128,7 @@
     def __unicode__(self):  return u'%s' % (
-class Network(PlCoreBase):
+class Network(PlCoreBase, ParameterMixin):
     name = models.CharField(max_length=32)
     template = models.ForeignKey(NetworkTemplate)
     subnet = models.CharField(max_length=32, blank=True)
@@ -147,6 +178,14 @@
             qs = Network.objects.filter(owner__in=slices)
         return qs
+    def get_parameters(self):
+        # returns parameters from the template, updated by self.
+        p={}
+        if self.template:
+            p = self.template.get_parameters()
+        p.update(ParameterMixin.get_parameters(self))
+        return p
 class ControllerNetwork(PlCoreBase):
     objects = ControllerLinkManager()
     deleted_objects = ControllerLinkDeletionManager()
@@ -161,7 +200,7 @@
     class Meta:
         unique_together = ('network', 'controller')
     def select_by_user(user):
         if user.is_admin:
@@ -208,14 +247,12 @@
             qs = NetworkSlice.objects.filter(Q(slice__in=slice_ids) | Q(network__in=network_ids))
         return qs
-class Port(PlCoreBase):
+class Port(PlCoreBase, ParameterMixin):
     network = models.ForeignKey(Network,related_name='links')
     instance = models.ForeignKey(Instance, null=True, blank=True, related_name='ports')
     ip = models.GenericIPAddressField(help_text="Instance ip address", blank=True, null=True)
-    port_id = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=256, help_text="Quantum port id")
+    port_id = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=256, help_text="Neutron port id")
     mac = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=256, help_text="MAC address associated with this port")
-    #unattached = models.BooleanField(default=False, help_text="create this port even if no Instance is attached")
-    segmentation_id = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=256, help_text="GRE segmentation id for port")
     class Meta:
         unique_together = ('network', 'instance')
@@ -257,6 +294,14 @@
             qs = Port.objects.filter(Q(instance__in=instance_ids) | Q(network__in=network_ids))
         return qs
+    def get_parameters(self):
+        # returns parameters from the network, updated by self.
+        p={}
+        if
+            p =
+        p.update(ParameterMixin.get_parameters(self))
+        return p
 class Router(PlCoreBase):
     name = models.CharField(max_length=32)
     owner = models.ForeignKey(Slice, related_name="routers")
diff --git a/xos/core/models/ b/xos/core/models/
index 9646ce8..49c534a 100644
--- a/xos/core/models/
+++ b/xos/core/models/
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
     view_url = StrippedCharField(blank=True, null=True, max_length=1024)
     icon_url = StrippedCharField(blank=True, null=True, max_length=1024)
     public_key = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=1024, help_text="Public key string")
+    private_key_fn = StrippedCharField(blank=True, null=True, max_length=1024)
     # Service_specific_attribute and service_specific_id are opaque to XOS
     service_specific_id = StrippedCharField(max_length=30, blank=True, null=True)
@@ -346,6 +347,8 @@
                      "trusty-server-multi-nic", # CloudLab
+    LOOK_FOR_CONTAINER_IMAGES=["andybavier/docker-vcpe"]
     class Meta:
         proxy = True
@@ -353,8 +356,6 @@
         super(TenantWithContainer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
         self.orig_instance_id = self.get_initial_attribute("instance_id")
-#        self.cached_container=None
-#        self.orig_container_id = self.get_initial_attribute("container_id")
@@ -381,30 +382,6 @@
         self.set_attribute("instance_id", value)
-#    @property
-#    def container(self):
-#        from core.models import Container
-#        if getattr(self, "cached_container", None):
-#            return self.cached_container
-#        container_id=self.get_attribute("container_id")
-#        if not container_id:
-#            return None
-#        containers=Container.objects.filter(id=container_id)
-#        if not containers:
-#            return None
-#        container=containers[0]
-#        container.caller = self.creator
-#        self.cached_container = container
-#        return container
-#    @container.setter
-#    def container(self, value):
-#        if value:
-#            value =
-#        if (value != self.get_attribute("container_id", None)):
-#            self.cached_container=None
-#        self.set_attribute("container_id", value)
     def creator(self):
         from core.models import User
@@ -433,20 +410,23 @@
         from core.models import Image
         # Implement the logic here to pick the image that should be used when
         # instantiating the VM that will hold the container.
-        for image_name in self.LOOK_FOR_IMAGES:
+        slice = self.provider_service.slices.all()
+        if not slice:
+            raise XOSProgrammingError("provider service has no slice")
+        slice = slice[0]
+        if slice.default_isolation in ["container", "container_vm"]:
+            look_for_images = self.LOOK_FOR_CONTAINER_IMAGES
+        else:
+            look_for_images = self.LOOK_FOR_IMAGES
+        for image_name in look_for_images:
             images = Image.objects.filter(name = image_name)
             if images:
                 return images[0]
-        raise XOSProgrammingError("No VPCE image (looked for %s)" % str(self.LOOK_FOR_IMAGES))
-    @property
-    def use_cobm(self):
-        return self.get_attribute("use_cobm", False)
-    @use_cobm.setter
-    def use_cobm(self, v):
-        self.set_attribute("use_cobm", v)
+        raise XOSProgrammingError("No VPCE image (looked for %s)" % str(self.look_for_images))
     def creator(self, value):
@@ -464,15 +444,35 @@
         nodes = sorted(nodes, key=lambda node: node.instances.all().count())
         return nodes[0]
-#    def pick_node_for_container_on_metal(self):
-#        from core.models import Node
-#        nodes = list(Node.objects.all())
-#        # TODO: logic to filter nodes by which nodes are up, and which
-#        #   nodes the slice can instantiate on.
-#        nodes = sorted(nodes, key=lambda node: node.containers.all().count())
-#        return nodes[0]
+    def save_instance(self, instance):
+        # Override this function to do custom pre-save or post-save processing,
+        # such as creating ports for containers.
