A lightweight & configurable timepicker directive.


All settings can be provided as attributes in the <uib-timepicker> or globally configured through the uibTimepickerConfig.

  • ng-model : The Date object that provides the time state.

  • template-url (Defaults: template/timepicker/timepicker.html) : Add the ability to override the template used on the component.

  • hour-step (Defaults: 1) : Number of hours to increase or decrease when using a button.

  • minute-step (Defaults: 1) : Number of minutes to increase or decrease when using a button.

  • show-meridian (Defaults: true) : Whether to display 12H or 24H mode.

  • meridians (Defaults: null) : Meridian labels based on locale. To override you must supply an array like ['AM', 'PM'].

  • readonly-input (Defaults: false) : Whether user can type inside the hours & minutes input.

  • mousewheel (Defaults: true) : Whether user can scroll inside the hours & minutes input to increase or decrease it's values.

  • arrowkeys (Defaults: true) : Whether user can use up/down arrowkeys inside the hours & minutes input to increase or decrease it's values.

  • show-spinners (Defaults: true) : Shows spinner arrows above and below the inputs

  • min (Defaults: undefined) : Minimum time a user can select

  • max (Defaults: undefined) : Maximum time a user can select

  • tabindex (Defaults: 0) : Sets tabindex for each control in timepicker