Updated README
diff --git a/xos/core/xoslib/ngXosLib/README.md b/xos/core/xoslib/ngXosLib/README.md
index 1e7b276..d23f839 100644
--- a/xos/core/xoslib/ngXosLib/README.md
+++ b/xos/core/xoslib/ngXosLib/README.md
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
 ## Tools
+This tools are designed to help you developing UI for XOS. As they born for this purpose if often necessary that a XOS instance is running on your sistem and responding at: `localhost:9999`. The `xos/configurations/frontend` is normally enough.
 ### Apigen
 Usage: `npm run apigen`
@@ -12,10 +14,37 @@
 _NOTE: endpoints are listed as an array `apiList` in `xos-resource-generator.js`. If a new endpoint is added, it should be added also to that list._
+### Yo Xos
+We have created a [yeoman](http://yeoman.io/) generator to help you scaffolding views.
+>As it is in an early stage of development you should manually link it to your system, to do this enter `xos/core/xoslib/ngXosLib/generator-xos` and run `npm link`.
+#### To generate a new view
+From `xos/core/xoslib` run `yo xos`. This command will create a new folder with the provided name in: `xos/core/xoslib/ngXosViews` that contain your application.
+>If you left empty the view name it should be `xos/core/xoslib/ngXosViews/sampleView`
+#### Run a development server
+In your `view` folder and run `npm start`.
+_This will install required dependencies and start a local server with [BrowserSync](http://www.browsersync.io/)_
+#### Publish your view
+Once your view is done, from your view root folder, run: `npm run build`.
+This will build your application and copy files in the appropriate locations to be used by django.
+At this point you can enter: `http://localhost:9999/admin/core/dashboardview/add/` and add your custom view.
+>_NOTE url field should be `template:xosSampleView`_
 ## TODO
 - Use Angular $resource instead of $http
 - Use ngDoc instead of jsDoc
-- Yeoman generator for new view
 - Define styleguide (both visual and js) and if needed define some UI components
 - Load api endpoints from `http://localhost:9999/docs/api-docs/`
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