-    def manage_container_in_instance(self):
+    def pick_vm(self):
+        # for container-in-VM, pick a VM
+        raise "Not Implemented"
+    def pick_least_loaded_instance_in_slice(self, slices):
+        for slice in slices:
+            if slice.instances.all().count() > 0:
+                for instance in slice.instances.all():
+                     #Pick the first instance that has lesser than 5 tenants 
+                     if self.count_of_tenants_of_an_instance(instance) < 5:
+                         return instance
+        return None
+    #TODO: Ideally the tenant count for an instance should be maintained using a 
+    #many-to-one relationship attribute, however this model being proxy, it does 
+    #not permit any new attributes to be defined. Find if any better solutions 
+    def count_of_tenants_of_an_instance(self, instance):
+        tenant_count = 0
+        for tenant in self.get_tenant_objects().all():
+            if tenant.get_attribute("instance_id", None) ==
+                tenant_count += 1
+        return tenant_count
+    def manage_container(self):
         from core.models import Instance, Flavor
         if self.deleted:
@@ -484,105 +484,57 @@
         if self.instance is None:
             if not self.provider_service.slices.count():
-                raise XOSConfigurationError("The VCPE service has no slices")
+                raise XOSConfigurationError("The service has no slices")
-            flavors = Flavor.objects.filter(name="m1.small")
-            if not flavors:
-                raise XOSConfigurationError("No m1.small flavor")
+            new_instance_created = False
+            instance = None
+            if self.get_attribute("use_same_instance_for_multiple_tenants", default=False):
+                #Find if any existing instances can be used for this tenant
+                slices = self.provider_service.slices.all()
+                instance = self.pick_least_loaded_instance_in_slice(slices)
-            node =self.pick_node_for_instance()
-            instance = Instance(slice = self.provider_service.slices.all()[0],
-                            node = node,
-                            image = self.image,
-                            creator = self.creator,
-                            deployment = node.site_deployment.deployment,
-                            flavor = flavors[0])
+            if not instance:
+                flavors = Flavor.objects.filter(name="m1.small")
+                if not flavors:
+                    raise XOSConfigurationError("No m1.small flavor")
+                node =self.pick_node_for_instance()
+                slice = self.provider_service.slices.all()[0]
+                if slice.default_isolation == "container_vm":
+                    parent = self.pick_vm()
+                else:
+                    parent = None
+                instance = Instance(slice = slice,
+                                node = node,
+                                image = self.image,
+                                creator = self.creator,
+                                deployment = node.site_deployment.deployment,
+                                flavor = flavors[0],
+                                isolation = slice.default_isolation,
+                                parent = parent)
+                self.save_instance(instance)
+                new_instance_created = True
                 self.instance = instance
                 super(TenantWithContainer, self).save()
-                instance.delete()
+                if new_instance_created:
+                    instance.delete()
-#    def manage_container_on_metal(self):
-#        from core.models import Container, Instance, Flavor, Port
-#        if self.deleted:
-#            return
-#        if (self.container is not None):
-#            self.container.delete()
-#            self.container = None
-#        if self.container is None:
-#            if not self.provider_service.slices.count():
-#                raise XOSConfigurationError("The VCPE service has no slices")
-#            slice = self.provider_service.slices.all()[0]
-#            node = self.pick_node_for_container_on_metal()
-#            # Our current docker network strategy requires that there be some
-#            # instance on the server that connects to the networks, so that
-#            # the containers can piggyback off of that configuration.
-#            instances = Instance.objects.filter(slice=slice, node=node)
-#            if not instances:
-#                flavors = Flavor.objects.filter(name="m1.small")
-#                if not flavors:
-#                    raise XOSConfigurationError("No m1.small flavor")
-#                node =self.pick_node_for_instance()
-#                instance = Instance(slice = self.provider_service.slices.all()[0],
-#                                node = node,
-#                                image = self.image,
-#                                creator = self.creator,
-#                                deployment = node.site_deployment.deployment,
-#                                flavor = flavors[0])
-#            # Now make the container...
-#            container = Container(slice = slice,
-#                            node = node,
-#                            docker_image = "andybavier/docker-vcpe",
-#                            creator = self.creator,
-#                            no_sync=True)
-#            # ... and add the ports for the container
-#            # XXX probably should be done in model_policy
-#            for network in slice.networks.all():
-#                if ("-nat")):
-#                    continue
-#                port = Port(network = network,
-#                            container = container)
-#            container.no_sync = False
-#            try:
-#                self.container = container
-#                super(TenantWithContainer, self).save()
-#            except:
-#                container.delete()
-#                raise
-    def manage_container(self):
-#        if self.use_cobm:
-#            self.manage_container_on_metal()
-#        else:
-            self.manage_container_in_instance()
     def cleanup_container(self):
         if self.instance:
-            # print "XXX cleanup instance", self.instance
-            self.instance.delete()
+            if self.get_attribute("use_same_instance_for_multiple_tenants", default=False):
+                #Delete the instance only if this is last tenant in that instance
+                tenant_count = self.count_of_tenants_of_an_instance(self.instance)
+                if tenant_count == 0:
+                    self.instance.delete()
+            else:
+                self.instance.delete()
             self.instance = None
-#        if self.container:
-#            # print "XXX cleanup container", self.container
-#            self.container.delete()
-#            self.container = None
 class CoarseTenant(Tenant):
     """ TODO: rename "CoarseTenant" --> "StaticTenant" """
diff --git a/xos/core/models/ b/xos/core/models/
index 18d3cb6..df36b26 100644
--- a/xos/core/models/
+++ b/xos/core/models/
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
 # Create your models here.
 class Slice(PlCoreBase):
+    ISOLATION_CHOICES = (('vm', 'Virtual Machine'), ('container', 'Container'), ('container_vm', 'Container In VM'))
     name = StrippedCharField(unique=True, help_text="The Name of the Slice", max_length=80)
     enabled = models.BooleanField(default=True, help_text="Status for this Slice")
     omf_friendly = models.BooleanField(default=False)
@@ -37,6 +39,8 @@
     default_image = models.ForeignKey(Image, related_name = "slices", null=True, blank=True);
     mount_data_sets = StrippedCharField(default="GenBank",null=True, blank=True, max_length=256)
+    default_isolation = models.CharField(null=False, blank=False, max_length=30, choices=ISOLATION_CHOICES, default="vm")
     def __unicode__(self):  return u'%s' % (
diff --git a/xos/model_policies/ b/xos/model_policies/
index 23761f3..40f52bb 100644
--- a/xos/model_policies/
+++ b/xos/model_policies/
@@ -44,5 +44,5 @@
 		cn.backend_register = '{}'
-    if (instance.isolation=="container"):
+    if (instance.isolation in ["container", "container_vm"]):
diff --git a/xos/observers/base/ b/xos/observers/base/
index 901bc97..5bb8250 100644
--- a/xos/observers/base/
+++ b/xos/observers/base/
@@ -44,9 +44,11 @@
         return o.instance
-    def run_playbook(self, o, fields):
+    def run_playbook(self, o, fields, template_name=None):
+        if not template_name:
+            template_name = self.template_name
         tStart = time.time()
-        run_template_ssh(self.template_name, fields)
+        run_template_ssh(template_name, fields)"playbook execution time %d" % int(time.time()-tStart))
     def pre_sync_hook(self, o, fields):
@@ -61,14 +63,83 @@
     def prepare_record(self, o):
+    def get_node(self,o):
+        return o.node
+    def get_node_key(self, node):
+        return "/root/setup/node_key"
+    def get_ansible_fields(self, instance):
+        # return all of the fields that tell Ansible how to talk to the context
+        # that's setting up the container.
+        if (instance.isolation == "vm"):
+            # legacy where container was configured by
+            fields = { "instance_name":,
+                       "hostname":,
+                       "instance_id": instance.instance_id,
+                       "username": "ubuntu",
+                     }
+            key_name = self.service_key_name
+        elif (instance.isolation == "container"):
+            # container on bare metal
+            node = self.get_node(instance)
+            hostname =
+            fields = { "hostname": hostname,
+                       "baremetal_ssh": True,
+                       "instance_name": "rootcontext",
+                       "username": "root",
+                       "container_name": "%s-%s" % (, str(
+                     }
+            key_name = self.get_node_key(node)
+        else:
+            # container in a VM
+            if not instance.parent:
+                raise Exception("Container-in-VM has no parent")
+            if not instance.parent.instance_id:
+                raise Exception("Container-in-VM parent is not yet instantiated")
+            if not instance.parent.slice.service:
+                raise Exception("Container-in-VM parent has no service")
+            if not instance.parent.slice.service.private_key_fn:
+                raise Exception("Container-in-VM parent service has no private_key_fn")
+            fields = { "hostname":,
+                       "instance_name":,
+                       "instance_id": instance.parent.instance_id,
+                       "username": "ubuntu",
+                       "nat_ip": instance.parent.get_ssh_ip(),
+                       "container_name": "%s-%s" % (, str(
+                         }
+            key_name = instance.parent.slice.service.private_key_fn
+        if not os.path.exists(key_name):
+            raise Exception("Node key %s does not exist" % node_key_name)
+        key = file(key_name).read()
+        fields["private_key"] = key
+        # now the ceilometer stuff
+        cslice = ControllerSlice.objects.get(slice=instance.slice)
+        if not cslice:
+            raise Exception("Controller slice object for %s does not exist" %
+        cuser = ControllerUser.objects.get(user=instance.creator)
+        if not cuser:
+            raise Exception("Controller user object for %s does not exist" % instance.creator)
+        fields.update({"keystone_tenant_id": cslice.tenant_id,
+                       "keystone_user_id": cuser.kuser_id,
+                       "rabbit_user": instance.controller.rabbit_user,
+                       "rabbit_password": instance.controller.rabbit_password,
+                       "rabbit_host": instance.controller.rabbit_host})
+        return fields
     def sync_record(self, o):"sync'ing object %s" % str(o))
-        if not os.path.exists(self.service_key_name):
-            raise Exception("Service key %s does not exist" % self.service_key_name)
-        service_key = file(self.service_key_name).read()
         instance = self.get_instance(o)
@@ -92,25 +163,9 @@
                 self.defer_sync(o, "waiting on instance.instance_name")
-            cslice = ControllerSlice.objects.get(slice=instance.slice)
-            if not cslice:
-                raise Exception("Controller slice object for %s does not exist" %
+            fields = self.get_ansible_fields(instance)
-            cuser = ControllerUser.objects.get(user=instance.creator)
-            if not cuser:
-                raise Exception("Controller user object for %s does not exist" % instance.creator)
-            fields = { "instance_name":,
-                       "hostname":,
-                       "instance_id": instance.instance_id,
-                       "private_key": service_key,
-                       "keystone_tenant_id": cslice.tenant_id,
-                       "keystone_user_id": cuser.kuser_id,
-                       "rabbit_user": instance.controller.rabbit_user,
-                       "rabbit_password": instance.controller.rabbit_password,
-                       "rabbit_host": instance.controller.rabbit_host,
-                       "ansible_tag": o.__class__.__name__ + "_" + str(
-                     }
+            fields["ansible_tag"] =  o.__class__.__name__ + "_" + str(
         # If 'o' defines a 'sync_attributes' list, then we'll copy those
         # attributes into the Ansible recipe's field list automatically.
diff --git a/xos/observers/monitoring_channel/steps/sync_monitoringchannel.yaml b/xos/observers/monitoring_channel/steps/sync_monitoringchannel.yaml
index bbe284f..fb4b73d 100644
--- a/xos/observers/monitoring_channel/steps/sync_monitoringchannel.yaml
+++ b/xos/observers/monitoring_channel/steps/sync_monitoringchannel.yaml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
       headnode_flat_lan_ip: {{ rabbit_host }}
       ceilometer_client_acess_ip: {{ ceilometer_ip }}
       ceilometer_client_acess_mac: {{ ceilometer_mac }}
+      ceilometer_host_port: {{ ceilometer_port }}
         {% for allowed_tenant_id in allowed_tenant_ids %}
         - {{ allowed_tenant_id }}
diff --git a/xos/observers/monitoring_channel/templates/ b/xos/observers/monitoring_channel/templates/
index 10d9ef5..f56c247 100755
--- a/xos/observers/monitoring_channel/templates/
+++ b/xos/observers/monitoring_channel/templates/
@@ -15,13 +15,14 @@
 MONITORING_CHANNEL=monitoring-channel-{{ unique_id }}
 HEADNODEFLATLANIP={{ headnode_flat_lan_ip }}
+HOST_FORWARDING_PORT_FOR_CEILOMETER={{ ceilometer_host_port }}
 docker inspect $MONITORING_CHANNEL > /dev/null 2>&1
 if [ "$?" == 1 ]
     #sudo docker build -t monitoring-channel -f Dockerfile.monitoring_channel .
     sudo docker pull srikanthvavila/monitoring-channel
-    docker run -d --name=$MONITORING_CHANNEL --add-host="ctl:$HEADNODEFLATLANIP" --privileged=true -p 8888:8000 srikanthvavila/monitoring-channel
+    docker run -d --name=$MONITORING_CHANNEL --add-host="ctl:$HEADNODEFLATLANIP" --privileged=true -p $HOST_FORWARDING_PORT_FOR_CEILOMETER:8000 srikanthvavila/monitoring-channel
     docker start $MONITORING_CHANNEL
diff --git a/xos/observers/vcpe/steps/ b/xos/observers/vcpe/steps/
index 120954b..4f3886e 100644
--- a/xos/observers/vcpe/steps/
+++ b/xos/observers/vcpe/steps/
@@ -131,7 +131,8 @@
                 "dnsdemux_ip": dnsdemux_ip,
                 "cdn_prefixes": cdn_prefixes,
                 "bbs_addrs": bbs_addrs,
-                "full_setup": full_setup}
+                "full_setup": full_setup,
+                "isolation": o.instance.isolation}
         # add in the sync_attributes that come from the SubscriberRoot object
@@ -209,7 +210,10 @@
         if quick_update:
   "quick_update triggered; skipping ansible recipe")
-            super(SyncVCPETenant, self).run_playbook(o, fields)
+            if o.instance.isolation in ["container", "container_vm"]:
+                super(SyncVCPETenant, self).run_playbook(o, fields, "sync_vcpetenant_new.yaml")
+            else:
+                super(SyncVCPETenant, self).run_playbook(o, fields)
         o.last_ansible_hash = ansible_hash
diff --git a/xos/observers/vcpe/steps/sync_vcpetenant.yaml b/xos/observers/vcpe/steps/sync_vcpetenant.yaml
index e4d3167..c3b7246 100644
--- a/xos/observers/vcpe/steps/sync_vcpetenant.yaml
+++ b/xos/observers/vcpe/steps/sync_vcpetenant.yaml
@@ -117,27 +117,27 @@
 {% endif %}
   - name: vCPE upstart
-    template: src=/opt/xos/observers/vcpe/templates/vcpe.conf.j2 dest=/etc/init/vcpe-{{ vlan_ids[0] }}.conf
+    template: src=/opt/xos/observers/vcpe/templates/vcpe.conf.j2 dest=/etc/init/vcpe-{{ s_tags[0] }}-{{ c_tags[0] }}.conf
   - name: vCPE startup script
-    template: src=/opt/xos/observers/vcpe/templates/ dest=/usr/local/sbin/start-vcpe-{{ vlan_ids[0] }}.sh mode=0755
+    template: src=/opt/xos/observers/vcpe/templates/ dest=/usr/local/sbin/start-vcpe-{{ s_tags[0] }}-{{ c_tags[0] }}.sh mode=0755
 #    - restart vcpe
      - stop vcpe
      - remove container
      - start vcpe
-  - name: create /etc/vcpe-{{ vlan_ids[0] }}/dnsmasq.d
-    file: path=/etc/vcpe-{{ vlan_ids[0] }}/dnsmasq.d state=directory owner=root group=root
+  - name: create /etc/vcpe-{{ s_tags[0] }}-{{ c_tags[0] }}/dnsmasq.d
+    file: path=/etc/vcpe-{{ s_tags[0] }}-{{ c_tags[0] }}/dnsmasq.d state=directory owner=root group=root
   - name: vCPE basic dnsmasq config
-    copy: src=/opt/xos/observers/vcpe/files/vcpe.dnsmasq dest=/etc/vcpe-{{ vlan_ids[0] }}/dnsmasq.d/vcpe.conf owner=root group=root
+    copy: src=/opt/xos/observers/vcpe/files/vcpe.dnsmasq dest=/etc/vcpe-{{ s_tags[0] }}-{{ c_tags[0] }}/dnsmasq.d/vcpe.conf owner=root group=root
     - stop dnsmasq
     - start dnsmasq
   - name: dnsmasq config
-    template: src=/opt/xos/observers/vcpe/templates/dnsmasq_servers.j2 dest=/etc/vcpe-{{ vlan_ids[0] }}/dnsmasq.d/servers.conf owner=root group=root
+    template: src=/opt/xos/observers/vcpe/templates/dnsmasq_servers.j2 dest=/etc/vcpe-{{ s_tags[0] }}-{{ c_tags[0] }}/dnsmasq.d/servers.conf owner=root group=root
     - stop dnsmasq
     - start dnsmasq
@@ -151,23 +151,23 @@
 #    template: src=/opt/xos/observers/vcpe/templates/firewall_sample.j2 dest=/etc/firewall_sample owner=root group=root
   - name: Make sure vCPE service is running
-    service: name=vcpe-{{ vlan_ids[0] }} state=started
+    service: name=vcpe-{{ s_tags[0] }}-{{ c_tags[0] }} state=started
   - name: stop dnsmasq
-    shell: docker exec vcpe-{{ vlan_ids[0] }} /usr/bin/killall dnsmasq
+    shell: docker exec vcpe-{{ s_tags[0] }}-{{ c_tags[0] }} /usr/bin/killall dnsmasq
   - name: start dnsmasq
-    shell: docker exec vcpe-{{ vlan_ids[0] }} /usr/sbin/service dnsmasq start
+    shell: docker exec vcpe-{{ s_tags[0] }}-{{ c_tags[0] }} /usr/sbin/service dnsmasq start
   - name: restart vcpe
-    shell: service vcpe-{{ vlan_ids[0] }} stop; sleep 1; service vcpe-{{ vlan_ids[0] }} start
+    shell: service vcpe-{{ s_tags[0] }}-{{ c_tags[0] }} stop; sleep 1; service vcpe-{{ s_tags[0] }}-{{ c_tags[0] }} start
   - name: stop vcpe
-    service: name=vcpe-{{ vlan_ids[0] }} state=stopped
+    service: name=vcpe-{{ s_tags[0] }}-{{ c_tags[0] }} state=stopped
   - name: remove container
-    docker: name=vcpe-{{ vlan_ids[0] }} state=absent image=docker-vcpe
+    docker: name=vcpe-{{ s_tags[0] }}-{{ c_tags[0] }} state=absent image=docker-vcpe
   - name: start vcpe
-    service: name=vcpe-{{ vlan_ids[0] }} state=started
+    service: name=vcpe-{{ s_tags[0] }}-{{ c_tags[0] }} state=started
diff --git a/xos/observers/vcpe/steps/sync_vcpetenant_new.yaml b/xos/observers/vcpe/steps/sync_vcpetenant_new.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e96f3c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/observers/vcpe/steps/sync_vcpetenant_new.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+- hosts: {{ instance_name }}
+  gather_facts: False
+  connection: ssh
+  user: {{ username }}
+  sudo: yes
+  vars:
+      container_name: {{ container_name }}
+      cdn_enable: {{ cdn_enable }}
+      dnsdemux_ip: {{ dnsdemux_ip }}
+      firewall_enable: {{ firewall_enable }}
+      url_filter_enable: {{ url_filter_enable }}
+      vlan_ids:
+        {% for vlan_id in vlan_ids %}
+        - {{ vlan_id }}
+        {% endfor %}
+      c_tags:
+        {% for c_tag in c_tags %}
+        - {{ c_tag }}
+        {% endfor %}
+      s_tags:
+        {% for s_tag in s_tags %}
+        - {{ s_tag }}
+        {% endfor %}
+      firewall_rules:
+        {% for firewall_rule in firewall_rules.split("\n") %}
+        - {{ firewall_rule }}
+        {% endfor %}
+      cdn_prefixes:
+        {% for prefix in cdn_prefixes %}
+        - {{ prefix }}
+        {% endfor %}
+      bbs_addrs:
+        {% for bbs_addr in bbs_addrs %}
+        - {{ bbs_addr }}
+        {% endfor %}
+      nat_ip: {{ nat_ip }}
+      nat_mac: {{ nat_mac }}
+      lan_ip: {{ lan_ip }}
+      lan_mac: {{ lan_mac }}
+      wan_ip: {{ wan_ip }}
+      wan_mac: {{ wan_mac }}
+      wan_container_mac: {{ wan_container_mac }}
+      wan_next_hop:   # FIX ME
+      private_ip: {{ private_ip }}
+      private_mac: {{ private_mac }}
+      hpc_client_ip: {{ hpc_client_ip }}
+      hpc_client_mac: {{ hpc_client_mac }}
+      keystone_tenant_id: {{ keystone_tenant_id }}
+      keystone_user_id: {{ keystone_user_id }}
+      rabbit_user: {{ rabbit_user }}
+      rabbit_password: {{ rabbit_password }}
+      rabbit_host: {{ rabbit_host }}
+  tasks:
+  - name: vCPE basic dnsmasq config
+    copy: src=/opt/xos/observers/vcpe/files/vcpe.dnsmasq dest=/var/container_volumes/{{ container_name }}/etc/dnsmasq.d/vcpe.conf owner=root group=root
+    notify:
+    - stop dnsmasq
+    - start dnsmasq
+  - name: dnsmasq config
+    template: src=/opt/xos/observers/vcpe/templates/dnsmasq_servers.j2 dest=/var/container_volumes/{{ container_name }}/etc/dnsmasq.d/servers.conf owner=root group=root
+    notify:
+    - stop dnsmasq
+    - start dnsmasq
+  handlers:
+  - name: stop dnsmasq
+    shell: docker exec {{ container_name }} /usr/bin/killall dnsmasq
+  - name: start dnsmasq
+    shell: docker exec {{ container_name }} /usr/sbin/service dnsmasq start
+  - name: restart vcpe
+    shell: service {{ container_name }} stop; sleep 1; service vcpe-{{ vlan_ids[0] }} start
+  - name: stop vcpe
+    service: name={{ container_name }} state=stopped
+  - name: remove container
+    docker: name={{ container_name }} state=absent image=docker-vcpe
+  - name: start vcpe
+    service: name={{ container_name }} state=started
diff --git a/xos/observers/vcpe/templates/ b/xos/observers/vcpe/templates/
index a3533fa..c4128f3 100755
--- a/xos/observers/vcpe/templates/
+++ b/xos/observers/vcpe/templates/
@@ -8,7 +8,9 @@
 iptables -L > /dev/null
 ip6tables -L > /dev/null
-VCPE=vcpe-{{ vlan_ids[0] }}
+STAG={{ s_tags[0] }}
+CTAG={{ c_tags[0] }}
 docker inspect $VCPE > /dev/null 2>&1
 if [ "$?" == 1 ]
@@ -23,14 +25,23 @@
 WAN_IFACE=$( mac_to_iface {{ wan_mac }} )
 docker exec $VCPE ifconfig eth0 >> /dev/null || pipework $WAN_IFACE -i eth0 $VCPE {{ wan_ip }}/24@{{ wan_next_hop }} {{ wan_container_mac }}
-LAN_IFACE=$( mac_to_iface {{ lan_mac }} )
-docker exec $VCPE ifconfig eth1 >> /dev/null || pipework $LAN_IFACE -i eth1 $VCPE @{{ vlan_ids[0] }}
+# LAN_IFACE=$( mac_to_iface {{ lan_mac }} )
+# Need to encapsulate VLAN traffic so that Neutron doesn't eat it
+# Assumes that br-lan has been set up appropriately by a previous step
+ifconfig $LAN_IFACE >> /dev/null
+if [ "$?" == 0 ]
+    ifconfig $LAN_IFACE.$STAG >> /dev/null || ip link add link $LAN_IFACE name $LAN_IFACE.$STAG type vlan id $STAG
+    ifconfig $LAN_IFACE.$STAG up
+    docker exec $VCPE ifconfig eth1 >> /dev/null || pipework $LAN_IFACE.$STAG -i eth1 $VCPE @$CTAG
-HPC_IFACE=$( mac_to_iface {{ hpc_client_mac }} )
-docker exec $VCPE ifconfig eth2 >> /dev/null || pipework $HPC_IFACE -i eth2 $VCPE {{ hpc_client_ip }}/24
+#HPC_IFACE=$( mac_to_iface {{ hpc_client_mac }} )
+#docker exec $VCPE ifconfig eth2 >> /dev/null || pipework $HPC_IFACE -i eth2 $VCPE {{ hpc_client_ip }}/24
 # Make sure VM's eth0 (hpc_client) has no IP address
-ifconfig $HPC_IFACE
+#ifconfig $HPC_IFACE
 # Now can start up dnsmasq
 docker exec $VCPE service dnsmasq start
diff --git a/xos/observers/vcpe/templates/vcpe.conf.j2 b/xos/observers/vcpe/templates/vcpe.conf.j2
index 1951322..fa7885e 100644
--- a/xos/observers/vcpe/templates/vcpe.conf.j2
+++ b/xos/observers/vcpe/templates/vcpe.conf.j2
@@ -6,5 +6,5 @@
-  /usr/local/sbin/start-vcpe-{{ vlan_ids[0] }}.sh
+  /usr/local/sbin/start-vcpe-{{ s_tags[0] }}-{{ c_tags[0] }}.sh
 end script
diff --git a/xos/openstack_observer/ b/xos/openstack_observer/
index db7459a..0ac626b 100644
--- a/xos/openstack_observer/
+++ b/xos/openstack_observer/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 # Load app models
-    app_module_names = Config().observer_applist
+    app_module_names = Config().observer_applist.split(',')
 except AttributeError:
     app_module_names = []
diff --git a/xos/openstack_observer/steps/ b/xos/openstack_observer/steps/
index 26e03e5..fefd415 100644
--- a/xos/openstack_observer/steps/
+++ b/xos/openstack_observer/steps/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 import time
 from django.db.models import F, Q
 from xos.config import Config
+from observers.base.SyncInstanceUsingAnsible import SyncInstanceUsingAnsible
 from observer.syncstep import SyncStep
 from observer.ansible import run_template_ssh
 from core.models import Service, Slice, Instance
@@ -18,7 +19,7 @@
 logger = Logger(level=logging.INFO)
-class SyncContainer(SyncStep):
+class SyncContainer(SyncInstanceUsingAnsible):
@@ -29,15 +30,9 @@
     def fetch_pending(self, deletion=False):
         objs = super(SyncContainer, self).fetch_pending(deletion)
-        objs = [x for x in objs if x.isolation=="container"]
+        objs = [x for x in objs if x.isolation in ["container", "container_vm"]]
         return objs
-    def get_node(self,o):
-        return o.node
-    def get_node_key(self, node):
-        return "/root/setup/node_key"
     def get_instance_port(self, container_port):
         for p in
             if (p.instance) and (p.instance.isolation=="vm") and (p.instance.node == container_port.instance.node) and (p.mac):
@@ -48,56 +43,60 @@
         ports = []
         for port in o.ports.all():
-            if not port.mac:
+            if (not port.ip):
+                # 'unmanaged' ports may have an ip, but no mac
+                # XXX: are there any ports that have a mac but no ip?
                 raise Exception("Port on network %s is not yet ready" %
-            pd["device"] = "eth%d" % i
-            pd["mac"] = port.mac
-            pd["ip"] = port.ip
+            pd["mac"] = port.mac or ""
+            pd["ip"] = port.ip or ""
+            pd["xos_network_id"] =
-            instance_port = self.get_instance_port(port)
-            if not instance_port:
-                raise Exception("No instance on slice for port on network %s" %
+            if o.isolation == "container":
+                # container on bare metal
+                instance_port = self.get_instance_port(port)
+                if not instance_port:
+                    raise Exception("No instance on slice for port on network %s" %
-            pd["snoop_instance_mac"] = instance_port.mac
-            pd["snoop_instance_id"] = instance_port.instance.instance_id
+                pd["snoop_instance_mac"] = instance_port.mac
+                pd["snoop_instance_id"] = instance_port.instance.instance_id
+                pd["src_device"] = ""
+            else:
+                # container in VM
+                pd["snoop_instance_mac"] = ""
+                pd["snoop_instance_id"] = ""
+                pd["src_device"] = "eth%d" % i
+            for (k,v) in port.get_parameters().items():
+                pd[k] = v
-            i = i + 1
+        # for any ports that don't have a device, assign one
+        used_ports = [x["device"] for x in ports if ("device" in x)]
+        avail_ports = ["eth%d"%i for i in range(0,64) if ("eth%d"%i not in used_ports)]
+        for port in ports:
+            if not port.get("device",None):
+                port["device"] = avail_ports.pop(0)
         return ports
     def get_extra_attributes(self, o):
         fields["ansible_tag"] = "container-%s" % str(
-        fields["baremetal_ssh"] = True
-        fields["instance_name"] = "rootcontext"
-        fields["container_name"] = "%s-%s" % (, str(
         fields["docker_image"] =
-        fields["username"] = "root"
         fields["ports"] = self.get_ports(o)
-        fields["volumes"] = [x.strip() for x in o.volumes.split(",")]
+        if o.volumes:
+            fields["volumes"] = [x.strip() for x in o.volumes.split(",")]
+        else:
+            fields["volumes"] = ""
         return fields
-    def sync_fields(self, o, fields):
-        self.run_playbook(o, fields)
     def sync_record(self, o):"sync'ing object %s" % str(o))
-        node = self.get_node(o)
-        node_key_name = self.get_node_key(node)
-        if not os.path.exists(node_key_name):
-            raise Exception("Node key %s does not exist" % node_key_name)
-        node_key = file(node_key_name).read()
-        fields = { "hostname":,
-                   "private_key": node_key,
-                 }
+        fields = self.get_ansible_fields(o)
         # If 'o' defines a 'sync_attributes' list, then we'll copy those
         # attributes into the Ansible recipe's field list automatically.
@@ -107,14 +106,33 @@
-        self.sync_fields(o, fields)
+        self.run_playbook(o, fields)
+        o.instance_id = fields["container_name"]
+        o.instance_name = fields["container_name"]
-    def run_playbook(self, o, fields):
+    def delete_record(self, o):
+"delete'ing object %s" % str(o))
+        fields = self.get_ansible_fields(o)
+        # If 'o' defines a 'sync_attributes' list, then we'll copy those
+        # attributes into the Ansible recipe's field list automatically.
+        if hasattr(o, "sync_attributes"):
+            for attribute_name in o.sync_attributes:
+                fields[attribute_name] = getattr(o, attribute_name)
+        fields.update(self.get_extra_attributes(o))
+        self.run_playbook(o, fields, "teardown_container.yaml")
+    def run_playbook(self, o, fields, template_name=None):
+        if not template_name:
+            template_name = self.template_name
         tStart = time.time()
-        run_template_ssh(self.template_name, fields, path="container")
+        run_template_ssh(template_name, fields, path="container")"playbook execution time %d" % int(time.time()-tStart))
-    def delete_record(self, m):
-        pass
diff --git a/xos/openstack_observer/steps/sync_container.yaml b/xos/openstack_observer/steps/sync_container.yaml
index e005e58..7fb6331 100644
--- a/xos/openstack_observer/steps/sync_container.yaml
+++ b/xos/openstack_observer/steps/sync_container.yaml
@@ -11,10 +11,15 @@
     {% for port in ports %}
        - device: {{ port.device }}
-         mac: {{ port.mac }}
+         xos_network_id: {{ port.xos_network_id }}
+         mac: {{ port.mac|default("") }}
          ip: {{ port.ip }}
          snoop_instance_mac: {{ port.snoop_instance_mac }}
          snoop_instance_id: {{ port.snoop_instance_id }}
+         src_device: {{ port.src_device }}
+         s_tag: {{ port.s_tag|default("")  }}
+         c_tag: {{ port.c_tag|default("") }}
+         next_hop: {{ port.next_hop|default("") }}
     {% endfor %}
     {% for volume in volumes %}
@@ -78,6 +83,10 @@
 #      state: running
 #      image: {{ docker_image }}
+  - name: check if systemd is installed
+    stat: path=/usr/bin/systemctl
+    register: systemctl
   - name: container upstart
     template: src=/opt/xos/openstack_observer/templates/container.conf.j2 dest=/etc/init/container-{{ container_name }}.conf
@@ -87,8 +96,12 @@
   - name: container startup script
     template: src=/opt/xos/openstack_observer/templates/ dest=/usr/local/sbin/start-container-{{ container_name }}.sh mode=0755
+  - name: container teardown script
+    template: src=/opt/xos/openstack_observer/templates/ dest=/usr/local/sbin/stop-container-{{ container_name }}.sh mode=0755
   - name: restart systemd
     shell: systemctl daemon-reload
+    when: systemctl.stat.exists == True
   - name: Make sure container is running
     service: name=container-{{ container_name }} state=started
diff --git a/xos/openstack_observer/steps/ b/xos/openstack_observer/steps/
index 178fa86..bfdde8c 100644
--- a/xos/openstack_observer/steps/
+++ b/xos/openstack_observer/steps/
@@ -185,10 +185,6 @@
                     if neutron_port["fixed_ips"]:
                         port.ip = neutron_port["fixed_ips"][0]["ip_address"]
                     port.mac = neutron_port["mac_address"]
-                    neutron_network =["networks"][0]
-                    if "provider:segmentation_id" in neutron_network:
-                        port.segmentation_id = neutron_network["provider:segmentation_id"]
                     logger.log_exc("failed to create neutron port for %s" % port)
diff --git a/xos/openstack_observer/templates/container.conf.j2 b/xos/openstack_observer/templates/container.conf.j2
index d3ef42d..7cbb880 100644
--- a/xos/openstack_observer/templates/container.conf.j2
+++ b/xos/openstack_observer/templates/container.conf.j2
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
-  /usr/local/sbin/start-container-{{ container_name }}.sh
+  /usr/local/sbin/start-container-{{ container_name }}.sh ATTACH
 end script
+post-stop script
+  /usr/local/sbin/stop-container-{{ container_name }}.sh
+end script
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xos/openstack_observer/templates/container.service.j2 b/xos/openstack_observer/templates/container.service.j2
index 9e2b83c..817d6d7 100644
--- a/xos/openstack_observer/templates/container.service.j2
+++ b/xos/openstack_observer/templates/container.service.j2
@@ -3,7 +3,9 @@
-ExecStart=/bin/bash -c "/usr/local/sbin/start-container-{{ container_name }}.sh"
+ExecStart=/bin/bash -c "/usr/local/sbin/start-container-{{ container_name }}.sh ATTACH"
+ExecStop=/bin/bash -c "/usr/local/sbin/stop-container-{{ container_name }}.sh"
+SuccessExitStatus=0 137
diff --git a/xos/openstack_observer/templates/ b/xos/openstack_observer/templates/
index 86491eb..42d93a2 100644
--- a/xos/openstack_observer/templates/
+++ b/xos/openstack_observer/templates/
@@ -25,16 +25,48 @@
 {% if ports %}
 {% for port in ports %}
+{% if port.next_hop %}
+NEXTHOP_ARG="@{{ port.next_hop }}"
+{% else %}
+{% endif %}
+{% if port.c_tag %}
+CTAG_ARG="@{{ port.c_tag }}"
+{% else %}
+{% endif %}
+{% if port.src_device %}
+# container-in-VM
+CMD="docker exec $CONTAINER ifconfig {{ port.src_device }} >> /dev/null || pipework {{ port.src_device }} -i {{ port.device }} $CONTAINER {{ port.ip }}/24$NEXTHOP_ARG {{ port.mac }} $CTAG_ARG"
+echo $CMD
+eval $CMD
+{% else %}
+# container-on-metal
 IP="{{ port.ip }}"
+{% if port.mac %}
 MAC="{{ port.mac }}"
+{% else %}
+{% endif %}
 DEVICE="{{ port.device }}"

+XOS_NETWORK_ID="{{ port.xos_network_id }}"

 INSTANCE_MAC="{{ port.snoop_instance_mac }}"
 INSTANCE_ID="{{ port.snoop_instance_id }}"
 INSTANCE_TAP=`virsh domiflist $INSTANCE_ID | grep -i $INSTANCE_MAC | awk '{print $1}'`
 VLAN_ID=`ovs-vsctl show | grep -i -A 1 port.*$INSTANCE_TAP | grep -i tag | awk '{print $2}'`
-TAP="con`echo $CONTAINER_$DEVICE|md5sum|awk '{print $1}'`"
+# One tap for all containers per XOS/neutron network. Included the VLAN_ID in the
+# hash, to cover the case where XOS is reinstalled and the XOS network ids
+# get reused.
+TAP="con`echo ${XOS_NETWORK_ID}_$VLAN_ID|md5sum|awk '{print $1}'`"
 ovs-vsctl show | grep -i $TAP
 if [[ $? == 1 ]]; then
@@ -44,9 +76,17 @@
     echo tap exists
-docker exec $CONTAINER ifconfig $DEVICE >> /dev/null || pipework $TAP -i $DEVICE $CONTAINER $IP/24 $MAC
+CMD="docker exec $CONTAINER ifconfig $DEVICE >> /dev/null || pipework $TAP -i $DEVICE $CONTAINER $IP/24$NEXTHOP_ARG $MAC $CTAG_ARG"
+echo $CMD
+eval $CMD
+{% endif %}
 {% endfor %}
 {% endif %}
 # Attach to container
-# docker start -a $CONTAINER
+# (this is only done when using upstart, since upstart expects to be attached
+#  to a running service)
+if [[ "$1" == "ATTACH" ]]; then
+    docker start -a $CONTAINER
diff --git a/xos/openstack_observer/templates/ b/xos/openstack_observer/templates/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cabb00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/openstack_observer/templates/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+CONTAINER={{ container_name }}
+docker stop $CONTAINER
+docker rm $CONTAINER
diff --git a/xos/tosca/custom_types/xos.m4 b/xos/tosca/custom_types/xos.m4
index aca3e3e..3606601 100644
--- a/xos/tosca/custom_types/xos.m4
+++ b/xos/tosca/custom_types/xos.m4
@@ -47,6 +47,10 @@
                 type: string
                 required: false
                 description: Public key to install into Instances to allows Services to SSH into them.
+            private_key_fn:
+                type: string
+                required: false
+                description: Location of private key file
                 type: string
                 required: false
@@ -292,6 +296,17 @@
                 required: false
                 description: Indicates what page the user should go to on login.
+    tosca.nodes.NetworkParameterType:
+        derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root
+        description: >
+            An XOS network parameter type. May be applied to Networks and/or
+            Ports.
+        capabilities:
+            network_parameter_type:
+                type: tosca.capabilities.xos.NetworkParameterType
         derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root
@@ -447,6 +462,10 @@
                 type: tosca.capabilities.xos.Image
+            kind:
+                type: string
+                required: false
+                description: Type of image (container | VM)
                 type: string
                 required: false
@@ -598,6 +617,31 @@
                 required: false
                 description: URL to the dashboard
+    tosca.nodes.Compute.Container:
+      derived_from: tosca.nodes.Compute
+      description: >
+        The TOSCA Compute node represents a container on bare metal.
+      attributes:
+        private_address:
+          type: string
+        public_address:
+          type: string
+      capabilities:
+          host:
+             type: tosca.capabilities.Container
+          binding:
+             type:
+          os:
+             type: tosca.capabilities.OperatingSystem
+          scalable:
+             type: tosca.capabilities.Scalable
+      requirements:
+        - local_storage:
+            capability: tosca.capabilities.Attachment
+            node: tosca.nodes.BlockStorage
+            relationship: tosca.relationships.AttachesTo
+            occurrences: [0, UNBOUNDED]
         derived_from: tosca.relationships.Root
         valid_target_types: [ tosca.capabilities.xos.Slice ]
@@ -638,6 +682,10 @@
         derived_from: tosca.relationships.Root
         valid_target_types: [ tosca.capabilities.xos.Network ]
+    tosca.relationships.UsesImage:
+        derived_from: tosca.relationships.Root
+        valid_target_types: [ tosca.capabilities.xos.Image ]
         derived_from: tosca.relationships.Root
         valid_target_types: [ tosca.capabilities.xos.Image ]
@@ -733,3 +781,7 @@
         derived_from: tosca.capabilities.Root
         description: An XOS DashboardView
+    tosca.capabilities.xos.NetworkParameterType:
+        derived_from: tosca.capabilities.Root
+        description: An XOS NetworkParameterType
diff --git a/xos/tosca/custom_types/xos.yaml b/xos/tosca/custom_types/xos.yaml
index 63b4e0c..7a6030e 100644
--- a/xos/tosca/custom_types/xos.yaml
+++ b/xos/tosca/custom_types/xos.yaml
@@ -52,6 +52,10 @@
                 type: string
                 required: false
                 description: Public key to install into Instances to allows Services to SSH into them.
+            private_key_fn:
+                type: string
+                required: false
+                description: Location of private key file
                 type: string
                 required: false
@@ -90,6 +94,10 @@
                 type: string
                 required: false
                 description: Public key to install into Instances to allows Services to SSH into them.
+            private_key_fn:
+                type: string
+                required: false
+                description: Location of private key file
                 type: string
                 required: false
@@ -191,6 +199,10 @@
                 type: string
                 required: false
                 description: Public key to install into Instances to allows Services to SSH into them.
+            private_key_fn:
+                type: string
+                required: false
+                description: Location of private key file
                 type: string
                 required: false
@@ -233,6 +245,10 @@
                 type: string
                 required: false
                 description: Public key to install into Instances to allows Services to SSH into them.
+            private_key_fn:
+                type: string
+                required: false
+                description: Location of private key file
                 type: string
                 required: false
@@ -275,6 +291,10 @@
                 type: string
                 required: false
                 description: Public key to install into Instances to allows Services to SSH into them.
+            private_key_fn:
+                type: string
+                required: false
+                description: Location of private key file
                 type: string
                 required: false
@@ -420,6 +440,17 @@
                 required: false
                 description: Indicates what page the user should go to on login.
+    tosca.nodes.NetworkParameterType:
+        derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root
+        description: >
+            An XOS network parameter type. May be applied to Networks and/or
+            Ports.
+        capabilities:
+            network_parameter_type:
+                type: tosca.capabilities.xos.NetworkParameterType
         derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root
@@ -586,6 +617,10 @@
                 type: tosca.capabilities.xos.Image
+            kind:
+                type: string
+                required: false
+                description: Type of image (container | VM)
                 type: string
                 required: false
@@ -792,6 +827,31 @@
                 required: false
                 description: URL to the dashboard
+    tosca.nodes.Compute.Container:
+      derived_from: tosca.nodes.Compute
+      description: >
+        The TOSCA Compute node represents a container on bare metal.
+      attributes:
+        private_address:
+          type: string
+        public_address:
+          type: string
+      capabilities:
+          host:
+             type: tosca.capabilities.Container
+          binding:
+             type:
+          os:
+             type: tosca.capabilities.OperatingSystem
+          scalable:
+             type: tosca.capabilities.Scalable
+      requirements:
+        - local_storage:
+            capability: tosca.capabilities.Attachment
+            node: tosca.nodes.BlockStorage
+            relationship: tosca.relationships.AttachesTo
+            occurrences: [0, UNBOUNDED]
         derived_from: tosca.relationships.Root
         valid_target_types: [ tosca.capabilities.xos.Slice ]
@@ -832,6 +892,10 @@
         derived_from: tosca.relationships.Root
         valid_target_types: [ tosca.capabilities.xos.Network ]
+    tosca.relationships.UsesImage:
+        derived_from: tosca.relationships.Root
+        valid_target_types: [ tosca.capabilities.xos.Image ]
         derived_from: tosca.relationships.Root
         valid_target_types: [ tosca.capabilities.xos.Image ]
@@ -927,3 +991,7 @@
         derived_from: tosca.capabilities.Root
         description: An XOS DashboardView
+    tosca.capabilities.xos.NetworkParameterType:
+        derived_from: tosca.capabilities.Root
+        description: An XOS NetworkParameterType
diff --git a/xos/tosca/resources/ b/xos/tosca/resources/
index 89c24e3..20c4dfb 100644
--- a/xos/tosca/resources/
+++ b/xos/tosca/resources/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 import pdb
 from core.models import User
-from cord.models import VOLTTenant, VOLTService, CordSubscriberRoot
+from cord.models import VOLTTenant, VOLTService, CordSubscriberRoot, VOLT_KIND
 from xosresource import XOSResource
@@ -32,10 +32,12 @@
     def get_existing_objs(self):
         args = self.get_xos_args(throw_exception=False)
-        provider_service = args.get("provider", None)
+        provider_service = args.get("provider_service", None)
         service_specific_id = args.get("service_specific_id", None)
         if (provider_service) and (service_specific_id):
-            return [ self.get_xos_object(provider_service=provider_service, service_specific_id=service_specific_id) ]
+            existing_obj = self.get_xos_object(VOLTTenant, kind=VOLT_KIND, provider_service=provider_service, service_specific_id=service_specific_id, throw_exception=False)
+            if existing_obj:
+                return [ existing_obj ]
         return []
     def postprocess(self, obj):
diff --git a/xos/tosca/resources/ b/xos/tosca/resources/
index f01a401..37ba390 100644
--- a/xos/tosca/resources/
+++ b/xos/tosca/resources/
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 from xosresource import XOSResource
 class XOSCompute(XOSResource):
-    provides = "tosca.nodes.Compute"
+    provides = ["tosca.nodes.Compute", "tosca.nodes.Compute.Container"]
     xos_model = Instance
     def select_compute_node(self, user, v, hostname=None):
@@ -60,11 +60,15 @@
             colocate_host = colocate_instances[0]
   "colocating on %s" % colocate_host)
+        imageName = self.get_requirement("tosca.relationships.UsesImage", throw_exception=False)
+        if imageName:
+            image = self.get_xos_object(Image, name=imageName)
         capabilities = nodetemplate.get_capabilities()
         for (k,v) in capabilities.items():
-            if (k=="host"):
+            if (k=="host") and (not host):
                 (compute_node, flavor) = self.select_compute_node(self.user, v, hostname=colocate_host)
-            elif (k=="os"):
+            elif (k=="os") and (not image):
                 image = self.select_image(self.user, v)
         if not compute_node:
@@ -80,6 +84,9 @@
         args["node"] = compute_node
         args["deployment"] = compute_node.site_deployment.deployment
+        if nodetemplate.type == "tosca.nodes.Compute.Container":
+            args["isolation"] = "container"
         return args
     def create(self, name = None, index = None):
@@ -120,3 +127,4 @@
             return super(XOSCompute,self).get_existing_objs()
diff --git a/xos/tosca/resources/ b/xos/tosca/resources/
index bdc66b6..938c5cd 100644
--- a/xos/tosca/resources/
+++ b/xos/tosca/resources/
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 class XOSImage(XOSResource):
     provides = "tosca.nodes.Image"
     xos_model = Image
-    copyin_props = ["disk_format", "container_format", "path"]
+    copyin_props = ["disk_format", "container_format", "path", "kind"]
     def get_xos_args(self):
         args = super(XOSImage, self).get_xos_args()
diff --git a/xos/tosca/resources/ b/xos/tosca/resources/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0cc93e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/tosca/resources/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+import os
+import pdb
+import sys
+import tempfile
+from translator.toscalib.tosca_template import ToscaTemplate
+from core.models import Slice,User,Network,NetworkParameterType
+from xosresource import XOSResource
+class XOSNetworkParameterType(XOSResource):
+    provides = "tosca.nodes.NetworkParameterType"
+    xos_model = NetworkParameterType
+    copyin_props = []
+    def get_xos_args(self):
+        args = super(XOSNetworkParameterType, self).get_xos_args()
+        return args
+    def create(self):
+        xos_args = self.get_xos_args()
+        networkParameterType = NetworkParameterType(**xos_args)
+        networkParameterType.caller = self.user
+"Created NetworkParameterType '%s' " % (str(networkParameterType), ))
+    def delete(self, obj):
+        if obj.networkparameters.exists():
+            return
+        super(XOSNetworkParameterType, self).delete(obj)
diff --git a/xos/tosca/resources/ b/xos/tosca/resources/
index 884c6db..247be08 100644
--- a/xos/tosca/resources/
+++ b/xos/tosca/resources/
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 class XOSService(XOSResource):
     provides = "tosca.nodes.Service"
     xos_model = Service
-    copyin_props = ["view_url", "icon_url", "kind", "enabled", "published", "public_key", "versionNumber"]
+    copyin_props = ["view_url", "icon_url", "kind", "enabled", "published", "public_key", "private_key_fn", "versionNumber"]
     def postprocess(self, obj):
         for provider_service_name in self.get_requirements("tosca.relationships.TenantOfService"):
diff --git a/xos/tosca/resources/ b/xos/tosca/resources/
index 6cc7390..8df7231 100644
--- a/xos/tosca/resources/
+++ b/xos/tosca/resources/
@@ -12,5 +12,5 @@
 class XOSVcpeService(XOSService):
     provides = "tosca.nodes.VCPEService"
     xos_model = VCPEService
-    copyin_props = ["view_url", "icon_url", "enabled", "published", "public_key", "versionNumber", "backend_network_label"]
+    copyin_props = ["view_url", "icon_url", "enabled", "published", "public_key", "private_key_fn", "versionNumber", "backend_network_label"]
diff --git a/xos/tosca/resources/ b/xos/tosca/resources/
index 3553ab1..9c4f479 100644
--- a/xos/tosca/resources/
+++ b/xos/tosca/resources/
@@ -77,9 +77,6 @@
     def get_existing_objs(self):
         return self.xos_model.objects.filter(**{self.name_field:})
-    def get_xos_args(self):
-        return {}
     def get_model_class_name(self):
         return self.xos_model.__name__
diff --git a/xos/tosca/samples/container.yaml b/xos/tosca/samples/container.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd69fbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/tosca/samples/container.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0
+description: Template for deploying a single server with predefined properties.
+   - custom_types/xos.yaml
+  node_templates:
+    mysite:
+      type: tosca.nodes.Site
+    mysite_contest:
+      type: tosca.nodes.Slice
+      requirements:
+          - slice:
+                node: mysite
+                relationship: tosca.relationships.MemberOfSite
+    andybavier/docker-vcpe:
+      type: tosca.nodes.Image
+      properties:
+        kind: container
+        container_format: na
+        disk_format: na
+    my_container:
+      type: tosca.nodes.Compute.Container
+      capabilities:
+        # Host container properties
+        host:
+         properties:
+           num_cpus: 1
+           disk_size: 10 GB
+           mem_size: 4 MB
+      requirements:
+          - slice:
+                node: mysite_contest
+                relationship: tosca.relationships.MemberOfSlice
+          - image:
+                node: andybavier/docker-vcpe
+                relationship: tosca.relationships.UsesImage
diff --git a/xos/xos_config b/xos/xos_config
index c47fac6..b86d618 100644
--- a/xos/xos_config
+++ b/xos/xos_config
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@